Feat of Strength

by masked collager

Aiden slammed hard against the enormous upturned fingers and fell into the cupped palm.

“Bridget! You’re hurting me!”

“I thought you liked this. Don’t you like this? I’m being dominating.”

Aiden winced as Bridget’s voice assaulted his ear drums and reverberated through his body.

Aiden looked across the palm of Bridget’s hand, up at the red, smirking, thirty-foot lips, past the regal two-story nose to two huge, blue eyes coldly looking down on him.

The tiny naked man crawled forward towards the heel of her palm, “Bridget! Sto…” Again, the lips puckered to blow a kiss and hit Aiden with a hurricane force wind, the blast of which hurled him against her forty-foot fingers.

Aiden’s body laid motionless. She reached down with her right hand and plucked the helpless man with her thumb and index finger. Aidan was so small that only his head and shoulders poked above her digits. The pressure of which woke the man from his stupor and made him scream.

“What’s that?” she asked in a mocking, high-pitched voice.

“What’s wrong…Is this too rough for you?” she continued dragging out her words as if talking to a baby. “I’m being a goddess” Bridget said sarcastically, making finger quotes with her other hand. “I thought you liked that.” She held the man for what seemed to him several excruciating minutes, her expression a mixture of indifference and amusement. She watched him gasp for air, ineffectually hammering her thumb with almost imperceptible fists. Feigning boredom, Bridget covered her mouth with an exaggerated yawn and roughly dropped Aiden into the palm of her hand.

“You wanted this. You’re the idiot that decided to shrink yourself and join the tinies, so you can have your fucking giantess.”

“But I thought you liked being a giantess”, Aiden screamed with desperation.

“God! Your tiny, shrill, squeaking is so fucking annoying! IT’S YOUR STUPID FANTASY AIDEN! I just went along as a silly sex game! You’re fucking delusional, if you honestly thought I wanted a physical relationship with a tiny!”

Aiden curled into a ball, wincing and clasping his ears.

“Bridget! Please lower your voice!” Aiden yelled.

“Why! This is my normal tone of voice! I’m fucking tired of whispering! It’s not my fault you’re so fragile.”

Aiden rose to his knees and clasped his hands in supplication. “Sorry, I’m so sorry Great Goddess!”

Bridget rolled her eyes, “He really thinks I’m roleplaying.” She thought.

“Ya know, watching you beg in the palm of my hand isn’t attractive. It’s sad. I’m embarrassed for you. You’re so outta my league now, and what’s truly sad is that you did this to yourself.”

Aiden’s mouth dropped, and he stared up at the giant woman in disbelief.

Bridget slowly lowered her hand towards her waist. “If he wants to feel small, I’ll make him feel small”, she thought.

Aiden craned his neck in Bridget’s hand as the great landscape of her body rose above him. She looked like she was going to a club. The short, black, halter-top dress clung to every curve of her toned body. Bridget had one arm crossed under her breasts which only enhanced the décolletage revealed by the skimpy top. Aiden felt a pang of regret, he had once cupped those firm, ample mounds, felt her long legs wrapped around his waist, and made her moan with his thick cock. But his obsession consumed him. He wanted to climb those massive breasts, wrestle her twenty-foot toes, and shimmy up the long crevasse of her labia and hug her man-sized clit. In the end, he’d rather Bridget be a colossus, than have her as a normal man.

Bridget leaned over and peered down at Aiden over her cleavage. Her shoulder length auburn hair formed a wavy curtain around her face.

“Aiden I’m angry with you. I’m angry how you used me these few months, how you manipulated me. I mean, I’m a good person, I didn’t like what you did, but I’m kind, I care about people and you used that to sucker me into taking care of you. I’m sick of you, and I don’t want to do this anymore.”

Bridget let the words hang, staring at him in awkward silence. She assumed, he was yelling, pleading, cajoling her for a second chance. But he was too small to be heard. Bridget wanted Aiden to feel the insignificance of his voice.

She raised her hand back to her face.

“However, I’ve decided to literally be the bigger person and give you a second chance. I’ll take you back, be your Godzilla-sized girlfriend and accept this new reality. All you need to do for me is one simple thing. “

“Oh, anything Great Goddess!”

Bridget glared at the tiny man with an expression that made Aiden cower in fear. “If you call me “goddess” again, I’m going to smush you with my finger.” The huge finger loomed over Aiden and gently tapped him. Bridget’s tone of voice grew condescending as if explaining a simple-concept to a dull-witted child, “I’m Bridget, you’re Aiden. Normal couples address each other by their names. I’m not a “goddess.” I’m not a “giantess.” I’m just Bridget. I don’t want to be worshipped and I certainly don’t want to be your fucking fetish object!” Bridget tapped the tiny man’s back with each word, the force of which pounded him against her palm.

Bridget’s rolled Aidan’s body over with the tip of her blue lacquered nail. Her finger brushed against his torso and she felt a small hard bump. She wrinkled her nose in disgust. He wasn’t hurt, the tiny shrimp was dry humping her hand.

“So gross! You’re such a cringey pig! Bridget exclaimed through gritted teeth. Bridget paused, and took a deep breath. “No... I’m not losing it over a tiny nothing. I mean your erection’s so insignificant, it’s a miracle I could even feel it.”

She picked Aidan up. “It’s time tiny man, to prove your love and win me back.”

Bridget bent low and dropped Aiden several inches from the floor between her sandal-clad feet. To him it was closer to thirty feet, but being the size of an insect, gravity was far less lethal.

The giant woman rose to her full height and put her hands on her hips. She shifted her left foot and placed it 100 yards away from him. Aiden looked up in wonderment as she assumed the classic giant pose. The dress daringly ended inches away from her crotch. Looking up at her crotch, Aiden could see the shadowed contours of her puffy labia. Of course, no underwear. Bridget was doing everything to tease him. From her crotch, Aiden’s eyes followed Bridget’s shapely legs 400 feet to her ankles. Where her ankles ended her feet stretched even further over 100 feet. Bridget’s always dressed to draw attention to her legs. To cap off the look were black, strappy high heels. As if reading his mind, her voice thundered from above, “Yes you may look but don’t touch…not yet.”

Aiden walked around her right foot and under the heel. The soles of the sandals were a thin six feet, the heels themselves stretched over fifty. A series of six-feet wide patent leather straps crossed over her toes, instep, ankles and ended mid-calf. He finished his walk in front of her big toe, the tip of which was over ten feet tall.

“Do you like the view?” Bridget sultrily purred. “I know what you’re looking at. You know how I don’t like panty lines… and I wanted you to see what I’m never going to give you again…Unless you can complete my task. “

Bridget placed her right foot dangerously close to Aiden, the seismic impact of thousands of tons nearly knocked him off his feet. He was now next to the outside of her foot, next to her pinky toe.

“It’s really simple, they’re two buckles. One buckles the heel strap the other one buckles the top strap across the calf. All you must do is unbuckle the one on the heel. I could do it with one hand. Even the scrawniest wimp could do it with one hand. Do this for me and this amusement park will once again be yours.”

Aiden knew it was impossible, the buckle must weigh as much as a ships anchor, but he had to try. If he failed…he shuddered. He hoisted himself up over the top of the sandal sole and scrambled up the index toe. Past the index toe he came across the first obstacle, two straps converging in a wide V. Climbing over those, Aidan looked up. At this point the slope of the foot became very steep. Too steep to climb.

“What’s the matter wittle man, you can’t climb my foot?”

Aiden grew angry. He had taken Bridget’s abuse, but regardless of what she thought he was still a man. “Fuck you. You giant bitch” he muttered. Walking across the toe strap towards the pinkie toe he came to the instep strap and climbed it to its intersection with the strap leading to the buckle. Aiden gripped the top of the strap and hanged against the side shimming sideways. He looked down; at this point he was hanging over forty feet in the air. The living cliff he was crossing was shaking with the slight unconscious movements of the giant woman’s tendons and muscles maintaining balance.

“So determined” Bridget giggled. “If you do this Aidan, I’ll be your 800-foot sex slave. I’ll even pretend to have orgasms.”

Aidan ignored Bridget’s teasing and continued. He crossed the strap leading up over the ankle- his muscles in his arms were burning. He could see the buckle only thirty feet away. He stopped, panting, desperately trying to hang on.

“Wow. You can’t even cross a six-inch strap. Look, if you can’t handle something that isn’t even a hand width to me, you can’t be my man.”

“Fuck you Bridget!” Aidan screamed.

Tears streamed down Aidan’s cheeks as he made the final distance. He was sure each hand movement forward was the last. Aidan screamed and raged as he moved, fueled by the grim determination to win Bridget’s respect. Aiden looked over; the silver buckle was within his grasp. Sliding forward he grabbed the thick side bar with both hands and climbed over the top. Arms dead with muscle fatigue he shakily sat on the top bar, seventy feet in the air, jamming his legs between the buckle and the strap to keep from falling off. Gasping for air, he closed his eyes and hugged the cold metal.


“Are you going to unbuckle my sandal”

Aidan looked up at the giant woman, who was looking down at him with amused contempt. He had nothing left. The buckle was over eight feet wide and ten feet long. The tail of the strap was three feet thick and over 25 feet long. He doubted he could move it with heavy machinery. “You win Bridget.” He muttered between heavy breaths, “You win my goddess.”

“Pathetic, you spent forty minutes just getting to that buckle.”

Bridget looked down at the tiny

“Let’s recap. You decide to go from this amazing 6’3” cross-fit hottie to a half-inch bug ...and you thought I’d be cool with that??

Aidan closed his eyes as Bridget droned on. “Just break up with me” he said to himself. His eyes opened as he felt the world tilt. Bridget had tilted her heel up then slammed it down on the floor. Aidan screamed as he was thrown off the buckle and hit the floor. He blacked out on impact.

Bridget waited till the tiny man stirred, “I didn’t want you on my foot anymore. It’s annoying, just like when you on my clit or my nipple. You feel like a little fly, and I always just want to swat you”

“Good Bye Aidan”

Aidan looked up as a huge shadow enveloped him and laughed at his erection as Bridget’s sandal slammed down.