Roadside Pleasure

by bobascher

Above a buzzard cried out as Jim's rig rolled to a stop. He drove this desert route many times as an over-the-road truck driver. This time though, his coolant system had sprung a leak - likely from the rock that was hidden by mirage about 50 miles back. As his engine began to overheat, he thanked the stars for the service station that had appeared in the middle of nowhere. It looked ancient even though he never remembered seeing it before.

As he crawled down, he was met by a piece of art. Her clear skin was beautifully painted and from her body artfully hung a sundress. She was slender but a power emanated from her. Handing him a soda, "Need some help, stranger?" Her smile was genuine and large. He felt like she could almost gobble him up, and he would be okay with it.

"Yes ma’am, seems my rig sprung a leak and has overheated."

His arm had a million tingles as she gently stroked it. "Not a problem darling. Head into my waiting room and we'll take good care of you. My name is Vivian."

As his eyes traced every gentle turn of her, Vivian’s arm stretched on for miles as he followed through find where its red manicured finger pointed. With a nod, he set off. Passing through the doors of the sand blasted, greying gas station, he was intrigued to find a room that was bright and white. It was adorned with soft pink sofas and a TV playing in the corner.

Jim’s mind paused to study the soda he was given. It was a Tab, which was odd. It was his favorite soda, but one rarely seen anymore. Due to its unique flavor, it is not the first choice for a gift to guests. His curiosity was interrupted when Vivian returned.

"Well Jim, I have our best people working on that truck of yours. While we wait, let's get to know each other better," Vivian led Jim to a back room with a finger threaded through a belt loop.

Rubbing his back, she whispered in his ear. "You've had a rough year, haven't you?"

He nodded - after losing his job as an accountant in a large firm, he decided to reinvent himself in a lower stress job and see the country. His wife wasn't thrilled with the impact to their standard of living. She took it out on him by doing nothing at all. Their marriage was frigid.

Vivian was very much different. She was attentive and warm, full of life. She was so supportive of Jim, listening very intently to his story and softly touching his arm, hand or cheek at key moments. "I want to help you, Jim." He had to hold himself back from cumming just at the touch of this female creature.

"Please do, Vivian." She smiled at his use of her name.

"Give me a few minutes, I want to help relieve your tension...intimately. If you are okay with that." Jim couldn't stop nodding. "However, you have had such a dry spell that I need you to relieve yourself first. I wouldn't want our time marred by a premature ejaculation!" He simply chuckled, "So baby, use my trusty glory hole over there. It's got quite a treat inside that I know you will enjoy."

As she departed, Jim gingerly approached the hole. He felt a bit weird doing this, but he couldn't wait to see that tiny lady up close and personal. Shucking his clothes, he gingerly slipped himself into the hole.

He felt some scampering in the wall. Nearly withdrawing, he convinced himself that Vivian had his best interests at heart. Plus, this was likely the treat she promised. So he set to smash whatever was in that hole. She was right though - it had been so long that he blew really quickly.

Withdrawing, he cleaned off to see Vivian behind him standing in only a bra and panties. She finished chewing whatever snack she just ate. Her swallow was exaggerated so he could see all the muscles in her neck and chest do their work. Licking her lips, she strode over. Wrapping her arms around him, she passionately kissed him. His staff was at full mast again. Smokily she whispered, "I figured you would want to help me with the last two pieces. Be delicate with me."

Scooping her up, he carried her over to the bed in the room. Her scent was intoxicating and he set to kissing, licking and sucking every inch of her skin, savoring her long, red-tipped toes and fingers.

His mind and body were tingling as he went to lift her body up to undo her bra. She was much heavier than she was just a moment ago. His arms also failed to reach around her. He collapsed up her chest. He felt every part of him being sucked together.

Wrapping her slender fingers around his tiny form, Vivian giggled. "Aw, poor baby tuckered out? Let momma help you with that." One handedly, she released her bra and shucked off her panties. "Jim, you came here for me to help you, but right now you are going to help me."

He felt his body become inverted and his head approached her vulva at lightning speed. He entered a dark cave and felt her using his body as a dildo, stroking it in and out. Between the warmth, the squeezing and the dampness he was becoming sore. As a result, his body softened.

She withdrew him and held his body before her face. “Listen you little shit, I helped you get off, help me now. Stay stiff!” With a finger she batted him on the head and he whimpered. “Did momma scare the little boy? Do as I want and it won’t happen again.” Again he was returned to the fragrant hole. This time, his body remained rigid, regardless of the punishment it received.

Like a tube ride at a waterpark, Jim was flushed with liquid. He was certain several gallons entered his stomach and lungs. He began coughing and sputtering. As she shuddered, her vaginal muscles sucked him into her. The last thing he heard was her sweet voice saying "Bye bye!"

After what seemed to be a few long hours, he started to feel rested and explored a bit. There was still a lot of light at the opening, which would be odd unless she was lying on her back with no panties on. When he approached the opening, it would close like an iris. So he sat down, accepting his fate.

After what felt like eons, he heard a conversation. After it ceased, a giant cockhead entered the opening. It seemed slow and tentative at first, but then its pace quickened. It was like this giant meant to smash him with his purple headed snake.

One particular smack against the wall caused Jim's vision to go black and for him to slump down onto the floor. A warm, vicious goo covered him. He didn't have means to fight it any more.

As he began to slip away, he was plucked from what was apparently a tiny chamber by huge red tipped fingers. "Well sweetie, I hope we helped you." As the giantess Vivian shucked off her dress, Jim was inserted into her mouth, never to see light again.

As the panties-clad Vivian skipped off to meet her new suitor, she paused for a moment to lovingly stroke the hood of Jim's now tiny rig.