Fancy Footwear

by BizyBoy00

The portal opened to let Shannon and Lucy set out onto Earth. Their massive 1,000-foot-tall frames cast shadows on the suburbs and city alike.

“You ready?” Shannon asked.

“Absolutely!” Lucy replied.

Both women dropped their specially-made sandals on the ground to put them on, causing tremors to spread all around. These sandals looked like any other sandals, except they each had dozens of sharp metal rods sticking out of the soles, each about 30 feet long.

“Let’s go cause some mayhem.” Shannon took Lucy’s hand and the two women started strolling to the city.

Jason had just left the coffee shop when the state police cars came flying down the street. One was driving slower with a cop’s voice yelling out of the roof speaker. “Get off the streets and get as far inside the buildings as possible! The giant women are coming this way! I repeat…”


The ground started shaking, accompanied by synchronous booming sounds. Looking back towards the outskirts of the city, Jason saw the form of two monstrous women approach the city. People were running towards and past him, trying to get as far away from the giantesses as possible. Other cities have had visits from giant women that appear from portals and disappear just as quick. No one knows where they come from, but rumor has it that scientists have learned enough to figure out how to detect them before they form.

Jason dropped his macchiato and ran with the nearest crowd. He glanced back and saw the redheaded giantess coming down the road and the blonde one turning towards the center of the city. The sound of scraping metal from the footwear and crashes from the giantess putting holes in skyscrapers rose above the screams. As she approached Jason’s spot, he dove into a store entrance and watched the sandal slam down behind him. The gust from the footwear blew out the glass door and knocked Jason out.

Meanwhile, Shannon and Lucy were enjoying their walks through the tiny cities. As they spread out through downtown, they paid attention to see where the highest concentration of people was and made sure to walk through the crowds, collecting more and more tiny people on the skewers under their sandals. Shannon swayed her hips back and forth, knocking into buildings and causing some to collapse. Others remained upright with huge holes in them from both her hips and her playful hands.

“You know, I really wish we could find a way to bring these cities back with us. Like, in one piece,” Shannon said.

“Just so the scientists can study them?” Lucy replied. “I’d rather keep this…” she reached down, picked up a small handful of vehicles in a parking lot, and tossed them in the air to make it rain vehicles, “…just for us.”

Shannon held out her hand and let some of the cars smash against her palm like she was checking for rain. “Haha make it rain, bitch!” she yelled back to Lucy as she leaned over and picked up a handful of people, then did the same thing that Lucy did with the cars. Over their excited breaths, Shannon could almost hear the dozens of people screaming as their bodies flew up in the air before gravity took over.

Their playful games continued throughout the city. Entire buildings were brought down in their game of tag while scores of people below them were crushed from footfalls and debris alike. They took entire handfuls of people and used them on their pussies and boobs, becoming more and more sexually aroused.

Suddenly, while they were circling around to where they first entered the city, Lucy heard a high-pitched whistle. As she looked around to see where that noise was coming from, something exploded against her arm and knocked her over yelling in pain.


Shannon immediately ducked down to tend to her friend. She looked Lucy over and saw a bleeding gash in her shoulder. There was a good amount of blood coming out.

“Lucy!” She covered the wound with her hand and picked her up. “What happened!?” Lucy’s response was cut off by several explosions around them, including one next to Shannon’s leg. Looking up, she saw several small planes that she assumed were bombers.

Shannon placed her hand over Lucy’s wound and picked her up. “Come on, we have to get back to the portal spot.”

The two of them started going towards the outskirts of the city when a bunch of bombs dropped around them, knocking them over. Lucy’s fall through a building sent one of her sandals flying down a road. They gathered themselves and started quickly hobbling away. When they were close to the suburbs they came to Earth near, Shannon gathered her mental state and tapped into the chip in her mind to get the portal to form.

Once it was stable, they stepped through it and back to their reality. In a split second, they arrived back in Shannon’s living room. The portal disappeared behind them and Shannon lay Lucy on the floor and grabbed the first aid kit to tend to her wound.

“Ohhh….oh my…..those little fucks…” Lucy cursed the Earthlings’ attack on them.

Shannon leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Don’t worry, baby…we’ll make them pay.”

Jason started gaining his consciousness back and rolled over onto his back. He held his aching head and felt the warmth of blood coming from a cut across his forehead. The sound of screaming people was louder than before he got knocked out. When he stood up, he looked around and noticed some people around the store that were sitting or lying down in pain from various injuries.

He hobbled his way out to the street and held his hand up from the bright sun. The screams and wails came from his left, which is where he started to walk. Turning the corner at the intersection, he saw something that would haunt him for the rest of his life, along with everyone else that witnessed it. It was a sandal from one of the giant women, and it was lying on its side, revealing dozens or possibly hundreds of skewered bodies. Unfortunately for them, because the rods were so thin (especially by giantess standards), many of them were still alive and in extreme pain.

In a trance from seeing this, Jason slowly walked closer, as if something was controlling him and making him walk closer. Behind him, emergency vehicles and military transports came zooming around him and other people that were awestruck at this.

“Sir, please stay back!”

The voice of a police officer yelling at him snapped Jason back to reality. EMT’s were rushing up to the footwear to see what help they could offer while the police and Army were moving people and forming a barricade line. Some of them, even the veteran members, were throwing up from what they saw. The pool of blood was forming a small stream that was leading to the sewer drain.

“How close are the next EMTs?” an Army colonel asked a police lieutenant.

“All of our forces are spread around the city trying to help where they can, sir. We’re using police and medics from four other cities, and the next nearest ones are half an hour away.”

The colonel’s face got serious as he swallowed hard at the decision he had to make. “Lieutenant, pull all of the first responders back.” He turned to an Army officer. “Captain, tell all of our guys to get their guns ready to shoot on my command.”

He was going to kill them all, even those that might live. Jason rushed forward to confront the officers but was restrained by two soldiers. “There are people that might live!” he yelled.

The colonel briefly turned his way. “Sergeant, keep these people back.” A few soldiers stood in front of the crowd to keep them from moving forward.

“Sir, are you sure we can’t try and save any-”

“I already said this, captain… just like at every foot imprint throughout the city, there’s no help for these people. Now get ready to fire.”

A couple minutes later, the captain got word from one of his sergeants and relayed it to the colonel. “Sir, the firing line is ready.”

Jason looked over and noticed two lines of soldiers, one kneeling, in front of the sandal.

“Firing squad, ready…aim…FIRE!”

At the colonel’s command, all the soldiers began shooting into the mass of mangled bodies. The already-sickening sound of tortured bodies screamed out as bullets ripped through them. Jason watched in horror as he caught the image of an impaled woman holding a baby just before bullets riddled their bodies.

Jason turned around and started heading back towards where he last parked. He figured that his car probably wasn’t there, but there wasn’t anything else for him to do. Death and destruction was all around him, and what he saw would haunt him for the rest of his life.