War of the Sisters

by Aborigen

“Here, you can get in on my side. I just need to clear it out a bit.”

“Well, he can’t get in here. We’re parked too close to the bushes.”

Noel shoved his hands in his pockets and watched the sisters figure out the logistics. The sky darkened and street lights popped on. Darla, the oldest sister, bustled around the car, as though a more elegant solution could be found. Sadie, second-oldest, hung back with him and watched her busier sibling.

A black SUV rolled into the street and a woman with a frizzy bob leaned out. “We could fit you in here,” said Shelly, Noel’s girlfriend. “You’d just have to lie across our laps.” Shelly was Darla and Sadie’s younger sister, as well.

Noel sighed loudly through his nose in irritation at the needless orchestration. Shelly flipped him off and rolled up the window, and the SUV drove off. They were all going to their niece’s birthday party. Shelly needed to bond with her nieces and nephews, leaving Noel and her sisters to ride with friends of the family.

“Dean,” barked Darla, “can you pull up your car a titch? Sadie’s gotta get in on Candice’s side.”

Sadie frowned. “And Noel!”

“He can get in on my side.” Darla smirked, as though she were clever and not forgetful. Dean pulled the car out, everyone climbed in, and Noel found himself in the middle of the back seat. Darla threw herself in hastily, backing her rear into Noel’s left shoulder, and not just a little: he could clearly feel both of her ass cheeks sandwich his shoulder, through her yoga pants. He blushed, unnoticed in the dimming evening lights.

Sadie tugged her door open and came in next. She looked worriedly at the space left, then turned and squatted and backed up. In her wool skirt, her round hips sidled up against Noel’s thigh, snuggling against his leg. When she looked back to see what was blocking her, she babbled an apology to Noel and slammed the door shut. He thought she was blushing as hard as he was.

“Chauffeur!” Darla swatted the headrest in front of her. “Lay on, James! The daylight’s a-wastin’!” She leered at her sister and her other sister’s boyfriend. Dean merely exchanged pained glances with his wife and drove out of the suburbs toward the highway.

“Great night for a drive!” Darla said, abruptly. “Don’t you think, Noel?” She nudged his hips with hers. He thought it was, kinda, and said so.

Sadie pouted. “Oh, leave him alone, will you? Poor guy’s stuck in a tiny car with his girlfriend’s two crazy sisters. Give him a break.” She shook her head sympathetically at him, but she also nudged her hip against his, snuggling it partially upon his thigh.

Darla barked with laughter. “What’re you talking about? He’s having a great time! Aren’t you, Noel? Oh, crap, I forgot my seat belt.” She twisted her upper body and began digging blindly for something over her shoulder. To extend her reach, she brought one knee up to her seat. Her firm biker’s butt began bouncing against Noel’s shoulder. He stole a glance at it: large yet firm, painted dark gray in the stretchy exercise pants she was rarely out of.

Sadie gasped and announced she’d forgotten hers too. “I’m so sorry, Noel, excuse me…” She reached over her opposite shoulder and, not finding anything, also craned around to seek out the belt. In the process her butt cheek crept up fully upon Noel’s thigh. He watched the heather-brown fabric strain to contain her full, soft rear, spreading as she covered his leg in her posterior. Her fat seemed to throb and pulse, spreading up to his stomach.

He had put his own belt on, of course, but noticed it was growing loose. He tugged at one end of it and found it securely anchored. The nylon belt seemed to be wider than he remembered, however, taxing his hand’s ability to hold it.

“Dean! Where’s your stupid belt? I can’t find it anywhere!” Darla was now both knees up on her seat, with one of her cheeks hovering right next to Noel’s head. This was strange, as he was head and shoulders taller than her, and her legs shouldn’t have been long enough to place her rear level with his cheek.

Sadie grunted and scrabbled at the upholstery. “Maybe it’s caught behind the seat. Dean, do these seats fold down? Did the seat belt get folded up with them?” Dean simply maintained a fixed gaze straight ahead of the vehicle; Candice stared pointedly out of her window. Sadie’s round tush slid up Noel’s stomach and began nudging at his chest. He felt as though his jaw was only inches above her pelvis, which didn’t make sense at all, as all three of these sisters were about the same height.

“Oh! I think I got it!” Darla’s pert butt bumped against Noel’s head, and then both of her buttocks turned to face him. He glanced at them in surprise, and they backed up directly into his face. And they covered his face, filling his eye sockets, nestling his nose deep between them, and spreading over his cheekbones. “Oops, no, I don’t.”

“Well, it should be right here,” said Sadie, her own plump ass rocking into the back of Noel’s head. He was scared to turn around and look at it. “I see the strap coming out of the wall, but I can’t see where it’s going.” Sadie’s motions were slower, gentler, and her thick thigh slid over his shoulder.

“Every time I think I have it, I don’t! Hold on a second.” Darla laughed sharply, but Noel was confused to see her hand reach behind her. For one thing, her hand was larger than Noel’s face, which was totally wrong; for another, her thumb seized the waistband of her yoga pants and tugged them down sharply. Noel was stunned to see she wasn’t wearing any underwear: the sparsely lit highway only suggested a dark crack between Darla’s volleyball-like buttocks. They grew larger as they loomed toward Noel’s head.

He turned away sharply, only to discover Sadie had unzipped her wool skirt. She grunted, struggling to cinch it over her voluminous hips, but then it fell with a hiss and bunched around her knees. She was wearing panties, but they were thin and plain and they hid nothing as Sadie’s wide butt perched upon Noel’s little shoulder and ground against his head.

Noel started to speak, trying to get Dean’s attention, but the man was dead the world, little more than a driving-automaton. Likewise, Candice seemed to be willfully blocking out the world.

“I think I’ve got it now,” cackled Darla. Her mocha nails dug into her flesh and pulled one jutting cheek aside. A streetlight whizzed by in time to show Noel her flawlessly shaven, tan asshole, in the second before she thrust her cheeks into his head. She missed his face, only because her butt rose so far above it.

He realized that Darla was huge, much larger than himself. His seat belt hung slack across his little thighs, the clip far too heavy for him to use. Then again, he could have fallen out of it without effort. He reared and backed away from the oldest sister, only to discover that the second-oldest had tugged her panties down and was settling down on his head with supreme tenderness.

“There, I think I found mine,” Sadie said quietly. “If it’ll just hold still, I think I can get it.” Her ass was very warm and her skin was very soft and smooth, even comforting. Noel had the instinct to nestle into it and receive its affection.

Except this was his girlfriend’s sister. What was he thinking?

“Nope, I’ve got this one,” said Darla firmly. She bore down on Noel more aggressively, with sharp jabs of her ass. He raised his arms to shield himself, but her fierce butt knocked his puny shield to the side. She laughed, and her anus puckered and flared, and it swallowed one of Noel’s arms before he knew what happened. Staring in horror, he saw her anus swell and throb, and he felt his arm getting tugged deeper into her butt, into a sticky warmth that clenched him tightly.

Sadie growled slightly. “He’s mine,” she spat, and her massive butt cheeks reached out to enfold around Noel’s upper body. She sandwiched him between her buttocks, and he felt his legs leave the seat as she straightened up from her crouch to a kneeling position.

The older sister only laughed, driving her ass into her little sister’s. The entire back side of Noel was cushioned with fat and warm flesh, as Darla’s butt clenched and tensed and pounded into the little man. Noel could hear her laughter on and off, as though someone were clapping their palms over his ears intermittently. Darla’s pert butt drove into him and buried him into Sadie’s much softer, more voluminous behind.

He raised his knees against one of Darla’s cheeks and strained to tug his arm out. Her hold on him would not give, and she coldly laughed at his efforts. “Come here, boy,” Sadie cooed. “Come to me. Let me take care of you.” Her own butt drew him in with the methodical relentlessness of an ocean tide, pushing into him slightly, then retreating and taking him with her. Every time she pushed, she seemed to cover more and more of him, and he seemed to be drawn deeper within her cushioning cheeks.

Darla grunted and shoved harder. Sadie cried out as her skull struck her window. “You bitch,” she whispered, and Noel didn’t know where all the moisture came from. He was caught in a wave of heat and stickiness, and Darla’s ass was trapped in it too.

“Let go, you cunt!” Darla’s voice had a panicked edge. “Not this again!” But Sadie only sang quietly to herself, a low chant without words, and Noel watched her tremendous buttocks swell and grow and spread over her older sister’s hips.

“Dammit! Dammit!” Darla growled, and Noel could feel the muscular tension in her thighs and glutes trembling. Her butt had a lock on him, but he sensed she was trying to jerk herself away.

“Come to me, Noel,” Sadie sang softly. “Let me love you this night.”

He felt a pang in his heart, as though Sadie really needed him.

“Don’t listen to her!” shrieked Darla. Her anus tightened around his upper arm, cutting off his circulation and wrenching it.

He slid his other arm over her inner thigh and her swollen pussy, placing his own hand inside her asshole. Sadie was unshaven, but her hair was downy and soft. He stared as her anus slowly opened for him like a thick pair of lips on a fat woman, sensitive yet hungry. He laid his palm inside the hot tissue within, and Sadie’s song reached a crescendo as her grateful anal sphincter sealed around his wrist. Her anus paused, opened, then advanced upon his elbow; again, and it sucked up to his shoulder.

“I’m so close! Neil, come to me!” Darla cried out. “Let me have you! You should be mine!” Now her buttocks began to throb and churn, grinding opposite each other: one up, one down, back and forth, drilling into the heart of Sadie’s tremendous buttocks. They rubbed against his leg and tried to roll his foot into their clench.

“My name’s Noel,” he murmured dreamily. He turned away from Darla’s athletic, throbbing ass and began nuzzling his scalp into Sadie’s affectionate asshole. Her sphincter opened once more, and he kicked away from Darla’s firm muscles to lodge his upper body inside her ass.

At the community center, Shelly asked her sisters who won. She didn’t look happy.

“Sadie. Like always,” Darla said bitterly. Sadie only hummed to herself, rubbing her palms over her wool-clad hips.