They're Playing Our Song

by Meyeel Sizechanger

I am lying on my bed, the radio turned down low, feeling slightly lonely. The life of an enchantress is always lonely. As it should be. I, however, broke this rule, and when the time came to fix it, I was self-centered about it. I thought more of myself than of him.

I knew it would end this way.

* * *

I stand in a line of other young women. The headmistress spoke to all of us. “In your training, you will start to see time and your memories in different ways than others do. This is the curse of our existence and our power.” She lowered her voice. “Not all of you will experience this, which proves you are not worthy of being called an enchantress.”

Most of these women looked at each other as competitors. I tried to see them as colleagues. I had already come into this power. I knew only three of us would make it this far.

* * *

Back on my bed, I moan as memories and visions flow through me, seemingly connected by some unknown force. I have grown accustomed to the way my brain processes things now, but sometimes, at my loneliest, I nearly lose control as the memories overwhelm me.

I let my hand slide down between my legs; self pleasure the only way for me now. With each stroke, memories flicker and flash before my eyes. I moan slightly as I reach for my nightstand drawer with a free hand.

* * *

I first met him at the fair. Most fairs want a fortune teller of some sort to entertain the mortals. He entered my tent, almost seemingly on a dare. His body was lean, and of short stature. I took his hand in mine, seating him in a chair across from me.

“You are lonely, good sir.”

“How did you know that?” he asked; a typical mortal response.

I giggled slightly. “As an enchantress, there are few secrets that can be kept from me.” I hold his palm gently, examining it. This is all for show, as I saw his entire life just by taking his hand. “I see a future full of pleasure for you.” I smiled slightly.

He pulled his hand back, blushing bright red. I laughed out loud as he got up and rushed out.

Even then, I knew how this would end.

* * *

On my bed, I pull the drawer of my nightstand open, and fumble inside. My fingers are not going to do the job alone tonight. I need some help.

I need him!

In my hand, I grasp my greatest toy. I feel it shudder at my touch as I pull it out and into the light. A disembodied cock shudders in my hand. I smile as I pull it to my face. I gently lick it, feeling it stiffen in my hand; the blood rushing through it.

The song on the radio changes to a light pop sound. I smile widely as I look at the cock in my hands. “Babe, do you hear that? They’re playing our song.”

I feel it shudder in my hand again as it swells larger; the song exciting it. Without another thought, I lower it to my waiting womanhood.

* * *

I stood in the office of the headmistress. I know why I have been called here, so my defense has been easy to prepare.

“My child,” she growled. “The other initiates have come to me with some terrible rumors. They say you have been enjoying pleasures of the flesh.” She lowered her voice. “Obviously, I do not believe them. No initiate would try anything like that here.” She stands up and comes around the desk. “You know any type of intimacy, whether solo or with others is forbidden. It can cause the view we have of our futures to fragment. Eventually, it could even cut you off from the life magic we study.”

“You have nothing to worry about, headmistress,” I lie, with a smile. “The others are only jealous of my strengths in the magic. They know that they are nowhere near my level.”

She grins at that, and takes my hand in hers. “I am glad to hear it. You are one of the brightest initiates I have ever had. I’d hate for you to throw it away on a fling.”

I left the office with a grin on my face. Even then I see the first time I will have a man.

* * *

As I pack for the night, the flap of my tent swished open. The man from earlier has returned. Now standing before him, the height difference is more startling. He can barely be five feet tall, making my six foot two height massive compared to him.

“Yes?” I asked teasingly.

He cleared his throat. “What you said earlier…is that really true what you saw for my future?”

I chuckled. “I do not lie when I foretell the future. What I see is what you get.”

He blushed at my words. I know what he is about to ask so I put a hand out to him. “Yes, I would love to go out with you. But not coffee. It does not…agree with me. But there is a tea shack a few blocks from here that I enjoy.”

He took my hand, still blushing. “Ma’am, lead the way.”

* * *

As we sat in the tea shop, a song played in the background low. I enjoyed the tune, especially since in the hour we sat there talking we heard it four times.

“They’re playing that song again,” I mused, on one such time.

He smiled, the tea having loosened him up a bit. “Well, why don’t we make it our song?”

On the following time it played, we stood and danced in the near empty tea shack, laughing along with the music. As the song ended, he looked up at my face. “Your place or mine?”

I laughed at how forward he now acted. I leaned down to whisper in his ear. “My place is right around the corner…”

* * *

I simply tease my womanhood with the head of the cock in my hand. I want it as big as I can get it. Just like that night after our time at the tea shack. The night I truly broke my vow.

* * *

I led him up the steps to my apartment. I felt an excitement within me as I opened the door to my apartment. I knew what I wanted to happen.

As we got inside, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. He seemed shocked at first, but quickly got into it. I stripped his shirt before staring in on my own clothes. Before long, we both stood naked, and still we kissed, my hand grasped his stiff cock. “You may be short, but you more than make up for it.”

He blushed as he cupped one of my breasts. “I…You really think so?”

Even though I wanted to do things the normal way, part of me wanted to mess around with him. “Do you trust me?” I whispered in his ear. As he nodded, I grinned. “I am truly an enchantress, and I want to have fun with you. Do you think that would be ok?”

He seemed nervous, but nodded. With that, our fates were sealed.

* * *

I slide the throbbing cock into my womanhood, moaning with pleasure. As I thrust it in and out of my body, a throbbing and tingling fill my body. “What is happening?” I moan, as I gasp in pleasure.

* * *

“Why am I so small?” he asked from where he sat between my feet. He looked angry; it was adorable.

“I told you, I want to have some fun.” I pouted jokingly. “I want you to crawl all over me.”

“What the hell, you freak?” He stomped his feet and pointed up at me. “I want you to fix this! NOW!”

I snapped my fingers, and his cock immediately grew back to normal size, the rest of him remaining small. He collapsed across his cock, unable to lift himself up. “Better?” I asked slyly.

His face is burned crimson as he glared up at me. “No…it’s not. How am I supposed to even move?”

“Guys always brag about how big they are. You should be happy. You are clearly the biggest in that department.” I stroked my finger along his massive rod, causing an erection. “Relatively speaking.”

He strained to lift his massive erection. “I really wish I wouldn’t have gone back to talk to you…”

I’m sure he didn’t mean what he said, but an enchantress doesn’t take to insults lightly. “You know what? There’s no need for you to…ACT LIKE SUCH A DICK!” At my words, magic flowed from me uncontrollably, enveloping him completely.

When it faded, all that remained was a life-size cock. It looked almost like a dildo, but taking it in my hands, I could tell it was real. It shivered in my grasp, and part of me was terrified at what I had done. I quickly threw it in a drawer with my other toys.

* * *

I let my hands drop to my sides, gasping. I have never felt anything like this before.

I suddenly notice that my hands are empty. I look on the floor for the cock, and get a shock. It has attached itself to my body. My womanhood is gone; the cock has merged to my body right where my hole used to be.

“Oh my…” I take it in my hands, tugging it lightly to remove it. An immense pleasure flows through me as I tug on the cock…my cock.

“I don’t know if you can still hear me, but don’t worry. I will give you as much attention as you could ever want.” Almost instantly, the cock stiffens without any prompting, letting me know that he is still there.

I fall asleep, but I awake in the middle of the night. My radio is still playing, and they are playing that same song. Immediately, my cock stiffens again. ‘Whenever they play our song, am I going to get stiff like this?

I pleasure myself as the song plays, as I know I will do every time I hear it. After all, it is our song.