The Captive

by 2inchlich

The young man laid in his cage comfortably. The cage itself was far from comfortable: its iron bars too strong for the man within to break and the floor made of that same hard iron and left bare and unpadded. But he made himself comfortable regardless. His bare body was marred with numerous injuries, scars both old and new dotted his body in pink and silvery slashes. The most prominent was the burned flesh on the back of his upper thigh, just below his right buttock. The flesh rose to form the letters “J R.” Jarred Right.

The man in the cage had let Mr. Right proceed with his torture without complaint—beyond what would be considered appropriate and necessary. He still cried out and feigned pain, but in actuality he only felt minor discomfort. He possessed a startling vitality, and the crack of a whip or sting of a cattle prod had little effect on him. His puny master assumed that the giant he’d captured was completely broken. He was under the assumption that the giant had forgotten his name, his life before being captured, the touch of a gentle hand… He hadn’t. The giant, Sage, was playing along until he was able to escape. He could easily crush his tiny master when the man visited him. The only thing stopping him was the collar secured tight around his neck.

Mr. Right had gone out of his way to inform Sage that the collar would explode should anything unfortunate happen to him. Sage had impressive endurance, but he wouldn’t be able to survive a blow to such a vital region. And so, Sage allowed the man to use him as he pleased.

At first, Sage was just a curiosity that the young man kept in his private chambers. The attractive 50 foot tall man, likely just slightly older than his young master, was a sight to see. The impressive member between his legs was only part of his appeal to Mr. Right. He had soft, pale skin and a lean frame. His almond-shaped eyes were a bright amber, which was complemented by his short auburn hair. Freckles dotted his scarred body, predominantly on his face, but also spreading over his arms and back. He was well groomed, despite his time in captivity. Mr. Right preferred him to be mostly hairless—other than his tousled locks atop his head—and Sage didn’t grow much body hair anyway. Presently, he only had a faint stubble on his slightly angular face. Mr. Right didn’t make him shave until it began to look more like a beard. Sage’s master wanted him to look good for the visitors he brought in. His friends marveled at the giant. Some very clearly found him attractive. Several pitied him. Sage hated them all. If they truly pitied him then they’d free him. None of them even tried.

His life since being captured by the wealthy young man had been one wrought with humiliation. The human had let him be for the first few days, doing little more than running a hand along his bare hip each time he passed by. As time went by, the human’s attention turned to his own physical desires and away from the relative comfort of his captive. Many a night had been spent with the human in the cage with him. Sage was surprised that he’d managed to restrain himself from crushing the human between his fist and his cock while the little man rode the giant’s member. The one time Sage had bothered asking (not even telling) the man to stop, he’d been met with the sharp sting of a whip slashing across his abdomen. His master found a cruel satisfaction in the pain he inflicted, and Sage noticed it immediately. He’d often fantasized about harming the little man in far more gruesome ways. Whether it be smothering him to death beneath his massive body, or feeling his body break under a foot. He could rip his limbs off like petals from a flower. That thought in particular was his favourite. He dreamt of doing that exact thing often, when he was allowed to sleep. Oh, he could play the part of a gentleman for Mr. Right’s visitors—he had delicately kissed a young woman when she’d spoken to him—but internally he was cold, angry, and bloodthirsty. If he’d been able to, he would have taken her into his mouth and bitten her in half. She came by often. She was such a dumb, naïve little creature. Sage didn’t doubt that she could be useful under the right circumstances, though, and the threat of punishment kept him docile around her.

Tonight was a night like any other. Sage’s master was at work still, and wouldn’t be home for probably another half hour. This wasn’t ideal, but it was fine. Sage, although outwardly calm and relaxed, was actually quite anxious. The time waiting for his master to come home was time spent both steeling himself for the torment to come and trying to curb the anxiety that came along with just wanting to get it over with.

Sage’s wait was cut shorter than normal when the human came storming in 10 minutes earlier than normal. He raised a brow and watched Mr. Right closely as he removed his suit’s jacket and threw his tie off. He unbuttoned his shirt halfway then quickly began to unlock the cage. Sage glared down at the human as he entered the cage, but said nothing in protest. Whatever was about to happen would happen and he’d be expected to take it in stride.

Mr. Right strode directly between Sage’s thighs and stood momentarily in front of Sage’s massive cock, staring it down. Sage just watched at first. It was clear that the man had had a “bad day,” but was he really going to go so far as to take it out on Sage like this? The human lunged forward, but didn’t attack Sage. He was greedily kissing and rubbing the head of Sage’s cock, forcing his hands beneath his foreskin. Sage tensed up immediately and grit his teeth to suppress the surprised moan that nearly forced its way out of his throat. Without thinking, he brought a hand down and smacked the human aside. His eyes widened and his heart sank when he realized what he’d done. Mr. Right didn’t realize what had happened immediately. When he did, however, he slowly rose to his feet and produced a small black remote from his pants pocket. He pressed a small red button on it, smirking up at Sage.

Nothing happened. Sage watched Mr. Right’s expression slowly change from one of smug satisfaction to one of horror as he repeatedly pressed the button. The only reaction this got was the fizzling and subsequent “pop!” of the wiring in Sage’s collar. Sage slowly began to grin down at his master. The human made a dash for the door of the cage, nearly managing to scramble out only to be stopped by a fist wrapped tight around his left leg. Sage dragged him back in slowly, relishing the moment. A low, dark laugh rose from within him—the first he’d managed since being captured.

Sage hadn’t considered himself a cruel man before this. The Sage he’d been before would never have bit into the flesh of a human and spat their severed limbs out in front of them. The Sage he was now had no qualms about this. He removed both of the human’s arms this way and grinned toothily at him as he dropped his screaming body down to the floor of the cage. He watched him writhe in agony for just a moment before slowly pressing his foot down on him. The body beneath him squirmed still as Sage applied more and more pressure. Then the body stilled. There was no crunch of bone or gush of blood beyond what poured from the places where his arms had been. Sage had let him suffocate beneath the soft flesh of his pale sole. It was slower. Sage felt that he deserved that.

Sage kept his sole planted firmly on the human’s remains, managing to hide the blood beneath his foot. He licked the blood from his lips and grinned contentedly as he looked around his cage. He was still stuck, despite everything he’d done. The key that unlocked the larger door on his cage was hung on the wall near the whips, knives, and cattle prods that had caused him so much grief over the past few months. If he’d been able to reach it, it would have been too small for his fingers to maneuver into the lock. So he leaned back and waited, keeping the body hidden beneath him still.

It was several hours later that a familiar voice called out a soft, nervous, “Hello?” from the door on the other side of the room. Sage smiled at first but then took it upon himself to look as pitiful as possible. He smiled sadly at the young woman who hesitantly entered the room.

“Hello,” he responded softly to her, grinning more when he saw her smile back at him. She approached quickly, almost seeming pleased to see him.

Good,” he thought. She might be useful after all.

“Where’s Jarred?” She asked quickly, leaning against the bars and peering up at Sage.

He shrugged. “He came in for a bit then left.” He punctuated his statement by casually rubbing a cut on his lower abdomen that he’d received yesterday after upsetting his master.

The woman watched, sorrow clear on her attractive face. Under different circumstances, Sage would have found her beautiful. As it was, Sage had little to no interest in humans anymore. He struggled to remember her name. If he wanted this to work he needed to convince her that he cared about her—and that she should care about him. Linda? No, Lynn. Something like that?

“Lynn,” he began, smiling to himself when he noticed her eyes light up at the sound of her name, “Please. I know you don’t have any reason to trust me but…”

“You love me?” She asked, voice dreamy and breathy.

Sage nearly laughed out loud. “Yes,” he responded, delicately tracing a fingertip against her torso through the bars. “Ever since we first met.”

“I know,” she responded with a grin. “I could tell by how gentle you were with me. Despite how terribly Jarred treats you. You don’t have any reason to trust me. But… I want to show you that you can.”

Sage chuckled softly. “Oh? Do you want to come in?”

She offered a single, firm nod.

“The smaller door broke yesterday. Mr. Right slammed it too hard and the lock stuck. You can use the bigger door though.” He pointed through the bars at the key hung on the wall nearby.

Lynn happily unlocked the door, just to be thrown back by the force of Sage kicking it open. She gasped, trying to catch her breath after having it forced out of her from the hard impact against the opposite wall of the room. Her eyes began to brim with tears as the handsome giant loomed over her and stretched his sore limbs. She realized with sudden clarity how dire her mistake was. Sage’s bright eyes focused on her and a toothy grin spread across his face. She noticed the armless body of her late friend lying lifeless on the floor of the cage and she began to sob fearfully at the slow approach of the giant who’d killed him.

Sage stopped just in front of her. He’d spent far too long being the plaything of a cruel master. Now it was someone else’s turn to know what that humiliation felt like.