Giantess NSFW

Contents: Series

Basement | Today We Climb a Woman


Charlie walks downstairs into a dark basement. She's wearing a nice green sweater and plaid wool skirt with dark tights. We see something large and fleshy in the basement but it's hard to tell what. Charlie says, Martina? Are you awake? Close-up shot of Charlie's feet descending the lowest steps. She says I'm coming down, don't be alarmed. Beneath the lowest step is a tiny naked man, cowering in the shadows. He says, Fuck! That medium-sized idiot's back. What does she think she wants now? Profile shot of a gigantic woman sleeping in the basement, her head resting upon a stained old bed. Charlie is in the basement now, standing in the crook of the giantess's huge knee. She says, Oh my gosh! It almost feels like you're getting bigger. Is that true? In the background we see Charlie attempting to crawl over the gigantic thigh. In the foreground we see the tiny naked man running from under the stairs toward the giantess's naked hips. He says, Fuck, fuck, fuck! This is the last thing I need! Why can't she leave us alone? Charlie climbs over the giantess's thigh. She says, These big, beautiful legs, they need to see the sunshine. I'm so sorry you're stuck down here, Martina. This shot looks through the basement window, into the basement, where Charlie slides down Martina's knee. Charlie says, Whoops! It gets harder and harder to climb over your legs. You're getting larger, and that can't be comfortable down here. Close-up shot of the tiny man, peeking around the corner of a brick support. Martina's other leg is huge and blurry in the background. The tiny man says, What's this annoying idiot going on about? If anything, my Goddess is only getting more and more beautiful each day! If she can't appreciate that, well, maybe she shouldn't keep intruding on us! Charlie is walking around the giant body lying awkwardly in the basement. Steel pipes support a ceiling beam, and Martina has to twist her body around and through them to avoid them. Charlie passes her thigh and approaches one gigantic breast, hanging heavily below a light bulb. Charlie says, My sweet Martina. I don't know if I could be as patient as you are. Thank you for not destroying my home, that's all I can say. Close-up shot of the tiny naked man running across the floor, approaching Martina's massive crotch. He says, And if she doesn't adore my Goddess and appreciate her gifts, why does she keep coming back? Nobody wants her here! Profile shot of the giantess, lying in the shadows. Behind her massive torso and breast, we see Charlie walking and checking out Martina's body. Charlie says, Yes, you're definitely larger than before. My poor, sweet Martina, you big, amazing Goddess. Close-up shot of the tiny man sprinting toward the giantess's colossal buttocks. He says, Gotta get to her before it's too late. That dumb medium-sized bitch isn't going to ruin my dream! Aerial shot of the tiny man nearing Martina's buttocks. The shot establishes how very tiny he is and how very larger her butt is. He says, Huff-puff. Almost there, gotta try harder. Holy shit, is the Goddess actually getting bigger? In the foreground we see Martina's huge head, lit on one side by sun through another window. Her massive breast is spotlit by a bare bulb in the ceiling. Charlie waves and says, Hey, Martina, sweetie? Wakey-wakey, it's me. Are you all right? Now the shot comes from behind Charlie as she approaches the giantess's armpit. Martina's expression is peaceful in her slumber, her head resting on the old bed. Charlie says, Hello? Sweetie? It's me, Charlotte. Are you awake? Martina wakes up and tilts her head down, smiling at Charlie. Charlie shyly enters Martina's armpit, the giantess's shoulder coming up to Charlie's chest. Martina says, Charlie? Ah, it's nice to wake up to you, for a change. Charlie says, Don't get up for me. Take it easy. The shot glances over the giantess's body to look at Charlie's pained expression. She says, Oh no, poor Martina. Are you okay? It's killing me to see you like this, cramped in this miserable basement, when you could easily break free any time you felt like. I feel horrible, keeping you here. The camera is behind Charlie, now stepping over the giantess's outstretched arm. Martina grins at her, watching her progress. Martina says, Calm down, it's not nearly as bad as you make out. Charlie says. Oops, stepping over you again! Is that little creep Scamp keeping you company? Martina says, Yes, I think I can feel him stirring about, even as we speak. Close-up shot of Martina's huge buttocks, her labia just visible atop her crotch. Wedged between her butt cheeks is the tiny naked man, climbing her crack. He says, What? Who the hell is Scamp? They can't be talking about me. Extreme close-up of the tiny man, his back against one wall of flesh, his feet pushing against another, slowly ascending her butt crack. He says, Does my beloved Goddess not even know the name of her most devoted and affectionate worshipper? Another shot through another basement window, behind Charlie. The smaller woman rises to tiptoe to wrap her arm around Martina's jaw and kiss her lips. Charlie says, My sweet Martina, what's happened to you? I feel horrible, seeing you cramped like this, so large and so powerful... glorious... Oh no, I shouldn't. *smooch* Close-up shot of the side of Martina's face. Her huge red lips part as Charlie inserts her face into Martina's mouth. Martina says, Shut up and love me, Charlie. Close-up shot of Charlie's face deep between Martina's lips. Charlie kisses the tip of Martina's huge tongue. Distance shot, pointing at Martina's huge breast and armpit. Charlie is partially hidden behind Martina's shoulder as she kisses the giant woman. Martina makes slurping noises. Charlie says, I do... Oh, holy fuck, I do! Close-up shot looking straight down on Martina's huge face. Charlie's tiny hand rests upon the tip of the giantess's nose, and Charlie's face is entirely hidden behind Martina's upper lip. Charlie's other hand reaches up to stroke Martina's cheek. Close-up shot of Charlie's head sinking into Martina's mouth. Charlie rubs her cheek against Martina's tongue. Martina says, Holy fuck, I could eat you up, Charlie. Close-up of the tiny man climbing the giantess's butt cheeks. He's now tucked snugly against her anus, looking thoughtful. He says, She's never offered to eat me up. She only threatens to grind me into a paste. But I'm the one who adores her more than life itself. Close-up and overhead shot of the tiny man struggling to crawl over the huge anus. He says, I don't get it. I've loved her, ravished her, risked my life to worship her every nook and cranny hundreds of times. What am I doing wrong? Another shot through another basement window, peeking in on Martina looking peaceful, blissful. Charlie is draped over the giant woman's throat, embracing her. Charlie says, My sweetest Martina! What are we going to do with you? If you get much bigger, you can't possibly stay down here. And yet I couldn't live without you! What are we going to do? Profile shot of Martina resting. Now we look behind Charlie, crossing her stockinged legs cutely as her thin arms wrap around the huge neck. Martina says, Calm down, lover. Let's just enjoy the moment. I love your visits. I love being here for you.

Today We Climb a Woman

Title screen for Today We Climb a Woman, a hazy low-angle shot of a topless Asian woman. A tiny man with shaggy hair and wearing black biker shorts stands in a swirling, surreal environment. He says, Hello! Want to come on an exciting and— The tiny man leaps aside as a huge woman's bare foot descends where he was standing. He says, Whoops! ...dangerous trip? The man stands beside the bare foot and gestures toward it. He says, We're going to climb all the way to the top of a woman! Low-angle shot of a gigantic, towering woman, clad only in pink panties, through which her pubic hair is visible. Her small breasts stand out below her head as she gazes across to the horizon, and her long black hair falls down her back. The tiny man climbs upon the bridge of the woman's foot, slipping between her big and second toes. He says, Now, the first part of our climb is easy: these are her toes. There are usually five of them. But they're not steep, they're easy to climb. The foot flexes her toes and the tiny man topples behind her foot. He says, Like all foothills, heh. Whoops! The foot relaxes and he climbs atop her bridge again, pointing at her ankle. He says, The toes are part of the foot. This is the foot right here. And yep, there's the ankle. High-angle shot above the tiny man, standing on the huge foot. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, assessing the climb ahead. The tiny man grips the woman's ankle and climbs her shin. He says, Hmm, now it gets harder to climb. The tiny man is about mid-shin, stretching his arms and legs to grip her leg. He says, The shin is very tricky! Distance shot of the woman. She's distracted, picking at a fingernail while resting her weight on one leg. The tiny man is still climbing mid-shin on her. He says, Not much to hold onto. The tiny man hangs from her kneecap, on her gently bent leg. He says, Be careful of this knee sticking out here. It's kind of bumpy. The tiny man has scaled her thigh and is perched near her hip. Behind him, her lower arm and hand swing freely. He says, Okay! We've reached the thigh! And now comes the dangerous part. We've got to leap across this treacherous pass, over to the hand, way over there. The tiny man is flying through the air, having leapt from her thigh, arms outstretched to grab her wrist. He says, Ah, good! Easy now, follow me, and don't look down! Distance shot of the woman, who is now chewing on her fingernail. We see the tiny man is upside down, clutching to her thumb and resting on the webbing of her thumb. He yells, Allez-oop! The tiny man is seated on the back of the woman's hand. Her fingers are gently spread and slightly curled, resting. He says, Phew, we made it! We're on the hand! Be careful, though. Don't fall between the five fingers there. We'd better hurry—this hand is starting to move. The tiny man climbs her forearm, pointing at her elbow. He says, There, now we're on the forearm. Uh-huh, and there's the elbow. The tiny man has wedged himself between her inner bicep and the curve of her breast. He says, And we've got a long stretch up the arm here to the shoulder, but let's take another route. Profile shot of the tiny man rappeling up the woman's breast, using her long stray hairs to pull him up. Her nipple stands just behind his heels. He says, Where the hair can help us over some pretty smooth terrain. The tiny man is perched upon her shoulder, and we can see her collarbone and her neck and her black hair cascading behind her shoulder. He says, Wow! Hold on, and take a look down! High-angle shot, looking down the length of the gigantic woman. Her breast is large in the foreground, her hips and hand are smaller, and way down below in the distance are her bare feet where this started. The tiny man says, Boy, we're really up high! The foothills are wa-a-a-a-ay down there! The tiny man stands in the hollow of the woman's collar bone and reaches up her neck for some stray hairs. He says, Well, we're almost at the top now. We're going to swing around the neck to the face. Close-up of the woman's shoulder, neck, cheek and ear. The tiny man is swinging from her hair, toward her lips. He says, And it's fairly bumpy, so watch out! Profile shot of the woman's lower face. The tiny man hangs from her hair, pointing into her parted lips. He says, Here's the chin. Hear that? That's breathing, and that's coming out of the mouth, through the lips. Profile shot of the woman's lower face. Her lips are slightly pushed out as though she's exhaling gustily. The tiny man swings in the breeze, clutching her hair desperately. He says, It's jusually windy around the mouth area. The woman's mouth is open wide now, lips pulled back to bare her teeth, and her tongue pokes out slightly. The tiny man looks back at the viewer, one hand resting on the tip of her tongue, the other clutching her stray hairs. He says, Don't fall in! You see those white, jagged rocks there between the lips? Those are teeth, and they can chew you to bits! Close-up of the woman's lower face. The tiny man is climbing her face, one foot on her lower lip, his hands gripping the tip of her nose. Her tongue licks her teeth, brushing against his knee. He says, Maybe it's time to climb up to the nose now. Distance shot of the woman, brushing her hair behind her ear and looking irritated. The tiny man is a small figure upon the bridge of her nose. He says, Yup, here are the nostrils. Close-up shot of the woman's huge brown eyes and cute nose. The tiny man's thighs straddle the tip of her nose as he gestures to her left eye. He says, Hey, hey! Look at these two beautiful pools there! Those are the eyes, and they see everything. Now, let's grab some more hair and swing around here. Close-up of the left side of the woman's head. The tiny man is hanging from her hair, one foot resting in her aural canal. He says, This strange-looking formation is the ear, and it hears all the sounds around us. We're almost there now! Rear shot of the woman's head and shoulders. The tiny man is crawling on her left shoulder, his upper body already covered by her long black hair. He says, Careful now, it's easy to get lost in the long growths of hair up here. Close-up of the crown of the woman's head. The tiny man is perched in her hair, raising one hand to shield his eyes as he looks out from her height. He says, We made it! We climbed a woman! Distance shot of the woman, standing with legs slightly spread, one hand covering her mouth as she yawns. The tiny man, a tiny speck atop her head, is standing up and pumping one fist in triumph. The tiny man takes a short run over the top of her head. The woman's eyes look up at him. He says, Now, getting down is much easier. The tiny man performs a swan dive, having leaped from her head. He sails past her shoulder, and her lips part as she gasps. The tiny man says, Just follow me! There is an inset note that reads: It is well-established in Size lore at the negligible mass of Tinies permits them to survive great descents like this. The woman's head and upper body are framed in the shot. She grins and bites her lip, turning her body to smack the tiny man with one of her breasts. She says, Not so fast. The shot now frames her belly, hips, and thighs. Her thumbs hook the waistband of her panties, tugging them out so the tiny man falls into her underwear. He screams as the woman says, Gotcha! Low-angle shot looking up the woman's chest. Her face is shadowed and her breasts stand out like hills as she waves at us, from the tiny man's POV. She says, Relax, get comfortable. You've got a dangerous trip ahead of you. Distance shot of the woman striding away, smirking. Stylish lettering says The End.