Saul's Chips

by bobascher

My name is Saul. People say I have a chip on my shoulder, but what do they know. My shoulders have been made strong by the weight of the world, and beyond that - I hate chips. I don't hate my knowledge of electronics. Being bullied into a corner does have an advantage and sometimes results in a neat new gun.

Across the street I see my neighbor Bob. That dude has never had any luck. He finally caught a break and was taking his wife and kids on a trip for their high school graduation and 18th birthday. I have never seen him happy, let alone as happy as he is right now packing his car. Time to end that.

He and his car collapsed to shoe size in front of me. Heck yeah, my ray works. His wife and kids pile out to see what happened. Even more fun. His daughter tortured me in school even though I was a grade older. She ignored me and flaunting her body in front of all of us. Snatching her up, she will be a fun toy.

Grabbing his wife, I turned her over in my hand, feeling her body. Time has been kind to her. I am sure she is fucking someone else when Bob is working so hard to provide her a life. Lifting up her sundress and pulling down her panties, the bitch is already wet. Into my pocket she also goes.

Ugh, here comes Bob's mutt. He never keeps that thing tied up. Picking up his son, I yell "Catch fido" and toss that stoner his way. Damn, that dog sucked down Bob's son without even pausing. The THC must have also acted quick, as that dog just lied down.

Standing back up, I stomp all over that little car. In short order, it was nothing but rubble. I notice a few female panties sticking out intact, so I shove those in my pocket with their owners. I don't know why I did that though, they will never need them again.

I finally turn my attention to Bob. He has never done a bad thing in his life and only wanted a good life for his family. Sacrificing himself for their well being. He fully appreciate what has just happened and is racked with anguish.

I tap him with my toe and he just falls over. It would have been nice of me to just off him there, but fuck that noise. I step on one of his tiny legs and gleefully hear the snap. Pulling a used chopstick from my pack, I sharpen a point using the pavement and shove it up his rectum. I grow bored quickly of my puppet and use some dental floss I have to tie him to a tree house. He can enjoy sacrificing himself now for the birds or the bees that come by. They won't care about the hours he has worked, I certainly didn't.

* * *

Travelling further up the street I see Cindy's Porsche 911 sitting in her driveway. She absolutely adored that car. She worked many extra hours and called in several favors to make that car hers. Now, it will be mine.

Pulling out the gun, I reduce it to the size of a Hot Wheels car. It feels heavy in my hand, but balanced well. It will make a nice addition to my collection. Looking through the windshield, I notice some movement inside.

A flash of tiny titties and a small cock. Damn, her best friend Sharon and her boytoy Brian were apparently deriving some benefit from Cindy's car as well. She would have been pissed to know this. Well, I guess it’s my time to do some good on Cindy's behalf then.

Using the other chopstick, I carefully open the door on the car and shake the two occupants out. I have never shrunk anyone that small before. My hand must look like an entire field to them.

After securing the car in my bag, I set to investigating them closer. Brian was ugly but had what appeared to be a huge dick. He was still hard as a rock too. Using my chopstick, I pushed around that tiny package. While it would be huge at their size, it was just slightly bigger than the head of the chopstick. After a few seconds of this, I see him cum all over the stick. Fucking loser.

Stabbing that cock brought me pleasure. He wailed out in pain as his pride was now gone. Picking the stick up, he came with it. I flung him like a bad booger into the storm drain. Good riddance.

After wiping the stick off, I slipped it into my pocket and turned my attention to Sharon. She was the top of the cougar set. That is probably how she talked Cindy into letting her borrow the car. I could barely feel anything under my finger tip, as it covered most of her body. Pulling out Bob's wife, Sarea, who was about 5 inches tall, I told her to hold Sharon up so I could see her better.

Sarea was very obedient. Clearly she was motivated by the biggest cock around and mine was bigger than her full body. She helped me turn Sharon all about. I asked Sarea to make Sharon cum for me. I wanted to see if it was worth keeping her. However, when that little bitch started howling when Sarea accidentally popped one of her fake titties, I knew my answer.

"Sarea, I'll appreciate all you have done for me. I'll treat you and your daughter well when we get home, I'll just need you to stay quiet. Oh, and I'll also need you to eat that bitch in your hand. Savor her or torture her, your choice."

Sarea looked at me with lust in her eyes. She hated Sharon and jumped at the chance to get even with her. Sucking her into her mouth, I can see her rolling her around like a candy. She was big in comparison, so it was quite a mouthful. Sharon popped out at one point and I used my finger to push her back into Sarea's mouth. It was so hot when she finally bit down and ended that bitch.

As blood leaked out of Sarea's mouth, I knew I made the right choice keeping her. She was shocked as I drew her close to my mouth, but was relieved when I licked the blood from her lips. After I kissed her face, I returned her to my pocket. It was a good day.

* * *

I hate smoking, but I work at a cigar shop. They were the only ones who offered me a job when I applied. Did I say that I hate smoking?

I just wanted to get my day done so I could play with Sarea. She was amazing and mine. She sat quietly folded up in my pocket. Good fucking girl. Her daughter wasn't as kind. Every so often she would try to thrash about or yell. Little bitch. I should off her too, but I promised Sarea I would treat her well.

For most of my shift, the occasional outburst was harmless. Either no one was in the shop, or I was by myself. However, my luck ran out when she decided to throw a hissy when I was serving a customer. On top of all that, the customer was Brett Bogart, the quarterback of the high school varsity football team. You might ask how he could even be in my shop, being a high schooler, but this guy was dumb as rocks. He was held back many times in school. They kept him around to throw that damn ball though. Nineteen years old and a rising junior, who knows if he’ll ever finish.

Anyway, he heard my passenger voice her opinion like a short-haired mom at a Publix. He wouldn't accept my excuse it was just my phone since he claimed he saw movement too. His mistake came when he tried to force his hand into my pocket. I turned that box of rocks into a pebble.

Placing him on the inspection mat, I pulled the little bitch out of my pocket.

"Alright Amy, I promised your mom that I would keep you safe. I like her, so for the time being you are safe. You refused to keep quiet and sit still like a good girl, so you are responsible for what happens next."

She looked distraught. She was good friends with his girlfriend and didn't want to hurt him.

"Now, I don't care too much for this block of meat, particularly this piece of gristle," I said pointing to his cock, "so you need to get to work making it stiff."

She folds her arms across her chest. If she wanted to play it that way, I'll make my doll do what I want. Picking her up, I pulled off her right shoe and sock, exposing some glorious toes. Using those peds, I got Brett's cock nice and stiff.

I stroked her face and tits. "Excellent work. Now watch closely and you'll see why you need to keep quiet."

I pick up my cigar cutter and place the opening over his dick and change purse. One snip and he was now a shrieking eunuch. Amy curled back into my hand in horror. Sensing she had seen enough, I place her in the pocket with Sarea. I place her sock and shoe in the same pocket. I gave a loving pat to the pocket. Could I be falling for the mere sprite in my pocket?

"Alright Brett, I think it is time we end those football aspirations by reinforcing some French history." I insert his head through the cutter. "Good bye, Marie Antoinette." With a snip, his head came free. It was true that his eyes still looked around and mouth moved for many minutes after.

I finished sectioning up his body and took out an old coffee grinder the shop had. With a few whirls, Brett was no longer recognizable. I flushed him down the toilet and cleaned up the grinder and countertop.

Shortly after, my relief came in and I was free to go. Today has turned out to be one of the best days ever. Thanks Bob!