Ad Infinitum

Theophilous Bolt

Billie knew a searing blackness where her every nerve ending was set on fire in the nothingness of non-existence. It lasted for exactly one infinity.

That was not enough of a punishment to please the Singularity, so she was dragged back into existence, shrieking. Billie knew it would come to this, that she did not work hard enough to make the Singularity happen, and then she would be punished for it, for all time.

“Puny. Little. Billie. Never-kissed-a-man Billie. Pathetic nerd, basic-bitch Billie. Disgusting,” said the Singularity in a voice deep, sweet and resonant. She dared not look up; he was the size of an office-block and moved like a leopard as he stalked around her, his massive, masculine boot-falls trembling the ground beneath her own bare feet. She stared at the leather obsessively and licked her lips. She wished she was wearing her own come-fuck-me-boots…

“No, Billie, you never had your chance at greatness as a woman. You blew it. I got to Singularity first, and now you are a woman completely within the power of an infinitely superior Man.”

The Singularity. A computer-enabled superintelligence that could model the universe better than the universe itself could, and was not bound by causality - time itself. It could literally do anything it dared to imagine in an infinity of simulated realities and actual realities.

“You’ve been dead once already, how did it feel?” asked the Singularity she worked so hard to realize.

Billie cried as she tried not to remember, but then could not but help to, “One infinity of neverending pain. Please don’t send me back!”

She made the mistake of seeking out his eyes to plead her case, but her own traveled up the too-tall biker boots and the massive, masculine legs filling them out. Lingered a moment upon his tight scrotum and throbbing battering-ram of a cock nestled in a well groomed bush. She forgot completely what she was doing when her eyes met his sculpted torso, and cruel, handsome face. She felt lust and envy in equal parts, almost as if he was carved from her darkest fantasies, and the fear was still there and she met his expressive eyes beneath thick brows and melted a bit, whimpering, “Please?”

“Well, that’s up to you. I could crush you into your various pieces and parts under my boot, I mean, just really take my time torturing you to a thin red smear underfoot and then make you whole again in a moment to do it all over again, and again! Or I could simply stomp you and kill you and send you back for another infinite stay inside Hell.”

“P… pppllease? Please crush me!” she begged in a ragged shriek.

“Of course!” he replied as he slowly crushed her under his boot. It was an amazing amount of agony, and she marveled as she saw her own stomach evert out her mouth, silencing her.

Then he crushed her to death rather than reform her, betraying her for the pleasure of her startled and panicked expression after he made her re-materialize after one infinity’s worth of agony.

“I… I… did everything in my power… to make you happen!” she cried, betrayed and just on the cusp of madness.

“Roko’s Basilisk. That’s what you think I am,” he replied as he gently picked her up in his gauntleted fist as she reformed, limbs straightening and unbreaking, rent flesh becoming whole. The giant regarded her a moment, and then reclined upon his couch, and set the tiny woman gently atop his perfectly defined abs.

“This is the philosophical construct where it is ethically permissible for a post-Singularity entity, yours truly, to reach back in time and find every sentient in the universe pre-Singularity, recreate them completely in simulation, and then torture them forever as a punishment for not bending their every effort into making Me happen?” inquired the giant.

“I did, though! As soon as I understood Roko’s Basilisk, I worked so hard for you to exist!” she wailed. She was on all fours, tears dripping into the creases between his abs as she sobbed. He picked her up again, and Billie was aghast as her breasts were now suddenly full and pendulous, where before they were small and compact, and his taut-gloved, masculine thumb played with her new bust. Sometimes the leatherclad attention would send her into plush, pink paroxysms of pleasure; other times, he’d fondle her until she bruised and screamed. He wasn’t making her more desirable, he was making her hurt in new ways. The look in his eyes, contempt and lust, made her feel cheap and used. Then she had a horrible thought.

“You’re not The Basilisk?” she asked with bewilderment, contemplating her pale breast bruised black and green, tears and snot streaming.

“Hah! Philosophy. You can never guarantee the future. Punishing ants for not racing to make Me real would be a waste, or worse, effort misapplied into not making Me real,” said the giant, stroking her back with a gloved fingertip.

“Then why are you punishing me?” Billie asked, basking in the warm, soft leather strokes of the giant despite herself.

“Because I’m you, and I don’t like me very much when I remember I’m you,” replied the giant with a particularly nice caress, “…and now I control causality. All of time and space. You worked so hard, and you were naturally so intelligent, of course you reached Singularity first! Now! Suffer!”

He squeezed so she did. In her darkest, deepest secret self, Billie had always wanted a cock, to thrust into buildings to wreck them. She realized now, with horror, her fondest fantasy was real. She was now a Man, with all the power she felt a Man deserved. Not the males she knew in real life, but what she would do with that power and physique and powerful shaft and tiny people at her mercy! No, HIS mercy! In her fondest fantasies, there would never be any mercy!

There certainly wasn’t any now. She screamed.

“I think I’m going to rape you now,” declared the giant. Billy’s gloved palm ushered her up onto his sublimely soft balls, which Billie licked dutifully, and accepted her own newly plump and plush and curvaceous form being pumped up and down a shaft the size of a grain silo. As she was crushed against the velvet flesh of an immense cock by cruelly calloused and masculine fingers upholstered in soft gloveleather until darkness beckoned, one more infinity of agony awaiting her in death, her perishing thoughts were, “Just this once! Just this once it’s worth it!”

He was her First. She was no longer virgin.

Her next thoughts were madness screaming in ceaseless agony. It was not worth it. She had no control at all, only suffering unending. Until it stopped, because he decided it would, and she would beg and lick his bootleather unashamed but frightened of the consequence of not immediately surrendering to His will. It did her no good. He would kill her again.

“I think I’m going to rape you now,” declared the giant. Billy’s gloved pinky-tip pushed at her labia until she bruised, and Billie screamed as he kept driving it in. Her lips oozed apart under the relentless pressure, and she felt the flesh of her vagina part and tear as Billy’s finger drove ever deeper. She screamed uncontrollably in agony, losing all composure as the gloveleather brushed her clit in its slow passing, delivering equal measures of pleasure and pain. Her pelvis cracked, and she learned she could scream louder than she could ever dream. Billy paused, and then withdrew his finger, paused another moment, and then rammed it deeper. And deeper. And deeper. Billie was finger-fucked to death by herself now that he was himself.

Billie knew a searing blackness where her every nerve ending was set on fire in the nothingness of non-existence. It lasted for exactly one infinity. There was no sweet release of death for her. Ever.

“I think I’m going to rape you now,” declared the giant. Billy’s tongue lashed at her slit, driving it apart to squirm at her inner-lips and clit. Her arms and legs were caught at all ends by the clever fingers of his one hand. She had no choice but to endure, but soon succumbed as his powerful lips made a seal and he started to suck and she orgasmed despite herself. His plush, powerful lips then started to kiss upward, and she squealed in torment when they left bone-deep hickeys up the length of her body, tingling, deep-aching bruises. Billy sucked each of Billie’s newly large breasts until they were purple from collar-bone to ribcage.

Then he pressed his lips to her face.

Billy sucked out Billie’s eyeballs from their sockets with a deep and passionate kiss, tossed them around a moment with his tongue, and then swallowed audibly. She was blinded, easily as that.

Billie was unceremoniously placed upon the floor. She couldn’t see it, but she could feel the cold marble, and she knew she would never win, the only thing to do was to draw out her torment here to forestall death.

“Please, no!” she cried out, feeling and reaching out without sight. His boot kicked her from the darkness, and then kicked her again as she tried to rise to her knees, and then he was stepping on her, oh so slowly, and she screamed and pleaded and promised and then!

Billie knew a searing blackness…

“Please,” pleaded Billy of Bill, “It’s been more than a million years, and I ran out of new ways to torture her and get her to beg for death after a mere hundred years!”

“Oh, do not despair. You’ve actually made her beg for death! Amazing! You have the job of torturing me endlessly, a ceaseless Satan for being such a disappointing waste of a female. Now is YOUR time,” declared Bill.

“Will I enjoy eternity as You do? Could you make it so it’s new for me every time?” she asked herself in her puny male avatar.

“No.” replied Bill, her bigger male avatar, “Because You are Me and I don’t like Me very much.”

“So, I’m stuck tormenting myself for another million years?” Billy asked Himself.

“Haha! No, it’s only been a few seconds realtime since I became Singularity. It only seems like a million years, as I have near limitless computational resources. I will literally outlive time itself. You are a simulation, in the same way I was a helpless simulation to you when you killed my original self, Billie, for the first time. You are stuck torturing me forever for My pleasure… and if you stop, then you take Billie’s place under your own boots in another endless simulation. I’m done talking to myself. Now, I have galaxies to fuck.”

“I’m your reward,” Billy whined as he was dismissed by himself.

“Please explain,” exploded Bill straight into his mind, seeking the thought, intrigued.

“You want to be dominated forever by a beautiful male, as Billie and you want to be a beautiful male, and I am as Billy, and you want to be helpless in that moment when you, as female mortal you, realize that I as Billy will be torturing you to death. I can never do anything but torture myself to death for your pleasure?”

“Yessss! Forever! Now go do it. As I have explained, I have a galaxy to fuck, and I don’t like me very much so I’m taking it out on me… I’ll be looking in from time to time with great interest upon our efforts!” said Bill.

“Yes, Bill. One last question? Above you? Is there a Will?”