
by Layne

“So, you work in the castle, don’t you? The hall of records?”

Soras almost hit his head his head on the doorframe of the gnomish hovel, a little flustered at being recognized. He thought he was being more careful than that in arranging this meeting. He blushed and adjusted his glasses, closing the door quietly behind him.

Vim Seloda laughed, leaning against her alchemy station. “Don’t worry sweetie, your secret is safe with me. I promise.” The gnome girl winked up at the flustered human, before letting her purple hair down, shaking it out to tumble onto her shoulders. “You don’t require those glasses to see, do you?”

“N-no!” the human stammered, taking the glasses off. “I only need them to read I just… wore them out of habit.”

The gnomish woman laughed, unbuttoning the top button of her flamboyantly green blouse as a slight tease. “Glad to hear. Your clothes won’t be affected, and I’d hate for you to not see everything you’ve paid for.”

Soras looked around Vim’s modest accommodations as the gnomish woman kicked off her boots and started digging inside a cabinet. He wasn’t particularly tall or large for a human, but his head brushed the ceiling of this small room. It was very typical of the ramshackle homes in Gnomebottom. The neighborhood used to be considered part of the docks district of the lower city, but when the gnomes started congregating here, the name changed. Some hovels were cozy, others practically shacks, but they all served as workshops dedicated to each gnome’s particular focus. Vim’s home was more of the cozy variety, and her being an alchemist, the benches were lined with tubes and beakers, hanging baskets and cabinets filled with potion components. But everything - the chairs, the workbenches, the bed, even the little stove, they were all sized for a gnome. It made Soras feel like a clumsy giant.

Which was the exact opposite reason he was here.

Soras hid his fidgeting hands inside the sleeves of his robe as he watched Vim sorting bottles in the low cabinet, the gnome’s rear swaying as she hummed a little tune to herself. The curves of her rear and thighs were practically taunting him down there through her tight breeches. She was very pleasing to look at, and appeared to be around his age, despite probably being twice it. All those plump curves compacted into a frame that was less than half as tall as he was. He took a breath as he tried to hide his anticipation for what was to come. He always had a thing for gnome girls despite their small stature, so for this opportunity to arise was just –

“Found it!” Vim shouted out, almost musically, before turning to beam up at the human proudly. “This one will do exactly what I told you it would, but you’ll have to drink up the whole thing.”

Soras stepped a little closer, eyeing the tiny vial that the gnome held in her pudgy little fingers. It was so small, filled with a purplish liquid that the human couldn’t help but notice matched Vim’s hair. “A-and you’re okay with it lasting a whole week?”

Vim laughed, putting her other hand on her hip. “Of course! You know how rare it is for someone to ask for something like this? It should be tremendous fun.” Her grin turned a little impish. “You’re the one putting your trust in me. Are you sure you’re okay with it? Because once you drink….” She only smiled, her voice trailing off teasingly.

Hesitantly, the human plucked the fragile little vial from the gnome’s fingers, and held it up to his eyes. He pried the cork out and took a deep breath before tilting his head back and emptying the contents into his mouth, trying not to let it linger on his tongue for too long. He swallowed before coughing, having caught the vile flavor of the potion. “Oh gods, that was terrible!”

Vim laughed, shrugging out of her blouse. “That would be the bever root. It’s bitter, but a necessary component for any shrinking potion.”

Soras shook his head, trying to ignore the aftertaste, and blinked as he noticed the gnome girl taking off her blouse. His eyes went wide a moment, before his vision blurred, his head suddenly clouded, making it difficult to concentrate. He heard Vim giggle, a sound that reverberated in his head, as his robes started to feel heavier and heavier.

As his vision cleared, he was suddenly able to make sense of Vim’s words again. “Don’t worry, only the initial change is that disorienting. The rest you should have full reckoning of what’s going on.”

He blinked, his eyes coming back into focus, as he realized he was staring directly into the largest naked bosom he’d ever seen. Tilting his head up, he saw Vim’s face, her plump lips curled into a pleased smile. “Why hello there, little human. Welcome to Gnomebottom.” She giggled playfully, unbuttoning her breeches.

Soras took a trembling step back, hardly realizing that his now oversized robe slipped off his shoulders until he nearly tripped over the garment. Vim was absolutely massive looking - the once short woman looming taller than him, every part of her body dwarfing his own. A large gnomish hand set upon his slim shoulder, fingers almost as thick as his forearm. “W-wow…” he managed to stammer out, his face blushing hotly, barely aware of his nakedness. His dream was fulfilled, he was staring up at a gnomish woman’s chin.

Well, partially fulfilled.

Vim wriggled her comparatively wide hips out of her breeches with a smirk, the weight of her hand heavy on Soras’ shoulder, before stepping out of them. “It will take just a moment for the secondary effect to start. I really should get you to a place where you can appreciate it.”

The gnome was much stronger than him now, and she stepped forward, her much larger feet almost threatening to stomp his as he stumbled back, the strong hand pushing him back until his naked rear came into contact with the stone wall of the hovel.

“Look at you now! So small and weak compared to a puny gnome girl,” Vim teased with a wry grin, swaying her hips as she grinned down at him. “You’re barely eye level with my chest – well, don’t get used to that.” She hummed a song softly to herself as she closed her eyes, letting Soras drink in her now superior form as she started to dance and turn. He took in every immense inch of her. Her thighs were thicker than his entire body, and as her backside came to face him, he could only stare down at it in awe, completely flustered and speechless. “Are you still okay with what happens next? The second effect will start soon~” Vim teased, standing up on her tiptoes as she looked back and over her shoulder at the shy human.

Soras somehow managed a meek little nod, and Vim took that as all the permission she needed, musically humming along to the song in her head as she took a small step back and pressed her thick, full rear against the man. The human’s arms spread against the expanse of her cheeks as they pinned him against the wall, squirming slightly at how powerful they felt pressed against him. His nervous little hands tried to push against the freckled flesh, but there was no way that Soras was going to move her away from him.

The human felt a tingle at the base of his spine as the potion started to work its secondary effect. With the gnome’s butt pressing against his chest, he let out a gasp, feeling the tingle spread through the rest of his body. Slowly, he felt his feet leave the floor, his entire form slowly dwindling between ass and stone. Vim wasn’t even looking at him now, simply humming her musical little tune as she slowly, teasingly rubbed her rear against the stone and the shrinking human, enjoying the feeling of his tiny hands pressing into her flesh.

Soras let out a yelp as he felt the gnome’s warm, soft rear start to expand around him. His head and shoulders were fighting a losing battle to stay above her ass as he watched her shoulderblades retreat higher and higher above him, that cascade of pretty purple hair out of reach to him. His tiny, shrinking feet kicked and squirmed in mid-air as he took one last breath before the flesh of the expanding rear overtook him, before the gnome shifted her asscheeks against the wall upwardly. Vim’s humming was much louder now, and muffled by the mass of flesh that overtook him, his whole body now being pressed between the warm, soft skin and the cool stone behind him. Soras quickly realized that the gnome girl wasn’t even moving anymore; rather, his body was sliding and dwindling against her heavy rear that only got heavier and heavier against him. He tried in vain to push against the wall of flesh with his arms and hands, finding himself less and less able to do so, his tiny erection being pressed and squeezed against his stomach.

The shrinking stopped, and all light was shut out of Soras’ world. There was only the rough stone behind him, and the heavy, hot flesh of the gnome’s right buttcheek in front of him. The pressure felt tremendous. He could only take small breaths, his chest having trouble pushing out against her, and every breath was filled with the scent of her flesh. He felt… completely powerless.

Suddenly, light re-entered his world again as Vim pulled her ass away from the wall swiftly. He watched the tremendous naked rear retreat away, and he fell, letting out a squeak of surprise before falling on the dusty floor of the hovel. He gasped for breath, but was unharmed. He slowly rose to his feet, only to be greeted by a thunderous giggle from above.

Looking skyward, the normally smallish gnome towered above him like some great, ancient fertility statue. She turned on her heel, and Soras watched as that curved rear shifted and shook four stories above him as it moved away from him. Vim’s face was barely visible past her breasts and belly – instead, the naked little human looked straight ahead at a set of pudgy gnome toes, each one bigger than his entire body.

“Oh gosh, you really did get teensy!” The gnome’s cute, amplified voice echoed from above. She giggled, and bent down, plucking the shrunken creature up between a finger and a thumb. Vim stood back up so swiftly and brought him up in front of one of her golden eyes so quickly that Soras worried he might pass out. “Well, I think that’s enough for now.”

Soras squirmed against the giant pressing fingers, vaguely aware that his gnomish goddess was walking. “F-for now? But I just got this size, we can’t-“

Vim laughed. “Oh you sweet little toy. You’re going to be this size for a week. You can’t expect me to give you my attentions all the time. But don’t worry, the week will be pleasing for both of us. But right now, I have an herbalist to meet. Maybe I’ll show you to her, that should be a good laugh!”

The gnome stepped back into her breeches, awkwardly pulling them up with her free hand, before moving the tiny human behind her. She unceremoniously dropped Soras into the back of her pants, and wriggled her hips happily as she squeezed her curves into the tight garment. She gave her rear a gentle patting, finding the tiny lump where her human passenger was. Satisfied her breeches would keep him in place, Vim started putting back on her blouse.

“Do try not to slip out, Soras. After all, Gnomebottom is a big place for you now!”