First Hand Pleasure

by Tater Botch

“Are you sure this is safe?” The young woman asked her male companion as they traveled through the large, dense brown foliage that surrounded them. “Yeah it is. Don’t worry, no one is coming anytime soon,” The man responded as he continued to walk between the fuzzy ‘trees’.

“The kitchen should be nearby,” he added as he began to pick up his pace. His female friend yelped in terror as she watched his body disappear behind the brown brush. She rushed forward, hoping to see him once more. “Hank!” She yelled out as she pushed and shoved through the strange brown trunks. Eventually, she caught up with her friend, and she was greeted with the sight of the massive, empty kitchen. Hank stood patiently as he waited for his female companion to walk towards him. He could see her discomfort in her face; he simply smiles as he gestured to her to come.

The large, skyscraper sized cabinets towered over everything in the distance. The white marble floor seemed to stretch for miles in every direction. The sound of the woman’s footsteps on the golden, metal divider that separated the brown “foliage” and the unbroken, even floor seemed to echo throughout the empty room.

Her mouth was wide open. Her eyes, filled with wonder, continued to gaze up as she soaked up everything in the gigantic environment. Hank stood still, allowing his female companion to walk ahead of him. “I've been here often, but I've never had a chance to look at it,” she said as her bare feet finally reached the cool, marble floor. She jumped a bit; the coldness caught her off guard, but her eyes were still glued to the colossal kitchen above.

After a few steps, she felt a sticky, warm goo beneath her left foot. She looked down and was horrified to see a trap that had been laid out before her. “Hank! There shouldn’t have been a hunting party near by. Why is there a...” she could feel two firm hands bury themselves into her back. Her head was wiped back as her body was sent flying forward. A yelp escaped her lips as she tumbled to the ground. All she could do was bring her arms up to her chest to soften her fall.

The sticky, clear glue splashed all over her, enveloping her legs and forearms as she crashed onto the trap bellow. She let out of pain filled moan before thrashing about in the goo. Thankfully, her face was left untouched by the liquid, thus allowing her look around, but she could not see her friend anywhere. “Hank! What the fuck!” She screamed out.

A sharp painful gasp escaped her as she felt something slam onto her back, causing her to fall onto the glue even more. The tan cloth that covered her breasts and privates were drenched in the gooey liquid as her bare abdomen was now pushed onto the trap, pinning her in place.

“What the fuck!” she barked out as she heard her friend walk towards her head from her left. Her vision shifted towards the sound of his footsteps. Her heart sank as she was met with the sight of Hank, who had a sly, sadistic smile on his face. He gazed down upon his victim as he slowly sat down near her.

“What are you doing!” She yelled out.

He tilted his head as his smile grew bigger and bigger. “Jess, I love you so much,” his voice was soft, and gentle, “but there’s been one thing you could never do.”

He looked to his right briefly; he bit his lip before looking back at Jess. “W-What do you mean?” She asked, trying not to breakdown in tears.

“Everyone is afraid of the giants,” Hank responded back as a loud, thunderous pop echoed from the distance, “but I’ve always had a... fascination with them.”

Jess began to struggle in the goo as the ground rumbled softly beneath the two tiny people. “Their women... are so powerful,” Hank moaned as he stood back up to his feet, “I love to see them show their power before me. We’re mere insects; pest beneath their glorious feet.”

The ground shook more violently than before as thunder roared in the distance. “Nothing personal Jess, but I have a love that you can't satisfy,” and with that, Hank lazily stood up and walked away from his friend, who continued to struggle in the glue trap. Tears ran down her face as she watched him. “Help me! This isn’t funny!” Jess cried out; her voice cracked as she desperately tried to free herself. Hank stopped in his tracks. Another thunderous explosion filled the air as the earth rattled beneath them.

He turned around and ran back towards the helpless woman. Jess gasped in relief, “Get me out of this!” she yelled out as she felt Hank's warm hands caress her waist. Then, Jess felt the earth move once more, but it was not like the other earthquakes. She could see the cabinets in the distances shift to her left as her body was carelessly turned around in place. The woman screamed as she could feel her skin peel off the trap as Hank jerked and twisted her grounded body without care.

"STOP" she screamed, but her pleas fell onto silent ears.

Tears ran down her cheeks as fear and pain filled her eyes. From the corner of her eyes, she could see the massive being towering over everything. With every twist and shove, Jess' vision was filled with her massive presence even more. The giant seemed to be distracted, unaware of their mere existence as she walked with a large sheet of paper in her hand. She had stopped moving; her left, bare foot was gently tapping the carpeted ground, causing the ground to shake subtly as muffled thuds filled the air.

“What the fuck!” Jess yelled out in terror as she continued to flail around. Suddenly, a thunderous step echoed from in front of her as the earth trembled once more. Jess looked straight ahead to see the massive giant's bare right foot swing forward. The strong winds created by the colossal appendage as it flew through the air effortlessly caused the trap to subtly move on the marble floor. A cold chill ran down Jess' body as she watched the carpet fibers, trees to her, simply collapse beneath the giant's step. The sound of them shifting and bending beneath the weight filled the air briefly before the explosive blast of her footstep echoed in the tiny woman's ears. The ground quivered beneath the sheer power of the woman.

Hank licked his lips as he ran to a safe location, a few hundred feet away from Jess. He stopped and then proceeded to sit down once more as the massive, colossal being that dwarfed everything around her continued to walk towards the tiny man's friend. The being’s bare legs seemed to stretch for miles and her face was too distant for him to even make sense of it. Her large, blue short shorts were tight around her equally as colossal thighs, and her midriff, large and vast enough to be its own continent, glisten in the light.

He bit his lip as his gaze fell upon the woman’s massive feet. Her left foot swung forward, causing the brown carpet below to shuffle in the gust that it made as it flew past. The foot fell upon the sea of brown, causing the fibers to collapse beneath its sheer weight. The sound of her explosive footstep echoed throughout the room as the powerful earthquake shook the tiny couple to his core.

Her right leg swung forward, slamming onto the carpet below. Another explosive thud rang out as the man was flung into the air ever so slightly by the impact.

Jess screamed; her voice cracked as a dark shadow loomed over her. “Please!” She yelled out, but she heard no response.

Hank watched in anticipation; the giant’s left foot swung forward. Time seemed to go slow as he watched the massive bare foot collapse upon Jess.

The tiny woman could feel the wind howl all around her as the giant plain of peach colored flesh descended upon her. The shadow that engulfed her began to grow darker and darker. The giant’s lotion filled Jess’ lungs with the scent of coconuts as Jess tried desperately to escape her glue prison. She screamed as the deafening thud of the giant’s heel crashing upon the marble floor exploded within her ears.

Hank watched with a smile on his face as the foot, almost as if it was teasing him, slowly came down onto the tiny woman. The massive sole rolled out onto the marble floor; the sound of the giant’s bare, peach skin sticking onto the ground caught the man’s attention. The shadow that enveloped the poor soul grew into a blackout as the ball of the giant’s foot came upon the tiny woman.

She yelped in pain as the giant’s weight fell upon her. Her legs gave way instantly; she felt her bones snap into pieces as her lower half was turned into a unrecognizable red mush. Her face was forced onto group, the heat that the giant generated caused the tiny woman to gasp for air. Jess could feel her jaw slowly pop out of place as her whole body was being compressed onto the ground. Blood leaked from her opened lips as her vision blurred. Pain surged from all around her remaining body; she could hear her heart beat faster and faster. The sheer heat and humidity beneath the giant’s foot caused Jess to slowly drown as droplets of sweat formed on the bottom of the giant’s sole. Her tears were wiped away by the hot salty liquid as it rushed towards her mouth.

Suddenly, darkness. Utter darkness filled Jess’ sight as the pain and fear that she had abruptly ended.

A moan escaped the man lips as the woman’s body completely disappeared beneath the foot. The wet plop of her body popping beneath the sheer weight of the giant aroused him. The boulder-sized toes hit the floor with powerful thuds, causing the tiny man and the ground to shake, all the while a thunderous roar erupted from the heavens above.

Hank briefly looked up to see the goddess staring down upon the ground. Her face was twisted in disgust.

Without a second thought, Hank stood up and ran towards the endless carpet. The loud slosh from the woman's sweaty foot lifting itself off the floor resonated all around the room. Hank, filled with glee, could care less.

He ran towards cover. But just before he reached the carpet, he turned around. The sight of the giant cleaning her foot caused him to smile once more, as thoughts, and more traps, filled his mind.