Dark Alley

by SmollFairy

It was dark in the alley. The stars overhead were mostly blocked out by the large, frail-looking fire escape hanging from the side of one abandoned building, as well as the broken boards and other garbage hanging out the windows of the other. The bricks on either side were covered in layers of graffiti, occasionally interrupted by dumpsters or garbage cans that didn’t appear to have been emptied in decades. The entire place smelt of rotting trash.

The sound of hurried footsteps breaks the silence. A small woman scurried down the alley, casting furtive looks behind her. She had turned off the street to escape her pursuers: five angry men who had been following her for the last two blocks, shouting slurs and threatening violence. There had been violence against trans women in this neighbourhood recently and it seemed likely that this gang were the culprits. When the men saw their prey duck into the alley, they broke into a run, believing her to have made a fatal error.

Unfortunately for them, she was not the one who made the error. She wasn’t fleeing them. She was luring them.

The men turned into the alley. They sighted the woman and shouted, scenting blood and racing after her. But as they ran, something strange happened. The world around them began to grow and expand. Garbage cans grew to the size of buses, then buildings, then skyscrapers. Cracks in the pavement became channels, then canyons. The brick walls beside them rushed away, and each man found himself standing alone on a bumpy grey plane, the silhouettes of his fellows barely visible in the distance. The men quailed at the suddenly alien landscape around them.

Then the ground shook. Booming thunder echoed around them. The men dropped to their knees, clutching their ears, cringing in fear. As the booming continued, some dared to look up, and terror gripped them. Their prey hadn’t shrunk with them – she was larger than a skyscraper. The thunder they heard was nothing more than her slow, sauntering footsteps as she walked towards them, smiling down at them with a sultry look on her face.

The closest man screamed and tried to run. Her footsteps shook the earth and he stumbled, but even if he had been able to sprint it wouldn’t have mattered. Compared to him, one stride covered entire football fields. In two steps, she was on him. He had a moment to glance behind him and scream as a shadow fell over him. Then her heeled black leather boot came down and the man disappeared beneath it forever, his scream ending with a quiet crunch. The goddess chuckled, lifting up her boot and revealing the wet red stain that was all that remained of him.

The other men stared in horror for a moment, then they too turned to flee. They didn’t get far. They were smaller than the huntswoman’s fingernails, and even sprinting for their lives their tiny legs could barely take them a few inches before she caught them. Bending down, she snatched up the four remaining men in her grasp.

They shrieked and writhed against the bus-sized fingers that pressed them into her palm, fearing she would simply squeeze her fist closed and crush them to paste. Unluckily for them, the huntswoman had other ideas.

She lifted them up to her face, her body rushing past them in a vertigo-inducing blur. Her thick lips were painted a bright red, like her nails, her pearly teeth glinting between them menacingly. She had soft, round features, and her pale skin was framed by a waterfall of dark curls. Her large blue eyes regarded her prey with playful malice.

“Aw, what’s the matter boys?” she asked, in a deep, husky voice “You were so eager for me to wait for you before. Now I’m here and you’re all acting like drama queens.”

The men had no coherent response to this. One shrieked mindlessly, flailing between forefinger and thumb. One sobbed, begging for his life, on his knees in her palm. One babbled incoherently, desperately trying to explain how they hadn’t meant anything by it and she shouldn’t have taken them so seriously, they had only been joking. The last roared at her, squeaking incoherently about how she was a sick freak and should undo this immediately. Her eyes fell on him, her mirth vanishing.

Wordlessly, she tipped the hand he was in sideways. The other man in that hand grabbed on to her pinky finger, but the angry man wasn’t fast enough. He slipped from her hand, falling into space, flailing and screaming as he fell the equivalent of dozens of stories. But something happened as he fell. He grew larger, going from less than an inch tall to over six inches. He slammed into the ground feet-first, his shins exploding in a shower of gore and bone shards as the rest of him crashed down on top of them. His pelvis was crushed, his torso bulging obscenely as his bones were shattered and his organs pulped. His skin turned a bruised purple as internal bleeding filled him. But he was still alive, and he was able to watch as the huntswoman slowly, inexorably raised her boot over him.

There was no scream, her victim was choking on his own blood, but his friends screamed for him as her boot slammed down with a sickly crunch, splattering his remains around her boot like a crimson halo. She twisted her foot, grinding his remains into the pavement mercilessly, smiling with delight as the men in her hands howled in horror. She savoured their terror, and the squelching sounds from beneath her boot. She dragged her foot backwards, leaving a red trail behind it.

With her second victim well and truly disposed of, she turned her attention back to the men in her hands. “Well, now that we’ve established who’s in charge here, I’ll explain how things are going to work from now on.” She moved the tiny men closer to her mouth, so her hot breath washed over them with every syllable. The men cringed as pearly white boulders the size of cars flashed between her lips. “We’re going to play a game. I’m going to stick you in my panties, and you’re going to… stimulate me. While I walk home.” She smiled at the tiny men as they paled at this, their shrieks dying down, replaced with a silent horror. “If you do a good job on the way, when we get home, you get to live with my girlfriend and I as our playthings. You’ll even get to be two feet tall when we fuck you like fleshlights.” She hissed the last few words at them, and then men started shrieking again, babbling and begging for her to let them go. “Of course, if you’re not up to it, there are… other ways you will entertain.”

In her hands, one of the men began shaking his fists at her and shouting slurs. The other man in that palm instinctively shrank away from him, retreating closer to her fingers.

The huntswoman smiled down at the angry man. She grabbed him between her thumb and forefinger with her other hand, tipping its former occupant into her palm near the finger man. She moved the angry man closer to her mouth, and he became considerably less angry, screaming and begging for his life again. A cheshire grin spread across her face. “Other ways like this.”

She popped the screaming man into her mouth, growing him to the size of a grape. She swirled him around with her tongue, purring with delight. He tasted awful, but his muffled screams were delicious.

She lowered the other two men to her throat, pressing them against the outside of her trachea. She swallowed, and they heard the screams as he descended past them. She lowered them along with him, running them between her breasts and over the silk of her dress until their friend reached his destination. She stopped them where he stopped, just below her sternum.

They could hear him. They could hear him screaming and wailing inside her. Not screams of fear. Screams of pain.

She lowered the two men further, down across her pelvis, down to the bulge they had chased her for. She moaned, gently caressing herself with the two men, before raising them back to her face. She purred “Mmmm, I do love that so much. I can feel him in there, it tickles. So will you two be joining him then?”

Both men shook their heads as emphatically as they could and squeaked up at her. The huntswoman laughed. “Good boys.”

Reaching down, she hiked up her dress and pulled down her panties, exposing her half-erect penis to the cold night air. She shivered. Reaching around to her backside, she grabbed one full buttock with one hand and pulled it away from its sister, her passenger inadvertently pressed into her silky flesh, trapped between palm and cheek. He couldn’t see as his fellow, gripped between thumb and forefinger, was pushed into her puckered sphincter. He wailed as she shoved him inside, forcing her finger in up to her second knuckle, then withdrawing it without its erstwhile passenger. Her back door closed behind it, leaving him trapped in the humid darkness inside her.

Remembering her threat, he went to work immediately. He began stimulating the inside of her exit, grinding his fists into it with as much strength as he could muster, hoping she felt it. He wept softly, disgusted and deeply ashamed of himself.

Outside, she released his fellow from his fleshy prison and brought him around in front of her crotch. A cock the size of a building loomed over him, the tip slick with precum. The giantess giggled. She rubbed him against her tip, smearing him with her juices, before moving him beneath it and placing him in her lacy black panties. “Your friend is already doing work. If you survive the trip home, you might survive the night.”

She pulled up her panties, tucking her cock back into them and smothering the last man beneath her testicles. She’d been lying of course. The last thing the man in her ass would see was her girlfriend’s cock when it pushed inside her to finish what he started. If he wasn’t crushed by her rock-hard meat he’d drown in her hot seed. Assuming the man in her panties didn’t suffocate beneath her scrotum, he’d die spitted on their cocks, passed between them like a sex toy over and over and over. She’d shrink him a bit while he was on them each time, so he’d be a little bit tighter, a little bit snugger, until their pounding cocks tore his intestines apart and destroyed his insides. Or maybe they’d tire of him before that, in which case she’d shrink him down again and feed him to her girlfriend, like an especially screamy chocolate. They’d die, just like all the others who’d been stupid enough to chase her into an alleyway.

She cleaned the gore off her shoe with a wipe from her purse, then tossed it in the trash. She stepped out of the alley, walking home under the streetlights, knowing the streets were safer for people like her. Inside her ass, her would-be murderer sobbed and pleasured her more.