
by JDO

It was hard to breathe inside the box. The giant psychopath who put me here didn’t give a fuck if I suffocated. That much was clear. Motion, something powerful lifted the box. I was being carried. Focusing on details had kept me sane through this. I breathed as slow as I could. Then my stomach dropped, I felt completely disoriented.

Just like when I was captured. Right when I was pulled through that portal by the giant. Had I been shrunk again? It made my skin crawl, thinking about it.

He started talking to someone outside the box as we moved. He’d said very little to me since he took me but I knew his voice, even if I couldn’t understand the words. A woman’s voice responded to him. Was I not the only one he’d taken? The voice sounded familiar. Tears formed in my eyes and I couldn’t figure out why.

After another exchange between the voices outside, the box started to open and light flooded in. I squinted and looked up at the giant, he was grinning. And naked. I was level with his waist.

“I told you I brought you a gift. Your little sister, Marissa!” he spoke past me, over my head, and then the box turned around showing me why.

My mind connected the dots as I was shown to the billboard sized face of my big sister. Mandy had vanished two and a half years ago. We had given up hope. All along she had—my God.

“Oh god, please Jason no. I’ll never do it again, I promise.” she said, looking up past me to the giant.

“I know you won’t, dear.” he replied.

All this time. We all thought she’d been dead, but here she was. I couldn’t stop myself from letting out a sob. Relief at seeing her alive matched the anger at this monster for taking her from us.

“Mandy. Oh, my God, Mandy we tried. We looked, we tried so hard to find you.” I sputtered out through the sobs, and my big sister looked back to me.

“I know you did, ssh. I know. It’s okay. It’ll be okay.” she said, doing a much better job of talking through the tears.

Then the giant’s fingers grabbed me around the waist. I screamed as he plucked me from the box and threw it to the ground.

“Reunited and it feels so good!” his sing-song voice went up an obnoxious two octaves.

“See, you all think I’m this horrible beast of a man, when that just isn’t true. You miss your little sister, obviously. That’s why you tried to escape me. I couldn’t let you get away, but being the great guy that I am, I went and got her so I could bring her right to you!” he said, shaking and twisting my body in front of Mandy’s face.

“Jason, she’s my baby sister. Please don’t hurt her, please.” Mandy said, this time a little more bite to her voice and I heard her restraints shift as she tried to move to help me.

“Hurt her? What, like this?” he asked, and then lowered me in his hand and shoved me against his fucking dick. I heard Mandy yell out in protest as this giant psycho dragged my entire body up and down. It was so warm and it smelled so gross. I tried to scream, but he squeezed and drove the air out of me. I could taste him. His cock. My mind almost took itself out of my body, it was so much to handle all at once. Mandy was still yelling at him as he loosened his grip and I fell into his palm, which he cupped right under the thing, it was all I could really see.

“Mandy, you think I brought your sister here just so I could jack off on her? I mean, that’d be hot. She’s got a nice little body just like you. I could make you lick her clean after. Mmm.” he said.

My mouth went totally dry at the thought of this thing shooting cum all over me.

“But no, we’re going for a little more extreme sibling bonding.” he said before pulling me away from his cock and starting to walk. He circled the puritanical stock that held Mandy secured. She was naked, and I could see that her legs had been strapped in at the ankles. He got right up behind her and spit on the fingers of his free hand before sliding them in my sister’s pussy.

“Please, Jason, I’ll never try to escape you again. I’ll help you, I had friends, I can help you take them. Anything. Just not this, please.” Mandy said, struggling against her confines. I stared at my sister’s backside, panicking.

“You get pretty wet whenever I fuck you, Mandy. I wonder whose cum she’s going to drown on, yours or mine.” he said, and I went cold. What? A glob of spit flew down from his mouth right on top of me. The disgusting, clingy liquid soaked my hair and went up my nose, but I couldn’t move. What did he say he was about to do?

“I warned you cunts, never try to escape me. I warned you there would be consequences. And now poor little Marissa has to suffer those consequences. What do you think, Marissa? Are you mad at your big sister? Mad that you’re about to get stuffed in her pussy?”

Even as I was lifted toward it, I still couldn’t register what he was saying. Even as he pressed my face and my entire body against it, I couldn’t fathom what this monster was doing. Even as he rubbed me along its outer lips, my mind was still fighting the reality. That reality struck as I was shoved inside.

I thought of a time, sitting together with my sister when we were younger, having a tea party. What were our doll’s names? Tabby and Miss Princess. Tabby had cat ears. Miss Princess always sat at the head of the table. My mind was actually trying to take me out of this nightmare, to whisk me away from the sopping wet choking darkness of my big sister’s vagina.

Then something massive smashed into me, ramming me further in. The giant cock of the man raping my sister. It drove me all the way back, up against a wall that my brain registered as the cervix, before receding. And then it came back, this time a lot harder, smashing me and making me yelp. I saw stars in the blackness and my panicked mind tried to take me away again but the cock drove into me and pulled me back. My open mouth got some of Mandy’s tangy cum in it, but the giant was wrong. I would be crushed to death long before I drowned on anything. My last thoughts before I lost consciousness were of how that seemed a small mercy…

* * *

Pain. I opened my eyes, and there was immediate pain as I got something in them. I coughed, which brought more pain, mostly to my ribs and chest. The taste in my mouth was awful and whatever coated my body smelled like bleach and—I remembered.

“Oh good, she’s alive! What a trooper.” The sinister voice of our captor boomed around me. It would have hurt my ears if they weren’t clogged with his cum. He had fucked, no, raped my sister while I was inside of her. I was covered in his cum. And hers. I heard sobbing from above me and looked up to see my sister. Her face was red, tears streaked down her cheeks. She apologized over and over. I wanted to tell her it was alright but everything hurt too much as I tried to sit up.

The giant’s massive face appeared above her. He was so big now that I could barely fathom it. No, he wasn’t big, he was normal. I was the small one.

I followed his movements as he leaned away and reached his monstrous hand somewhere. I tried turning my head but my neck hurt. After a moment the hand returned and he set a woman down near me. She was the same size as my sister. She had red hair. She and my sister glared at one another as the giant loomed over us.

“Holly, I presume you saw what just happened.” he said.

The new woman nodded, not taking her eyes off my sister.

“Right. Well, I figured your hatred for Mandy may be enough to motivate you for the task I’m about to assign, but just in case you needed something a little bit extra, your brothers Max and Allen were not difficult to track down.” he said, and Holly shuddered.

“Now, I want you to walk over to little Marissa there.”

Holly’s footsteps pounded against the wooden surface we were all on. I looked up her naked body. As she peered down, I could see the pity in her eyes.

“Holly. Don’t. She’s my baby sister.” There was absolute terror in Mandy’s voice as she pleaded. All three of us knew the giant psychopath had something awful in mind.

“Hmmm, I wonder if Mandy would hesitate even for a second if it was one of your brothers, Holly? I really don’t think so. Now pick the little bitch up.” the giant psychopath said, flecks of his spit splattered across the surface of the table around us. I flinched as Holly bent at the knees down toward me. Her hands picked me up and cupped me like I was a baby bird. The difference between her and the giant was stark. As soon as she had me in her grasp, Mandy changed.

“Don’t you fucking TOUCH HER! You fucking cunt! I’ll fucking kill you!!” she screamed, shaking and rattling her restraints as she fought to get to us. It was no use. Holly stood and looked at me, then back up to my sister.

“Mandy, I’m sorry. It’s not personal, I would never do something like this even to you. He’s got the same gun pointed at my head, though.” Holly said. My sister raged and struggled against her restraints. Holly sighed and looked up at the giant, as if waiting for instructions. He gave them.

“Holly, I want you to swallow Mandy’s little sister whole. And don’t you fucking dare break eye contact while you do it.”

My sister wailed, at this point her words were failing her and she just spewed unintelligible pleas.

“I’m sorry, Mandy. I am so, so sorry.” Holly said. She looked down at me and whispered another apology.

“I understand.Tell her I love her.” I said. She nodded at me and then looked back to my sister. As she raised me to her mouth, I closed my eyes.

My body was put into another dark confine, but I knew this one would be inescapable. Holly’s saliva clung to me. Her breath smelled hot and minty, and I had time to think of how absurd it was that the giant psychopath made them brush their teeth before Holly did as she’d been told. Her tongue shoved me to the back of her throat, and the loud gulp vibrated around me as her throat took me. I was pulled down in total darkness, and I landed on my back with a plop inside Holly’s stomach. I took a small breath and gagged.

I said a prayer for my sister and let my mind drift to tea parties with Tabby and Miss Princess as I waited to die, thankful that at least for me, this nightmare was over.