Always So Sweet to Me

by Oishi1

Naomi was bawling again. Corey lost count of how many drinks she had an hour ago.

“I can’t believe he was with that WHORE!” She flung herself on his shoulder, “I thought he was different,”

do it now. Do it now!

Corey opened his mouth to speak, faltered, then started again, “You know, Naomi, I-“

“Maybe I should just be single for a while. I can’t remember a time that I didn’t have a boyfriend. Maybe I should spend some time alone to get to know myself, you know, regroup”

Corey deflated.

Naomi hugged him tight, “At least I got my best friend to cheer me up. Why are you always so sweet to me?”

Corey stammered

“I gotta pee, ” Naomi said before Corey could reply. He sat there staring at the aftermath on the bar. When she called him earlier he had suggested drinks with the hope that he would finally be able to tell her how he felt. Maybe she would stop wasting time with those losers she seemed to constantly pick up and they would both be happy.

He’d do anything to be with her.


“Yes. Pretty much. Who said that?”

Pretty much is not good enough. Would you do anything to be with her?


Your answer?

“Yes anything. Who are you?”

Corey suddenly felt light headed. It was like he was on Terror Tower. His guts pressed up into his chest, and when things stabilized everything was wrong.

His perspective was way off. People off in the distance still looked titanic. He tried to focus on something closer, and things got worse. He was standing next to a shot glass large enough for him to comfortably fit inside. He looked around. There was a whole forest of them. He was standing on the bar, but couldn’t really be any more than two inches tall.

Before he could think on this too long Naomi came stomping back to the bar. She had refreshed her makeup. He was impressed at how she did considering how soused she was. Corey jumped up and down screaming her name.

Naomi looked down, blinked, then grabbed him, “HOW DID YOU GET DOWN THERE?” she laughed.

“Naomi, something’s happened. We need to get to a hos-“

“NAOMI?” a man’s voice boomed. As she turned to look, she dropped Corey and he slid down into her low cut blouse. He ended up between her breasts, except for his right leg, which was pinned under her left breast on impact.

“Naomi, what-“ Corey was cut short as Naomi gave out a happy scream and proceeded to jump up and down.


Corey’s world shook. He was tossed up, and bounced back down on the cotton of Naomi’s bra. Before he could react, her left breast came down on him. He was slammed three or four times before the jumping stopped. While her breast had some give, it also had a ton of weight. Corey was reminded of the time he had volunteered to move Naomi’s waterbed from her third floor apartment, to her current boyfriend’s first floor apartment.

“Nah, don’t bother draining it, man” Kyle had said, “We’re just going to put it back in its frame down there, and it takes forever to refill. You just grab that end, and I’ll lift the back. Thanks, Cody,”

It did not go well. Corey had slipped on the stairs and the bladderlike mattress had slammed him into the wall. Other than some bruising (including his pride as Kyle shouted, “Cody, dude, you alright?”) he had been ok, but it had hurt something fierce.

Naomi ran to embrace Trevor causing her boob to press Corey into her ribs. He could barely breathe. The air was hot and humid. He could hear muffled fast conversation through his flesh prison, but couldn’t make anything out. When the long hug finally relented Corey found himself stuck to Naomi’s skin by her boob sweat. He didn’t know how long the conversation lasted, but after what felt like forever, he could feel her walking again. She still hadn’t looked down to check on him. He could hear traffic noises in the distance, but still heard Trevor’s voice. He must have been walking her to her car. Then Corey remembered that he had taken her. He heard car doors and felt his world shuffle. His pressure was compounded. He realized it must have been the seatbelt strap. Was she going home with Trevor? Why hadn’t she checked on him? She had met guys and flaked on him before, but this was serious.

They continued to talk as Trevor drove, but in his state, Corey couldn’t concentrate on shit. He had to focus on breathing. Who knew being under a breast would be so hot? Not in the good way.

He heard the seatbelt click, and the belt track revert. Suddenly he was only under the gravitational pressure of her breast.

As Naomi climbed out of the car her breast lifted and slammed back down on him. There was gentle rocking as they walked. They both went in. The sweat around Corey was increasing.

He didn’t know if they were at Naomi’s place or Trevor’s. He heard smacking and moaning, coupled with Naomi’s giggles.


More light was suddenly filtering through. Corey heard Trevor mutter a response and Naomi giggle. His prison shifted, and suddenly even more weight was on him. Cloth hit the ground making a surprisingly loud crash. Corey realized that Naomi’s bra had been removed, and her breast was the only thing holding him up.

He wiggled to get her attention, but her mind was elsewhere. He continued to hear her moan and after a while felt her lean forward. Suddenly her breasts dropped away from her ribs. Corey adhered to her breast by a coating of sweat, but he was sliding down as she rocked. He could see her hands spread on the bed bracing her body.

Corey slid down to her nipple, then lost traction. He fell to the bed with a soft, wet thud.

He landed on his back. Drops of sweat the size of his head steadily dripped down around him. Above him Naomi’s naked body rocked back and forth as Trevor stood beside the bed and took her from behind. Corey had to shake his attention from her swaying breasts. He tried to force himself to get up, but in his battered state he could barely lift his arms.

All he could see of Trevor was his inner thighs, his balls, and part of his dick, now many times thicker and longer than Corey’s entire body as it went in deeper and came out. Naomi’s body quivered above him. Her abdominal muscles strained. Her hands clenched the sheets hard.

Naomi’s rapid moans gave way to screams. Trevor let out a grunt, and before Corey could react, Naomi came down on him. He was now pressed against the bed by her belly as her voice boomed through him.

“MMM…” She rolled over to face him leaving Corey pressed into the sheet. Neither of them noticed him, “YOU ARE ALWAYS AMAZING,”

Trevor jumped into bed next to her causing Corey to fly into the air and land between Naomi’s legs. They were too busy kissing to notice.

“I’LL GO GET A TOWEL,” Trevor’s whisper boomed through the air as he got up.

Corey fought his way to his feet, leaning against Naomi’s leg for support. He made his way forward to get her attention, but he was hit from behind as Trevor reached between her legs with a warm wet towel without looking. He was pressed right against her dripping pussy and his leftover cum. Trevor added odd pressure from behind.

Naomi moaned again as Trevor wiped her clean, “THINK YOU’D BE UP FOR ROUND TWO?”

Trevor laughed and tossed the towel to an end table. Corey found himself entangled in Naomi’s pubes. He struggled to get loose, but Trevor had already climbed on top of Naomi. As she guided Trevor in, she knocked Corey down. He didn’t have time to scream before Trevor’s head rammed him deep inside Naomi. With each successive thrust, Corey was battered and pushed deeper and deeper inside. He passed out from a combination of pain and lack of oxygen.

* * *

Trevor cleaned Naomi off again as she lay there looking ready to drift off, “Oh, man,”


“There is blood on the towel. I hope I didn’t hurt you,”

“Nah, it happens. I’m probably spotting,”

Trevor frowned.

“Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you. I just hope the hangover isn’t bad tomorrow. That mixed with a period would be a nightmare headache,”

They fell asleep in each other’s arms, unaware of the third party battered and concealed deep inside Naomi.