
by AlsoknownasV

Let’s make a deal

Groups were harder to convince than the usual lone wanderer, as if several people together were more cautious when it came to a stranger offering help. Even when they did finally accept, there was always one who clung to their doubts.

“Are you sure this is the fastest way to the kitchen? I don’t wanna be out in the open when she comes down,” he said scanning the room’s hardwood floor for any visible threats.

“With no shag carpet to get lost in and no furniture to crawl through, I’d say it is. She’ll be asleep for another few hours so no worries there either.”

A pair of overturned flip flops caught his attention. With a muffled yelp, he scurried behind his two companions.

“Are you sure you’re sure?”

“Did I stutter? Don’t think I did so if you don’t mind, let’s hop to it,” I said, pressing on. It would be problematic if they turned back now, but with a shepherd to lead them, the lambs would surely follow. To their credit, his companions helped a great deal, all assurances and locked arms. Even with our steady pace, he couldn’t help, but constantly glance at the idle footwear, Perfectly harmless on their own, although at two inches tall, you’d be scared of your own shadow if it could be used to crush you.

Halfway across he started screaming, “It’s gone! It’s gone!” Curiously enough, only one remained, it’s partner spirited away. A man possessed, he charged ahead, bowling past us in a frenzied bid to escape this ominous premonition. An omen in the shape of a single, black flip flop. Eager to dispel any rumors of its disappearance, it fell upon him like a bomb. Splattered across the floor without a moment to cry out, a modest spray of blood the only evidence not buried beneath the vast foam sole. The runners tended to go the easiest.

Still working through what transpired, the remaining two didn’t notice Diana until polished nails delicately plucked them from the floor. Brown eyes roamed hungrily over their nude forms. One was pressed into a kiss, a sincere token of apology for their friend. Forced between parted lips, his fragile body yielded against their weight, snapping him in two. Muffled screams were silenced by the snap of teeth, eagerly masticating their prey into mush.

The remaining companion lay limp in her hand, knocked unconscious in a vain attempt at self preservation. Tugging the elastic of her panties forward, Diana eyed the descent, releasing her catch with a shrug. If the fall didn’t rouse him, the destination would. Spinning lightly on her feet, Diana retreated upstairs. Idly listening to another life taken by her primal whims, I prepared to greet the next wanderer to grace our home.

Bring me guests

For a normal sized person like Diana, the best way to sneak up on tinies is sliding, not stepping. With smooth floors and chic socks, or the more natural bare feet, you eliminate the boom and shake of walking. Something I try to remind her about, when she’s in a good mood.

“What got it so spooked? I was careful this time, like we practiced.” A pout tugged at the corner of her mouth, pulling her attention away from the struggling morsel being dragged forward.

“Think he divined your intentions or had some residual flip flop trauma. Either way, we’re lucky he didn’t spot you grabbing it,” I said through gritted teeth, fighting against the wrist bound guest behind me. This would be a lot easier if they were dead, or at least knocked out, but she orders them ‘kicking and screaming,’ no matter where they’re fed to.

The pout remained, persisting through each deliberate nibble as bloody teeth sheared muscle and bone with ease. Guests were served cautiously, like wood through a chipper. One by one, until she was done.

“Putting them up for ransom again could work, like I did when you first arrived,” she said absentmindedly chewing a particularly combative morsel.

Diana’s predominant method for flushing out hidden guests was ransoming their captured friends in plain sight. Given a strong sense of loyalty, but mixed with a weak survival instinct, this tactic worked quite well. When my friends were ransomed, I came out of hiding like the rest, met her face to face even. Wanted to see her reaction when I offered them up, along with a handful of others to frightened, or smart, to reveal themselves. Needless to say, the rest is history.

“Tried and true to be sure, but if they are anything like me, results may vary. Hmmm, we never tried appealing to their better nature. Show guests a crumb of goodwill and they’ll be all over you.”


“As, well, beings looked upon with scorn and frighteningly strong curiosity, we take any kindness we can get. Why do you think I’ve stuck with you for so long?”

“Out of fear and the knowledge that I’ll squish you if you leave?”

“That too.”

She smiled, a half-chewed arm dangling from the corner of her mouth, gentle as could be.

And I’ll let you live.

There was no doubt that a handful of guests would show. Crumbs and an open invitation to stay were incentive enough to meet their generous host in person. Leading them to Diana was easy enough, no doubters or runners, just excited chatter at the prospect of meeting someone not actively hunting them.

One guest was a touch overeager.

As we got closer, he took off, bolting towards the manicured digits before him. Arms wrapped around her toe ring, claiming it as a small souvenir. No sooner had he attempted to remove it than he was flung off. Shapely toes pinned him where he lay, his plea for help answered as another guest came to his aid. As her foot shifted, his cries grew sharper, urging the would be savior to pull faster, his body compressing beneath the increasing weight. Screaming, a half crushed body was pulled free. With not a moment to react, the helpful guest was smeared beneath Diana’s sole as it inched forward to finish the job it had started.

Restraint having been thrown out the window, hopefully this could be played off as an accident, not that it bothered the remaining guests. One found it amusing, head thrown back in unabashed delight. The other sighed, muttering softly on the importance of curbing impulsive behavior, a sentiment we shared. Not to dally any longer than necessary, we ascended quickly, putting this hiccup behind us.

“I am so sorry! I just wanted to stretch my legs and…..your friends…..I am so sorry!”

Brow furrowed in concentration, Diana attempted to look apologetic with a frankly impressive half-grimace, half smirk across her face. I should tuck this look away for later when she asks, “how did they know I was gonna squish them?”

“It’s alright. They had it coming getting so close to a pretty thing like you,” said the easily amused guest, putting his fist up for a bump.

Equally smooth and a savant in greetings, she returned the gesture. Whether an honest mistake, for once, or impatience, she lowered her first squarely on top of the friendly guest, ‘bumping’ his body into the table with a twist.

“Ditzy as ever our Diana,” I chuckled nervously to the remaining guest, unimpressed by our attempted ruse. He threw himself upon me, ready to carry at least the traitorous tiny with him to an early grave. Not to be outdone, giant fingers deftly compacted his skull into a gory mash.

“How did they know I was gonna squish them?” she asked, the familiar pout settling in.

Trapped beneath the headless remains, face plastered with blood and bone, I gave her my best half-grimace, half smirk.

“That’s how.”

Now get to work.