
by Lycaon6

Tommaso drew his cloak around him as he walked along the outer wall of the inn, feet crunching through the light coating of snow on the ground. Knocking on the door with one hand as he put a mask on with the other, Tommaso fidgeted nervously as the door swung open to reveal the masked face of a man who seemed slightly older than him, short dark hair obscured by a long cloak.

“Sic parvis magna.”

The man nodded before turning and leading Tommaso deeper into the inn. It wasn’t long before they reached the common room, where they found a room full of people in the same masks and robes sitting alongside several long tables. Tommaso closed the doors behind him, before heading to the front of the room to speak.

“As you are all aware, I would not call a meeting like this and risk our gathered presence for nothing… but what I have heard requires it. Recently, I was approached by someone who had worked alongside her before the ascension, and pilfered one of her tools.”

The words set off a round of murmurs around the room – before Tommaso reached into his robe and pulled out a faceted black stone with a diamond shape, soft green light emanating from glowing striations.

“I do not know, exactly, what it is that I hold in my hand – only that she desperately wants it, needs it. The stone is the final component in a ritual that will further swell her power. No hidden meeting such as this will be beyond her sight, nor will any words be beyond her hearing - our resistance will die before we even draw a drop of her blood.”

Another set of murmurs spread around the room - but they weren’t silenced by Tommaso. A single booming footfall, still a good distance away, instantly quieted the conspirators. Shortly afterwards came another one, slightly louder and closer than the first.

“But she does not yet have it. We do, and with time and study we can reverse whatever spell she weaved. We can’t bring the fallen back…but we can stop her from taking any more lives.”

“I know these have been trying, desperate times – but this discovery is a ray of light and hope in the darkness. We owe it to those who come after us to bring an end to Alessandra’s reign.”

Tommaso’s words were drowned out by the booming sound of another footstep, this time close enough that it caused some alarm. People rose from their seats and anxiously looked out the frosted glass windows – but they couldn’t make anything out.

“Calm down. We knew that she was going for a walk today, but we sho-“

Tommaso was interrupted once again as the earth shook with enough force to knock him over, the stone flying from his hand onto the table, rolling around before coming to a stop at the edge.

And then Alessandra took another step. The black stone fell to the floor, and dust fell from the ceiling as the entire building shook. Tommaso had gotten back to his feet, but he’d barely even opened his mouth when a massive, slender finger burst through the walls near the roof. It was quickly followed by nine more, wood and stone falling from the roof as it was effortlessly lifted off the building’s walls. As every last member of the resistance stared up in horror, they saw the massive naked body and smiling face of their greatest fear. Even squatting down, the raven-haired girl towered above everyone present, but the difference was only magnified when she returned to her full height.

Alessandra’s ankles were just visible over the broken edges of the inn’s walls, but the rest of her body was on full display, a light dusting of snow visible on some parts of her body – and wetness where the heat of her body had melted it. Soft, perfect white skin stretched up along long legs which parted before her crotch and left a gap between her thighs, the girl’s slender physique accentuated by a pert butt and an ample bust that left half the room below unable to see her face…even though nobody was trying. Every pair of eyes in the room were trained upon Alessandra’s crotch, her lips red and dripping with arousal – but not for any prurient purpose.

Clinging to the giantess’ crotch was a red-haired woman, desperately licking and playing with the massive girl’s clitoris… a sight which made Tommaso’s heart sank the moment he recognised his wife. Lifting one foot off the ground in a shower of dirt and rubble, the giant girl suddenly swiped her toes along the sides of the buildings around the inn, tearing them open and rendering escape from the packed room impossible.

“Aaaah, what have I found here? Why, it looks to me like a tiny little conspiracy, a gaggle of worthless people so stupid that they even entertained the thought of resisting me.”

Alessandra’s lilting, melodic voice would have been soft and feminine if she was on a normal scale – but her words were felt as much as they were heard, shaking the bones of those below. Planting her hands on her thighs and bending forward slightly so that everyone below could see the slight smirk on her reddened lips.

“I’m sure you’re wondering whether it was a traitor among your ranks or random chance that I happened upon you – but I’ll let you figure that out for yourselves.”

Giggling, the massive girl lowered her body back down into a squat before reaching into the building with one hand and plucking a single person up from the ground between two huge fingertips. The feminine scream that emanated from the doomed person set off the rest of them, breaking the stunned and shocked silence that Alessandra’s arrival had created. The people below started to run through the building, futilely searching for an unblocked exit.

Ignoring the chaos at her feet, Alessandra lifted her first victim up to her face with a smile – before opening her mouth and leaning forward. Huge teeth came down and closed around the fabric of the cloak the girl was wearing, soaking it with saliva before the giantess ripped it off her body. The comparatively tiny girl actually had a more appealing, curvier physique than Alessandra, but that just made her softly lick her lips.

“Oooh, a girl. I have to wonder why you’d sign up with a resistance movement…but not for too long. Jealousy, am I right? You wanted to know as much about me as you could, so that you could grow yourself and take me down. I can’t blame you… but I can just eat you.”

Giggling, Alessandra closed her big blue eyes and opened her mouth wide. Letting out an ‘Aaaah’, she lowered the girl onto her outstretched tongue, then pulled it back inside her mouth and swallowed with a gulp. Lightly tracing a fingertip over her stomach, the naked giantess turned her gaze back to the chaos at her feet with a smile on her blushing face.

“As for the rest of you… I’m just going to enjoy myself.”

Those words set off a fresh set of screams, and when Alessandra lifted her foot up again they only grew in intensity. Giggling to herself, the towering girl pointed her foot down and began to lower her toe into the crowd, instantly crushing anyone caught beneath the giant digit into gore again and again. Using her blood-soaked toe, she herded the crowd into the back-part of the inn before setting her feet down on either side of the building… and then sat down. That tremendous behind came down from the sky, rounded curves smashing through elegant stonework like it was made of sand before coming to rest with a massive boom and a wet crunch as several people were caught beneath her and instantly killed.

Tommaso was one of the people caught behind Alessandra – the weight of her body crushing one of his legs and crippling him. As she looked at the crowd between her legs and began to play, crushing some of them against her thighs and others against the rest of her body, Tommaso saw something glowing before him. His mind filled with purpose and determination, he began to drag himself over the ground and blood, moaning in pain with every inch. Screams, giggles, sickening crunches and lewd moans filled his ears, but he eventually made it to his goal. Grabbing a large piece of rubble with both hands, he lifted the stone above his head and brought it down on the glowing black stone he’d brought in earlier – and it shattered into dust with a flash of light and a clear, ringing tone that silenced every other sound, even the screams.

“That sound…”

Alessandra reached into the people caught between her thighs and simply picked the two remaining survivors up in her hand – and tossed them into her mouth, chewing noisily and leaving her lips stained bright red with blood before turning around. The curved cheeks of the giantess’ butt flattened slightly against the ground as she lifted her legs up into the air before starting to move, dragging her body through the ruined inn as she spun around. Her thighs came down on either side of Tommaso’s body, leaving him trapped before her crotch. A single huge finger came down and adjusted the rubble, forcing the crippled leader to stare up at Alessandra – and at his wife, who was continuing to lick and worship the giantess’ clit.

“You….you lost. We’re dead, but…your ‘ascension’ stops here.”

Staring up with a face full of defiance, Tommaso expected to see anger – but all he saw staring back at him was smug satisfaction, tinged with unhidden arousal.

“Tommaso, was it? I have some bad news for you. That stone, that whole story? A lie. I could see through every last one of you from the day I grew. Every bit of intrigue, every close call – I’d planned it all.”

Those huge fingers came together around Tommaso’s sides, gently lifting him up into the air – only to bring him over to Alessandra’s crotch, where he was dragged along a massive labia and smeared with her arousal. A second later, he heard a scream as his wife was dragged down past him, just out of reach, her red hair the last he saw of her before she was pushed inside Alessandra’s body. A few seconds later, he almost threw up as he was lifted into the air, held before a giant face. As the blood drained from his face and despair filled his heart, the big blue eyes before him lit up.

“Yes, yes, that’s what I was looking for. I’m sure you were about to ask me why… but that look on your face says it all. Crushing and killing you people is so much more satisfying when you think you have a cha-a-a-aaaaah!”

Alessandra’s words were interrupted by a loud moan, the sound deafening Tommaso and shattering windows all around the giantess as pleasure rocked through her body. Lazily opening her eyes once more, she waited for a moment before continuing.

“That expression on your face... you just killed your wife. Her dying moments felt incredible, by the way... but now I’m finished. With her, with you, and with this whole city.”

The huge girl simply tossed Tommaso into her mouth and swallowed him whole, before shakily getting back onto her feet and dusting her body off – without removing the streaks of blood from her naked form.

“I think it’s about time I move on… well, after I drink the city’s reservoir dry and replace it myself.”

Stretching her arms out above her head with a satisfied sigh, Alessandra began to walk once again, booming footsteps interspersed with giggling laughter.