
by TheMcirGiant

“There’s no way that happened.” I said dismissively to my friend Phil’s story.

We were at lunch and were talking about our wives when Phil decided to tell me about some radical couple’s therapy he and his girlfriend used that he claimed “saved” their relationship.

“The doctor gave us these pills, you see,” he said, launching into his explanation, holding up a small container that contained two pills. “You take the blue one and your partner takes the red one. You get to see how they feel about you and then talk out your issues.”

“How’s that work?” I asked, munching on a bit of burger, careful to make sure none of it landed on my white shirt or black tie.

“Basically, the blue pill shrinks you in proportion to her feelings. Like, I was shrunk to about 4’9 because of how Anne felt about me. We talked things out and as her perception of me changed, I got bigger. When I was normal sized, the pill’s effects stopped. Of course, it was done in the therapist’s office.”

I nodded before replying. Shrinking technology was not too common but still not unheard of these days. “That does sound interesting. So you didn’t really shrink that much then. Just what, a foot and a half? I wonder how much I’d shrink. Probably not by much, Veronica’s crazy about me.”

Phil shrugged, “I dunno, man. We had to work out some issues I wasn’t even aware of. It made for an interesting few sessions. We’re probably stronger than ever now. Besides, Veronica seemed…annoyed towards you last time I was over.”

I pondered that as he put the pills back into his pocket. Bullshit. Veronica and I were strong as ever, I hoped. Still, his comments made me think. What if I was missing something? That’s why when he accidentally dropped the container as he reached for his keys I didn’t tell him. Instead, I watched him drive away and pocketed the pills.

“These pills will shrink you based on how mad I am at you?” Veronica asked, with a cocked brow and disbelief. It had been three weeks since I stole the pills.

“It’s a bit more complicated than that, Vee,” I replied, separating the pills and handing her the red one.

She looked from me to the surprisingly large pill and placed a hand on her hip. She was dressed very casually since it was a Saturday afternoon. She was wearing a tight sleeveless tee-shirt that allowed her nipples to poke through the white fabric. She also wore tight black boyshorts that hugged the taunt figure she’d earned from years of being a college gymnastics coach. She picked up the pill, examining it as she pulled some of her long black hair from in front of her face, tucking it behind an ear. She smirked at the expensive little bobble in her hand before popping it in her mouth and impressing me by swallowing it dry.

“You better not have stolen acid or something,” she said with a snarky smirk.

I didn’t reply as I swallowed my own pill with a glass of water, fearing she may have been right. I turned to look at her.

“Anything?” She asked after a few moments.

“I don’t know. I don’t really feel any different…” I replied, confused.

“Great! God knows what sort of shit you stole from Phil!” She shouted in annoyance.

The instant she shouted at me, I lost six inches in height. I was now eye level with her. Her mouth was wide with shock as her eyes darted over my now smaller form. Her mouth began to twist into a smile as I felt myself slowly descending in height. Within a minute I was eye level with her navel, the piercing barely visible through her shirt. I was slowly beginning to realize we may have more problems with our relationship than I expected.

“Uh, Vee?” I asked slowly before instantly losing another eight inches in height. I was now crotch height.

“I’ve always hated that nickname. I’ve told you countless times, but you never listened.” She said slowly, walking towards me until my nose was only a mere inch from her groin. “Well, little one, it looks like you got your wish. You get to see our relationship from a different perspective. Mine.”

Before I could respond her hand gripped the back of my head and pressed me tightly against her clothed crotch. She ground me against her pussy so tightly that I thought my nose would break. As I struggled to breathe I realized something, she was laughing.

“This is amazing! I’ve wanted to break up with you for weeks and then this literally falls into my lap! I don’t even have to worry about a divorce if you just disappear!”

I attempt to call out to her, but my mouth is muffled by her crotch.

“Trying to talk? Fuck, I hate your voice. Let’s fix that, shall we?” She asked in a mockingly sweet manner as her other hand reached down below my jaw and gave it a strong jerk, shattering it as I dropped to two feet in height.

My eyes welled with tears as I tried to cry out in pain. Unfortunately, my now useless jaw refused to move. I didn’t know why she was doing this to me. I cut my eyes up to her, pleading for her to help me, as she held my entire body by my now broken jaw and the back of my head. I sobbed from the pain of her holding me by that shattered bone. I silently prayed for release. She granted it by dropping me to the floor below her. I gasped through gritted and cracked teeth, opening my eyes and looking up at her standing over me. I was smaller. Much smaller. Barely a few inches tall. Never in my darkest dreams would I have imagined that she hated me this much. The worst part, I realized as her foot came down on me, was I didn’t even know why.

The firm sweaty soul of her foot pressed me flat against the carpet, had it not been so plush I would have been crushed. I tried to fight back, tried to scream. Had I been able to scream, it would not have made it past the sole of her foot. If it could, she would not have heard it over the sound of her own mocking voice. She ground her foot into the carpet, the sweat stinging my eyes, filling my nostrils as I continued to shrink. I couldn’t tell if my eyes were wet with my tears or with her sweat. Why? Why was the woman I loved doing this? Why?

She lifted her foot. I tried to gasp for air through my useless mouth, my jaw now slack and hanging open. Her foot moved away to reveal her angelic face, now smirking down at me in a mix of amusement and disdain. Her hand, now far bigger than my entire body reached down towards me. I tried to plead with her, but little more than moans of anguish escaped my lips as her fingers curled around me. Her nails roughly scraped my flesh, gouging large cuts along my back. The giant monster. No. Veronica, I had to remind myself it was the same woman I knew and loved was torturing me. Killing me.








That was all I could think as she cupped me in her palm and raised me to her face. Her tongue licked her lips as they spread into a hungry, predatory grin. That massive, meaty organ that once brought me such pleasure slithered out between her plump lips and snaked its way towards my beaten and battered body. She licked me from my feet to my face. I choked on the viscous saliva coating me. I shook from the force of her merely chuckling as she flipped me onto my stomach and licked my back, her tongue lingering on the gashes that her nails caused on my skin. The acids in her saliva, in anyone’s saliva, found its way into those wounds, causing me to howl in pain. The scent of her favorite tea lingered all around me from the cup she likely drank before I came home today. It covered my entire body. If I closed my eyes I could almost imagine this was all a dream and I would awake to her holding a cup of tea in bed next to me. But no, this was not a dream. It was a painful reality. Her lips puckered as she reached down to kiss me gently. Her head pulled away and she smirked at me once more.

“You know, I remember how much you loved to have a kiss before you went inside of me.” She whispered, her breath blowing over me.

I felt myself shrinking further in her palm. I had no real way to gauge my size now. I was probably an inch, likely less. She raised me past her lips to face her enormous, piercing blue eye. I was stunned by its magnitude, but still surprised that I could see small flakes of copper color speckled in her eye that I’d never noticed before.

“You were always a terrible fuck. Let’s see if you can do better now. I promise you, that losing you inside of me will bring me more pleasure than you have in the past five years.”

With that, she pinched me between two fingers and lowered me down the expanse of her body. Past a mouth that once struggled to fit my cock, but could now swallow a building. Past her slender, muscular throat. Past the pert breasts I once loved to fondle. Past her taunt, fabric-covered stomach, which hid a firm six-pack of abs. Down to her waist as her free hand hooked the waistband of her shorts and pulled them down. A long strand of cum linked the material to her now engorged and aroused vulva. The strand snapped as the shorts slid out of sight and were kicked across the room. I was half an inch now, for what little that mattered. She leaned back on the bed and spread her legs. Why? Why was Veronica doing this? What had I done to deserve this? Why did I never notice how she felt about me? Why? She lowered me to her vulva, thick streams of juices dripped from it, the heat and scent overwhelming. I was small enough to fit on her index finger now.

“You probably don’t even understand why I’m doing this do you? You were so oblivious. What did you even think we were? How did you not realize the problems we had?” Her voiced thundered, now heavily distorted. She was right. I never imagined we had problems, let alone that she hated me to this degree. ”This is the last time I’ll ever speak to you. I’ve played through how I would leave you over and over in my mind. It’s funny. I never even imagined I’d be leaving you inside of me.”

With that, she spread her pussy lips with her free hand and slid me past her labia. That long, slender finger slid deep inside her warm and intoxicating smelling tomb. My tomb. God, how I’d loved her scent. The finger tilted and I fell, literally dumped inside her cavernous cunt. Her index finger slid out and returned, joined by another finger. Her body shook and quivered around me as she pleasured herself at my expense. I shrunk smaller and smaller in her maelstrom of cum until I was lost inside of a single drop. As her fluids stung my wounds and seeped inside of my mouth, the only thought I could muster while I slipped into unconsciousness as her moans of pleasure thundered around me was a simple question without an answer. Why?