A Bad Workman Always...

by Oishi1

The bell startled Jimmy as he entered the shop. He’d seen cleaner.

“Welcome,” A young woman sat behind a counter. She must have been on a high stool because she loomed over the remarkably high counter top. Her luscious raven hair flowed down and spilled over the counter.

“Wasn’t this just an empty lot yesterday?” Jimmy said.

“I go where need is,”she motioned him to the counter.

Jimmy hesitantly approached. It went up to about his neck. The woman ducked behind it and came up with a tablet. She fumbled with it a while to get it to work, “Sorry, milaya I’m more used to crystal,”

She handed it to him, “Watch,” On the screen there was a video named jimmydickens.mov

Jimmy looked up, confused, “That’s my name,”

“Is it?”

“Why do you have a file with my name on it?”

“You watch,”

Red flags were going off everywhere, but out of sheer morbid curiosity, Jimmy opened the file.

A movie played. It showed Jimmy standing in front of his girlfriend’s apartment door.

As “Video Jimmy” rang the doorbell “Shop Jimmy” sputtered.

“I don’t know how you are doing this, but I’m out of here,”

Her talon like hand enveloped his shoulder. Jimmy couldn’t move, “Watch movie,”

* * *

Gretchen opened the door and Pulled video Jimmy in, “I want to show you something,” She smiled up at him, and wiggled with excitement.

She pushed him down on the couch. Being three heads shorter than him, she couldn’t accomplish this if he wasn’t willing. She climbed into his lap and produced a large banana.

“It’s the biggest one I could find,” She beamed at him proudly.

“Wh-“ Gretchen put her finger to Jimmy’s lips.

“You be quiet and watch,” She slowly peeled the banana like she was undressing it. Her eyes grew wider as more of the flesh was revealed. After she finished peeling it, she breathed over the top of the banana and licked it from bottom to the tip.

She let out a sultry moan, then kissed the tip gently, trailing around it with her tongue. She worked it three inches deep then drew it out then back in six inches. She maintained eye contact with him as she pushed it further. It had to be nearly a foot long banana and only enough for her fingers to grip remained.

Jimmy watched, transfixed, until Gretchen’s free hand rode up his thigh. He yelped and shifted suddenly causing her to gulp. Fear and panic filled her eyes. Her mouth, open in shock, was empty. She pounded on her chest for a few seconds, then finally coughed and gasped.

“Sorry,” gasp, “Couldn’t breathe for a second there,” gasp, gasp, “Did I hurt you? Why’d you jump?”

Jimmy shifted a bit, “I didn’t mean to. Your hand just, um surprised me,”

“I was just trying to check and see if you were ready,” She said, “I know we haven’t talked about going all the way, but I figured, you’d waited long enough. I wanted to show you that I deadened my gag reflex,” she caressed his chest with her hand, “So, I’ll be able to handle whatever monster you got down there,” she worked her way down to his pants.

Jimmy gently moved her hand, “Sorry, I, uh, need to freshen up first,” He jumped up and ran to her restroom. After hyperventilating for a minute, he quietly opened the bathroom window and crawled down the fire escape.

* * *

“I just ran,” Jimmy said, “I saw your shop, and I don’t even know what I was thinking,”

“Drop trow,” The shopkeeper said.

“Um, excuse me?” Jimmy said, incredulous.

“Must see extent of problem to correct,”

“I’ll just go,”

The shopkeeper stood up. The counter barely came to her waist. She hoisted him into the air, “You pull down, or I pull down. Make no difference,”

Out of fear for his life, Jimmy complied.

“Is normal,” The shopkeeper said, “Is no problem,”

“Are you kidding? It’s barely average, and since I’m such a tall guy, she is expecting an anaconda!”

“You, tall guy?” she laughed.

How tall was she exactly? He couldn’t quite peg her size, but he was dangling about his height above the ground.

“You can please with this,” Without warning her other hand was around his manhood. By sheer reflex it stiffened, “Just please with mouth first. Don’t rush she like,” Her long black nails made him nervous.

“You don’t understand. I need more,”

The shopkeeper smiled, “Very well. I give more,” She let go of his manhood and reached behind the counter. She came up with a small stone figure. It was a crudely carved man, his penis was equally as tall as his body.

“You hold, think sex thought, will redistribute dukhovnaya sila,” She placed it in his right hand and closed his fingers around it as he tried to figure out how he ended up in this situation.

“Dukhowhatnow?” he asked.

“Life force. Give try,”

He felt a tingling sensation and his member both lengthened and thickened.

“Good enough?” She asked, “Exchange rate high, use with caution,”

Exchange rate?

She set him down to get dressed.

“How much do I owe you?” Jimmy asked as he pulled up his pants.

“Already paid,” She said.


“Already paid,” For a split second, barely long enough for Jimmy to know if it really happened, she changed, from the young and beautiful woman he’d been talking to, into an old crone with beady black eyes, and then back again.

“Ok, then, thank you,” Jimmy said as he shambled to the door.

“a seychas do svidaniya” she said.

As the shop door shut behind him, Jimmy heard an explosion of flapping and squawking like chickens fighting. When he turned around there was just an empty lot.

What happened next was foggy. He found himself in Gretchen's bathroom, but didn't remember the walk.

Jimmy flushed the toilet and washed his hands. Gretchen was waiting for him in the living room.

"Sorry, " he said.

"For what?" Gretchen asked, "You were barely in there for a minute. Now, get back on the couch. I've got plans for you,"

Jimmy palmed the statue from his pocket.

Her enthusiasm had already made him rigid. He felt the warm tingling sensation again and felt it growing. Gretchen looked taller. Heels? He dismissed the thought as he undressed.

They both gasped at what they saw.

She gently stroked his shaft, "I was a bit nervous thinking about what you might be packing, but I never expected this. I didn't know they even came in this size, "

Jimmy was too caught up in the feeling to respond, or to notice that the tingling was still running through him.

"I still want to see if I can, you know, but I’m having my doubts, " Gretchen said as she got on her knees.

"I mean, you don't have to if you don't- mmm"

Jimmy's mind became jello as Gretchen licked from base to tip. She circled around his glans with her tongue, moaning like it was delicious.

She put the whole head in her mouth and stroked the shaft with her hand. Jimmy opened his eyes and noticed that his line of sight was getting lower.

"I think I'm getting smaller, "

Gretchen laughed, "If anything you're getting bigger," she was still stroking him while working on jaw and throat exercises. Her eyes were on his manhood, "Ok, let's see how deep I can go"

Gretchen took a deep breath. Guarding her teeth with her lips she slid past the head and the first few inches.

"That's not what I-" Jimmy started, but the tingling got stronger as Gretchen progressed. If it had been its original size, she would have had it all in by now, but she had a ways to go. She rose from her knees and bent over him to avoid bending him painfully as she slid further down.

Jimmy leaned back and closed his eyes. He could feel her working further up his shaft. At his new length, he could feel her esophagus squeezing a good portion of him, but she was moving at a steady pace to avoid running out of air before she got to the base.

The tingling intensified. He felt like he was in a rapidly descending elevator. His body dragged against the couch cushion.

Jimmy suddenly opened his eyes and was confused by what he saw. Gretchen was inches away from the base, but things were off. His manhood was as big as it had been if not bigger, but her approaching face was as big as his body. Her eyes were closed, her face strained.

He remembered the statue and the shopkeeper saying something about an exchange rate. He dropped the statue (which had scaled with him), but not before another rush of tingles hit him.

He didn’t stop shrinking until he was more or less just a head and tiny extremities attached to his sex. As his body shrank, he could feel his manhood lengthen causing her to swallow violently in response.

"Gretchen, WAIT!"

He was enveloped in darkness. He could feel himself being pulled down.

He was bombarded with light as two fingers reached in and felt around.

They pinched and squeezed him, but there was nothing for them to take hold of.

Gretchen shut her mouth closing him in again. The pulling sensation grew stronger and more frantic.

He was being pulled down and squeezed from all sides. It felt good, but he was in too much existential panic to enjoy it.

He landed in the wet mess of her stomach. He could hear Gretchen coughing and gasping for air. Her sounds echoed all around him. Her coughing, her heartbeat, and her cursing as she started to freak out.

His tumescent body spasmed as he came with force. It jerked and whipped around before slackening and crumpling in a heap at the bottom of the turbulent stomach.

Jimmy was buried under the weight of the “anaconda” he had wished for in a sea of stomach acid. His world shook from impact outside of his prison. Gretchen had fainted.

* * *

Gretchen woke up in the middle of the night on the floor. Her throat hurt, her stomach hurt, and she needed to go to the bathroom bad.

As she strained on the toilet, she racked her brain trying to remember why she was on the floor. She had a million weird dreams and was unable to separate them from what actually happened. Did she have her boyfriend over? Did she have a boyfriend? What could she possibly have eaten that would have made her need to spend thirty minutes on the toilet. She needed more fiber. She had heard bananas were good for fiber.


She almost had something, but the next wave of strains made her lose her train of thought.

Gretchen went to bed proper shortly after, and by morning, she didn’t even recall passing out on the floor.

She still got nervous around bananas, but never figured out why.