She's the Limit

by JM Wilde

“So you’re not just bullshitting me?” Cara asked.

“Try it and see.”

Cara spread the lube on her hands and grabbed Shane’s cock.

Nothing about it seemed...unusual. It was a nice cock, make no mistake. In fact, it was a beautiful thing to behold. But nothing that should be capable of...what Shane had described.

“All those assholes sending dick pics really do an injustice to the natural beauty of a cock,” Cara said.

“Hmm,” Shane replied, in half-agreement (or at least, half-acknowledgement) and half-oh-fuck-that-feels-amazing. At least that’s how Cara heard it.

“So, tell me again, why did you want to leave your clothes on?”

“ makes it more...obvious...”

“What,” she asked, expertly gliding along his shaft with soft, supple hands, “like The Incredible Hulk or something?”

“B-b...basically, yeah...”

“I still think you’re bullshitting me.”

“You’ll see...s-soon...”

Something about the way he stuttered while she stroked him was strangely endearing.

“You’re cute when you’re horny.”

Shane only moaned. Her hands slid up from the base of his cock, gentle but firm, lingering at the tip. He had to be getting close to the edge now, she was sure of it. Just once or twice more and...

“THERE!” he gasped.

She let go instantly. Shane’s whole body twitched, his cock throbbed, needy and unfulfilled. Cara watched. Nothing was...


Slightly, ever so slightly, his feet stretched further by an inch, maybe two.

Was it just a trick of the eye?

He moaned again when it happened, a kind of odd rumble from somewhere deep in his chest.

“Did you see it?”

“I...think so...?”

“Do it again.”

Cara looked at him, unsure, but Shane only nodded. She shrugged and wrapped her delicate fingers around him once more. Starting slow, it didn’t take long before his cock was twitching as eagerly as before. She quickened her pace. His hips thrust, a reflex. There it was again, that deep rumbling, a growl.

She was just in time. He clenched, clenched with all his strength. His body convulsed in near-rapture.

And he grew again.

Holy shit, Cara whispered.

That had to be double what it was last time...three or four inches at least. His feet hung over the edge of the bed. His limbs were visibly wider...even more muscular?

Maybe it really is like the Hulk, she thought. I think I like you when you’re horny, Shane.

He sat up, after taking a moment to let the feeling subside. As his body moved, she could hear the fabric of his t-shirt and sweatpants straining. She took in the sight of him, astonished. Shane had been 6’0 even. He was, she guessed based on his current proportions, probably in the ballpark of 6’5 now.

“What do you think?”


“It would be my pleasure,” he stood up to his new, full height, and bowed.

“ weren’t kidding about this,” Cara admired how much higher he towered over her now.

“I’m not kidding about wanting to fuck, either.”


Cara looked him up and down, biting her lip.

“What is it?!” he was getting impatient.

“Why not edge again?”

“Cara, no,” he said, “no way. I don’t think it’s safe to do it more than once or twice.”

“Have you tried it?”

“No, but...” he trailed off, “I don’t think it’s a good idea. It might have effects we can’t predict. Plus...I’m not sure how long I can hold out.”

She moved closer, still drinking in the sight, and ran her hands up and down his sides and across his abs. They were more defined, more visible now. Yum, she thought.

“Let’s just take this one at a time, and see how you feel. Would that be okay?”

Cara was the picture of innocence, puppy-dog-eyes staring up at him from over a foot below.

“Deal,” he said, “but if it feels weird, we stop.”

“Deal,” she smiled, “now get back on the bed.”

He didn’t have to be told twice. Her hand (she almost needed both hands now!) went back to work. She began to put her whole body into it, softly grinding against his expanded body.

Shane liked that. His teeth were clenched, his muscles tight. It didn’t take as long as it had before.

“You’re so BIG, Shane,” Cara cooed, “SO fucking BIG.”

“Cara, please...”

She smiled. One hand resting on his chest, she could feel the whole of his body stretching, expanding beneath her touch. Shane loved the feeling, loved hearing how big he was getting.

“How big are you gonna get, huh? How...fucking...big?”


Her hand released him and he shuddered, jaw set, another low growl like a caged animal.

And he grew.

With every shuddering, jolting, heart-throttling pang of pleasure on the precipice of orgasm, he grew. The sensation of the fabric clinging to him, desperately trying to stay whole, and that pathetic little rrrrrrip! sound they made as they gave up the ghost, it all nearly sent him over the edge.


“You’’re enormous,” Cara whispered, dumbstruck.

Shane’s feet had reached the wall across from the bed. The t-shirt and sweatpants were shredded...and so was Shane. Without thinking, Cara began to run her hands all over Shane’s body, feeling each hardened muscle, before reaching for his face...and realizing he had to bend down before she could manage it. She drew him close, kissed him, and then moved back down his chest, beginning to tease his still-needy cock.

“Cara...” he stopped her.

“One more, please,” she begged. He’d never heard her beg before.

“I’ll outgrow the room!”

FUCK! Do you really think so?” Cara had begun to tease her own body now, not taking her eyes off of his.

“It won’t be safe...”

“But you’re so fucking hot like this,” Cara moaned, “and you know you want to.”

Shane’s cock twitched, ready, and willing, and the sight of the little woman pleasuring herself was pushing him back to the edge again.

“Fuck it,” he said, and she jumped at the depth and intensity in his voice. Shane began stroking himself, watching Cara as she seemed to dwindle before him. The sight of her tiny, naked body, coupled with his previous brushes with the edge, was enough to get him back to the precipice in no time.

Cara watched as the giant expanded, growing, growing, until the bed creaked and finally began to collapse beneath his increasing weight. Delirious in almost-total-ecstasy, Shane’s feet pushed harder and harder into the wall.

Oh, fuck, I can hear the wall beginning to crack... she thought, rubbing her clit with the same lust as Shane, brain fogged by a dizzy dopamine rush like never before.

His knees rose higher, and his back began to arch against the wall behind the head of the bed. Shane was running out of room. How tall was he now? She guessed upwards of 10 was incredible, like nothing she’d thought possible. 10...15...she couldn’t even tell anymore. How big could he get?

“Keep going, baby!” she cried, as Shane, again and again, brought himself to the edge of orgasm and grew with each trip to the edge.

“THIS IS IT,” Shane bellowed, and Cara winced at the boom of his voice, something deep within him unleashed. “I’M GONNA CUM!”

It all happened so fast. Shane’s body surged, his upper back pressed against the ceiling. He roared, the ceiling began to yield, and the walls rattled. Seeing him surge with power, seeing him grow, it was too much for Cara, and she didn’t even heed the danger as the room collapsed with his enormity. She came then, too, in a heady shotgun blast of euphoria.

Cara was lucky. The worst she got from the explosion of Shane’s growth was a little dust in the air, fixed easily enough when Shane picked her up. Vertigo struck as she looked down, seeing the ruined house, the street, and a cock as hard and long as a battering ram.

She looked up at Shane’s impossibly gorgeous eyes, now writ large on his Statue of Liberty-sized face. She was the palm of his hand. What was there to say?

“Do you think you could get bigger?”

“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”

“I want to see how much you can grow.”

“This has to be the limit.”

Cara reclined in his palm, showing off her curves, now doll-sized to him.

“No, baby,” she purred, and he held her close to hear. “I’m the limit.”