The Forbidden Zone

by Aborigen

“You’re not looking too good, pet. You all right?”

“Just give me a minute to rest, okay? You kept me up pretty late last night.” The little man stumbled over the bus seat to his girlfriend’s hip, scratching at her skirt, asking to be let up into her lap where it was comfortable and warm.

“Uh-uh, pet. I know you: if you fall asleep now, you’re gonna be out for hours. Dead to the world.”

He sulked and slunk around her purse, where he resided, on the seat beside her. “Just wake me up at the next stop, all right?” he called out over the roar of the engine. “I just need ten, twenty minutes and I’ll be good.”

When he did wake up he felt fully refreshed. What a difference twenty minutes makes, he marveled.

However, his arms were pinned to his sides and everything around him was dark. “Honey?” he yelled. “I’m awake now. Did you stick me somewhere on your body?” He smiled to himself: this could be a fun little game. He loved her all the more for thinking of it.

Let’s see now, where could I be? Everywhere, his lover’s warm flesh pressed on him. The obvious answers had to be that he was sandwiched between her thighs, compressed between her breasts, or wedged up her butt. He could rule out being pinned between her toes because he was simply too large for that. He knew he wasn’t popped into her mouth—he wasn’t overheated and soaked to the bone—nor was he inserted into her hoo-ha, by the same evidence. Or maybe he was in her armpit?

He lay still, savoring the possibilities! Hearing was nearly impossible, just the muted growl of the diesel engine through layers of skin and fat. He shook quite a bit as the bus rumbled down the street.

His brow furrowed. Engine? Bumps on the road? Have we not gotten off the bus yet? He could’ve sworn they were nearing their destination when he took a nap. They were just going to the library downtown to look for books on sculpting miniatures in polymer clay, something he was especially adept at.

As the tires rolled on, he began to get concerned. His girlfriend wouldn’t have missed the stop. Maybe she had a change of plans?

On top of that, he was starting to feel a little muggy and cramped. He squirmed a little bit, wriggling his hips and shoulders to get some attention. In response, the fleshy walls gave him a full-bodied hug. Okay, she knows I’m awake. I guess all I can do is figure out where I am.

It could have been her armpit. He was just small enough, and her upper arm was fleshy enough to cover him. He craned his head and stroked his cheek against a nearby wall of skin: whiskers. She shaved her pits, and these little hairs could’ve been her gentle stubble. While not conclusive, it definitely eliminated the possibility of her cleavage: her boobs were smooth and graceful and soft as a dream. Could still be her thighs, though.

Okay, moment of truth: he ventured a could tentative sniffs at the air. Sweat, damp skin… soap… could be anywhere.

Well, what else could he do? He had to probe the area. With some difficulty, he peeled his tiny arm free of her butt cheeks and reached out. Wrong direction: his fingertips ran against coarse fabric. He was hoping for something closer to her body, but at least this ruled out the armpit. She’d been wearing a spaghetti-strap top today, he should’ve reached open air.

How about the thighs? Same thing: he might have touched fabric if he’d reached straight up, but his arm stretched to the side, so it would extend into more skin… if he was upright. He sighed and tried to determine where gravity was. He couldn’t spit and watch it flow, and he was sandwiched so tightly in his girlfriend’s crevice that he was unable to feel himself. He couldn’t sense of blood was pooling up in his head, for one thing, because his entire body was squooshed.

Except the bus kept seeming to hit every single crack and pothole in the road. Which direction was he bouncing in? Up and down, he thought, and if she was sitting down, up-and-down would’ve meant her skirt was above and below him! Good, thighs were eliminated, and that left…

He held his breath. Did she really stick me in her butt? he thought rapturously. At long last?! Fighting to extend his other arm, he was rewarded by his fingertips gracing the petite wrinkles ringing her poop-chute. His heart beat madly, and despite the oppressive press of skin, his cock sprang to attention.

“You did it! I don’t believe it!” he cried out happily, from the depths of her butt. “You don’t know how happy this makes me! I just wish it had been in bed, rather than…” Because now began the arduous labor of systematically peeling parts of him off of her skin and wedging them deeper into her butt. Which he could do, certainly, motivated by the promise of her sweet pink starfish, but it took all of his strength and concentration.

After what seemed like an eternity, finally he lodged his slender body within the slight gap around her asshole. Panting and grinning like an idiot, he took a moment to breathe before shoving his hips toward her orifice, his hardened cock finding its own way. As soon as the head of his cock slipped between the ridges of her puckered skin, he wondered if his body might explode. Keep it together, guy<,i>, he urged himself. I’ve wanted this for so long! But that’s why it’s got to be just right!

The diesel engine thrummed through the walls of butt cheeks around him, and the broad hips flexed and bounced with each fault in the pavement, but he learned to use these to his advantage and worm himself closer and closer to her anus. His cock crawled through the wrinkles and kissed the knot of flesh at her entrance. Breathing heavily, he slowly but steadily drove his hips forward, and his cock disappeared within her asshole’s embrace.

I’m doing it… I’m really doing it!

His body was shot through with intense pleasure, goosebumps, twitching flesh, everything. Her asshole seemed to suck at his cock, reluctant to let him go, inviting him deeper. Well, he couldn’t go very deep: his hips banged against her sphincter almost immediately. But there was enough friction for him to build up his tension, rocking his hips against her. Oh, I love you so much, honey, thank you for this wonderful gift! He wanted to savor this, stretch it out, make it last, so he focused on a steady, rhythmic pulse into her asshole. Not too fast, enough to keep him hard, enough to enjoy it without going overboard. Because who knew when this would happen again?

She started to shift in her seat. Was he making her uncomfortable? He could feel one buttock tense up, and then her hips would rock to the side, then the other side. But then her asshole started clenching at him. Oh, she knew he was here, all right, and she knew what she was doing… and she was in on it. He wondered if his heart might burst. No wonder they were taking an extra-long bus ride! She wanted her little lover to fuck her on public transit! He threw back his head and laughed, gracing her with some enthusiastic pumping. “You’re being naughty, aren’t you!” His voice was drowned by the bus engine and muffled under her clothes, so he could call out as loudly as he liked. “You’re a dirty little slut, aren’t you! You exhibitionist! Well, let’s give everyone something to stare at!”

This was ridiculous: he could fuck her butthole silly and she could sit prim and proper in her seat, and no one in the area would have any call to notice. He was just trying to get into the spirit of things.

Wrenching his hand toward his face, he spit copiously into his palm, forced it back down to his groin, and slathered his cock and her anus with saliva. The pumping went much faster now, slicker, more hurried. It began to burn, but in a good way. He wished he could see her face right now, watching her lick her lips like she did when she was warming up with masturbation. Or maybe her jaw dropped and she was gasping, like she did with the suction-cup dildo in the shower. All these amazing events she let him watch but forbade him from participating in, simply because she was afraid he was too fragile. He appreciated her concern, but it drove him mad to simply be a spectator when Heaven was within reach.

Well, he was surrounded by Heaven now. He was sticking his cock into the Pearly Gate.

Thrusting harder, he let himself grunt and wail as much as he liked. He dug his fingers into the fine hairs deep in her crack. He called her horrible things, he barked out orders, and his tiny penis disappeared repeatedly into the entrance of her anus. Fire began to build in his thighs, and his abdominals began to ripple. “Oh fuck, sweetie, here it comes,” he growled, wishing he had room to draw back his hand and smack her ass. He threw his entire body into thrusting, rocking hard within her swelling butt cheeks, getting closer and closer, until finally the lava poured forth and all his muscles twitched and spasmed and two fingertips seized the front and back of his body and tugged him free.

Light flooded the tiny confines. A long panel of fabric whooshed past him, the pale blue of hospital scrubs, and he gaped at two dark brown buttocks, closing up as he was pulled free of them. His blood chilled: he was white and his girlfriend was Mexican…

Who the hell is this?

The backrest of the bus seat flew past him, as did the vast back of someone’s scrubs shirt. He didn’t recognize the neighborhood that flew past the windows. Abruptly he found himself in the large palm of a stranger, a man.

This large man raised an eyebrow at him, frowning. “Did you just fuck my ass?”

The tiny man could only stammer helplessly, covering his erect cock with both hands, his tiny thighs glistening with fluid in the afternoon sun.

The large man smirked. “Was it good?”

The tiny man shook his head frenetically, babbling without sense.

“You like it? Is that your thing, fucking strange dudes up the butt?”

“No! Never!” he blurted at last. “I was with my girlfriend! I thought this was her butt!” He thought… he thought she’d given him a special gift, a meaningful surprise for him. And he’d loved… no, not that… He didn’t know whether to puke or cry, so he did both.

“I thought you were… I mean, I thought this was my girlfriend.” He rolled to his back in the man’s palm, clutching his legs to his chest. The man’s skin was hot and smelled like cologne.

“Naw, man, I ain’t your girl.”

“I thought that was my girlfriend!” The little man was struck by how he was disassociating the large man’s butt from the rest of his identity. “I thought she put me in her butt! Where is she?”

The large man sat up and shrugged. “No woman here when I took this seat. Just found you lying there, dead asleep.”

The tiny man blinked at him repeatedly. “So you just shoved me up your ass?!”

The large man shrugged again. “Thought it’d be funny.”

“And is it?!”

The large man sucked his teeth, rolled to one side, and stuffed the screaming, tiny man back into the crack of his sweaty ass. “It’s kinda funny.”