House Crush Family Kill

by CrushedBoyWonder

“Look at this sad little house,” they said.

The two young giantesses paused their stroll in front of a house that looked out of place amongst the newer, larger suburban homes.

Kaylin was thin and blond, blue-eyed, wearing a sweater, short skirt, stockings and brown ankle boots.

“Yeah, what the fuck?” Michelle was a little shorter and had brown skin, hazel eyes, and black hair with bangs. She was wearing a jacket, ripped jeans and Superstars.

They looked down on the house. It was square, one story with a shingled roof. It was made of wood and painted yellow. There was a garden, and a path leading from the front door to the street made of concrete tiles. In the driveway was a minivan.

* * *

“Oh God no,” Daniel said, peaking through the curtains of the kitchen. “Please, not us…”

He couldn't see all the way up, but when Michelle's sneakers turned and walked toward the house, he whisked the curtains shut, cursing. “Get back,” he whispered to his family, and put a finger to his lips. The ground shook increasingly as the giantesses approached, rattling the dishes. Under the kitchen table huddled his wife Florence and three teenage kids.

* * *

“I saw you close the curtains,” Michelle said, “Why don’t you come out of your little house?”

They stood outside waiting, but nothing happened. Kaylin yawned and put her boot on the little mailbox near the road, crushing it easily.

Michelle started tapping her foot. “Hurry up. We’re getting bored.”

* * *

The ground shook with every little tap of Michelle’s foot, everything in the kitchen jumping up and clattering down. Dishes started smashing on the floor. Florence and the kids had their hands clamped over their heads in fear. The twins, Nick and Chris, were both eighteen, and their older sister Ella was nineteen. The boys had dark hair like their dad, and Ella was blond like her mom, with freckles too but longer hair.

Daniel swallowed his fear, and opened the curtains, cracking the window open. “What do you want?” he said.

“Just come out,” Michelle said. “Now.”

“O-okay, but will you promise not to hurt us?”

Kaylin replied, “Yeah, we won’t hurt you.”

“But you uh, stepped on my mailbox…”

“Oh yeah, oops,” Kaylin said, moving her foot. Her face was expressionless. “That was an accident.”

* * *

After a few moments, the front door opened slightly, and Daniel slipped outside, closing it again as if to keep the giants out. He wore a golf shirt and slacks, and had a little bald spot starting at the back of his head. He stood there trembling, wary.

Michelle was towering over him to the left, closer to the house. She had her phone out and was filming him. Kaylin had one boot slightly forward, resting on the pathway.

“Come here,” Kaylin said.

Daniel swallowed and approached timidly.

“Closer,” Kaylin said, her tone just a notch darker. When he took only a few steps closer, she rolled her eyes and pointed down at her boot with one manicured finger. “Right here,” she said.

He stood close enough to the toe of her boot to touch it. “W-what do you want?”

“Three things. First, I want you to get down on your knees. Go ahead, it’s okay. Get right down there on the ground by my boot. No, don’t look back at your family, look at the boot. Good. Now that you're down there, the second thing I want is for you to start begging, okay?”

“What?” Daniel shouted, his voice breaking, “B-beg you for what? You said-”

“Beg us not to crush you, your little house, and everyone inside it, okay? Because that’s the third thing I want. I want to crush everything.”

Daniel cried, “You promised you wouldn't-”

“I lied,” Kaylin said, shrugging.

“Why? Why are you doing this, we haven’t done anything, we barely-”

“That’s not begging,” Michelle said suddenly, still looking at her phone. “Is this your car?” She took a step toward the van, raised her other foot, and stomped down, flattening the whole vehicle under one white sneaker. Daniel flinched and watched as the giantess lifted her foot and looked down at the tinfoil-like remains of the car.

“Okayokayokay, pleasepleaseplease please, I’m begging you, don’t hurt us, please,” Daniel said, head bowed and slapping the ground with his palms.

Kaylin watched this for a while, her hands on her hips, until Michelle started tapping her foot again. She rolled her eyes and said, “Good job. Now the last thing I want, is for you to kiss my boots, and then maybe I won’t crush you and your house and your family.”

“That’s four things,” Michelle said. She started walking slowly around the house, leaving large footprints in the lawn. “You said you had three things you wanted.”

“Hmm… are you sure I said that?” She turned her attention downward again. “Hey! I know I said not to look at them, you little shit. Look at the boots! That’s right. You want your family to live, don’t you? ...That’s what I thought. Get kissing.” Kaylin lifted the toe of her boot slightly. “Yep, get right under there, kiss the sole. Good boy.” She could no longer see him under her foot.

Eventually Michelle stopped pacing and gave her an exasperated look. Kaylin sighed and then slowly started lowering her boot.

Daniel cried out in fear as the massive rubber tread of the boot started lowering onto him. “Wait! What are you doing?”

“Keep kissinggg,” Kaylin said, a smirk starting to grow in her voice. “You don’t want this to happen to your family do you?”

Daniel tried to get a few more kisses in, until the boot lowered so far down he was knocked back off his knees. He squirmed around onto his stomach and tried to crawl away, screaming “No no no no wait! Waiiit!”

“That doesn’t sound like kissing,” Kaylin said, and pressed her boot down. There was a crackling sound from beneath, followed by incoherent little shrieks. Her boot was resting on the path, having crushed both of Daniel’s legs, but his upper half was still there under the raised lip of the toe portion. Because of the slight platform and the heel, that was the way it was shaped, and Daniel lay there screaming underneath.

The door of the house flew open and two small figures came rushing out. The boys were dressed only in t-shirts and sweatpants, but they ran towards their father shouting out to him. Behind them their mother shouted “No! Wait, don’t go out-”

There was a boom as Michelle’s foot landed on Nick. The impact sent Chris sprawling on his face. Nick had been crushed instantly, and some of his innards had sprayed onto his brother. As Chris turned over, shaking, he looked up as Michelle’s giant sneaker rose, dropping bits of his brother and leaving a large stain on the path. The white shoe moved over him, and he crawled backward a bit, in total shock. He saw a big splatter of gore above him in the white rubber, intestines dangling, an arm still intact stuck into the tread. He could make out what had been a head, smashed flat and distorted. Past the shoe he saw Michelle’s uncaring face looking down at her phone screen, filming him.

“Finally,” she said, and stepped down.

Chris didn’t scream, he could only whimper. This time Michelle was more casual as she squashed him slowly with a muffled crunch. She then twisted her shoe on him, grinding him out like an insect. When she lifted her foot so she could get a shot of her bloodied sole, both brothers had been ground into her tread.

“No, nooo!” Daniel wailed, reaching out with his arms to his dead sons.

“Oh, you don't like that?” Michelle said, putting her foot down in front of him and tilting it sideways to show him her gory sole. “You don't like seeing your family get squished? Then you probably won't like this next part…” She turned away and grabbed the roof of the house. With a splintering tear she ripped it off and tossed it aside. Below her she could see the whole tiny home laid out like a dollhouse. It was very simple, a kitchen/dining room, living room, two bedrooms and one bathroom.

“Where are you?” she said in a sing-song voice. Then she swung her leg over the wall and stepped down into the living room. Her shoe was so huge it barely fit in the cramped room, instantly crushing the coffee table, couch, television and everything else in one step. Family photos fell from the walls and ledges, shattering.

Michelle heard a scream and saw a small figure dash from underneath the kitchen table and run into a bedroom. The daughter had panicked and ran under her bed. Michelle smiled slightly and lifted her other leg up over the wall. She lowered it carefully over the kids’ bedroom, turning her foot so that the girl could not escape through the door. The boys had a bunkbed, and it was the first thing to splinter and collapse under her shoe.

* * *

Ella was screaming. She couldn’t stop. If the adrenaline wasn’t rushing through her veins, she might be aware of her lungs and throat burning, her eyes straining and puffy from the constant screams, but she wasn’t. She was slightly aware of her world coming down around her, and the memories of her entire life suddenly destroyed. The family photos, the dishes, the old couch. As the giant sneaker settled into the floor inches away from her, her brothers’ bed crunching underneath, she vaguely saw a few toys from the box that had been underneath.

The bed she was under had half collapsed too, but she didn’t move, she stayed curled up in a tight little ball with her hands over her head, screaming. Even when the bed lifted away from her somehow, exposing her, she could do nothing. She remembered being a toddler, clutching at her dad’s legs as he held her little brothers, and her mom standing nearby, those same toys scattered about the living room.

Ella was lifted into the air by giant fingers. It was windy up here. Her eyes were bloodshot. Her face was deep red, her body trembling from lack of oxygen. Blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. And still she screamed.

“Shut up,” the giantess said, and dropped Ella into her mouth.

* * *

Michelle rolled the girl around in her mouth for a while before she swallowed her whole. Finally the noisy little shrieks were drowned in her throat.

As she started stomping down the walls of the house, she looked over to Kaylin. At her boot, the mother was trying to pull the little man from underneath the toe. Kaylin lifted her heel slowly, bringing her toe flat on the ground and crushing him like a toothpaste tube. His insides all spurted out through his head and chest, splattering his wife. Kaylin laughed and scraped her boot back slowly, leaving a huge red smear on the path.

Florence fell backward, still clutching his arms which had ripped off. Then she just rolled onto her side and started sobbing.

Kaylin said “Aww, his little arms came off,” and she said, chuckling.

Michelle came over and crouched to get a better shot with her phone. She laughed at her too. “You’re so tiny and pathetic,” she said. “We just stepped on your whole family and stomped your little house. What are you gonna do about it?”

Kaylin bent over and asked the tiny one quietly, “Should I keep you as a slave now? Make you lick my boots clean every day?”

The tiny woman did nothing but cry.

“She won’t make a good slave,” Michelle said, “she has nothing left to live for. We broke her. You might as well just squish her.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Stupid little bug,” Kaylin said and raised her heel. “Time to squish.”