Size Riot

The Flash Fiction Writing Contest

Welcome to the archive of the Size Riot writing contests! There were 16 contests, 2017–2020, covering a range of topics. January was always Cruel, April was always Gentle, and July and October were up for a vote. Participants had one month in which to compose an entirely new piece of fiction, under 2000 words. The next month was for the audience: people read each story, provided feedback, and rated each story in a range of categories. Finally, the results were posted, winners announced, and everyone got the third month to cool off and get ready to do it all over again.

The intended purpose of these contests was to invite Size writers to try out themes they weren't familiar (or even comfortable) with! It was an exercise to develop one's chops and appreciate others' perspectives. Indeed, for Cruel writers, composing a Gentle piece was as difficult as the reverse situation, and writers who were used to writing novels found it challenging to cram a coherent, complete story into 2000 words. Readers learned how to provide meaningful feedback, which the writers found invaluable. And ultimately, the participants had a new story completed, something to share and add to their libraries. Knowing you were writing with a dozen other people was often a supportive, motivating influence—and some people just need an externally imposed deadline.

PROGRESS: Complete through GentleApril20!

CruelJan17 GentleApril17 ButtyJuly17 UnawareOct17
CruelJan18 GentleApril18 GrowthJuly18 WritersOct18
CruelJan19 GentleApril19 GiantJuly19 Cocktober19
CruelJan20 GentleApril20 HistoricalJuly20 MyHeavenOct20

All submitted works remain the property and copyright of their respective authors. These stories are inappropriate for minors.

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