One-Eyed Beast

by Giantess Twinpeaks

Here I lounge upon his thigh, pressed against a flannel wall and writing in my journal, recounting my day. Thankful for the spare moment soaking in warmth within the glow of a quiet evening.

The sunbeams were already invading my bones, my core hot and I felt the itch of sweat beginning on my face as I lugged an armful of alfalfa hay that stabbed through my clothes. I should have gone out earlier like he suggested. One simple job: check on the newborn kits from our sweet barn bunny. He wanted to let me feel useful and usually I could find him watching me from around the corner. This time there was no lumbering farmhand to watch me, and I was going to make the most of it.

The wood beams creaked and groaned above, but I was alone on my journey across the dirt floor of our barn. Rust is rustic and that means character, I tried to convince the beyond decrepit building, but both of us knew even my four inch frame and 0.9 ounces could bring the structure to its knees if I so much as leaned on the wrong board.

Slender muscles aching under the tight grip of stabbing hay, my nose burns but staving off sneezing saves me from stirring it up in my face. The tempting imagery of simply dumping my load in the corner threads through my mind, but I want to make this one trip useful. He won’t have to come back to micromanage me otherwise if I do it now.

My trousers stir at that thought. Independent and equal to my giant lover, I can self admittedly fall face first into the stereotype of small and submissive. A switch in our abode, the walls of our bedroom could tell legends. A thimble of a man taming a beast looming two heads above his stature, pinned and restrained like a hog tied steer, taunting and teasing the giant who begs for its release. I enjoy the nights I get to macromanage for a change; preserving the subjugation in my personality. Otherwise, I’m swimming in the mercy and domineering presence of the soft brown eyed man with the big cock that zealously watches me squirm in his boxers.

Compacted dirt scratched in the distance perks my ears and breaks my musing. It could be the demure lilac rabbit breaking from her young to wander in her brief but routine moments of solitude. This is the perfect opportunity to replush her nest with more hay, and my infinitesimal stride doubles towards my destination. My love should be in the milking parlour along with any slinking felines. Besides no animals, save for the rabbits and penned lambs, are allowed access in this sectional of the barn.

Sunlight weaves through dusted old windows, igniting glowing strands of heavy spider webs that droop across corners. Shadows cast at my feet, my heart stiffens and I could choke on the heavy air of silage and damp dirt. A shifting shadow that dwarfs me is thrown at my feet, and here I am, a deer in an open field ready for the picking. Slunk near the ground in my direction, head low and bobbing while the neck of it seemed to throb the more it stared at me. I was frozen. He wasn’t supposed to be here, my mind unimportantly raced of all the reasons why he should not be here.

Goosebumps ran with cold blood and I was clammy mess of sweat. I could run but would I want to start a game of cat and mouse? I could outsmart him with ease, his clumsy height wouldn’t reach some of these crevices that lurked in dark corners. Yet I still stood an iced statue when it looked down upon me. I peered back deeply without a flinch of hesitation at the one eyed monster. I gawked at the cock and its glistening tip that slightly tilted upwards. The rays streaming through the glass hit it just right and I could have sworn I saw it drool as it took in my meager form. The girth of its form continued to swell the longer it took me in, and I stumbled a few trepid steps back from under their cast shadow. However that was met with an aggressive lurch as it roughly grazed its own skin against mine and tumbled me off my feet. I threw my hands up to save my face any batter. It had placed nearly all its weight across my groin in that exchange and it left my blood boiling.

How badly I wanted to beat off the monster. Lusting for the ability to be large enough to grip my hand around it, to beat it off myself. I’ve seen my love’s hand around its neck many a time when it rages red, blood rushing its angry head, choking the chicken of sorts until I cut in, knowing just how to handle it. But this time, I’m taken by surprise and wholly at a loss for my next move. I could race for leverage up to straddle and attack the sensitive organ, their one eye that gives a menacing slicing glare over me.

I harden my determination and take off in an abrupt sprint behind me, but the cock follows. Rocking backwards it skyrockets forward, coming down from the heavens, dust particles agitated in the atmosphere and ignited in spilling daylight. I trip face first into the boot of my towering love, the look of bemusement upon his face as the flurry of angry enraged wings and feathers consume my vision. Expecting the raking of spurs and nailed toes from the old one-eyed, ratty rooster, I’m lifted by rough warm fingers wrapped around my front.

I welcome the warm constrictors by death clasping my hands around one, digging my tiny digits into his pointer finger. Peering down at the fuming cock that harassed me for what felt like an eternity, I catch my breath enough to laugh and glance up at the underside of a grinning giant. His boot unyielding against the rooster’s tantrum, scooting the vexed bird out the door and into the poultry yard where he belonged.

I would have gotten on his blind side soon enough, the nasty old bird.

No doubt,” he patted his fingertip along my clothed body. Beating all the dirt from my garments, scrutinizing for any tears or injury in spite of my fearless facade. He lifts his eyebrows in question and I answered with the simple raise of my arms. Bulky fingertips slip the shirt above my head, and begin tugging off lilliputian pants. In a second I am stripped bare and receding down his front.

Eager sigh escapes my lips as naked flesh skates down the incline from an open waistband. I’m granted the all familiar soft collision of warm skin. His scent makes my own dick stiffen and I press myself all around his growing erection. Feeling the blood rush his cock, I curl to cuddle what is mine, stabbing my own little hardness into it and settling against the heat radiating package. I feel him bend and pluck up my small assemblage of hay and continue onwards my original path.

As accustomed we finish our farm chores together. I can’t wait for the moment when I get that one-eyed beast fully at my mercy.