Live Stream

by M31

Logan woke up, got dressed and darted over to the Bagel shop on 22nd street. If he hadn't been looking at as phone so intently, he would have noticed the massive wall that had seemingly replaced the edge of the earth. If he had been paying attention he would have noticed that the streets were vacant, no honking taxi's or street side vendors, no air traffic, or screaming school children. It's just not something you notice right away when you're so used to retreating into your own mind and closing out the world around you. But he noticed, he noticed as soon as his head met with the colossal Plexiglass wall that replaced 22nd street. “What the fuckin shit..”

For a moment he presumed he was experiencing severe neurological deterioration, “So this is what Alzheimer's is like, or maybe it's a stroke. “He grabbed his chest in a panic “Oh my god, I'm having a stroke.”

“How cute!” A loud and godlike voice boomed from the heavens.

Logan cried out, “God is that you?”

For a moment there was silence, Logan pulled himself to his feet and stood back in awe of the great wall, “This has to be real”, he pressed his hand gentle against the glass. Beyond the wall there was nothingness, or so it seemed. Then there was a great light as if exploding from a single point and then the outline of something immense coming into view. A human face, perhaps the face of God, if God was a girl, he was terrifying and equally beautiful.

The first thing Logan noticed was how easily he could fall into this God person's eyes, like a grain of rice in a big bowl of chicken noodle soup. “Is this what it's like to die?” The catastrophically sized face rose beyond the wall, revealing the rest of her impossible body like a mountain rising over an ant hill, there was a palpable sense of gravity, a deep rumble that grabbed him by his heart and shook his insides. The woman stood over this little partition of cityscape, with poor little Logan looking up not knowing exactly what to expect as you might imagine, but hoping that this was the moment the gates of heaven opened up and he was invited to live forever it God's good graces.

Well, something opened but it wasn't the gates of heaven. It was a box. The lady colossus opened up a little box and poured it's terrified screaming contents out over the lilliputian cityscape, like screaming sprinkles over a cake made of concrete and metal. People impacted the streets, some rolling onto the concrete unscathed, some exploding on impact, it all depending on they were during the volatile emptying of the box. Logan noticed one of the exploded bodies was fully mechanical, a hyper realistic humanoid machine. Logan knew he was no machine, he was real flesh and blood “What the fuck is this?” One man rushed to Logan, pulling him to his feet by the collar of his jacket, “Run man, she's gonna fuckin' kill us all!”

* * *

Bailey wiggled off her panties and placed the heavy box on a little waist high stool. She was so excited to play with this incredible thing called a “MicroCiv.” MicroCiv was a series of Micro cities, people, cars, trains, airplanes and everything in between. You could get a cruise liner full of micro people and put it in your bathtub or an Old Western Town and have the Cowboys and Indians shake-hands, or battle it out, or you could simply crush them to bits!

In this case Bailey had been gifted the little slice of NYC, by her adoring fans. They really wanted to see her lay the fragile landscape to waste on live stream. So with her big tits and tight ass, she eagerly obliged. Sure, she wasn't particularly into micro things, but the idea of being a powerful sexual being really stood in line with how she wanted to be perceived. It was the perfect way for her to show everyone how much of a true Goddess she really was.

Bailey started the Broadcast, tip toeing over to her computer in nothing but knee high socks.

“Hey Guys, today is a very special day, the much anticipated MicroCiv Crush N Fuck!”

The crowd went wild, like a bunch of ravenous gladiatorial spectators.

“Crush them now!”

“Eat them, come on them!”

“Stick the buildings up your azz!”

“I'm not going to JUST to eat them and crush them, I'm going to fuck them..”

Bailey had a single box full of Micro victims, or as she called them, 400 “sorry little twerps”, as she liked to give off a strong “mean bitch vibe.”She poured them out over the little landscape, purposely modulating the height at which she dropped them off as to cause some of them to explode on impact. This alone drove her viewers crazy, the donations were flying in which made her smirk, “Looks like we're off to a good start.”

She wanted one thing and one thing only, to feel this incredibly realistic and intricate city crumbled like wet sand under her bare ass cheeks. There was no time to waste, no teasing to be had, it was time to crush this beautiful thing, ..for all her loyal fans.

Bailey positioned herself over the city and plopped down in a rather anticlimactic fashion. Instantly the concrete structures were reduced to a fine dust, anyone in the vicinity of her ass was pulverized. The pale human forms that scurried in a frenzied panic now silenced under an immeasurable amount of tonnage. She enjoyed the way the rubble conformed to her curves, the way the devastation was kicked up when she rocked back and forth. The only survivors were the one's unlucky enough to find themselves glued and clinging to her most sensitive bits, other less attended survivors found themselves trapped in the dark recesses of her sweaty ass crack.

“Ummff” She moaned and giggled to herself enjoying the power trip and finding amusement in the thought of people popping like grapes under the weight of her ass. She let her free hand fall between her thighs, gently teasing the tiny humans clinging to thick pink flesh of her labia. “Now for act two: Incredible depth.” She began fingering herself, imagining her insides filling with the screaming, panicked bodies of those poor little twerps. Then down in the rubble she caught some movement in the corner of her eye.

“Oh, we do have survivors!...Fresh and unfucked, ...not so good for you..” She reached over and pinched the tiny form, the indistinguishable speck disappearing between her fat fingers.The chat box went wild and there was almost a unanimous vote for her to devour the tiny in one fell bite.

She brought the micro to her face, glaring at him with intoxicating and erotic eyes “I'm sorry but, the fans come first!” And with that she tossed the micro into the air catching it in her mouth, like you would a peanut or a cube of cheese.