Old Time Religion

by Taedis

“Wanna play a game?”

“What about our reservations?”

“Gotta work late; my boss is a total dick.”

“You're self-employed, Anna.”

“I won't be if I don't finish this tonight.”

“Doesn't sound like you have time for games.”

“I'll work while you play.”

“I can play with myself anytime.”

“Cute.” Anna smiled at me. She always got her way with that smile. “This will be a lot more … interesting.”

“I'll play along. What are the rules?”

“Do everything I tell you as soon as I tell you.”

My witty retort was stopped when Anna placed a finger on my lips.

“Wait for me by my office while I change into something a lot less comfortable.”

Anna knew I was watching her as she ascended the stairs. Knew I was watching every shift of her body. Every roll of her hips. The way her tight blue dress flowed and stretched as she moved one foot in front of the other. She knew she had an audience and she put on a show.

Anna's home office was a cubicle with delusions of grandeur. Until two months ago it had been a broom closet off of her kitchen, but it was big enough to fit Anna's standing desk. And Anna if she didn't mind feeling cramped. I waited outside the closed door.

This was going to be an interesting game.

I was disappointed when Anna came in dressed for a day at the office instead of the lace and leather I'd imagined. Not that she wasn't rocking, the practical heels, black slacks, and white blouse; I was just expecting something a little more Penthouse Forum than Wall Street Journal.

“This game you've got for me. It's not 'clean the kitchen' is it? Cause I haven't fallen for that one since I was six.”

“I call this game 'old time religion.'” Anna opened the door, pointed to the floor, and ordered me to “Kneel.”


“Like you were praying.”

I was dumb enough to think I knew where this was going. I got down on my knees with the top of my head pressed against the bottom of her desk.

“I like the thought, but I'll never get any work done that way.” Anna made a twirling gesture. “Turn around. Back to the wall.”

Still on my knees I obeyed her orders. The space was so cramped all I needed to do was stretch slightly to use her keyboard. With me behind her and the desk in front there was no room for Anna to turn so she had to enter sideways. Her thighs pressed hard into the front of her desk as my view of her computer screen was replaced by her.

“I hope you like the view.” Anna said. “It's all you'll have for the next three hours.”

My face was level with Anna's backside. There was only a two inch gap between me and her. My nose was lined up almost perfectly with the seam running down the center of her of pants. For the next three hours her ass was going to be my world.

“Don't speak unless spoken to.” Anna said.

My forehead brushed Anna's cheek when I nodded my reply.

Anna closed the door, turned off the overhead light, and began to tap away on her keyboard, serious about getting work done. The room was barely bigger than a coffin; the only light was that of Anna's monitor framing her hips at the edges of my vision. Everything else was an amorphous erotic wall of blackness.

I should have felt trapped. I might have panicked. But I could smell Anna's perfume radiating off her warm body and see the slight sway in her hips as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. It felt comfortable in a way I can't express. It felt right.

I focused on the blackness in front of me until my eyes adjusted to the dim indirect light and I could make out Anna's curves again. Some of her curves. The pants I'd thought were boring before now seemed to cling to Anna like paint on a living statue.

The close quarters didn't allow her much movement, but even the tiny motions she made doing her work were hypnotic. I lost track of the number of times her cheeks brushed my face in the close darkness, fleeting as a stolen kiss, thrilling and taboo. We'd been lovers for months, but this was a new level of intimacy.

“Do you know anything about the old gods?” Anna asked. I could hear her still typing away. “The gods of Greece when there was a lot less history to remember.”

“no” I whispered.

The typing stopped.

I heard metal on metal. It took me a beat to recognize the sound of a belt being unbuckled. Then a zipper being unzipped. Anna brought her hands to her hips, worked her thumbs into the waistband, then pulled and shimmied until the pants pooled at her feet leaving her in shirttails and underwear that left her cheeks exposed.

“The mistake most people make about the gods is how many of us there were back then.” Anna's pale skin seemed to shine in comparison to the discarded black cloth. “They'd read tales of love goddesses in Eresos, Agrinion, and Gythium and decided there was just one Aphrodite when there were hundreds of us.”

Anna shrugged the blouse off behind her. It landed on me tenting itself around my head intensifying the already potent scent of musk and hot perfume.

“Myth homogenized us.” Anna said in the world above. “Ignored our different talents and uniquenesses. Turned us into something that people who never knew the gods could cope with.”

My lover stood above me almost naked telling me she was a god.

I believed her.

“We all had our different interests. Our passions. Our attributes. Some focused on pleasure. Or procreation. Or romance, though we had a very different word for it back then. We each took our worship in a different way; received different prayers and sacrifices.”

Anna pulled the shirt from my face. Or maybe I did. Or maybe Anna made me. The cool silk slid down my fevered chest to join the discarded pants.

“Want to guess what my divine asset was?” I could hear the smile in her voice.

Anna swayed her hips back and forth. Each pass bringing her tight firm ass closer and closer to my eager face. I could have just leaned forward a fraction of an inch, but that didn't seem right. Not until she told me to.

“Your … butt?” The words sounded stupid.

“The ancient Greeks invented a word to describe the ass you're staring at now. They wrote epic poems about it. Started wars. Now the only thing anyone else remembers is one statue that mostly survived.”

Anna's hips stopped moving.

She turned off the monitor. It was still light when we came in here; now there wasn't any light coming in from under the door. How long had I been kneeling here mesmerized by Anna's ass?

It should have been pitch black in that sweaty close closet, but Anna's skin glowed.

“Like what you see?” Anna hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties.


“Want more?” Anna's left hand started to pull the dark underwear down her glowing skin.


“What are you prepared to sacrifice?” Anna's hand stopped, exposing just the top of her cleft.


“I'd hoped you'd say that.”

Anna stepped out of the underwear leaving herself naked above me. I felt constrained, hot, and powerless in my clothes.

Anna leaned over the desk making herself comfortable for what was about to happen, pushing her butt up and out, moving away from me the fraction of an inch it could, still pointing at me.

“Worship me, mortal.”

I leaned forward and planted a tender kiss on one cheek and then the other before kissing my way to the small of her back. Her skin felt hot against my dry tongue. I kissed my way down to her cleft, but was unable to go any further with just my lips. If I was treating her like my lover I'd have used my hands, but at that moment, in that confessional, she was my god and it didn't seem right.

I laid my forehead on the small of her back, placed my nose at the top of her cleft, and worked my face back and forth pushing it deeper and deeper into the heart of my worship. I'd never done anything like this with any other lover; I'd never been with a god.

Soon my cheeks were buried in Anna's. My lips found her hole. My nervous tongue snaked its way out of my mouth and into her. I heard her let out a sigh. A blissful sound of contentment that connected with parts of me I didn't even know existed.

“That's the spot.” Anna purred. “Give me more.”

I obeyed.

The heat I'd felt earlier intensified. It felt like there was a fire burning somewhere beneath my stomach but above my groin. It grew hotter, spread out even further through my body with every kiss, every lick I gave Anna's hole. I felt myself melting away like an iceberg that somehow wandered into the Mediterranean. My heart, my cock, everything that was “me” throbbed in time to my darting tongue.

Anna's moan of contentment only spurred me to go faster. Deeper. Hours ago I'd have told you I'd have to be stinking drunk to ever, literally, kiss someone's ass. Even Anna's. Now I was drunk on Anna's pleasure.

I licked until Anna stopped moaning then kissed her down from whatever divine high my worship had provided her. I only stopped when she reached around and placed her hand on the top of my head and ran her cool fingers through my sweaty hair.

I rested my head on Anna, placing my cheek on her butt as I caught my breath.

Anna opened the door and strode into the kitchen beyond. It was dark outside. Midnight dark and cool. Anna still glowed. It didn't look artificial or forced. It looked like the moon had decided to wear an Anna disguise and walk nude through her kitchen.

“That went longer than I thought it would. You must be exhausted.”

I used both hands on Anna's desk to steady myself as I got to my feet. I did feel drained. In a good way. By the time I'd pulled myself most of the way up Anna was standing beside me again just outside the door.

She kissed my forehead first. Then my cheek. Then the mouth that had recently worshipped her. She broke the kiss and I realized she had bent down to deliver it even though I was standing all the way up.

When she rose to her full height she was more than a head taller than me. Anna was never taller than me, even when she wore skyscraper heels. Had my worship made her grow?

Then I stepped back and my foot came out of my shoe and I almost tripped on my too long pant legs. Anna grabbed me before I fell and held me in her strong grip while I steadied myself.

“I shrank.”

“That was your sacrifice. I take a little bit of you so I can keep on going down the centuries.”

“That's crazy.”

“That's divine.”

“What am I supposed to do now?”

“Buy new clothes.”

“I'm serious.”

“So was I.”

“You just steal my height and expect me to be ok?”

“Not stolen; offered.”

“Without knowing.”

“Gods work that way sometimes.”

“I want it back.”

Anna looked thoughtful.

“You've got two options. Don't see me ever again. In two weeks you'll get every inch back. Or come back tomorrow same bat-time, same bat-channel and give me more. The choice is yours. A normal life without this divine ass or a smaller one with it.

“What'll it be?”