
by CrushedBoyWonder

Jessica carefully steps through the portal and stands with her feet together on the tiny street. She’s about five hundred feet tall now. She hears the portal swirl shut behind her, and as she looks over the town spreading before her, a smile creeps across her lips.

She has hazel eyes and inky black hair that curls only slightly as it brushes her shoulders. She’s wearing all black: a custom fitted dress that falls about her thighs, and heels with silver buckles on the ankle straps. Her nails are also polished black, her skin creamy in comparison.

It’s a small town she’s appeared in, with a population of about twenty-thousand, none of its buildings coming up past her knees. It’s Jessica’s first time being a giantess, and she likes it already.

There’s a quiet buzzing around her waist, and she notices three little helicopters appear out of a portal in thin air. Two of them circle around her legs, while the third hovers some distance away. Then Jessica hears a voice in her head, reminding her of the silver earpiece she’s wearing.

Jessica,” the feminine voice in her head says, “are you all right?

“Mm, yeah,” Jessica says, lightly touching the earpiece with her fingertips.

Good, that’s good. Now, do you have any questions before you proceed?

“Uh, yeah” Jessica says, looking over the town. She’s still getting used to the view. It’s beautiful from up here. “What should I do now?”

Well Jessica, I’m going to leave that up to you. I’d like to see what kind of Giantess you are. Ok?

“Oh. Ok.”

Good. So for now… just do whatever you feel like. Have fun.

Jessica blinks and looks around with bright eyes. She notices the streets filling with little moving, colored people like ants. She stares for a moment, and then without moving her feet, crouches down closer to study them.

They’re all staring back up at her in amazement. She likes that. Jessica hears a little beeping sound, and sees a car making its way toward her, squeezing through the crowd. She plucks it up between her index and thumb and places it in her palm, close to her face, vaguely noticing small gasps and voices from the crowd. The door of the car opens, and a tiny man about an inch high steps onto her hand and loses his balance, falling to his hands and knees.

Jessica asks, “Who are you?”

His voice is barely audible.

“Speak up,” Jessica says.

The little man straightens his back, cups his hands around his mouth and yells: “I’m the Mayor, who are you?”

Jessica looks at the tiny figure in her hand. “I’m a Goddess.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m not really sure yet.” She thinks for a moment. “Whatever I want to do.”

“Are you going to hurt us? Please, do not hurt us!” the Mayor says.

Jessica thinks again. “I probably am going to. Are you going to try to stop me?”


“Because you can’t,” Jessica says, and slowly curls up her hand. The man looks around in mounting fear as the giant fingers close around him. As he disappears from view, Jessica listens to his little screams. She squeezes her fist, feels the car crumple like tin foil, and a warm wet spot against her fingers. A tiny trickle of blood runs down the underside of her hand and drips onto the pavement below. Cries drift up from the crowd. Jessica opens her hand and lets the balled up vehicle fall to earth, with the mayor’s body all crumpled into it. Screams erupt from the crowd, and Jessica stands to her full height.

“And don’t tell me what to do,” she says.

They flee before her. She watches them go, and then looks at her hand. She licks the blood off.

Excellent, Jessica,” Katherine says. “How do you feel?

“That felt good,” she says, ruminating on the metallic taste on her tongue.

Well, don’t let me stop you. I just wanted you to know we’re enjoying you already. Carry on.

Jessica looks down. There’s a lone figure lying in the street, crawling away. The crowd must have trampled it as they fled. She can’t even tell its gender from up here. It’s still only a few inches from her toes, which she lifts a bit in anticipation, and admires the black nail polish. Then, she lifts her right foot, and carefully places it down next to the figure, her arch towering over it. The little one freezes for a bit, and then starts crawling faster. A helicopter from the portal eases closer, right down near the ground, and Jessica knows they are filming everything. She slowly raises the front of her shoe, keeping the heel grounded, and pivots it over the crawling person. She can’t see it anymore, and just lowers her foot as gently as she can until she feels the slightest resistance under her sole. She tries to keep her foot steady there, but the little human is so fragile it crunches beneath her.

She lets out a small sigh. After a moment she lifts and pivots her foot off again, and sees the little red wet patch on the pavement.

She likes that.

Jessica lifts her foot behind her, holding her high heel with two fingers, and peers over her shoulder at the sole of her shoe. She’s a little surprised that it's tan, and not black. There, on the otherwise spotless sole, is the squished human. Just a little flattened blob of clothes and skin and organs in a red patch of blood, less than two inches across. Her lips part slightly.

After studying that for a while, and feeling the blood rushing in her heart, she lowers her foot to the ground again and slowly scrapes it back across the pavement. She admires the dark streak it leaves behind. When she checks her sole again, all that’s left is a smear. She smiles.

Jessica looks at the crowd, who haven’t even gotten that far away by her standards. She steps forward, wanting more. Her heel sinks into the pavement, creating a spiderweb of cracks around it, and her sole does too a bit as it settles. There’s no click and scrape sound from her shoes like she would usually get walking on pavement, not at this size. But that’s okay she thinks, because she must be booming to those below. She almost shivers at the brief image of being down there, below her.

In a few steps, she’s caught up to the stragglers. She slows her stride, hovering her left foot this time over a little being. She takes a moment, and then steps down, heel raised. Her sole sinks more into the street this time as she puts her weight into her toes, and she twists back and forth. When she steps off this time, there’s only a dark stain in her footprint, barely visible amongst the churned earth and pavement. She giggles.

Now Jessica has a very clear idea of what she wants to do.

The crowd has thickens considerably as the whole town starts to run away from her, filling the streets. She starts to saunter forward, two of the friendly helicopters circling around her. In a couple steps she’s into the stragglers again, her right foot landing on two people at once this time, and she sighs through her teeth as she simply walks over them slowly. Her left foot crushes one, her right foot lands on a car. She grins at the feeling of it flattening easily beneath her shoe.

And then she’s into the thick of the crowd. She doesn’t even know how many she crushes with her first step, but it's enough resistance to feel them burst under her shoe and let a moan of pleasure escape her throat.

She really likes that. A lot.

Her head leans lazily to one side as she looks down at the frenzied mass, and admires her every footfall. How her feet glide by over their heads, before plunging down onto them. She likes how they are too busy running straight forward to actually avoid her step, and simply disappear beneath each shoe. She also likes the screams.

Soon, Jessica would get ahead of the crowd if she were to keep walking, so she pauses a moment to check out what the soles of her shoes look like now. They are a dark red, gritty mixture of crushed bodies and demolished pavement. There’s a car impaled on her high heel, and she laughs at that before setting her foot down, hardly noticing the people that get crushed beneath it. The crowd is scattering in all directions from her now. She picks a direction and walks that way, swinging her legs over some buildings, and then deliberately stepping onto the densest pockets of people.

She doesn’t know how much time passes before the voice speaks in her ear.

Okay Jessica, time’s up. Let’s get you back.

There’s the sound of a portal tearing itself open and there it is, a hole in reality. She sighs quietly, and looks back at the town. There’s a trail of destruction and bloody shoeprints. Little sirens wail, and people scurry between smoking buildings and ruined streets.

Jessica takes a moment to lightly place the sole of her shoe against the top edge of a building, and scrape off the bottom. She does the same with her other shoe, leaving a thick little pile of red gunk on the roof. Then she walks through the portal.

It folds shut behind her. Jessica stands on the platform in the underground hangar again. It’s vast, white, and spare. Far to her left a large portal is open, and the room fills with wind and noise as the helicopters ease in, one after the other. One man in a jumpsuit holding lightsticks guides them to their landing zones. On a far wall above them is the large control-room window. Jessica sees Katheryn approaching across the long floor, smiling. There may even be a touch of pride in the smile.

“How was that?” Jessica asks. “Did I pass the audition?”

“You were perfect,” Katheryn says, touching her elbow. “Same time next week? I have some ideas for us.”