
by CuteLittleNightmare

The atmosphere within the city-state of Losaria was more than bleak, to be sure. Though the sun shone brightly on a clear day, there was no happiness to be found. When a self-proclaimed ‘Goddess of the New World’ arrived in the city, many believed it to be the end of a years-long civil war between noble families. The Goddess would bring equality, a total redistribution of wealth and peace for all the people of the land. That is what she promised. As the leaders of the noble houses convened with the Goddess, they were so swayed by her light voice and radiant appearance, they didn’t realize the terms of this new peace until it was far too late. Heedless of the Goddess’ agenda, they agreed to let her rule the kingdom not as its queen, but as its patron deity, its supreme ruler. The people celebrated the coming of a new, capable ruler to lead Losaria to its brightest days, a golden age unmatched in the history of the world...

They could not have been more wrong.

It was a mere week after the Goddess rose to power in an instant within Losaria. As the patron deity, she had left the actual throne vacant until now. A person known to the people as one of the Goddess’ chosen children, named Lumera, was appointed the de facto ruler of Losaria. The moment Lumera ascended the throne, the people were subject to terror the likes of which made them pray for the horrors of civil war instead.

It started when random people were summoned to the castle, none of which were ever seen again. When people began avoiding the castle, the kidnappings started. Then wanton murder in the streets, all under orders from Lumera herself. The people questioned her logic at first, but as the population of Losaria dropped, they no longer felt the need to. She was evil, a tyrant. Some cowered in their homes, waiting for the end. Others tried to appease their tyrannical ruler and vanished without a trace. Still others were now gathered before the gates of Losaria Castle, swords and torches in hand and prepared to kill this brutal daughter of the Goddess.

“I feel as though we may be walking into a trap”, one of the rebels, an ebony-haired girl, told to one of the others, a youth with determined hazel eyes. “There are no guards here. At all. We should have had to fight the moment we approached the castle, but... nothing. Don’t you think it’s weird, Gareth?”

“I don’t care, Lucia”, the young man snapped back. “Lumera deserves everything we’re about to bring down on her. Ain’t that right, boys?” The crowd roared, swinging their torches in a display of power that belied the fact that none of them were trained fighters. Enthusiastic about the idea of exacting revenge on the Goddess’ chosen ruler, they stormed into the throne room, only to be met with a sight unlike any other they would see in their lifetime.

Somehow, as they entered the room, it had expanded to an infinitely larger size, the throne itself like a mountain on which was perched not a queen, but a goddess herself. The rioting crowd was stunned to silence, some looking back to see the door having grown to a similarly gargantuan size. When they turned back, however, they were barely allowed a glance at the white-haired queen as she got up from her throne, feet bandaged in black stomping eagerly towards them... and then on top of them.

Half of the rebels were wiped out in an instant by this moving world of a person, crushed and then ground under that black-clothed foot like mere ants. The rest were given a view of the heavenly pillars of her legs, clothed in red pants a continent in width while she bent over, a noticeable bulge around the crotch area as their blood-red eyes gazed down upon the insects rebelling against their rule.

Lookie here, some more bugs thinking they can stand up to me!” His loud feminine voice echoed through the halls, deafening to the insects at his feet that were still alive. “Good, I was starting to get bored again. So, which one of you leads this buncha misfits? Is it... you?” Lumera got into a crouching position as his hand came down, one finger coming down to the earth like a meteor. The people scrambled and panicked as the ruler’s chosen target was effortlessly squashed into the ground. As quickly as his finger crushed the poor man, it lifted back up, Lumera rubbing his fingers together while he inspected the remains buried into his fingerprint. “Eh, maybe not. Who cares?

“Me! I lead this group!” Gareth shouted, pointing his sword in Lumera’s direction.

“Gareth, don’t-” Lucia was barely given a chance to finish her sentence before a deafening boom shook the earth around them. The king had gotten on his knees, looming over the group with his short white hair trailing over the ground. His toothy grin filled their vision as hot air from behind those menacing teeth washed over the rebels, crushing whatever bravado they had left. With no courage left to stand up to Lumera, they ran towards the exit as fast as they could.

Hey, where do you all think you’re going? Get back here!” The titan leaned forward and merely inhaled. To the termites at his heavenly feet, the gusts were like tornadoes. One by one, they lost their grip on the ground and were sent hurtling through the air, utterly powerless against the immense force of this godlike being’s breathing. At least twenty men were sucked into the twin black holes of Lumera’s gargantuan nostrils, never to be seen again. The rest, as they tumbled towards the ruler’s face, were met with a far more gruesome fate as his head lurched upward, their view of his nose replaced with his wide-open maw, the inside of the fleshy cavern glistening with strands and drops of saliva and lined with a row of mountain-like teeth.

To most people, the act of Lumera biting down had the sound of a simple clack. To Gareth and Lucia, the only remaining survivors of this massacre, it was a crash that made their heads spin, the sound of many lives ending between the ruler’s immense teeth. The gulp that followed, a sickening ‘Glrrrk’, further sealed the fate of their comrades as a quick snack for Lumera. The king knelt again, grinning at the survivors with teeth now stained in speckles of blood.

Gareth and Lucia couldn’t run. They couldn’t even scream, for their new god was already upon them, seizing both of them between fingers that could crush the very land of Losaria between them. “Not the most quality entertainment. Couldn’t find a better group of jesters, could ya?

“We’re living beings, you sick son of a bitch!” Gareth flailed, trying to strike at the king’s fingers to no avail. Lumera’s only response was a wicked smile, followed by his teeth parting once more. A flick of his finger, and Gareth was sent flying into his mouth, landing on his tongue as the giant’s lips closed behind him.

Lumera then turned his head to Lucia. “Living beings”, he snorted. As his mouth opened, Lucia could faintly make out Gareth bouncing around the titan’s mouth as he spoke. This seemed to excite him, as his lips curled up into a sadistic smile. “I guess you all are living beings. In the same way ants are to people. Would you really think twice about stepping on one for the heck of it?” Lucia tried to break eye contact, but she was held firmly in place between Lumera’s thumb and index fingers, his nails closed on her neck like a guillotine. “Heh. You’re not really worth anything to the Goddess, so why should I care? We just needed your land, and now we got it. If I want to step on your people, or swallow them whole, or even squeeze their necks until their HEADS pop off, I will. Wanna know why?

Lumera brought Lucia closer to his eyes, another loud ‘Glrrrk’ reverberating through the throne room as he got up, the ascent making the girl’s head spin. The ruler, of course, didn’t care, and flopped back into his throne to finish his sentence. “Because there’s no one alive who can stand up to me.

Gareth struggled deep within the confines of Lumera’s stomach. The voracious acids within were already eating away at his clothes, his skin. He rubbed his eyes, the acrid fog permeating every inch of his fleshy prison invading his body as well. His eyes burned, as did his throat. His vision darkened, the acids digesting him from the inside out. The last thing he heard was that last sentence from Lumera, and in the moments before his death, he cursed the fact that the king was right. Lumera was a god –no, a devil to the people of Losaria, and Gareth was cursed to be broken down and become a part of the tyrant oppressing and murdering his people for the fun of it.

Lumera let out a burp, the scent of dried blood blasting Lucia as the king’s free hand squeezed his belly, which gave a low grumble in response as it worked to digest whatever remained of the fools who stood up to him. “Haaaa, that’ll do a god’s body good. You arrived at a good time, I just happened to be hungry.

Lucia teared up, closing her eyes and doing her best to turn her head away from her captor as his fingernails pressed onto her neck. “So what, are we all just toys and snacks to you? Are we really worth that little to you? To the Goddess?”

Yeah, pretty much” The brutal simplicity of his response left Lucia speechless as she looked down, only for her shock to turn to disgust as she saw the lump in his pants twitching. Lumera seemed to notice her gaze as he chuckled, using his free hand to pull open his pants to reveal the swollen member within, the slit pointing upward and twitching like a hungry serpent. Lucia screamed, but her fate was sealed as the fingers binding her eased their pressure. She dropped, past the king’s godlike body, into his clothes, and subsequently down into his penis, where the lubricated walls, already slick with precum from his earlier fun, only made her descent into his shaft all the quicker.

Lumera let go of his clothes as they snapped back into place, and hummed in delight as he imagined that last insect vanishing into his penis. No matter where she ended up, she’d drown either way, be it in waste or in semen. He lightly thrust his pelvis forward as a small spurt of pre stained his underwear. He paused briefly, wondering whether he accidentally shot out the little bug inside his member, but the tickles coming from deep within the base of his throbbing penis quickly restored his excitement as he clenched, possibly crushing the tiny within the walls of his urethra. He didn’t care, however. If she died, he’d just find another cock toy.

After a few minutes of rubbing himself and chuckling at his own sadistic mind, his pleasure was interrupted by a white figure appearing in the corner of his vision. “The people of Losaria have fallen into anarchy. Have you forgotten your purpose, Lumera? You are to rule, not to oppress” the figure spoke with a sternness in her tone that demanded authority.

Lumera only got up with a click of his tongue. "Nah, I got what I wanted. I don’t need you anymore” The figure opened her mouth to assert her authority in response, but as Lumera stood up, she fell silent.

She was shrinking with every second as the king smiled, standing up and looming over her with a hand confidently placed on his hip.