
by Dragonien

None of us knew how we got there, none of us recognized one another, and none of us recognized our captors. We all just remembered waking up here in this little cage. We all came from different backgrounds and ethnicities, some of us not even speaking the same language. Some of us weren’t even human. Upright standing wolves, cats, and bears littered amongst the humans with the same posture and intelligence as everyone else as if they were just people wearing animal suits. Some of us might have freaked out more about having strangely humanoid animals in our midst if there weren’t bigger things to freak out about.

Two bigger things in particular.

The two giants paid us no mind whatsoever. Both of them had to be at least a hundred feet tall, at least from our perspective. Most of us had noticed the size of the various implements and furniture around the room we were in and realized that it was us that were somehow small now rather than the two being huge, but that didn’t really change the impact of their size. They were big enough that either one of them could easily swallow one of us whole, grab a whole handful of us in a single fist, or smother several of us underfoot with ease. We learned all of these things firsthand very quickly.

Save for the size of them the two giants couldn’t have possibly been more different. One was an, if rather pretty, mundane looking woman no different from any other you may see walking down the street. She had short brownish-blond hair and almond colored eyes with a flatteringly curvaceous body more than sufficient to shame nearly any woman amongst us with ease. The other one, on the other hand, wasn’t even human.

He was an upright animal creature like a few of those amongst us though at a much larger size and of a species unlike any of those amongst us. A dragon was the clearest choice as, even though he had no wings and he had bright uniformly colored hide rather than scales, more than once small puffs of smoke would release from his nostrils. Add that to his reptilian eyes, the ebony horns coming from his head and the serpentine tail sticking out from his tailbone and it was the only guess we could make sense of.

The two were clearly intimate with the way they were snuggled up against one another. The dragon-man’s arm was draped across her shoulders and behind her head, letting her use the crook of his elbow as a headrest. She, meanwhile, was nestled up against his side with both of her arms wrapped around his torso as the two sat watching some show on TV. Unfortunately what we quickly learned the two also were was completely remorseless and uncaring towards any of us trapped in that cage.

Before long the dragon’s free arm began to reach towards the cage, causing a fresh wave of panic to flood through all of us. The top of the wire mesh cage was nudged open with his fingertip, effortlessly pushing steel ‘bars’ that to us were as thick as PVC piping, like they weren’t even there. Fingers as big as tree trunks and tipped with wickedly sharp, inhuman claws dove down into the cage, fumbling blindly around as it seemed he was unwilling to surrender his attention from their television program. Finally they seemed to grab onto their target, and the rest of us got to watch as one of the others in our group was hefted effortless out of the cage like the prize of some nightmarish crane game. A crowd of us was abruptly pushed against the bars of the cage, watching the terrified woman in the dragon’s grasp flail about and scream against the iron hard digits surrounding her. What we saw next left a lump of icy dread settling in all of our stomachs as our panic and fear maxed out too high for us to even respond to.

He ate her.

There was no preamble, no taunting of her size or playing with her to indulge in his superiority over here. There was just his jaw opening wide, exposing inhuman predatory fangs lining his gumline, her being tossed in and his jaw snapping shut around him. For a split second we could see the edges of his lips turn up in the hints of a smile, but even that held no visible maliciousness. It was no different to when you put a piece of delicious candy or food in your mouth and are savoring the taste before… Gulp. He just swallowed her down, a living breathing thinking person like she were nothing more than a snack food.

Panic rose amongst our group again, this time far more fanatical and desperate when we all saw the dragon’s hand reaching back out towards the cage again. Some of those amongst us had become so desperate not to be next on the dragon’s menu that when the fingers lowered down amongst us a few people actually pushed someone towards the groping red digits, dooming them to be dragged away by the dragon like the first victim had. The victim, one of the humanoid wolf-men, found himself offered to the female giant rather than being tossed in the dragon’s mouth. She smiled softly to herself as the wolf-man was pushed against her lips. We all could see him flailing and fighting, even going as far as to be scratching and biting at her lips and the flesh around them! Sadly, the size disparity between him and the gigantic woman was so great neither his claws nor fangs were sharp enough to break through what had to be skin at least a couple inches thick relative to any of us.

Just like the dragon there was no hesitation on her part. Her lips opened just enough to let the dragon’s clawed digits gently push the humanoid animal into her mouth to rest atop her tongue. She even closed her lips around his fingers, as if holding them for a brief, playful instant and forcing him to expend a bit of force to pull them free. You’d think the cavalier way that we all could see the two giants using some of us as snacks and playthings would have been bad enough. But we saw the woman rolling her snack around her mouth for a moment, able to see her cheeks bulge out in one direction then the other as her tongue pushed itself and her victim against it. Then we saw her mouth finally settle and watched her jaw tense ever so slightly, releasing a sharp crunching sound into the air. It was as if the audio of the television had reached a lull at the perfect opportunity for us to hear the sound, not unlike when someone bites down on a crispy potato chip. But we all knew it was far worse than that. It hadn’t been a chip that had been crushed between her teeth. It had been one of us.

It only got worse from there. The two giants quickly seemed to lose interest in their TV show and casual cuddling and started paying more attention to each other. Casual brushing of fingers through hair or across arms became hands sliding under shirts or along thighs. Affectionate chuckles began to morph into sounds of amused enjoyment as the dragon’s kiss to the top of the woman’s head was returned with her nestling her head up underneath his chin more firmly. But as the two’s casual affection escalated into light petting, three more trips were made by the dragon’s arm to snatch one of us from the group to be used by them. Two more of them became casual snacks once more, though mercifully neither of them bit down on their victim like the woman had done on the wolf-man. Realistically this wasn’t that much better, it was just that none of us were in the state of mind to think of anything long term like the idea of people digesting slowly in a stomach rather than a quick and painless death via teeth. The third victim the dragon had grabbed, however, met a different fate.

None of us had any idea how they did it. There was no visible sign of any kind of energy or device activating, no chemicals or gas or drinks of any kind that they saw used on the victim. The little man who was dangling upside down from the dragon’s fingers in front of the woman’s face just started to shrink. The man simply started to decrease in scale in perfect proportion as if through some kind of editing software. His already miniscule body, relative to the giants no more than two or three inches, dwindled down so small that with the rest of us so far away we couldn’t see anything more than a barely visible speck. Even that we could only really notice because his darker colored skin and clothes stood out starkly against the bright crimson flesh of the dragon-man’s fingers. Yet again though, even this was met with a totally oblivious detachment by both giants as if it were no more unusual than if the dragon had just brushed off a bit of excess salt off of a piece of popcorn he was holding up for the woman.

The now even more miniscule man soon found himself dropped into the woman’s waiting mouth. He wasn’t even able to make any kind of showing as he simply disappeared into what, to him, had to be a near endless cavern of saliva covered flesh. Most of us didn’t think she’d even be able to feel him when she swallowed him. The next one of us, a fox-woman this time, found herself snatched up when the giant woman stretched across the dragon’s lap and reached into the cage to grab one of us. She too experienced the same seemingly unprompted shrinking spurt, as if just the casual desire of the giants for them to be smaller was enough to affect their physical reality. She disappeared down the dragon’s waiting gullet the same as the man that had been shrunk before her.

After that their debauchery rapidly began to escalate. Hands slipped under shirts and around waists. Playful nibbles became bouts of full on making out between the two giants. Soon articles of clothing were finding themselves discarded haphazardly across the floor. With their blood rising and their pulses quickening, that meant that the situations we ended up in and used for became similarly debased.

Several of us found ourselves trapped between their kisses. Some were simply swallowed, as many of those kisses seemed to devolve more into tongue wrestling over who got to eat the victim rather than a normal kiss. Others were a game between the two as they saw how long the person they were kissing around could survive before the pressure of their intermingling tongues would end up crushing them. When the two began exploring each other’s bodies it got even worse. One of us would find ourselves shrunken so small that we couldn’t even tell where we were, only to have a sky-filling tongue licking us off of whichever of their nipples we had been placed on. Others would be slipped into intimate areas to be left to squirm until wandering hands or shifting weights ended up squashing them with uncaring force.

As the two devolved into their session of intimacy those that were still in the cage could only sit there and watch as we were used and abused so casually. To the giants we weren’t people. We weren’t victims to torment. We weren’t even pets to be played with. We were toys. Objects with no more thought given to them than you would give a piece of popcorn or a condom. But most of all.

We were theirs.