Another Messy Breakup

by Kelly Smith

Silverpoint was a rather unique college, it was the only one in the state that was designed for both human and tiny students. Due to tiny rights slowly disappearing over time, finding a tiny body in the bathroom or staircase was treated as a minor issue with minimal effort being put in to find and punish the culprit. Even if the killer was caught, one tiny death warranted a week long suspension. Despite this tinies still went to this school because most students were friendly towards them and it was a chance to escape the Micro slums.

It was a typical day in Silverpoint, midday classes had just ended and students were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch, some even left the school to get some fast food. At one of the tables, was a mixed group of friends, both tiny and human. There were four tinies and four humans in all, the tinies were Mark, Tom, Eric, and Caitlyn and the humans were Samantha, Abby, Catherine, and Phil.

A short while ago, Mark and Samantha started dating. Samantha was never ashamed of her tiny boyfriend preferences and openly dated a handful of tinies in the past. Ever since they started dating, Mark had become more shy and meek whenever Samantha was around, but everyone just assumed that he was nervous about being with his girlfriend. Samantha approached her usual table and met up with her friends.

“Hey everyone, I’m sorry but I can’t stay and eat today,” she said in a soft tone.

“What’s wrong Sam?” Tom asked. “You know you can tell us anything.”

“Well… Mark was taken by one of the cheerleaders,” Samantha said tearing up. “He was shoved into her shoe and trampled for all of practice, I took him to every clinic in town and they refused to treat him.” Everyone at the table stood silently as tears ran down Samantha’s face. “I’m going home to spend my last moments with him.”

“We understand, go be with him,” Abby said. “And if you need anything, feel free to ask.”

Samantha thanked them and went out of the front door wiping her tears away, before heading to the nearby class building and to a secluded place.

The door to the janitors closet was left unlocked and Samantha knew this. Usually students used it to get high in private, but she had a different use for it. She checked to make sure no one was around to see her before entering and locking the door behind herself. Samantha walked over to a nearby table and placed her bag on it, she unzipped it and pulled out Mark, who was still dazed from the ride. She removed his gag and bindings, if he made a sound, her sob story would’ve been ruined.

“Why are we here, Sam?” Mark asked in a frightened tone. “I did everything you asked for and more, not to mention…” Mark’s pleading was cut short by Samantha slamming her fist on the table.

“Shut up you stupid worm! You’ve been slacking on your duties as my slave and now I brought you here to punish you.”

Samantha was always seen as the ideal girl to be. She got straight A’s, participated on the swim team, was very beautiful, and treated others with love and kindness. All of those were true except for the last one, she always had one tiny to work all of her frustrations out on. On the surface, Samantha and Mark seemed like a typical human/tiny couple, but when they got home he was her punching bag. When they started dating, Mark worked himself to exhaustion, but for the last few weeks, he seemed to lose his motivation to work no matter how many beatings he got.

“You always complain about trying to hide your bruises from friends and family, but if you simply followed directions, you wouldn’t be covered in bruises all the time.” Samantha scolded Mark as he got madder and madder.

“You know what, this is bullshit! I don’t need to take this from you! We’re over!” Mark screamed as he had finally reached his breaking point.

“Did you just talk back to me? Did you just talk back to me!” Samantha screamed as she flicked Mark much harder than ever before and he was sent flying to the other side of the table. “You know you sure are bold to stand up to me, I’m gonna have to do something about that.” Her anger passed and a smug grin formed on her face. “Your family loves me, so they’ll trust me to take them somewhere, up until I dump them on the dance floor of a local club. Would you like that?”

Mark had slowly started to get back up, straining and trying to catch his breath, when he heard that and he could only let out a meager response. “N-no.”

“Oh I know, I’ll take your little brother and sell him to one of the girls sports teams to spend the rest of his life as their plaything, would you like that instead?” Samantha said, smiling.

Mark can only sit still to process what he just heard, but after he sees that she’s serious, he drops onto his hands and knees to beg her for mercy. “P-p-please s-spare them, I-I’ll do a-anything.” Mark barely managed to squeak out as he shook like a leaf in a blizzard.

“That’s a good boy now I’m gonna tell you exactly what’s going to happen now. First, you will apologize to me, next, you will please me, and finally, you are going back into my bag, we’re going back to my house. After getting there, we’re gonna have an extra long and painful talk about your behavior. Understand?” Samantha said in a scolding tone as Mark can only nod his head, not daring to look at the giant girl. “Who knows, if you serve me well enough here and show true initiative back home, you might miraculously recover from your cheerleading injuries. If not, I’ll dump you into the faculty coffee maker.” Samantha threatened him as she checked the time on her phone. “Well, we have five minutes until classes end and students come here to get stoned, so you better make me cum quick!” Samantha undid her skirt and let it fall to the ground.

“Please I’m so sorry, don’t hurt me or my family!” Mark cried as he begged for forgiveness between sobs. By now Samantha had moved her panties to the side and walked over to the table, it was at the exact height that Mark could reach her crotch with no effort on her part.

Samantha didn’t have to say anything: Mark got up and got to work pleasing her. His pathetic whimpers were drowned out by her soft moans. This continued for a few minutes and Samantha knew he would fail, so she started to imagine what she would do to his family to punish him when she started to grind her hips against the table. With his family gone, he would be scared straight and fully focused on her, becoming a good plaything once more. He would have to live with her and be with her all day everyday. He would have less reasons to leave and would have to take as much abuse as she could give out. Her moans had gotten louder, so loud she almost missed the scream followed by a crack coming from below her.

Samantha stepped back and looked down to see Mark laying there broken and gasping for breath. He had fallen to his knees and when she started grinding, she pushed him back and rested some of her weight on his body. This folded his spine back on itself like paper, paralyzing him instantly, but not killing him. He was now laying on the table like bad origami.

“Oops” is all that Samantha said as she grabbed her bag. Although Samantha helped contribute to the deaths of multiple tinies, she never actually did the deed herself. She was nervous, but she had to do something. If she left him here, not only would he be discovered, but he might snitch on her. Samantha dug through her bag until she found some tissues. She cleaned herself up and gently grabbed mark with the tissue, carefully wrapping him up in it. Mark was mummified, unable to move the still functional parts of his body, but leaving his nose open to breath. Samantha didn’t have the heart to finish him off herself, but she didn’t want his screams to be heard and him to be discovered. She then looked around and saw a trash can with an incinerator label on it. She buried the tissue and Mark inside and closed the lid. This can was emptied daily so he had quite a few more agonizing hours of life left, all the while smelling the scent of the woman that caused him so much pain and torment.

“Dammit, he was one of the cute ones. Oh well, I’ll pretend to be sad for a month then ask Tom out,” Samantha quietly says to herself as she puts her skirt back on and left the janitors closet. Just as she starts to walk away, classes begin to end and students spill out into the hallway.

Samantha left school and started to head towards the Micro slums. She made herself seem sad as she planned on telling Marks family about his demise under the cheerleaders foot, this would’ve been her way to explain his bruising, but that plan went down the drain. A smile crossed her face as she thought of different ways to dispose of the family, but as their house came into view, she got ready to put on the act once more.