Release the Monster

by PerspectiveShift

There were few things in all the known universe, Richter decided, that could match the sensation of pure bliss one feels from collapsing into one’s own bed after being abroad for months at a time. Richter himself had been away for far longer than that, years upon years spent touring as an Officer in the wars against the Black Cartel had taken their toll on him. Indeed, he was somewhat concerned that he’d been away for so long that his body would take some time to adjust to the sensation of the old mattress, used as it was to the bunk in his starship cabin.

Fortunately, his muscles had a long memory.

Sleep overtook him so swiftly and deeply that when he awoke, the sun had all but set beyond the windows of the estate. It took him a few moments to remember where he was, and a few moments more to notice that he was evidently not alone. The pile of suitcases stacked by his door had been emptied and tidied away, their contents returned to the various closets and cupboards. Only the decorative medals and photos remained neatly ordered on his bedside table, his mystery cleaner clearly not knowing where precisely they belonged.

“… Ahoy?” He called out, his tone firm, if slightly puzzled. Security wouldn’t have permitted any unauthorized people into his home, so he trusted he was in no danger – but he hadn’t been expecting guests.

No sound of footsteps heralded the arrival of his visitor, but he knew who it was before they even reached his door; the mild glow like a low-wattage bulb was evidence enough. The woman stepped into the doorway, appearing for all the world to be like any other human. Indeed, ordinary people may not have even noticed the faint radiant light she emitted if they hadn’t been paying attention.

“Good afternoon, Officer Richter.” The construct spoke, observing the half-dressed man sprawled on his bed. He observed her right back; she could theoretically appear in whatever attire she so chose, but at present she was dressed in the very picture of a maid cliché. Black frilled dress uniform, frilly white apron, little bonnet adorning her head; she’d even gone the extra mile to add an intangible feather-duster hanging from her waist. “Stars above, Maggie, why on Earth are you in my house, and… dressed like that?”

Maggie tilted her head to the side, her eyes flickering like a dying lightbulb as she thought about it.

“Is it that surprising? I understand gratitude is something practiced by humans; looking after your home is the very least I wish to do after what you did for me.”

Richter’s lip curled faintly, his brain hastily squashing the memories of the Black Cartel’s Citadel. His eyes clamped shut as he forced a smile onto his face, nodding.

“I appreciate the thought; that is very decent of you Maggie. But you don’t owe me anything; I did what anyone else would have done in that situation. Please don’t feel like you are beholden to me.”

Though her legs moved and her body proceeded forward in a simulation of motion, Maggie’s feet made no impact upon the carpet as she stepped over next to Captain Richter, looking down at him. Her expression was puzzled, but not unhappy.

“Officer Richter, I owe you my existence, my sanity. My programming insists that I do all I can for you; you are my new master.”

Richter’s lips were parched as he looked up at Maggie, considering his next response carefully; he didn’t want to offend her, but he had no interest in a slave.

“Maggie… I am both honoured and flattered by your offer, but I cannot in good conscience keep you in this way; if I am your master, then I am at liberty to dictate your ownership. I, Officer Richter, being of sound mind and body, formally release you, Adjutant Maggie, from my service and ownership. I pass on legal possession of you to yourself; nobody else may own you without your express permission.”

The construct froze on the spot, her mouth agape and her eyes as wide as saucers as Richter spoke. She looked as though she were a program that had frozen, its processor chugging to understand new information that was coming in too fast for her to understand. Then, all at once…

A pair of hands that buzzed like an old television screen planted themselves on Richter’s bare chest, Maggie leaning down and pushing him into the mattress with more force than her frame looked like it could carry. His heart leaped into his throat as she looked at him searchingly, bewilderment on her face.

“You have… given me… freedom. My actions are my own. Human etiquette dictates that one must act permission before taking from another, correct?”

“Uh…” Richter hadn’t expected that question, nor had he expected the warm electricity of the touch as he looked up at Maggie. “… yeah? That’s… how it works.”

“Officer Richter,” Maggie spoke, her tone firm and direct without the slightest bit of subtlety or sultry inflection, “I want to sit on your lap, kiss you until you are aroused sexually, then I wish to physically alter my scale to one extreme of the spectrum and stimulate your pleasure centres until you make those primal human noises I enjoy so much. You will consent to this?”

Richter… was silent for a moment.

“… Yes. Yes I will.” There was a pause as Maggie smiled in approval, before Richter continued. “You… read my computer files, didn’t you.” It wasn’t really a question. The construct’s smile broadened as she slid herself onto the Officer’s lap, her weightless form gaining artificial mass as she pressed down on him, heavier and heavier by the moment until he was grunting from it.

“Correct.” Without giving him an opportunity to respond, Maggie lowered her head to Richter’s and pressed her lips against his, one hand slipping behind his head while the other slid gently up and down his chest. She could already feel the motion beneath her as the simulated saliva brushed against him like spice, her tongue dancing in his mouth as he kissed back just as enthusiastically. Richter had never licked a battery before; he wondered briefly if this is what it felt like.

After a minute or two of kissing the construct, Richter found the action halted as Maggie leaned back, looking down at him as her buttocks gyrated emphatically against his bulging crotch.

“So, Officer Richter; what are you feeling more today? ‘SW’?” The weight on Richter’s lap abated steadily as, without the faintest buzz of effort from Maggie, her physical form started shrinking slowly, diminishing and scaling down until she was scarcely a foot tall, resting atop his concealed cock like it was a mechanical bull.

“Or… ‘GTS’?” The weight started returning rapidly as Maggie expanded, scaling up and up and up… She reached her ‘human scale’ and breezed by casually, her bulk quickly becoming so expansive that Richter’s lower half was all but buried in the mattress, not to mention beneath her. Her head was near to scraping the ceiling, but as Richter felt the bed-frame starting to creak, he quickly spoke.

“SW! Definitely small woman!” Maggie giggled at the response as she scaled right back down; she made no effort to conceal how much she was enjoying Richter’s reactions, or how much he had struggled to say the words. His cheeks were flush with heat; he’d seen constructs far bigger than that, sure. It wasn’t uncommon for constructs to be sent into battle at the scale of entire star-ships, crushing entire cities underfoot as they went. In reality, he didn’t actually know what Maggie’s upper-limits were; they hadn’t had time to look into it after the rescue.

Before he had time to consider if ‘freeing’ her so casually had been a mistake or not, his concentration was dragged to the sensation of Maggie’s miniature form sitting astride his member. He had no words, he hadn’t the foggiest idea what to say as she stood atop the bulge, the pressure of her tiny black pumps sending spasms of delight down his shaft as she bent forwards, hands resting on the fabric of his pyjamas.

Heat flooded Richter’s entire body as Maggie tore clean through his clothes, ripping them open like wet tissue paper as his freshly-freed manhood stood to attention, sending the construct tumbling down to its base, landing weightlessly like a mote of pure light beneath the towering shaft.

She rose slowly, and though she was scarcely the size of Richter’s own thumb he could make out the look of pure, uncontained desire on her face easily enough. He’d never, ever seen a construct behave like this before; then again, Maggie wasn’t one of theirs. Such thoughts evaporated the moment her palms gripped the sides of his cock, her body thrust up against it as she went at it without a hint of shame. Kisses, licks, nibbles and bites were dotted across everything she could reach. Her knees clamped on as Richter’s eyes drifted closed, his body flopping on the mattress as he experienced something he’d never expected to actually receive.

He writhed, fingers digging into the sheets of his bed as Maggie mauled his privates. She’d started climbing, a feat that may well have been difficult for an ordinary woman… an ordinary, tiny woman… but for her it was absolute child’s-play, flawlessly adjusting her weight and grip whilst never once ceasing her onslaught of oral attention to the throbbing girth of the Officer’s cock.

Richter almost jumped out of his skin when the speakers of his bedside radio started speaking in Maggie’s voice.

“Mmm… Officer… this is perfection, isn’t it? Do you love having me down here? Do you love knowing that a construct capable of crushing this entire planet like an egg is currently focusing all her attention on pleasuring your human ‘cock’?”

An egg?!

“I-” He tried to reply, his voice breathless as her tiny fingers dug into a sweet-spot, causing his whole body to buck. He groaned, unable to continue the thought as the radio purred in response.

“OOOOoooOOooohh… Now that’s a fun sound. If that’s the noise you make with just me touching your ‘member’, I wonder what sort of noise you would make if half a dozen other constructs were down here with me?”

“W-what?” Some small part of Richter’s mind was trying to focus, but it was barely holding on in the face of the flood of sensual pleasure Maggie was immersing him beneath. “O-others? B-but…” He gasped for a few seconds, struggling to complete the logic train. “… t-they don’t… do this… sort of… thing.”

“I can convince them.” The radio spoke confidently as Maggie neared the apex of Richter’s shaft. “Perhaps I shall go pay the ship-yards a visit while you recover, Officer.”

The construct’s hands slid perfectly down the dome atop Richter’s rigid rod as his eyes rolled back in his head, a deep, bone-deep groan of rumbling pleasure escaping him as he felt himself nearing the climax.

“Go on.” The radio said encouragingly, the tone gently forceful. “Make those human noises I love so much…”

Maggie’s thighs clamped tight around Richter’s tip, her heels digging into his flesh as the orgasm took him, pumping surges of pearly cum squirting forth from deep inside, much to the construct’s immense delight. For a brief moment the radio fell into a fit of giggles as Maggie wriggled about, the heat of her form rubbing across the unbearably sensitive surface of Richter’s member. Drenching herself in his ejaculate, Maggie held on tight as Richter slowly wilted, heaving in great, sighing breaths.

At last, she alighted on his belly, wiping a lump of cum off her face and licking it experimentally.

“Mmm… perfect. Clean yourself up, Officer Richter.” She said as she stepped down off the bed, regrowing to human scale. “I shall speak to your colleagues… and bring them here.”