The Power of Her Voice

by freepassunlimited

Well! What… do we have here?

*tsk-tsk* I expected better from you, boy. Don’t try giving me that look – I know you understood my rules…

And foremost among them was: no touching my cock without my permission. That is my exclusive toy. I am very disappointed in you, boy; you have been very naughty – you knew the rule, and you consciously broke it.

So… you’re going to be punished. Oh, don’t whimper, for pity’s sa- …no, on second thought, …do – but know that it isn’t going to help you.

Now: move to the edge of the bed and sit there. Don’t. Move. And close your eyes.



Lean forward so I can get my leg around you.

Ah, there… that’s better. I do so love being the big spoon – even sitting up. Now, spread your legs.

Good. Place your hands on top of your thighs – I’m going to hold them there with my legs. Yes, good. You are obeying well… now. But there is the matter of your using my property without permission. Even though we discussed this, and you said you understood, clearly you must not have. I can still feel your hand twitching under my leg, thinking it can reach for my cock!


You will be made to understand, then.



You remember, darling, how we talked this over? You agreed to submit to me – and part of that submission was accepting the fact that that cock was now mine. Mine to do with as I saw fit. Mine to ogle whenever I please, mine to expose whenever I please, mine to touch – mmmmmm, darling, that feels good, I know, but I said not to move – mine to touch whenever I please… mine to fuck whenever I please – however I please. Seven times in a day if I want… or not for a month if it amuses me; naked and inside of me… or rubbing against my lips and my big. Fucking. Clit; sucking it with my mouth, rubbing it with my foot, or stroking it – ah…. good, you didn’t move – stroking it with my hand.

Mmmm, ohhh yes, baby, moaaan for me. Fucking whimper for me as I stroke my toy.

I can do all sorts of things with my cock, my toy… I can play with it, my personal stress reliever, for hooouuurrrrs; I can slide it into a silicone sleeve and fuck myself silly with it for hours… while it feels nothing at all *giggle*; and… *growl* without touching it, I can make it drip with my other cock…

But best of all… my toy can do all sorts of things to you. At my direction… it can make you feel on top of the world… or send you plunging into subspace, pliable to my every whim – like now! It can make you shiver and moan with pleasure… or shudder, whimper, and screaaam as too much pleasure becomes pain…

I will use it to do all of those things to you… because it’s fucking mine.



And, it – or rather, I, can also do… other… things to you…

You see, dear…

I was going to tell you – and show you – eventually…

I have… certain powers… over things in my possession.

And since you agreed to submit to me… it turns out they work on you, too!

Yes, I’m sure – I checked once while you were asleep.

Oh, hush, it was harmless – you might have had some weird dreams, at most… and you were totally back to normal when you woke up.

But I definitely established that I can do whatever I want with my toy… with my cock. Make it hard for hours, no many how many times you cum… make it taste like vanilla syrup… make it “ribbed for her pleasure” *giggle*… but best of all…

If I – for instance – grab it... tightly… like this… I can make it bigger… can make you bigger – I could make it so big it wouldn’t fit inside of me… so big I wouldn’t be able to get even the head in my mouth.

If I wanted to grow it until it was as fucking tall as I am, I could make it that fucking big!

If I fucking wanted it so fucking goddamn huge that I couldn’t fucking straddle the fucking shaft with my whole. Fucking. Body!I. Fucking. Could.

And even at that fucking gargantuan size – even so big I could stand on your fucking vein, with you the size of a fucking skyscraper… even then, it would still be MY. FUCKING. COCK.

And we will do that, sweetness – I can feel even now how turned on just being a couple feet bigger has you… let alone the idea of being as big as a building – we will do that… though not inside the house, of course…

And not. Today.

You haven’t earned that.

No… you have earned a punishment.

And besides… *laughs* …I don’t like talking into a shoulder blade anyway. Though I’m not now, am I? And you’re too far gone to even notice!



That’s right, darling boy… when I released my grip on that delicious cock of mine, and it wept all those – mmmmmmm – those tasty, tasty tears… well, you see… your size went right with them!

Going slower now, but that first surge of pre-cum took you down to my size, I believe. And now, of course… you’re smaller than I am! And when you cum

Ohhhhh, yes, sweet boy – Don’t. Move. – when you cum… and you are going to cum… you are going to shoot downward with every luscious jet… no, don’t struggle, foolish boy – you’re a foot shorter than me now. I’m in complete. Control. Your fate for tonight is sealed… though, actually, that was already the case the second you started playing with my property without permission. These…

These are just the consequences.



Mmmmmm, yes, you can feel it now, can’t you, darling? Head slipping between my breasts, and that pressure building inside you? You don’t want to cum, don’t want to end up tiny… but you can’t fight it, can’t help it… you must obey, you must cum, you must get smaller for me… give yourself to me…

Yes, baby, shudder for me… shoot for me…. shrink for me…



Ohhhhhh, baby, that was magnificent

And look at you! *squeeeee*! You’re so cute and lovely… and tiny! The perfect size, of course…

Oh, yes, hello there, my dazed little subby sweetie…

Perfect for what? Why, it’s very simple…

Since you’ve chosen to play with my cock, my toy... well, it’s only fair that I should have a replacement, don’t you think? A toy of my own… a nice… long… thick… toy that I can fill myself with while you’re enjoying my cock?

Of course it is… and, my dear boy – my dear toy… *giggle* – it’s you.

You are going to be my toy tonight… and after that show you just put on, I am mmmmorrrrre than ready for you… just let me… get you by the torso here… like that… ooookay – feet first, in you go!

Oh – and do be a dear and squirm a little… or a lot, hmm?