Crime Reduction

by BizyBoy00

Tiffany and Sarah ran down the street to Tiffany’s house, each carrying a plastic grocery bag full of naked shrunken people. They had saved up money for months and finally had enough to buy several hundred half-inch tall criminal clones from the Black Market dealer the next city over.

When they got inside, they headed down the hall to Tiffany’s room and shut the door behind them. They placed the bags on the floor, Tiffany sitting on the bed above them and Sarah sitting in the desk chair. "Awesome, we got them all! And I can’t believe this will be your first time with them!"

Sarah smiled. "I’ve seen enough giantess material online, I figured it was time for the real deal. I guess I never expected such a close friend to be into it as well."

Tiffany reached into a bag and picked out a few. She tossed them into her mouth as if they were M&M’s. "And the best part is that even though their bodies are a little tougher due to their compact size, they’re still easy to crush."

Sarah stood up and grabbed a handful from the bag. "It feels…so real."

"Yup, and now you can do literally whatever you want with them. Like this." Tiffany picked up a bunch, placed her hand in front of her mouth, and tipped them all into her maw. She chomped down on all of them, her teeth ripping through their flesh like a hot knife through butter. After she swallowed them, she opened her mouth and showed Sarah. "Ok, your turn, hun."

Sarah looked down at the tinies in her hand and let an evil smile creep across her face. She let the couple dozen mants fall to the floor. Some of them died on impact and lay motionless, but many of them were still alive and in immense pain. She leaned over to get a closer look. "Oh dear, that looks like it hurts. I bet your victims hurt from whatever you fucks did to them. Since I’m a gracious goddess, I’ll end your suffering quickly." Sarah raised her left bare foot up and slammed it down onto the group, splattering most of them. A couple were caught between her toes or under her high arch, but their survival was brief as Sarah marched in place, slamming her feet up and down until all of them were gone. Little did she know, one lucky guy fell on top of two others and got up to run under the chair before either giantess noticed.

"Oh my God, that was so awesome!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Well, don’t stop! Let’s have some fun!" Tiffany stood up and took off all her clothes, prompting Sarah to do the same. "So, you want to see the more brutal side of giantessing? Well let’s get to it!" Tiffany grabbed one of the bags and walked the two into the kitchen. She placed the bag on the table and took out a couple handfuls. "Can you get one of my larger cooking pans and place it on the stovetop?"

Sarah got a pan and placed it on the stove. Tiffany placed all of them in the pan and covered it with a glass lid. A few tinies fell to the floor. If the fall didn’t kill them, the two ladies’ innocent stepping did. One guy had his legs caught under a pinky toe, and though his legs were crushed, he was forced to crawl away in agony, praying for one of their feet to finish the job. Unfortunately for him, it would be hours until a spider killed him.

The two ladies leaned in and watched as the tiny people tried to climb on top of the weaker ones to get away from the hot metal, but the heat built up quicker and quicker. The ones touching the metal burned and melted away, while the others had their skin melt away slowly. "Oh man, that’s fucking brutal!" Sarah exclaimed, starting to get aroused.

Meanwhile, Tiffany had filled a sauce pan with water and started boiling it. As it started to boil, she took the bag, reached in, and started throwing in handfuls of people. Sarah listened in closely as they screamed out, the chorus of tiny voices barely audible above the boiling water. The two girls laughed in evil delight as the criminals boiled alive like lobsters. After their skin and muscles boiled away, Tiffany grabbed a small spice can from her cabinet and sprinkled some in the pan. "Who doesn’t like extra flavor, haha!"

Sarah was finding the cruelty and comeuppance for these criminals to be quite erotic, most noticed from the tingling in her crotch. She reached back into the bag, took a bunch, and rubbed her naked pussy with them. "Mmmmm, that’s the spot," she lightly moaned. To her, she was just rubbing her womanhood with her palm, but to the tinies, it was unimaginably-rough play. Some were forced up against her clit, making her wetter and hornier. Her fingers dove deep inside her, taking some of the tinies with them.

"Ooooh, I can feel them squirming!"

Seeing this turned Tiffany on. She grabbed two fistfuls of tinies and started rubbing them against Sarah’s boobs while making out with her. Her hands rubbed and fondled the nipples while the tinies fell to the floor. Some of them tried to run away, but the wetness from the two women’s pussies made the floor slick for them and made escape impossible.

High above, Tiffany took more tinies and put some in her mouth. The girls kissed, tossing them back and forth with their tongues. Sarah pulled away from Tiffany and coughed a few times. "That should be a fun death for them," she laughed. The sound of the boiling water drew their attention back to the stove. In the sauce pan, the tinies were all melted away, while in the skillet, a few piles of burnt bodies smoked.

"Well, we might as well make a feast." Tiffany took the bag and dumped the hundreds of remaining people split between the skillet and saucepan. She then turned the heat off on both stoves. "Well, let’s let them stay toasty warm and see what’s left in a while. We have another bag to play with."

"Yeah…let’s go get…go play with the other bag." Sarah, who was still coming down from her sexy time and still feeling the few squirming survivors inside her, grabbed a plate, took Tiffany’s hand, and led her back into the bedroom. When they got in the room, they noticed that there was a hole in the bag and there were tinies all in the process of running away like ants.

"What the fuck? Where do you fuckers think you’re going?" Sarah jumped up in the air and slammed herself down on top of as many as her feet could cover. Guts and blood splattered out from under her massive soles.

As she jumped up and down a couple more times, Tiffany grabbed her arm. "Fucking stop! You’re getting blood all over my rug!"

Sarah stopped, breathing heavy. "Oops, sorry, but they deserved it!" Sarah sat down in the desk chair and held her feet up to Tiffany. Tiffany’s tongue licked up and down the beautiful stained soles and between Sarah’s toes. "Mmmm, that feels awesome! Suck my toes clean!" Following orders from her girlfriend, Tiffany sucked the blood and stuck body parts from Sarah’s pink toenails. As she did, Tiffany used the long nails on her free hand to gently stroke her pussy lips. She reached down to the plate and grabbed a few torso-people to rub against her throbbing vertical smile.

When she was done, the girls gathered as many as they could find. They figured that some had escaped under her bed and furniture, but they would get them sooner or later. The two of them poured the mants out onto the plate on the desk.

Tiffany picked one up. "So, you bitches think you could try and get away? Try after THIS!" Tiffany used her long nails and sliced off the little guy’s legs. As his legs fell into her palm, she put his body on the plate and ate the legs. She picked up another and continued to do the same. Sarah did the same, except she was a nail-biter, so she had to pull and rip the legs off. After the first few tinies, and after she basically tore the bodies in half, Sarah just decided to use her teeth. She held them in her fingers and bit the kicking appendages off in one quick bite.

It didn’t take long for the number of half-bodies to start building up, their screams of pain starting to be loud enough for Sarah and Tiffany to hear. Some of them passed out from the sheer pain they were in, while others went crazy from both their own pain and the scene around them. "There, I don’t think any of you will be trying to escape again," Sarah laughed. "Alright, how about some more footsie time? C’mon, do what I do!"

Sarah sat in the desk chair and stuck her bare feet into the bag. She moved her feet around and wiggled her toes fiercely, feeling the bodies snap and break between them. Since the bag was still mostly full, the combined screams were audible above the rustling plastic bag. When Tiffany put her feet in, the two girls started playing a deadly game of footsies.

"Oooh, they feel so good on my poor feet!" Tiffany exclaimed. Though their tiny bodies were dense enough to withstand the comparative weight of up to hundreds of bodies on them, they offered little resistance against the massive toes.

Eventually, the blood and guts from the mangled bodies started leaking out through the escape hole. Tiffany snapped her feet out of the bag, sending bodies flying in all directions. "Oh crap, more blood!" Sarah pulled her feet out with bodies in her scrunched toes. Tiffany picked up the bag and placed her hand under it. She ran to the kitchen and put the bag in the sink. Bodies spilled out of the bag and onto the cold metal sink. Without realizing that the drain was stopped, Tiffany started the water to rinse the blood away. The sound of Sarah drew her attention to the stove.

"Oh damn, we forgot about these." She turned the stoves off and removed the lids, seeing dead melted bodies in both. "Looks like dinner is still cooking." Tiffany picked up the bag in the stopped sink. Water, viscera, and drowned bodies came out of the expanded hole and splashed into the water.

"Oh shit, most of them are dead!" Sarah exclaimed.

Tiffany sighed. "Fuck. Oh well, at least some of them are still alive." The two of them plucked off some of the still-moving ones from the top of the pile and put them on the counter for later. She poured the rest of the bag out, pulled the plug on the drain, and watched as the bodies, some still living, went down.

"Well, looks like you cunts are spared from death row," Sarah said. "Psh, haha who am I kidding?" She slammed her pan down several times and killed them all. Her evil laugh filled the kitchen. The sadistic glee that she was enjoying was turning on Tiffany even more.

Tiffany pulled her girlfriend close and kissed her. "Was it good for you as well?"

Sarah smiled. "You bet. Now why don’t we go find the escapees in the bedroom and go fuck with them."

Tiffany took Sarah’s hand and the two headed off to show the tinies that crime truly doesn’t pay.