Break My Heart, Break Your Heart

by Mariofreak94

Flashing lights, music and base resonating through the air, vibrations coursing through everyone present. Servers with refreshments in skintight outfits walking through the crowd with inhuman coordination, dancers on poles and in cages giving out shows for tens and twenties flying from the greasy assholes who had that money to spare. A successful nightclub, or rather the most successful nightclub in a 20-mile radius, was indeed going through a typical Saturday night.

Up on top of the balcony that oversaw the sea of degenerates below him was the boss. Nathaniel Hayes, known primarily as “The Boss”, looked over it all, his little empire. It wasn’t much compared to LA or Vegas, but there was still a lot of money to be had here and God, did it do him well. Girls surrounded him as two bodyguards stood a little further back, eyeing all of them for any sign of an assault. The assaults never came, but it was an easy paycheck.

Underneath the constant hands for his attention, Nathaniel’s own hands were navigating down around their asses. After all, he wasn’t going to go without a good fuck tonight. Groping the drunk harem of potential cock-sleeves his hand brushed against something that sparked an interest.

“You. Come with me.” He grabbed a girl and took her along the railway towards the staircase. A cute thing, her hair in a messy, brown ponytail out the back, clashing with her pale skin. A skirt and tank-top adorned her slender form. She was slightly shorter than him but not by much and walked in a pair of flats for her uncoordinated feet, larger than most girls.

“So, what do you wanna do with me, whatever the fuck your name is,” breathing into her ear, sliding his hand across her face. In her drunken state, she was easily seduced and very open to him.

“I-I wanna suck your cock while you r-ram it down my throat.” She confessed, locking eyes with him.

“Oh, do you? Say it again. Like you mean it.” They had reached the stairs and he was pulling her closer to him, arm around her waist, grabbing her ass with force.

The poor thing could barely breathe. “I w-want you to ram your dick down m-my tight fucking throat!” The alcohol was really getting to her at this point, noticeable to him and the others around her.

“Well that’s a good attitude.” Nathaniel pulled back from the embrace, pulled out his wallet and counted $200 in twenties. He looked her dead in the eyes, grabbed her bra from under her shirt and put the money inside. Then he quickly pulled her head in so that her ears were right next to his lips.

Too bad I don’t care about tranny fucks like you.”

Before she had any time to react, Nathaniel put his foot behind her and bumped her down the stairs. Falling and screaming, the girl hit one of the steps on her head and blacked out. The music stopped and the crowd gasped in shock and looked up. Nathaniel just took a drink from a passing waitress and addressed the entire audience.

“No need to worry everyone! All I did was stop the guy from stealing!” Questioning his pronoun usage, the club-goers looked at the fallen, passed out individual and saw that distinguishable bulge.

“He wasn’t that good at hiding it in those excuses for tits. Motherfucker tried to steal from me! Just like those tiny fucking pests! You hear that?” He now directed his attention towards the blacked-out girl. “You’re just like one of those tiny fucks! A God damned thief.”

He faced the crowd again.

“But I guess when I stopped him, his drunk ass fell down the stairs. Someone take him out of here, please. Then we can all get back to dancing, right? I apologize for the inconvenience everyone, just continue enjoying yourselves! In fact, one free drink for everyone!”

The crowd, quickly forgetting the girl, cheered as she was dragged off, her unconscious eyes filled with nothing but uncontrollable tears.

* * *

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Nathaniel couldn’t breathe, or rather he was out of breath. Running wasn’t and never had been his strong suit.

He had gone outside for a smoke, one to celebrate himself for his display of power over that wannabe. He went to the isolated “Employee Only” back alley; it was a good place to be alone. Only accessible for staff and himself. When he was out, that privilege was reserved only for him (and whatever slut he had with him on occasion). Crude, but manageable. He even had a special DO-NOT-DISTURB sign for him. And no one disturbed the boss, not ever.

That victory was short-lived, much to his dismay. After around his third or fourth puff he felt a tingle that distinguished itself from alcohol and nicotine.

The alleyway grew around him. Both walls raised up unimaginably high, his view of them being spherical and disoriented from the effects of the shrinking.


Nathaniel grabbed his phone and checked the date and time before he would be too small to use it.


October 4, 2019
10:38 PM


Nathaniel saw that date and regret immediately hit him. The last one he had was in August. He was a procrastinator by habit, but this is just one thing you didn’t neglect. Just one trip and that was all it would’ve taken.


The monthly vaccination for the shrinking virus. He was one of those tiny fucks now. A tiny fuck just as bad as that thief earlier.


He runs. He runs to find help. He runs away from his problem. He runs for the sake of fear. He runs and runs and runs.

He stops shrinking at around an inch and a half, not that it matters. His clothes have long been abandoned though “long gone” would be laughably incorrect as he hadn’t gotten far away from his perfectly tailored suit.

Out of breath and out of his mind he could feel it all. The roughness of asphalt on his little feet and the thick air pollution, a mist that rolled along the concrete as waves roll across a shore. The thuds of heavy feet walking closer to Nathaniel. Walking? Is that what you’d call the deafening sound? Footsteps? Tremors of a category 6 earthquake, maybe. They stopped. A long shadow against the orange of the streetlight passed over Nathaniel. Should he look back? He wanted to disappear and remain ignorant, ignore it.

He looked back.

Fate? Was it fate? Did he just happen to be here right then or was it planned? Nathaniel’s heart skipped a beat. Two beats. A whole God damned measure.

What was his name? Did he have a name?


“Oh my God, it really is,” she gasped, still slightly intoxicated but a great deal more collected. She bent down and when she couldn’t see clearly, she just got down on her stomach to examine the curiosity.


“Tranny fuck…tranny fuck…is that what you called me?” Her voice didn’t raise. She knew her authority, she could see Nathaniel’s fear. She didn’t need to raise her voice.

“As bad a pest? That’s what you said, right?” Her face loomed over the tiny’s form. Nathaniel was able to see every blemish and pore up close, but now wasn’t the time to insult.

The gears turned in his mind. Survival was key. Nate knew what he could do to him. Diplomacy might work, maybe he was just intoxicated enough for his “charms” to work.

“Listen s-sweetie, I’m sorry! Just take me to one of my bodyguards and I’ll give you all the money I can! We c-can just forget this right?” He gave a little wink to try and sell the empty promise. Of course he wouldn’t follow up, he’d sue the son of a bitch for threatening his life. He had that money.

She thought about it, visibly, putting head in her hand, looking up to the left or nothing at all.

“I have a question for you.” This wasn’t going according to plan.

“U-um what?” A nervous expression sets in, her head taking up his view completely, not noticing her other arm taking off her skirt behind her.

“Do you believe in fate?”


“Or maybe it’s karma. You see, after those assholes threw me out, I tried to get back in. But I’m not gonna try and go back through the front door. So, I found this back alley. I had to go all the way around the block to do it.” Her skirt was off. Breath reeking of alcohol making it hard for him to focus on multiple things. Her panties followed suit, unnoticed.

“So I get on top of that fence there,” she points, but Nathaniel doesn’t look. He can’t bring himself to look away. “And what do I see but the great Nathaniel Hayes shrinking out of his clothes! Just a pest in a couple of seconds. So I ask you, Nathaniel Hayes. Do you believe in fate?”

She stood up.
Her cock was out
And erect. Nathaniel
Froze. He cringed at
The site of his dick,
Maybe even big-
ger than Nate’s when
He was normal
Sized. Now though
It just represented
Fear. An awestrik-
ing, terrible fear.

She smiled and bit her lip. Oh God, that fear was such a turn on. Just 30 minutes ago she wanted him to ram his shaft down her throat, but now it was something more.

Revenge fueled her passion.

“Fate is on my side, Nate. Now what did you call me? A tranny fuck?”

Nathaniel ran. He ran and ran and ran. He was Nathaniel Hayes. He ran the best club in a 20-mile radius. He got all the girls he wanted.




Not anymore. That was the truth that he was running from. In an instant, the shadow of that truth, in the form of a slender hand, picked him up and dragged him along.


She plopped her ass on the $300 attire and leaned back against the wall, spreading her legs and letting her cock stand right up, a monolith for Nate to fear.

Oh God, that fear.

“Your problem with me is this dick, isn’t it? This cock? This is what makes me a “tranny fuck”? This… thing, makes me wrong to you, huh? Is it really that disgusting to you?”

She ran Nathaniel from her shaven pearly white balls and up the erect member, again that terrifying fear branding itself on his weakened mind.

“Is it?”



“Is it?”


“Is it? Is this why I’m not like them? Say something.” What was that? A waver?


What? Nate cast his eyes up, but not his head. He looked up at him. No wait…her. Her face. Why “her”, why now? He recognized those tears. Tears of a woman. Tears of a woman that all women shed. Her tears hurt him. That cock, it wasn’t hers.

It belonged to her fears, her own demons.

But this “tranny fuck”, no…she…why is she making him care? What changed?

“…it was.” Why was I so evil?

“Bullshit. It is.” She grabbed him. “You’re right, I won’t ever be a real girl because of this fucking thing.” She forced him against the tip.

No, that’s not right.

“I’m just pretending, huh? Fine then. You win. I’m not a woman.”

No. Don’t cry.

“But I think that this monster should embrace what it means to be a man, right? You’ll do good to make this pretender feel like a man, right?”

Just forget what I said, please!

“So get ready to serve this fucking, disgusting dick! Okay, asshole?!”

She began stroking him against her shaft, hard and rough. Pleasing for her. Hell for him. A silhouette of a silent horror, a divergence from the vibrant orange illumination and mist rolling over the floor.

He had “convinced” her.

She got her revenge.

They both had tears in their eyes.