Training Wheels

by Macsquizzy

The hallway was dark, Chips flaking off of the weathered paint, drywall chunked away exposing frayed wires and beams in disrepair. Walking through it slowly, the flashlight’s glow dancing through the hanging dust, the doors that lined the walls showed no sign of life. Except for the one, clean and pristine, a soft yellow light filtering from underneath it. Approaching with keys ready, flicking off the light, Jake slowly slid it into the lock which clicked audibly as he turned.

Opening to reveal a spacious two bedroom apartment. A corner one as well, luxurious for this middle class building. The granite counter tops still gleamed, the dining table spotless. Modern black cabinetry with curved pewter handles. Potlights in the ceiling. Even the beds were still made. In the entertainment area, lounging on the couch, was her. In a white T-shirt and blue jeans. Left leg bent, right slung overtop.

“Hi Jake!” She bubbled, not looking up as he slung his knapsack onto the kitchen island.

“Hi.” Jake responded flatly, with a little fatigue.

“How was your adventure?” She asked, Stretching her arms above her head.

“Tiring” he said, pulling cans, tools, weapons and bandages out from his pack. “But that’s another one clear.”

“Oh? Sounds like you’re getting better.” She said with a lilt, turning to face him as she stretched out fully on the couch, “I’m a little jealous.” She rested her head on the pillow propped against the arm, a few strands of wavy blonde hair falling across her face. Smiling that smile of hers, the one she knew got under his skin. The one that really set the terms of their ‘relationship’. Warm with a hint of playful deviousness in her deep blue eyes. She motioned to the chair by her head.

Sitting down he saw that the TV was on, silently thankfully, he really wasn’t into her ‘shows’. “You seem a bit down, what happened?” She asked.

“Oh just the usual...”

“Come on Jake don’t be like that...” She prodded, “You know what I mean.”

Jake said nothing, sitting in the plush, super squishy comfy easy chair. Ignoring her.

“Your progress is quite impressive you know, you’re very talented.”

“Not in the mood for your fake compliments, Cae.” He leaned back in the chair, putting the footrest up.

“It’s not fake.” she protested, “You’re getting very skilled. I remember when you used to struggle to kill a single Naoch. Now it’s like you eat them for breakfast.” She said, he noticed something wriggling near her bare feet. And another in her shirt. A little head popped out from her cleavage, gasping. Oh goddammit...

“Who’re they?”

“Oh!” She beamed, “They...” plucking the tiny man from her breasts and laying on her back, “were a group of raiders, dear.” She smiled as she dangled the screaming man in front of her face, “Come to assassinate me...” Dropping him on her chest, “Their equipment is in the den.”

He grimaced at her casual attitude. Not much he could do about it though. “I do wonder how they found this place, don’t you, Jake?” her voice low, threatening, smiling at the tiny man pleading on her left breast.

“Guess we’ll have to move again...” Jake sighed.

“Oh, that won’t be necessary.” She said, pinning the man to her chest with a finger, “After all, none of them will be making it home.” she grinned.

“That might act as a confirmation on its own, they might send more.” Jake mentioned.

“Wouldn’t that be nice...” Cae crooned as she lightly flicked the crying man, sending him tumbling off her ample chest onto her flat stomach.

“Why do you even bother, Cae?” Jake sighed, frustrated. Getting up out of his chair and going back to his pack.

“Hmm? Bother with what?” She said, idly pinching a woman between her toes and lifting her high in the air. She was fortunate to be taller than Cae’s big toe.

“Just... all of this.”

She sighed, “We’ve been over this so many times, Jake.”

She pinched the little man, lifting and shaking him gently for Jake, like a treat. “Why? Would you like to save them?” She smiled. Pinching the man’s left arm lightly between her other thumb and forefinger.

Jake clenched his fist, trying to ignore it.

“Perhaps with that spell you used to kill my baron today,” She grinned at his surprised flinch, she had watched! “It seemed quite fearsome.” Lightning flickered across his fist. The little man was staring at him with pleading eyes. Yelping as Cae put just a little pressure on his shoulder. “How did it go? Setra Janus?” The man began to scream and cry as Cae started pinching and twisting his arm, threatening to rip it right off.

“No...” Jake seethed, “I’ve got a better one!” He snarled as his whole body was engulfed in blue light, Cae glanced at him with a relaxed smile, Though there was something changing in his mana, subtly. Something in it’s nature maybe... her eye’s went wide when she realized what, “Artorias Vessir!” Jake yelled as Cae was hit with an intense bolt of magic, blowing her clear through the wall of their 6th floor apartment, out into the street where the ball enveloped her, spreading giant tendrils of lighting all over, shredding the burnt out husks of surrounding buildings in the former trendy downtown commercial hotspot. then the light wrapped into itself. Focusing all its energy into a swirling blue-white fireball. Burning, ripping, tearing and shocking whatever was unfortunate enough to be caught in it’s crucible. A high pitched grind piercing the air. Flying a few more seconds before suddenly bursting with a flash, shattering more steel and concrete and kicking up dust.

Jake had already leapt out of the hole and was busy dashing towards ground zero, propelled and protected by his mana as he hit the ground. Unable to see anything in all the dust. He slowed his pace when he heard her, “I really liked those jeans, Jake.” Cae sighed, “Replacements are getting so much harder to find,” His eyes were drawn to a soft green and gold light in the cloud, slowly licking off her concealed body like an anemic candle.

“Yeah, It’s almost like they just stopped making them.” He said sarcastically, He heard Cae chuckle, seeing her form rising from the dirt.

“At least you still have a sense of humour. But I do have to ask...” There was sudden burst of wind, clearing all the dust from the area, revealing Cae in her natural garb. A ruffled white sleeveless gown, white high heels with gold accents, and dangling white shell earrings with a gold pearl in the center. Some hair tied back in an intricate braid, the rest loose around her shoulders. And of course the necklace bearing the rune her lord. The true appearance of Caelarishia of Janos, Goddess of the Highmarcke.

“What brought about this sudden change of heart, tiring of my lessons?” she asked as she sauntered towards him, her eyes piecing into his, “Or did you honestly believe you’d learned enough?” she threatened.

“Better to die quick than be left alone with you.” he replied snarkily, with a smirk.

She stopped, her glare softening, “Ah, of course... them.” She said, her glow flickering out in an instant.

“But uhh... not gonna lie, your ‘lessons’ are pretty fucking messed up, Cae.”

“Hmph...” She made, crossing her arms in a pout, this again, “When you attain your own divinity you can remake this and a trillion other worlds however you please. Let me have my fun.” Walking closer to him, looking up, deeply, into his eyes, stroking his cheek with her left hand, “Because if you free me of Janos, you’ll be more than simply a member of my pantheon.” She had that twinkle in her eye again, the genuine smouldering one.

“You got a little scared back there.” Jake smiled.

“I was startled.” Cae scoffed, stepping aside from him and crossing her arms defensively, not meeting his gaze, “Your mana had hints of fey in it.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you’re finally learning to detach. Fey are not mortal but they aren’t divine either. I felt it during your channelling. Speaking of...” facing him again, brow furrowed, “Do you even understand the meanings of your incantations or do you just say whatever sounds most clever in your mind?” She bit.

“Little of A, little of B.” Jake smiled, Caelarishia’s eyes narrowed.

Welllllllll then...” she sneered, snapping her fingers with a devious smirk. Jake tensed, snapping was bad, snapping was very bad! He heard slow, heavy wingbeats approaching, though the direction was unclear.

“Ummm.... Cae?” Jake stammered. Then a crash of air scattered debris everywhere, he could only see that whatever caused it was absolutely massive. Then there was a rumbling crunch as whatever it was landed far behind him. Jake looked up through the dust to see it was a massive crouching woman with a long, whip like tail. Huge, tan, bat like wings, black hair, Long fan like ears, light olive complexion, legs and feet like a gargoyle’s. Wearing little more than a long ornate loin cloth, the hint of panties underneath. Purple and red with gold embroidery. “What the fuck is this!? It looks like a succubus crossed with a dragon!”

“Oh it’s just something I thought up a few moments ago.” Caelarishia said nonchalantly with a wave of her hand as the beast rose to it’s full height, “I thought, if you are so confident as to attack an Archdeity such as myself, surely you will have no problem handling a mere acolyte.” she said with daggers of sarcasm, relishing in Jake’s anxiety as it strode towards them. It’s green eyes looking right at him. Its large bust moving in its elaborate bra along with the swish of it’s tail. This thing was taller than half the buildings, he was fortunate to be taller than it’s big toe... ... ... Ohhhhhhhhh shit...

“And since you insist on ruining my fun, she’ll just have to have it for me.” She said as the creature thundered slowly towards them. Cae turned towards it.

“Alasethni, I grant you dominion over the eastern continent, do with it as you please.” Cae called to the towering woman-thing, who nodded back.

“Cae! You said you wouldn't-”

“And now I am.” she said without looking at him. Smiling as the creature grinned at Jake with an animalistic growl, “Looks like she fancies you.” Cae elbowed him affectionately, “Like creator, like creation, hmm?”

“Cae, come on! What the fuck!?” Jake was half paralyzed, it’s mana was insane compared to anything she’d created before. Not just in power, but type. Most of it was that fey stuff but a little was... divine!?

“Careful Jake, she’s very depraved.” Cae joked. She moved close to his side, her voice low, smile wide “And who knows what manner of agony she may unleash if she crosses the ocean?” She threatened playfully, stroking her fingers through his short brown hair. “Well, I’m off to go house hunting... since you destroyed ours.” Cae said as she began sauntering away. Snapping Jake back to the present, “The ones you pick are always so dilapidated.”

“Yeah, gee, I wonder why that is!” Jake yelled back at her, she glanced back with one final smirk and disappeared with a glitter. A deep shadow fell over him, he looked in time to see Alasethni’s right hand just above him. Swinging his arm he struck it with several bolts of energy, surprising her, and sliding away. She snarled as she stumbled back a step, flattening an abandoned car. Her finger smoking slightly, but undamaged. Growling with irritation, she whipped her powerful tail into their old apartment building, crumbling it to dust seemingly without notice. Just an agitated flick of her tail as she glared at Jake, fangs bared. “Alright then...“ Jake said as a shimmering blue aura of swirling runes burst into existence around him. “Let’s go!”