Unnamed Limerick #1

by Versusterminus7

An SAS man named Jack
Was caught in a Nazi attack
Soon ammo was spent
His helm had a dent,
And he was as they say bushwhacked.

Alive was he, not yet dead!
Though nasty wounds on his head
Some captors he knifed
Giving them strife,
But soon back to base he was lead

Taken back to their Nazi lair
Tied tightly with rope to a chair
Their tools, Pentothal
Tired make him tell all
But his lips kept tight, jaw set square.

"Zees methods, ja, wery uncouth,"
The Gestapo said over vermouth,
"But varn I you fool
I've zeit und I've tool,
Und soon I vill know all ze truth!"

For eight days they tortured him well,
Made Nazi boys' lives living hell,
"You may sink zat you're tough,
But now I've had enough!
Zis next won vill make you all tell!"

"You may poke me with needles and pins,
You may strike bamboo shoots on my shins!
But for country and king,
We at Credenhill sing,
'I'll never surrender, Who Dares, Wins'!"

Head covered, Jack, put in dark room,
Told sharply he'd here meet his doom,
Then 'hind closed the door,
Left bare on the floor,
That's when he heard the first boom.

To the far wall he saw movement,
Saw only what dim light had lent,
A creek and a shudder,
A sleepy yawn, mutter,
He saw a tall woman come thence.

She was taller than ever he'd seen,
'Mong Giants, she would be a queen!
Round hundred feet tall,
Wear'ng only a shawl,
The smile on her face less than mean.

"Herr doctor has given a toy
For Anne to play vith und enjoy!
Kommt here little man;
Gentle as I can,
I'll be your friend, no being coy!"

Jack mustered and ran fast away,
Getting far from her as he may,
But her hand, it was swift,
Like a vice was her grip,
But soon was compelled to obey.

Up to her face quick he was brought,
Made feel tiny without second thought,
Frau Anne licked her lip,
Placed hand on a hip,
And said to him, "don't be distraught!"

"I'm going to show you around
My beeg ass, no, don't make a sound!
I'll press du und caress du,
Und squish du und smash du,
Mein butt cheeks vill make du all wound!"

Die Frau took took him o'er to her bed
Jack's heart bursting brim filling with dread
Yet intrigued was he
By this lady so sweet
So he played along yes went ahead.

Onto her great mattress she threw him
The sheets were threadbare, cold and quite thin
But warmth did he feel,
When she deigned to reveal
Large breasts, smooth skin, "hey, pick up your chin!"

Over to this man Anne made haste,
Eager to now put him in place,
O'er close did she bend,
Her breasts to his head,
Rubbing them light on his face.

Despite his protests Jack got sprung,
The bone in his pants kind of stung,
She looked down and smiled,
That made him feel wild
Til she said "but you're not so hung..."

Despite the pain throbbed in his head,
She pushed him down rough to the bed,
"I hope you like ass,
So don't give me sass;
You'll please me or else you'll be dead!"

With all her great weight, die Frau sat
On his chest, his head, like a hat
Smothered in her cheeks,
It felt like ten weeks,
He sat there, and felt like a mat.

Her two big fat mounds did Anne grind,
Jack felt the wrath of 'Behind,'
Not once did she stop
Nor pressure did drop,
No rest from this ass did he find.

For hours or more did she rub,
His chest and head, but not his 'nub.'
She left his pants on,
So long out and drawn
Would she make this, ignoring his chub.

At long last Anne got off her charge,
And stood over him oh so large.
"I vant you to play
Vith mein pussy today,
Come on, mein klein Mann, now take charge!"

Back downwards her pussy collapsed,
While Jack got a face full of ass,
He tickled her clit,
Hoped she'd not shit,
When fin'lly she let out a gasp.

Surrender Anne did to orgasm
Her huge body writhed and it spasmed,
Jack tried take a chance,
To dick'er in the ass,
But'it closed as hard as she could clasp'em!

"Mein Frau," Jack said, "now if you please,
Don't make me beg now, please don't tease,
I've made you gasp, scream,
Please do th'same to me!
Don't make me fall down on my knees!"

All lofty the gian'tess did smile
As she hung o'er him for long while,
"I'll give vhat du seek,
But do zis for me,
Und I tell you ze von't be vile..."

"Now what did you have in your mind,"
Asked Jack as Anne started to grind,
"Give me England's plans,
Please und please, big Mann,
Und I promise zat I'll ease your... Mind!"

Anne bit her lip coquettishly
As Jack fin'lly started to see
The bold Nazi plan
To take o'er their land;
Big ladies to make him spill beans!

"I told you, I'll ne'er be coerced,
To give up our plans, I'd die first!
Mein Frau you have failed,
The truth is still veiled!
Now come, Jerry, do me your worst!"

Frau Anne threw back her head back and laughed
"Herr Englisch, du may sink us trapped,
But I still know how
To make du burn down,
I'll get ze truth now vith mein ass!"

Without word Anne turned round about
But what was next had made Jack shout
She fell on his dick,
But when he got thick,
Pulled up her ass, leave him without.

For hours they did this cruel dance
But Jack couldn't come in his pants!
Try that as he may,
Anne's ass that evades
Was a nightmare, ignoring his lance.

On hour eight Jack fin'lly broke,
Now crying, desp'rate for a stroke,
"I'll tell you all now,
You huge Nazi cow,
Your teasing's no longer a joke!"

Coordinates, numbers, and plans,
A daring venture into France,
Soon all was laid bare
All Jack had to share
Would make Der Furher piss his pants.

"Herr Englisch, you're truly a schwein,"
Herr Doktor gloated over wine,
"You've betrayed your lands;
They'll fall in our hands,
Ze cities, ze farms, und coastlines!"

Jack hung in shame lowly his head:
Betrayal! The terror, the dread!

But Anne put her hand
On this crying man,
And said, "Herr Mann, du want mein bed?"

"Frau Anne, now please don't make me beg,
I've cocked up bad, boiled the eggs!
Please fuck out my brains,
I can't stand this pain!
At least let me sip up the dregs!"

He screamed when he felt her slap hard
He spat out a tooth, bloody shard!
"You'll not have mein ass,
So don't be so crass!
Du Enclischmanner, blowhards!"

Anne walked away cool as could be,
Without even having to see,
How beet red he'd turned
When Jack fin'lly learned
He wouldn't be getting his glee!