Rachel's Practice

by Little Comrade

Rachel was relaxing in her girlfriend’s bedroom, having just, hopefully, shaken off her jetlag. Well, it wasn’t ‘jetlag’ as such, she’d actually holidayed in the same time-zone, but the fight had been long, to say the least. After six hours cramped into tiny a budget-price seat, and a further two hours of connections either side, Rachel was just glad to be home. Her lover’s place was pretty big too. She had the room to stretch.

“So, how was it? Other than the obvious.” Her girlfriend Carmen twinkled her big dark eyes at her and gave her hair a little loving stroke.

“Well, yes, you know how people always say tiny people are uppity and annoying?” Carmen nodded gently. She knew only too well. “Well, I’ve gotta say, it’s pretty true. They’re so bossy and full of pomp and ceremony. They don’t really appreciate their size. If you learn to embrace it a little more, you can get all sorts of rewards out of it.”

Carmen nodded again. “Very true. I’m glad you can see that.”

“Yep. They were always so rude about me when I was out walking and I not once stepped on anything!”

Carmen tittered. “You’ve never been a clumsy one.”

“I know! And like, often I catch mini-men trying to look up my skirt. You know what I’d do?”

“Go on…”

“Well, I’d pop them at the top of trees or dunk them in fountains.”

Carmen tittered again. “Yes, nobody messed with you, I imagine.”

Rachel stood proud for a second, hands on hips and nodded. “Nope.”

Her girlfriend’s smile was huge. “Well, most importantly, did you learn anything?”

“Oh, I learned lots and lots and lots, and not just about being big and bossy.”

“Well, is ‘being big and bossy’ what I wanted you to learn?”

“No, but, well, I couldn’t help it. They were so small and silly, even the one that was in charge.”

“Well then, I believe a demonstration is in order.”

Suddenly the air around Rachel changed. In front of her a mountain started to move. Inch by inch, in one smooth motion, almost like the instant construction of a monumental skyscraper, Carmen stood up in front of her.

Seductively she turned away from her tiny lover, presenting her thong-clad arse. The thong looked more like 10 metres of lacy teal rope to the little Gulliverian. With a slow cracking and creaking sound Carmen hopped up onto the desk, letting her large arse roll backwards, filling up all of Rachel’s available space. The mini-Miss retreated from it.

“Come on, hop on, I didn’t pay for the Lower Tutorial for nothing.”

Rachel gulped and then, as she’d done many times before, walked inside the crack of her lover’s rear. Once there she grasped onto the tiny rope-thong and nuzzling herself to the immense curve of Carmen’s skin.

It was always difficult to place the genetics of Brobdingnagians, to be frank. Despite the island being ‘close’ (Over 1,000km west of Lisbon), they didn’t quite fit into the Iberian character. Still, Carmen’s olive skin, curly black hair and her large soft bottom did go some way to helping her blend in with any scene in a Portuguese praça. The fact that her bottom alone was about the size of one of these typical town squares tended to be the point were she stood out.

Carmen hummed as she walked across the room to her bed. The undulating motion of her bottom squishing her lover’s body with a gentle undulating force. It smelt a little musty down there. Rachel purred.

Once at the bed she whispered. “Going down. Hold on” and then proceeded to climb up, onto all fours and then melt forward, cat-like, into her sheets. Bosoms big enough to host a Gulliverian orchestra impacted into the duvet.

Rachel leaned on the tiny cloth triangle at the top of the thong and mewed, for a second. She had come here for many reasons, free college tuition, infinite food, and the chance for a girlfriend the size of a soft play area. But, clearly, the main appeal for Rachel, was that she got off on feeling small.

She was usually so clever, and bossy, and sharp. Being in Lilliput had only hammered that home, annoying her. What she wanted was to be tiny. To be teased. To be tucked away. To be treated like a little Toy. A precious princess. The idea was so erotically humbling she could hardly cope.

Her owner wiggled her bottom and boomed. “Rachie, my hot little mouse, please, take off my thong for me, it’s ever-so-constricting.”

The tiny woman stood and assessed the problem. With a squeak or two she ran from side to side of the soft moon-like bottom, tugging away at the tiny threads of thong at her feet. Carmen giggled at her. A Gulliverian couldn’t even get the string over the curve of her bottom, so small they were!

Carmen was use to little people being so, well, uppity and annoying. So, finding Rachel had really been a breath of fresh air. It was so much more fun to tickle a tiny person, film them naked in a teacup or make them perform karaoke from atop your nipples than it ever was to ‘Respect their rights as equal human being according to Statute 469 of the Multi-Size Discrimination Act: 1973’.

She did wiggle though, eventually, allowing access. Rachel finally removed the offending article and then gently started to rub her own round mini-bottom all over her giant captor’s arsehole. There were giant purrs and mews this time, and a long finger delving into a pussy the size of a Slip n’ Slide.

Rachel started using every new trick she’d learnt. Licking, pinching, popping a whole arm in. Yes, truly. All this had been done by Patricia and her team, one way or another. It was clear that the investment in training had paid off. Heaven knows what those micro little Blefuscuns had thought traversing her plump rear, knowing all the while that it would be no bigger than a cherry back in the land where this giant Gulliverian lived.

Her giant stirred. “My dear, this is wonderful! Please, keep…it…up!”

It was clear that she was close. Volcanically close. Rachel bounced, prodded and ultimately rubbed her protector’s derrière, right on its sweet spots. Giant fingers were assaulting a huge pussy from below. The heat, even on top, was getting unbearable. Rachel was sweating in her ‘Erotic Gulliverian Housemaid’ costume, Carmen’s favourite. Her arse started to buck, higher and higher. Rachel started to get air time, clearing the buttocks by inches at a time.

Long fingers were now working the giantess into a frenzy. She started to shiver, and then shudder, and then melt. The sensations carried through like ice flowing into a river of liquid fire. A wet patch the size of a swimming pool, but mercifully not as deep, started to leek out onto the bed. Rachel rolled down into the vibrating crack of her lover’s bottom and panted.

“Money well spent?” She asked, breathlessly.

“Umhmmm….”Came the delicious response.

Suddenly, a huge hand curled around the tiny Miss and she was lifted up and then manoeuvred into front of the face of her land-lady.

“You did a good job” She turned her in her fingers, holding her by the waist with her own index finger and thumb.

Rotated slowly, like a ballerina in a music box, Rachel found herself bent over giant fingers, with her dress falling over her shoulder and her bottom exposed. Pantie-less, of course.

“These micro-people must have thought that this was like the biggest bum they’d ever seen! I mean, it’s curvy alright. Like, isn’t that funny to you?” Rachel blushed. “Because, I know it’s the size of a pair of squishy little marshmallows.” She poked it with a finger. It rippled delightfully. “The only thing that confuses me about it is: How can it be so big yet so small at the same time? It’s like an optical illusion!”

She lent forward and kissed Rachel’s entire bottom with one giant pucker of her lips. She even flicked her salty little pussy with the tip of her giant tongue. Rachel shrivelled. Carmen kept up her assault.

Gently, Rachel found herself being slotted between index and middle fingers, held, bent over, like how a girl would smoke a cheroot. It was time for her exposed rear to become a play ground again. But this time, for a much bigger kid!

A giant tongue started to swirl and lick around each cheek, treating them as if little gobstoppers. Her cleft and crack, especially her pussy, were now getting very special treatment. It wouldn’t take much, it really wouldn’t. Her soft bottom, like two squishy marbles was undulating like it was being massaged by a washing machine.

She felt her temperature rise, and then her bottom fall. Miss was now tickling her pussy with her eyelashes. A favourite game of hers, and a sure-fire way to make the Gulliverian gush.

There was a tiny squeak, almost like a dog whistle and then Rachel lay, a shuddering mess in-between her lover’s fingers. Carmen smiled and very gently transferred the little lady to her palm. She rolled around in it, before cuddling up against her thumb. Very cute.

Gently, Carmen slipped the murmuring Miss into her little ‘Dollshouse’. Her god-like face hovered for a moment. “I’m just gonna clean up dear, I’ll run you a teacup. Back in a sec”

Rachel murmured something upwards and then watched her giant vanish.

She was still in a little murky haze when she could swear she heard tiny voices, coming from the vicinity of her hand bag…

Popping on her glasses she looked over and squeaked at what she saw. Itsy bitsy Inga and gnat-sized Greta were waving up at her from the side pocket.

“Surprise! We wanted to see what Gulliver-land was like. We hate working at home! We wanted to be free!”

“But, but…” Rachel plucked them both out, naked, and sat them in her palm. “You don’t get it, you’re not, this isn’t. I’m not the giant you think I am! Look!”

The huge face reappeared overhead.

Inga and Greta looked up and gulped. “Oh, shoot!” “Fiddlesticks..!” Both folded their arms under their impressive bosoms and huffed.

“Fiddlesticks indeed.” Carmen whispered, with a wink that could have sunk the Blefuscun Navy.

“Whatever are we all going to do now…”