
by Aborigen

The enormous pussy came at him again and again. Tommy lay in the giantess’s hand as she cupped him, patting him into her slippery lips over and over. Light and shadow came and went like a light switch rave. Hot and cool flickered as rapidly. The momentum of being jerked forward and slammed into the wall of her flesh was jarring until his body grew numb to it, bringing a strange out-of-body experience to being masturbated with. But the smell of his skin steeped in her juice was constant and unchanging. He closed his eyes and turned his focus to the stinging musk that filled his skull, as a cushion against the bumpy ride.

“So close,” Yoshiko gasped. “So close, just a little bit more…” She dug her head and heels into the hillside and thrust her chest toward the full moon and stopped clapping her little man into her. Now it was time to grind him in slow, controlled circles. “Oh, fuck,” she cried. Her voice rolled over the landscape, and normally she was very careful not to attract unwanted attention but at night she didn’t care. If a passenger jet spotted her body, nude as a lily and glowing in the moonlight, several thousand feet below them but as large as if they were standing over her… it was impossible for her to care less. She had Tommy, she had her Tommy, she was with her Tommy. Her pussy shoved left and right under her hard grasp. She was pretty sure she could feel his little head bumping against her clit and oh my fucking GO-O-O–O-D

She watched Tommy dress in her palm, after she’d lapped him clean. Cleanish. Cleaner than a few minutes ago, “but I gotta shower as soon as you drop me off,” he said.

“That was so amazing. It’s always so amazing with you.” The giantess rested her elbow upon one bent knee and her chin upon her arm, and she held the little man in front of her face. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

He grunted, tucking his shirt into his pants.

“Hey. Hey, lover. Did you enjoy yourself at all?” The bridge of her nose wrinkled.

“Yeah, it was great.” She didn’t hear him the first time so he called it out louder. “I love what we’ve got. Don’t I tell you that enough?”

“Never enough.”

“Pfft. Tell me about it.” He wouldn’t repeat that when she asked him to.

When Tommy was presentable, she rose and waded back into the city. He sat on her palm, between her breasts, stretched out like a king, she thought. “I’m going to visit a friend, day after tomorrow,” she said, peering past her prize to pick out where to place her feet. The little people didn’t make it easy for her, but she avoided stepping on most cars. The police understood how it was.

“Cool, have a good time.”

His building was on a narrow street just off the wide boulevard into the city. She could only place one slim foot upon his street, before she had to strain to reach over to his condo. That is, without causing too much collateral damage. “Try not to miss me too much.” She stuck her tongue out, behind his back as he leaped from her pinky finger to the balcony.

“I won’t.”

“Tommy! You’re being mean.”

His little shoulders rose and fell with a heavy sigh, she noted, before he turned to grip the railing. “I didn’t know you had other friends. Where’s this one?”

“She’s in Chula Vista. Why, are you going to come down and stalk us?” Her head waggled playfully on her shoulders; her thick, glossy hair caught all the hues of city lights.

“I got other ways to entertain myself.” At least he bothered to raise his voice for her, over the dull hum of the streets at night. “Have fun with your friend.”

“I’ll let you know when I’m back,” Yoshiko said, but he’d already slipped inside and closed the tiny glass door behind him.

* * *

“Don’t do it!” Tommy screamed.

Yoshiko raised one crescent-moon eyebrow at him. “Excuse me?” she said darkly. Her knuckles nearly itched as she spun the thin little arms between her finger and thumb.

He ducked his head, unable to bow or kneel as she held him inches from her nose. “I’m sorry, my goddess. Just please… please, my goddess, spare me… if that is your will, I mean.”

She inhaled slowly, angrily, hissing right in front of his naked body. “You displease me, little worm. Such impertinence…” Her eager thumbs twitched, and the space between them was crossed with his thin wail. The corners of her crimson lips spread; his wretched little head raised to stare at the wide, wet panels of ivory. “Now, that’s an appropriate prayer to your goddess,” she purred, applying a little more pressure to his forearms. He threw his head back and cried out. She watched his little throat work, then glanced down at his little erection. It pointed at her teeth in a shy, hopeful but shy curve.

The lids beneath her black irises puffed and wrinkled. “Are you… into this? Is this turning you on, you disgusting little bug?”

Tommy only whimpered, staring up her nose into the glistening eyes overhead.

“I don’t believe this! You are truly perverted. What a disgusting little thing I’ve been stuck with.” When he had nothing to say back, only panted at her, she snarled and snapped her teeth at him.

It was a resounding clack that shot through his body. He watched those incisors part, exposing an eternal blackness beyond them, then flash and collide with alarming force, not very far from his cock at all. His whole body shivered, even as his arms were immobile and slowly being compressed.

“Sometimes, I tell you… I just want to crush you little bastards, all of you.” The giantess’s hands shook with the urge to mangle his annoyingly soft and weak body. He flapped like a pair of pants on the clothesline. “I want to scoop a crowd of you up in my fist… and curl my fingers in, hold you up to my ear… and squeeze…”

Yoshiko growled and snapped at him again, closer than before, and again. His hard cock was completely exposed and unguarded, and her teeth were awfully near. “It’s so hard not to crush you right fucking now…” Wind shuddered in his lungs as the giant woman’s jaws gnashed ever closer. He yelped as they snapped at him, and then he screamed, a long, gargled scream that pushed itself painfully through his inadequate throat. Yoshiko only studied him as the tiny muscles tensed and bulged and shook.

When Tommy went limp, he looked again and saw the thin, milky splash right in the middle of one of her upper teeth. It shone in the moonlight and started to run before the rows of teeth parted again to let the thick, pebbly tongue poke out and wipe from left to right. In an instant, it was gone without a trace. Tommy moaned, entranced by the huge tongue that retreated into her smile.

“I didn’t even touch you that time,” she said, dragging him gently across her palm, letting him collapse. She giggled, watching him try to finish himself off with arms deadened by her gentle pinch. “That must’ve been really powerful, huh?”

“It was… it was great…” His luminous chest rose and fell like that of a frightened mouse. “Holy fuck, that was a big one.”

Yoshiko’s cheekbones swelled with her proud, rumpled grin. “I love doing that for you, you know. I love seeing what an effect I have on you. You’re so easy!”

His breath rasped in the still night air. “That time, it was a little scary.”

Yoshiko’s shoulders tensed. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you too much? I didn’t dislocate your shoulder again, did I?”

“No, that’s fine. It was just the height and, uh… one of those times, I thought you were really going to bite my dick off.” He looked down at himself, double-checking. “You seemed a little out of control. I didn’t know.”

“Oh, darling! I would never!” She lifted him to her lips for a full-bodied kiss but thought better of it.

“I know. I know you wouldn’t.”

* * *

This time, Tommy appeared on the balcony in a black tee and jeans. “I hate it when you whine. I fucking hate it, I can’t even tell you.”

Yoshiko glanced around at the other buildings, dropping her tone. “But why not? What’s wrong?”

“I don’t feel like it, that’s all. All right?” He looked up at her, crouching over his narrow street. “I just don’t fucking… I don’t have to justify this to you. If I don’t want to, I don’t want to. You have to accept that.”

Words creaked in her throat, and tears started to prickle under her lids. “No, of course I’d never force you to do something you didn’t want to. I’m not that kind of woman.”

“Of course you wouldn’t.”

She could hear his sneer.

He looked north up the street, while her naked body blocked the south. That irritated him. She had clothes, but she went nude at his request, when she came to pick him up.

“But this is our night. I don’t understand why you’re changing your mind.” The little man and his balcony were just about the size of her fist, she estimated. Yoshiko didn’t want any trouble with the cops, but still.

Tommy stood silently for a long time, as though watching the sunset against the building opposite. “Why are you even still here? Go take a night to yourself or something. I’m busy.”

“Busy? On our night? With what?” She noted how his head snapped around as she lowered hers to his balcony. “That’s… whose perfume is that?”

“Hey, nosy.” He chuckled, staring up into nostrils as large as his head. “Mind your own. Okay? Desperation is ugly.”

“The hell did you just say? To me?” She started to straighten her body. Her breast blocked all view from the balcony and his condo behind it. If there was someone else in there, she should know what she was up against. She licked her lip and shoved at him, knocking him into the glass door with only her nipple.

Tommy scoffed. “You’re a giantess in size only.” He smoothed his hair and turned to the door.

Yoshiko screamed. Her hand flashed and the balcony was empty. There was no more care for where her footsteps fell; buildings brushed and gave against the smooth slopes of her hips. The city was behind them in an instant, and she sprinted past their usual spot for trysts. On and on she ran, thunder erupting under her heels.

“You love me!” she screamed, throwing herself to the ground with a frightening crash. “You love me! Tell me!” She cupped him in her palm and slapped him against her pussy. “You love me!” Her hand jerked savagely, straining the flesh of her inner thighs, from the tuck of her ass. “Love me,” she sobbed into the setting sun. “You need me! Love me!”

* * *

Far from the city, in a cavern far underground, Yoshiko sat cross-legged and raked her nails through her long hair. “Yes, it is our night,” she said, grinning over her shoulder. “I’m glad you remembered.” She rolled to her side, reclining near the little man in the corner. “I have some ideas for things we can try. Maybe I’ll just do them to you.” Her eyelids fluttered, then widened. “No. No, I didn’t say that. What? That’s not what I said at all. You’re twisting my… No, I’m sorry. Yes, I’m sorry. Okay? Please, let’s just have a nice night… I would never! I wouldn’t do that to you! I love you! Please don’t… Please, Tommy, don’t say that. Just tell me you love me. Please, Tommy, lover, please…”