Best View in the House

by Bizyboy00

Being a popular porn star was one thing but becoming one of the top giantess models on social media really made Alicia a superstar. She had become so popular that even the mainstream media stations had done interviews with her. This year, she ran a worldwide contest where the top winners would be able to meet her, be shrunk down, and experience her as a real-life giantess.

Alicia got the cameras all set up and glanced down behind her at the glass dildo lying on the ground. “Everyone all set?” she asked down to it.

“Just strapping in the last couple guests, ma’am,” a voice in her earpiece replied. Some of her friends volunteered to shrink down and help get the contest winners belted to their seats in the specially made glass dildo. It turned out that one of the rewards was getting the chance to watch her fuck a dildo from inside the object itself.

“Make sure their cameras are on right, I’m about to start!” Alicia glanced at the clock and saw that it was 8:59pm. She double-checked herself in the mirror and turned the lights in her room up to full. As the clock hit 9:00pm, she adjusted the angle of the camera and smiled.

“Hey everyone! Thank you all for tuning in to this month’s reward show! I think you’re all going to love what my prize winners get to experience! I sure know I’m going to love it!” She giggled and looked back down at the floor. “How we doing down there?”

“Just waiting on you, Leesh!” the voice came over the video audio.

Alicia switched over to the camera on the floor and sat down behind the clear glass dildo sticking straight up in the air. “Here we have all of the contest winners sitting inside this dildo, and the ten winners are all going to get the seat of a lifetime while I fuck them! If you want to see it from inside, click on the links in the stream notes and you can watch from a couple views as well!” She gently stroked the glass, giving those inside and those watching the stream a good idea of the size perspective.

She slid herself closer to the dildo and slowly stroked her lips. “Mmm, well why don’t we get started! I hope everyone is ready, because my pussy is feeling reeeeeeally hungry!”

The seats inside the dildo were kind of like what Jack remembered seeing how astronauts sat in a rocket. He heard the voices of the other winners talking to Alicia’s assistants that were strapping them in. Once that was all done, lights behind him and around the inner structure lit up. Over his headset, he heard the audio from the webcam stream.

Suddenly, a shadow fell on Jack. He looked up and saw the biggest pussy he had ever seen, even in his giantess dreams. An even bigger hand reached down from way above and let the massive fingers stroke the vertical lips.

Jack started getting hard. It didn’t take much to get him going, especially if it involved hot giant women. As he started to play with himself, Alicia’s fingers started to tease the smooth glass enclosure. Her fingers teased the surface and made a gentle vibration throughout the vessel. To start, she was just teasing the tip, but after a couple minutes, she started stroking up and down the dildo. Most clear dildos had ribbing on them, but this one didn’t so the view from inside didn’t get skewed.

Playing with the dildo with just her hands was an ok start for Alicia. She never really liked the simple foreplay, but since this was for a higher-paying audience, she played the part pretty darn well. After a while, though, she decided that it was time to get going. “As fun as it’s been teasing this thing, I think it’s time to get started with what you all really came to see!” Alicia dug her fingers of both hands into her pussy and got them nice and wet. She then used them to cover the dildo in her slime, prepping it to receive her womanhood.

Everyone inside the dildo knew that the best part was about to start and a couple of them started cheering. After Alicia covered most of the surface, she slid forward and started rubbing her pussy against the cool glass. Even though the thick glass, Jack could hear her moaning mixed in with the sound of wet skin being rubbed back and forth. Then, without warning, Alicia’s pussy lifted above the tip of the dildo. Barely a moment passed by before it lowered down and the pink lips separated around them.

“Mmmm, yeeeesss.”

Alicia started off slowly, lowering herself down carefully to make sure that she didn’t get spread too quickly. Even though she had done this hundreds of times before, she wanted to make sure she did it perfectly for her audience. She started off on all fours, letting the top part of the shaft tease her womanhood and sending waves of pleasure through her body. Gradually, her body gyrated up and down faster.

Inside, the viewers were having the time of their lives. The lights kept it bright enough no matter what to prevent anyone from having seizures from the outside light changing so much. As she sped up, the dildo started swaying on its base a little. Her moans and heavy breathing also increased in volume and intensity.


Alicia’s body was full of ecstasy. She was really getting into it now. The screen on her computer showed the number of donations that she was receiving throughout the session, and as things got hotter, the number went up faster. As much as she loved doing all this for the pleasure, the money sure helped pay the bills. Before her arms got too tired, she pushed herself up into a squatting position and started to fully use her legs to bounce up and down. One hand was holding the table in front of her while her other hand was rubbing her breasts and squeezing her nipples. While not everyone paid to see the camera views from the dildo’s point of view, she made sure that the regular viewers still got a good show.

Jack was at work playing with himself. Everyone was given a mask that fed them oxygen to fight the light-headedness that they were bound to get from both being on their backs for so long and from the moving of the dildo. While his was fastened tightly to his face, he was still finding his focus slipping as he fapped harder and harder. Suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a massive jolt that nearly threw him from his seat and sent a couple unlucky others flying from their seats.

Alicia was so deeply entranced in what she was doing that her bare foot slipped out from under her, causing her to lose her balance and fall. The sudden movement broke the dildo from the vertical supports. She caught it in her free hand and, temporarily forgetting about the tiny people, started to rapidly thrust it in and out of her pussy like a regular dildo. The smooth glass slid with help from the layer of her juices.

Unfortunately for the passengers, this wasn’t going to end well. Those that were tossed free of their restraints were thrown around and smashing against everything they hit with enough force to repeatedly break their bodies. Jack didn’t get a chance to live much longer as the repeated back and forth whiplashed his neck in all directions. The last thing he heard before losing consciousness was Alicia’s high-pitched moans.

The climax came quite forcefully for Alicia. The idea of the tiny people witnessing her squirt up close and personal made the climax even more amazing for her, but as she thought about the tiny passengers, she suddenly thought about what she just put them through and how it wasn’t supposed to go like it did. Without thinking, Alicia pulled the dildo out one last time and let it drop to the floor and roll over to where the vertical support was.

Alicia’s tiny team of helpers immediately ran over to the back of the dildo. The female in charge of the team pushed a button on a remote and opened a hatch on the back side. Once inside, the team saw pretty much what they expected to see. Equipment in pieces, bodies in pieces and splatters.

“Doesn’t look good, Leesh,” the team lead said.

Still coming down from her high, Alicia, rolled onto her stomach and put her face up close to the dildo. She squinted to try and see what it looked like inside, but the red splotches and lack of movement inside told the whole story.

“Well…well…” Alicia started to catch her breath as she looked back into the main camera. “As you know, things like this can, uh, happen with tiny people. I’m just glad they all signed the waivers!” She let out a slight chuckle, knowing full well that people who shrink down accept all risks involved. “I guess that does it for this session. Thank you to everyone who donated during this video! The next contest starts tomorrow, so get at it, and you might be able to get up close and personal with my beautiful feet!” Alicia blew a kiss at the camera. “Good night!”