Cruel, Cruel Hemingway

by Versusterminus7

"Stop it, you... That tickles."

Sarah tried her damnedest to not twitch her foot, but found it rather difficult- the toy sized woman at her foot saw to that. With an almost kid-like grin, the tiny thing scurried behind Sarah's comely foot and poked her head above the pinky toe, the brown curls bobbing up and down.

She huffed and set her book down on her bare stomach, smirking at the tiny tickler.

"Jessica," she mock-scolded, "you cut that out right now. I may have to punish you otherwise..."

Jessica laughed and poked her head between of Sarah's toes, further eliciting an almost-twitch.

"Is that a promise?"

Jessica slowly pulled her head back, letting her locks drag across hypersensitive skin. Her mouth found Sarah's toes, caressing them with soft pecks and sending a very warm shiver up Sarah's spine.

Sarah felt the want in her awaken and she set her book on the nightstand, followed by her glasses. Her hand pushed the book over towards the edge, and in fact just over it, when she set her glasses down next to it. She stretched over and plucked Jessica between two fingers, a smile spreading across her lips. Sarah brought her love to her face as she lowered to the pillow, grinning and letting her prisoner dangle above her.

She pursed her lips and pressed Jessica's body against them in a kiss, feeling her curves shape them, her wife's scaled down pajamas barely containing the heat from her quickly warming form.

Jessica squealed, laughing and kicking her feet in the air, staring up into Sarah's hazel eyes as the giantess stood up and crawled to the other side of the bed.

She set Jessica down on her back at the foot of the mattress, her bare feet scraping hushly on the carpet as she knelt. Like some sudden storm, then, Sarah leaned down over her, her elbows digging into the fabric of the bed like twin pillars. Her face overshadowed Jessica as she smiled, pleased as pie that the tiny woman... Her tiny woman, in fact, looked up at her and scooted back on her elbows- something that gave her a glorious satisfaction.

"Oh, don't worry, honey..." She breathed, washing her breath over her. She licked her lips.

A tremble.

"That's a promise."

Sarah lowered her head, her black hair cascading down her shoulders like a river at night. She opened her mouth, let her tongue out, and gave Jessica a long stroke from her breasts to her face. The spouse shivered, the sheen of a thin saliva suddenly cooling her face, and she found her hand down at her crotch, already priming herself. Sarah chuckled as she saw this, suddenly rising to her feet and sticking her thumbs into the straps of her panties.

Jessica watched her wriggle with a smile as Sarah doffed her lowers.

"But don't you want to read your book?" A loaded question. "Or what about that call you said you had to take, your clients in Singapore?"

"Nah," Sarah crinkled her nose, tossing the panties onto the floor and sitting back on the bed, "it's kind of depressing anyway. It's one I read back in grade school. Also, I don't think my clients will call until later- it's like a sixteen-hour difference, and we're going to pretend they won't call yet."

"Which one?"

"Which what."

"Which book of his?"

"A Farewell to Arms."

"Oh man," Jessica droned, standing up and pulling off her own top, "I remember that one. I hated the ending. It was just so morbid and quick."

Sarah threw herself back onto the bed, making Jessica yelp and fall down.

"Ahh, sorry. Yeah, you're right. That guy was a real asshole."

"And an alcoholic!" chirped Jessica while she took off her bottoms. They lay discarded with the top not too far from her feet.

Sarah chuckled as she reached down to scoop her wife up. Safely wrapped in a soft finger curl, she hung her above her face ever so gently by her hips, pausing only once to peck her once softly.

"I suppose..." Sarah glanced at her love sideways, "I should stop reading it. It's not really bringing anything good into my life, right?"

She shifted herself to the headboard of their obstinately queen-sized bed (something they decided on when they left the registrar), careful to hold Jessica in her hand and not get in the way. Once settled, her legs out in front and her head comfortably on pillows, she placed Jessica onto her stomach- something the diminutive woman lovingly called the Pooch.

"I suppose as well," intoned she, kneeling and flashing Sarah a coy smile.

Jessica leaned over and took soft hold of the ample flesh before her. She pressed her mouth to Sarah's belly and began to suck softly, flicking her tongue over the goose-pimpled flesh and erect hairs. Sarah sighed contentedly, her painted toes scrunching up in the sheets.

Jessica swashed her hands about, massaging her wife's skin in minute delicate waves and presses. Sarah in turn writhed her hips up and down, closing her eyes and concentrating on each subtle whisper of movement. She smiled widely, resisting the very urgent imperative to clutch this woman in her hand and push her into her now swollen and flushed labia.

No... No, not her labia.

Not yet, anyhow.

The giantess instead moved her hand to cover Jessica, and began to stroke her back with her nail. The tiny one gasped softly, arcing her back like a cat into the sweeps of her finger, breaking the rhythm of her sucks.

"Feel good?" Offered Sarah.

The minute curls of Jessica's head bobbed up and down along with her smile.

"Good, because I want to give you more..."

Sarah gently plucked up her spouse, and, as soon as she arrived at her face, dragged her tongue once again along her body, stopping to swish between and about each bare breast.

Sarah felt the erection of Jessica's nipples.

Sarah felt alive.

She worked her tongue down in time to between Jessica's legs, further eliciting a much louder gasp. Satisfied, Sarah ran her tongue back and across Jessica's pussy, feeling the tiny woman wriggle and squirm wildly between her fingers.

It didn't take long for wriggles and squirms to turn into bucks and lip bites, Jessica's legs twisting around the lingual muscle and her own ten fingers digging into the surrounding two.

With a final, almost pathetic whimper emitting from Jessica's nose, Sarah felt a wash of lubrication spill onto her tastebuds- a familiar sensation.

Between the happy breathlessness and grins, Jessica mumbled something and Sarah could only grin and press her love against her forehead, even at that size feeling the tremendous heat emitting off her post-coital body.

"What was that?" She coaxed, bringing Jessica closer to her ear.

"I said, I think that's not allowed to be that good."

Sarah laughed from her belly, the sound soaking down to her sacral area and tickling her revved up nerves in her own ready and waiting womanhood.

"Yeah, well... Stop making me love you so hard then," Sarah said with a grin.

Jessica sighed and all but collapsed in Sarah's hand. The women just stood there for a couple of minutes, Jessica laying down and Sarah rubbing her with her thumb as she lay. She clucked disapprovingly when Jessica let her eyes drift closed.

"Now now... That's so ruuuude," Sarah teased. "You haven't even done anything for me yet..."

Jessica poked one eye open and stuck her tongue out.

"Oh yeah? You're gonna make me work even after I've been exhausted?"

"Well, I am a- what was that phrase you used that one night? A cruel goddess, after all..."

Jessica bit her lip and rolled her eyes back.

"So mean."

Sarah pecked her and laughed.

"I did say I was going to punish you... Wait a minute."

The mirth on Sarah's face melted into a squint-eyed concern laser-focused on her stomach. Jessica looked down and saw not but her toes in the air.

"What is it?" She hazarded.

Sarah plucked her glasses up one more time and flipped them on her face. She continued to observe the point on Jessica's stomach.

"Sarah, what is-"

"A red mark. Just above your crotch."

"What? Oh, Sarah, that's just-"

"Oh Jesus. Jessica, did I hurt you?"

"No, no. That's a razor burn. Remember? Last night, I was trimming?"

Sarah's face contorted into some shifting tripoint between relief and doubt and concern.

"Are you sure? I didn't think I was-"

"Sarah, you didn't bite. You couldn't have."

Jessica smiled softly and patted Sarah's thumb.

"You didn't hurt me, I promise. Now," Jessica said, pointing down to Sarah's crotch, "let me down there. I'm hungry."

Sarah grinned one sidedly and chuckled. She took her glasses off and placed them on the desk again, displacing her book farther off the nightstand ledge. She then softly but with some eagerness placed Jessica between her legs, smiling and biting her lip.

She would've been lying to herself if she said she wasn't excited about this.

She felt Jessica approach her open labia as if by sense, the lower lips of hers glistening in the half-dark with lubricant. She closed her eyes and waited, holding her breath and anticipating the feel of her-


There it was. Two tiny hands suddenly grabbing her engorged clitoris, slowly moving down into in between her labia. A wet, tiny kiss, her tongue flocking across again her clit... Waggling... Moving...

The shrill sound of her computer's call alarm permeated the sweet silence, making Sarah flash open her eyes and frown with disdain.

"Oh... Fuuuuck."

Her hand found its way down to her crotch, and she once more plucked up Jessica from her activity.


"I know, I know," Sarah droned, "but it's got to be those clients."

She brought Jessica up to her face, her lips pouting sadly and regretfully. She pecked Jessica on the head and apologized.

"I'm sorry- but I love you, and I'll be damned if we won't continue this when I get back. In the meantime..."

Sarah reached over across herself and placed Jessica on top of the book she was reading. As she reached for her glasses, she heard, saw, and sensed the book, and, god help her, Jessica fall down below when the book tipped over like a see saw over the edge of the table.

Sarah's guts filled with ice, and tried in one desperate flail to try and catch the book, passenger, anything.

She heard a heavy thud on the carpet and a barely audible crack. She hurried to slam her glasses onto her face and looked down beside the bed. As her eyes adjusted, she let out a cry and covered her mouth.

"No, no no no NO NO NONONONOOOO" she pleaded to no one. It couldn't be.

The edge of the book had fallen into Jessica's head and burst it in a red flower of gore. Her body was still.