A Happy Ending?

by Pettyexpo

Cooper sat nervously drumming his fingers on his steering wheel. Sitting outside in his car he knew full well that the establishment had a certain reputation. He had parked in the parking lot numerous times in the past couple months. He had just never worked up the nerve to actually go inside.

Neon signs in the window beckoned to him, as he sat outside in the dusky dark of the early evening. His hands slid down off of the steering wheel and into his lap. He hung his head a bit. He felt sick to his stomach. He couldn’t believe he was going to chicken out again.

He went to start his car and leave but paused when his right hand touched the key. He looked back down at his lap and noticed that his left hand sat there absently cradling his crotch. His hand felt his dick stiffen slightly through his pants. Despite his reservations Cooper pulled the key from the ignition and opened the car door. He stepped out putting his key back into his pocket and locked his door.

It took a handful of strides to walk from his car, to the door of the massage parlor. His hand came to rest on the door handle and before he had time to second guess himself he pulled the door open and moved inside.

The inside was much brighter than he expected. There was a man sitting on a couch near a cash register and he sprung up once he noticed Cooper. In the man’s very best english he asked “you want a full body?”

Cooper nodded his head unable to really speak due to being slightly shocked at having actually walked inside. He knew that the place had a reputation for offering more than just masages. He had heard more than one story from guys he worked with or went to college with about the parlors willingness to make sure their clients left with a happy ending.

The man waved Cooper behind a curtain where three young asian females sat. The man spoke quickly in their language and the first woman stood up from her seat.

The young woman walked over to where Cooper stood and looked up at him, she smiled at Cooper and took his hand. “You come” she said as she lightly pulled on his hand letting him know to follow her.

Cooper was amazed at just how small the woman was. She barely came up to his ribcage. He would be surprised if the tiny woman was five feet tall. To be fair though Cooper was relatively tall being over six feet himself. Her hand was swallowed whole inside of his own hand.

Once she saw that Cooper was following she let go of his hand and turned to walk him deeper into the building. He couldn’t help but notice her supple body which wasn’t hidden very well in work clothes. Which consisted of a tight light colored top that showed off her ample but not overwhelming cleavage and capri pants that did a poor job of hiding toned strong legs. The material of her clothing hugged the curves and lines of her body almost intimately.

After a brief moment of walking the woman stopped outside of a door and motioned for Cooper to enter. “You get undressed” she nodded and pointed at the table. “Then lay face down.”

Copped nodded his head, and walked inside the room. Once inside the woman closed the door, leaving Cooper alone by himself for a moment. Cooper quickly took stock of the room it was not very big. Just big enough for the massage table in the middle of the room and for a person to be able to maneuver around the table.

He quickly undressed, leaving only his boxers on. He knew it was a false attempt at modesty. He knew deep down what he was here for. Still though he wanted to girl to think he wasn’t the kind of guy who did this sort of thing.

A knock on the door to the room broke his thoughts and he quickly flung himself down onto the table just as the door opened. Cooper turned his head slightly to see the woman enter the room. It was hard for him to take his eyes off of her. She was certainly more attractive than even he was expecting.

The door closed and the young woman ask “are you ready?”

Cooper easily said “yes.”

The woman stepped toward the table and she leaned her head over where Cooper’s head rested on the pillow. She smiled sweetly at Cooper “you sure” she asked in a sing song type of voice that was intoxicating?

Cooper nodded and said, “yes, I’m sure.”

The tiny woman giggled slightly “then why do you still have your boxers on?”

Cooper felt himself blush slightly before the woman pulled his boxers down and off of his body.

“There, now I think you are ready,” the young woman said.

Cooper felt his dick stiffen significantly as his bare skin touched the table. “Wow, ok” he managed a bit weakly.

The young woman ran her fingernails up and down his spine for a moment almost as is she was playing with him. She then climbed up on the table and sat down on his butt. He heard her remove what he could only imagine was clothing. He was amazed. This woman wasn’t playing around.

She started the experience by lightly rubbing his neck and shoulders. As she leaned over her breasts rubbed against his back.

Cooper felt his cock engorge and elongate from it’s normal flacade state to a full on raging boner. Cooper was never one to brag but he believed that he had a pretty awesome dickl. Not that he had a lot to measure against it wasn’t like he had gone out of his way to see a lot of them. Still under normal circumstances it was larger than the length of his hand when it got hard, and his hand was large enough to easily palm a basketball. So now with what he assumed was a naked woman on top of him he could feel it growing and extending to it’s full length.

His train of thought was again broken as he felt teeth lightly biting at his neck and then ears. Then kisses were softly planted across his shoulders.Suddenly he felt the women's body rise up off of his backside and her feet firmly stepped onto his back. She walked slightly along his spine and he felt vertebrae pop and crack along his spine. It felt amazing.

The woman who was now standing on his back began to curl her feet into the muscles of his back. Cooper could feel the blood circulation increase and he was caught off guard by the feeling. Everything bit of trouble or stress in his body seemed to fade away almost instantly.

About that same time he noticed he was having an unusual feeling in his loins. His impressive manhood that was as large as he knew it could get began to creep slightly longer and become thicker. He could feel it working it’s way up past his waist as it was pressed firmly between his body and the massage table. The sensation couldn’t be real and yet he could feel it.

He wanted to be shocked but he felt so amazing that instead he just laid there on the table enjoying every moment of what the young woman on top of him was doing.

When suddenly she stopped and whispered “does this feel good?”

Cooped mumbled “yes”

“Good then roll over” the young woman said as her feet left Coopers back.

Cooper was unsure where the woman had gone but embarrassment flooded his mind at the thought of rolling over exposing his raging and miraculously growing cock.

Still he dared not break the mood in the room. So he shuffled a bit and began to roll over when he noticed that his dick was now nearly to his navel. Once freed from it’s captivity between his body and the table it stood straight out long and rock hard with a slight curve to it. Cooper looked down at it and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Beyond it though he was further amazed at the woman who was hanging from a thin pole that ran the length of the top of the room.

Cooper noticed for the first time that the woman was completely nude and she was almost dancing on the pole on the ceiling. He knew he had to look stupid as all hell but he had never in his life seen or experienced anything like what he was dealing with at that very moment.

As Cooper finally came to rest flat on his back, he watched as the woman lowered herself so elegantly from the pole. Her body was so tight and toned It was amazing to watch her work.

The woman stood on her tiptoes above him with her hands still extended upward and grasping the pole. She smiled down on him. “You are a big boy” she said with a bit of delight in her voice.

Cooper went to speak and ask how was his dick growing right before his eyes but the beautiful woman above him shushed him as she lowered herself down onto Cooper’s penis.

Cooper gasped as his enlarging cock began to penetrate into the woman's vagina. She lowered herself down and down and down taking it in surprisingly well Cooper thought for such a small petite woman.

He never in a million years could have expected anything like what was happening to him at that very moment. Then the woman began to thrust up and down and all around. She was really working Coopers enlarged dick in ways that he didn’t know were possible. Feeling as though he was being challenged he started to work with her as he found her rhythm.

He put his hands on her thick and toned legs and buttocks. He pulled himself deeper into her if that was even possible at his now increased length. As he did so he felt his cock swell and expand even more. “It’s just not possible,” he said in disbelief. He looked down and saw as he and the woman on top of him thrusted together and apart that the base of his shaft was swelling larger and larger around. It had to be nearly as wide as his fist. With a bit of horror, he could see the tip of his dick pressing against the middle of her abdomen only from the inside.

“No fucking way” he shouted as he felt himself cum inside of her.

The young woman smiled “oh yes way baby.”

Cooper felt like he was going to be sick as the woman began to lift herself up and off of his monstrously large dick. It just kept coming as she stood up. “Oh God” he gasped as the last of it slipped down out from inside of the woman like a limp heavy rope. It made a bit of a wet smack onto the table underneath. He sat up quickly as the woman climbed down off the table. He looked at what had been done to him. His dick now easily reached beyond his knees.

He reached out and picked it up off the mat, “but why” he asked aloud?

“You wanted the Happy Ending right” said the woman through a mischievous grin as she ran a lone tiny finger up the length of the shaft causing it to stiffen again.