
by QuickSilver

Her bored eyes were fixed on this insignificant man for far too long than her royal patience could hold.

“So, to cut it short, what is you want from me peasant?” Her loud, overwhelming voice would boom upon Kosar’s, covering him as he was still speaking. The negotiation didn’t last long.

“If you don’t want to hear my reasons then, I’ll have a more convincing voice talking to you. Actually a choir of voices. Outside your castle there are at least one hundred of armored men, ready to break inside at my sign,” he said, raising a horn to his lips. “If you won’t listen to me maybe you’ll have to listen to all of us, since the consequences may turn bad for you,” he said with a grin on his face, the grin of the chess player who has just made his big move putting the opposite king under threat. But the only reaction he got was attracting Syrith’s dark eyes back on him, a grin forming on her dark red colored lips. She would nod him as if she intended to allow him to proceed with his call. Uncertain of what she meant he hesitantly brought the horn to his lips, sweating cold, wondering what that unexpected reaction could mean.

But he couldn’t withdraw now. He blew in the horn, a loud trumpet sound filled the vast room and echoed in the air outside. He waited to hear his fellow warriors break inside the castle, running down the corridors, he expected any moment to hear the comforting sound of the clinging metal of their armors. What he got instead was an increasing concert of booming sounds, that got louder and louder any seconds, and ultimately the squeak of the heavy wooden door behind him. He turned around seeing an armored woman step inside, her metal boots leaving bloody traces on the floor.

Kosar’s face turned pale at the sight, his eyes fixed on those prints until the shadow of huge lady standing before him forced him to raise his gaze. She wasn’t even paying attention to his presence as she stood like colossal a statue before him, kneeling in front of their Queen.

“The infestation is crushed, Your Majesty. None of them are left. They have joined the holy ground you walk on, forever.”

In such few words he understood everything. The terrible, humiliating end his companions faced. The sealed fate of the village he lived. And the fact he would never see them again. He was trapped, alone, inside that castle. The voice of the Queen brought him back to reality, snapping him out from the nightmare that was haunting his mind.

“Very well, my beloved, but your task is not completely. You have left an ant alive,” she said grinning down to him. He could feel other three pair of eyes staring down at his body. The faces high above, the four towering bodies, making him feel small. Smaller than ever. An insect trapped in a spider web. He was at their mercy. Yet he wouldn’t give up. The sense of pride, reinforced now with the guilt and hatred for his companions’ death brought him to the decision not to give up so lightly. His hand reached for his sword and drawing it our he pointed it at Syrith, trying to hold his arm as still as possible not to show any fear nor any of the doubts that clouded his mind.

“I warn you, this ant won’t die as easily as his friends.”

A giggle escaped the Queen’s lips hearing his words.

“But I was not referring to you. You’re not an ant, you’re barely a germ compared to me. I was referring to that ant,” she said, opening her palm. A shadow stretched from behind Kosar’s back, making him raise his gaze to see one of the women’s hand stretch toward the Queen’s handing her what seemed like a little cage. The screams coming from inside then sounded oddly familiar, and made his blood freeze, even more than the sight of the Queen standing up in all her towering size and walking down the steps, stepping down until she stood right before Kosar. She dismissed her servants with a gesture of her hands, letting the booming sound of their steps fade away before crouching down, lowering her hand toward the ground, as she looked from above, amused at the reaction of the tiny warrior at her feet, seeing his beloved wife crying holding to the cage’s bars. He instinctively dropped his sword running toward her, only to see the cage lift along with the gigantic hand it rested upon, as the Queen effortlessly brings it out of his reach.

“Do you know this woman maybe? Do you love her, germ? Do you want her? Does it anguish you to see her in a cage like an animal, at my mercy?” she asked, torturing his mind with her words, seeing his face turn into a mask of sorrow and fear, before exploding in anger.

“Let her free! What did she do to you? I am your enemy not her! I came here to talk to you, take it on me, fight me if you need Your majesty but leave my wife in peace.” He screamed, loosing any constraint, his mind focused on doing anything to save his wife.

“I am your Queen. Her life belongs to me just like yours,” she said, standing up. As she did the doors slammed open again, one of the three women, a blond lady, walked back inside, holding a chair with both hands. The armor completely vanished as she wore only a pair of black boots and nothing her, her body naked in its beauty soon reaching before her Queen, placing the chair down. The Queen carefully placed the cage on the seat before her before leaning down, her hand stretching toward the tiny warrior. He swinged his sword left and right

“Stay back!” he screamed, as his sword barely cut through the glove’s fabric, before a tree sized finger hit the tiny blade, flicking it off his hands with incredible ease.

He looked around surprised, unable to do anything as two dark fingertips closed around him, squeezing him ungracefully, as he squirmed like a trapped bug between them. The chuckle of the Queen highlited his powerlessness before finding himself at the height of the seat, seeing his wife screaming, before a shadow feel on her. He looked at what was, seeing the other woman stand, her back to the chair, while her rear hovered above the cage. The loud screams of the tiny woman would make any man shiver, even more her husband, who was seeing her trapped in there and the titanic butt of that woman descending slowly toward her.

“I wonder how will that cage hold,” the Queens said teasingly, squeezing him between her fingers, making him grunt feeling the metal squeak under the pressure. Meanwhile the round cheeks of the gigantic lady reach down to the top of the cage, their shape starting to engulf it. The tiny woman trapped inside would cry louder, desperately pushing against the roof of the cage as the weight of the woman starts to bend it, and make the bars squeak as she slowly sits on it. It didn’t take long before the bars began to give in to the enormous mass of flesh that is resting upon it. Kosar would look with tears in his eyes as He saw his helpless wife, getting down on her knees, screaming desperately as she was forced on her knees when the bars started to bend beneath the weight of the gigantic woman. A loud giggle boomed from behind, his voice broken by the sighs as he begged.

“Please… stop her! Please take me, my life if necessary but leave her alone!” he said, trying to bend his neck to look at the Queen’s face but she only brought him closer to the scene, mercilessly. His woman was laying on the floor of the cage, pushing helplessly against the roof as it was now sandwiching her between two layers of metal, while the round, heavy buttcheeks were about to come down. Her eyes met those of her beloved husband one last time before the pink flesh fell upon her and hid her from sight, muffling the sound of her crys, which soon give in to the one of bending metal and cracking bones as she was crushed into a thin layer of squashed metal as the heavy butt came down on her.

“NOOOOOOOO!” he screamed, emptying his lungs as tears run down his cheeks, his heart broken by the sight of the woman he loved crushed to death by a complete stranger, as she just sat on her. The pain turned into rage as he started to struggle between the Queen’s finger who let him vent, before ending her torture.

“Raise,” she commanded before her servant lifted her derriere, revealing the tremendous sight of the sheet of metal, with blood splatting outside it, staining the chair.

“Thank you my Queen. She was very comfortable,” she said lifting the chair and walking outside the room, the clacking sound of a key resounding in a sinister way. He was laying motionless between the black gloved fingers, frozen in horror, when his sight was filled by the sight of the Queen’s face. Her grin, cold and evil, knowing she now dominated him from every sight. He could do nothing to resist her, after seeing his life, his love, his dreams crushed in such a pathetic way.

“Now it is time to see if your body is more resistant than the cage,” she said, walking up to her throne and dropping him like an object on her seat. He smashed into a soft surface, swallowing hard as he show her towering above him. She took off her dress, dropping the heavy layers of fine clothing on the floor, showing the naked body of a plump woman in her late thirties. He saw her leaning toward him, her finger pinning him to the seat while a metallic sound ringed in his ears. He felt something cold on his ankle, and then on the other. He tried to kick in protest but something was holding him. When his arms were constrained too she finally let him, smirking as he looked up, seeing his arms and legs where now pulled by chains, attached to the throne’s angles.

“What does it mean?” he asked, turning his gaze up, his eyes widen as he saw his tiny little body overwhelmed by a round, plump, planet sized butt. The Queen’s grin reached him from above her shoulder as she slapped her butt, making it’s fat jiggle teasingly.

“I was in need of a softer cushion for my royal seat. I’m sure you will do a wonderful job.” Her eyes disappeared from his sight replaced only by the filling presence of her descending butt. He cried and struggled, pulling in vain his chains screaming.

“No please, you can’t do this to me!“ he said in total panic, as the wiggling rear got closer and closer.

“Silence, cushions don’t talk,” she said, as her cheeks were reaching in touch for him, slowly surrounding his tiny body as they touched the seat, slowly resting upon it, before she plopped down completely. Kosar found himself smothered under that mass of fat, before her titanic weight started to settle down on him. His armor began to squeak and slowly bend, his body inside struggling to hold such an immense amount of weight.

“Welcome to your new life, cushion. Consider yourself lucky because the rest of your village won’t share your same blessing,” she said, wiggling her ass, grinding him painfully flat beneath her. His screams muffled by the mass of smothering fat that filled every gap around him. Despite what the Queen said he’d envy the fate of his fellow villagers.