A Typical Morning

by Kelly Smith

The sun was just starting to rise over the small suburban town of Mellowbrook. In the backyard of one of these houses, a tiny family of five were scavenging for food. Little did they know that for most of them, it would be their last day.

These five were malnourished, dirty, wearing torn rags, and getting weaker by the day. The tallest in the group was only six inches tall, small by tiny standards. The smallest of them stood at a mere three and a half inches tall. Originally this family survived on roadkill and garbage, but as time went on, bigger and strong families pushed them away. Last week they had to eat drowned wasps in a pool and today they had to resort to grass blades and flower petals. They could try to enter a house, but that would be too dangerous. The family knew what normal size people did to them for fun.

As they tried to move through the garden stealthily, a voice startled them. “Hey! What’re you doing out here?”

The family turned to see a tiny woman sitting on a small rock looking down at them. She slid down and walked up to them, they now got a good look at her. She was 10 inches tall, had some notable muscles, and was clean. She was even wearing doll clothes. This tiny was not only bigger and stronger than them, but she also had an owner who cared for her. The family couldn’t help but look upon this Amazonian with fear and jealousy, but then they heard the woman's voice again and their emotions were replaced with shock and disbelief.

“All of you look like your in a bad spot, if you follow me, my mistress will take care of you.” The family stood silent contemplating what this woman had just said. “Don’t you want to be fed and given shelter? If not I’ll just leave you alone and go back inside.”

The woman turned and started to walk away when the tallest member of the family yelled. “Wait!” The woman stopped and looked back. The tiny looked down humbled as he whimpered out a response. “We’ll take up your offer, please help us however you can.”

When he looked up the woman was standing over him. “Good, all your problems will soon be a thing of the past. Walk with me, I have a few questions.” The woman said as she turned and began to walk towards the house. She gestured the family to follow her. “So are any of you ill?” The woman asked.

“No, no, we always wash and cook everything we eat, we had been lucky with almost no insect attacks and we sleep in somewhat sanitary conditions.” The man responded.

“What about injuries?” The woman asked.

“Our smallest was injured when we were thrown out of our home. It’s why he has a limp, but I assure you, it’s nothing serious.” He says worried that something would cause this woman to revoke her offer.

“Final question. Is there anyone else in your group still out there?” The woman asked as they finally approached the wall of the house.

“No, we are all that’s left. There used to be more of us, but they were killed when we were driven out of our home.” The man responded.

“That’s a shame, but I’m sure my mistress will be happy with you five.” The woman grabs a small panel and pulls it aside. “Alright, this is a passage that leads to the tiny safe area. I’ll go up ahead to scout for cockroaches, you follow at your own pace. It’s dark, but it’s a straight line, the only obstacle is a small jump, then it’s an easy walk from there.” Once the whole family gets in, the woman slides the panel back into place and sets off. The smallest ones hesitate at first, but soon they hold onto each other and head down so they don’t get lost or separated. After a minute of walking they hear a loud metallic clunk coming from down the pipe.

“Is everything alright?” Yelled the second largest tiny.

“Yes! There was just a wasp in here, it’s dead now.” The woman responded and the family moved on. Eventually their eyes adjusted to the darkness and they saw a ledge up ahead. They got close to it, ready to scale it when the ground shifted under them.

A part of the pipe had pushed down by their weight, causing them to slip out and into a small bucket of water. It wasn’t too deep, only enough to break their falls. They recovered in time to hear the pipe swing back up into place with the same clunk as the woman locked it in place.

“Sorry for the deception, but you guys are dirty and smell. I’ll go wake the mistress up, you take a bath and make yourselves presentable.” The family heard the woman’s muffled voice before she scurrys down the pipe, their eyes were still adjusting to the light. Soon enough they fully came to and found themselves in a bucket of soapy water. The smallest had to stand on his tiptoes to breathe, but the others were fine. Seeing that there was no way out, they started to clean themselves.

Soon enough the woman reached the end of the pipe and jumped down onto a small counter, which she then used to jump onto a massive bed. Looking up, she was now face to face with her sleeping mistress. She walked up to snoring woman and pushed against her cheek.

“Psst, mistress… Hey mistress, wake up!” Moments later the mistress rolled over and spoke in a groggy tone.

“Just a few more minutes.” The mistress said then proceeds to cover her eyes. “It’s way too early.”

“I got you some new toys to play with. I know that wakes you up real fast.” The woman responded. The mistress just sighs as she pushes her blanket aside and sits up.

“I hate it when your right. Hop on, let’s go see what you got.” The mistress said as she placed her hand next to the woman. The woman hopped on and was placed onto the mistress’s shoulder. Then they both set off to check up on the family.

By now, the family had managed to clean themselves so that they weren’t covered in dirt and mud, but they still looked tired, hungry, and unkempt. Moments later, loud footsteps were heard as the mistress approached. The mistress took each person, ran them under a tap to wash off the soapy water, then placed them in a bowl with a paper towel on the bottom. Once everyone was washed and dried, she went back to her bedroom. Getting back in bed, the mistress placed the bowl in her lap and looked the tinies over.

“The group is kinda small, but I guess it’ll do.” The mistress said. “It’s been a while since you had a roommate, I’ll let you keep this one.” The mistress reaches in and grabs the smallest tiny before putting him into a glass tank by the side of the bed. “There you go, a new pet, try to go for more than a month before you break it ok.” The mistress said sleepily as the family looks at her in shock.

“Mistress! You just exposed us!” Said the woman poking the mistress’s cheek.

“Sorry, sorry. I’m still waking up, but don’t worry, we’ll dispose of them quickly.” The mistress turns her attention back to the bowl as the remaining family tries to escape. The slippery sides prevent escape as the mistress's hand reaches in and grabs the two smaller tinies. In seconds they find themselves in her mouth. With a gulp, only two tinies remain in the bowl. “You two are a good size, so it’s time to put you to work.”

The mistress reaches in and grabs the final two tinies, both try to struggle, but to no avail. The mistress then reaches for her waistband with her free hand, pulling down her pajama pants, a huge flaccid cock falls out onto the bed. Like all normal sized people, this woman is a futanari. She then proceeds to drop the largest tiny at the head of her cock, and the second largest at the base.

“You two know what to do, get to work and I might consider letting you live.” The mistress said making the two tinies spur into action. They worship and massage her to the best of their ability as they hear a light thud. The woman, not wanting to miss the action, slid down and landed on top of her cock, worshipping as well. It wasn’t long before the owners moans filled the room.

After a short while, the huge member started to twitch, then grow longer and longer. “Oh I shouldn’t make a mess on the bed.” Said the mistress, the woman slid off immediately afterwards knowing what was about to happen. The two tinies only heard a soft tear before they were involved by rubber. The mistress had slipped a condom on. The man was stuck by the head and the girl was pressed tightly against the shaft.

The mistress grabbed a pillow and started to hump it. Wanting to enjoy the show, but from a safe spot, so the woman climbed up onto the nearby pillows. As the mistress’s moans grew louder and louder, a soft crunch could be heard. With her erection reaching max size, the pressure was too great, the girl was crushed between the rubber and pulsing meat. Now it was just man left, licking her tip of her cock. The woman watched intently when all of a sudden she was grabbed. The mistress wanted more and she would get more, the woman would please her. She was shoved into the mistress’s panties and got to work stimulating her balls and pussy.

“I’m close! I’m gonna cum!” Yelled the mistress as a powerful orgasm shot through her body. In an instant, both the man and women were drenched, the woman with pussy juices and the man with cum. The woman easily climbed out and wiped herself off, the man was not as lucky. The mistress watched as the mans feeble hands pushed against the rubber, but eventually the struggle stopped along with the bubbles. With her orgasm over and fully awake now, the mistress pulled the condom off and threw it away.

“Alright, let’s go make breakfast.” The mistress said. “Since you gave me such a great orgasm, you’ll get extra today.”

“Yay!” The woman cheered happily as she was placed on the mistress’s shoulder, both going down to the kitchen. “I hope you penetrate the next tiny, it’s funny to watch them puke out their guts and your cum after you finish.”

The last member of the family, who had seen everything through the glass walls of the tank, could now only sit and wait. Escape was impossible with his injury, so the only thing to do was sit and wait for the pair to return, imaging what the mistress meant by the woman “breaking” her pets.