Rent Control

by bbbs

It was the first of the month. It always seemed to come around more than any of the other days. Callum was sitting on his couch, staring into space and nervously opening and closing the back of his TV remote. This was the worst part. The waiting.

He heard the jiggling of keys upstairs and froze, the back of the TV remote halfway off. The front door opened and heavy footsteps thumped inside. In a spontaneous decision born of blind panic, Callum dropped the remote on the couch and scampered, as quietly as he could, into the bedroom.

The heavy footsteps upstairs moved, unhurried, toward the basement door.

Fears colliding, Callum forced his way into the tiny space under his bed. He fit, but barely. He pulled the last of his body out of sight as he heard one of the footsteps muffled by the basement carpet. His heart was beating in his ears. The heat of his breath splashed off of the bottom of the bed back over his face.

His bedroom door opened.

Reactively, Callum held his breath. The thumping footsteps vibrated the floor under him as they made their way into the room.

A bare foot the length of Callum's torso clomped down next to the bed. If he hadn't already been holding his breath he might have gasped.

The foot thumped away and Callum's closet door opened. The footsteps went around his tiny room. Once. Twice. Back to the doorway.


Had he really managed to get a reprieve?

All at once there was a massive arm under the bed reaching out for him. Fingers twice the size of his own encircled Callum's neck and pulled. Before he had had any chance to muster resistance, he was dragged back out into the light, his body scraping painfully against the underside of the bed. Underneath his fear he felt a trickle of shame as a grown man being found hiding under a bed.

He would have expected Kendra to be angry about his attempt to wriggle out of their arrangement but as he looked up into her huge face he saw only excitement. She was biting her lip and her dark brown eyes bore into him with something like, but not exactly, desire.

He remembered finding her attractive before they began their arrangement but that felt like a different lifetime. She was too huge of a presence to be subject to such petty distinctions as physical attractiveness. She was beautiful, but in the way that the ocean was beautiful. In the way that a tsunami was beautiful. In the way that pain was beautiful.

“Rent is due,” Kendra said seductively in her deep, feminine voice.

She released his neck from her grip. That was definitely going to leave a bruise. It was going to be another few weeks of turtlenecks.

Kendra's mammoth hand traveled down to his chest, covering it completely, and gripped him by the front of his shirt. She turned and walked, Callum dragging along behind her.

Callum writhed in protest, kicking his legs and twisting his body. He grabbed Kendra's wrist with both of his hands and pulled fruitlessly. She didn't even turn around. Out of instinct he kept struggling but he knew it was hopeless. Kenda's slow deliberate steps carried him inexorably towards inevitability.

This was the worst part. The helpless struggle against her overwhelming power.

When Callum lost his job he went to his landlord and asked to be let out of his lease. She suggested an alternate arrangement. Callum, the idiot, was willing to give it a shot and was even a little intrigued.

Before he fully understood what was happening he was stuck in a tortuous cycle. He couldn't afford to live anywhere else and he was too emotionally shattered to get through a job interview. This was his life now. If he was honest with himself the first of the month wasn't even the worst part. It was every other day, knowing that in no time at all, rent would be due again.

Kendra dragged his floundering body past the stairs, heading into the other basement apartment, which was vacant. Callum's head smacked against the doorway as they entered the empty apartment's bedroom. It was probably incidental rather than intentional but, in a way, that might have been worse.

Kendra bent down and adjusted her grip on his shirt. As easily as if he were a spare coat, she threw him. He landed awkwardly on a bare mattress sitting on the floor, the only thing in the room.

He looked up to see Kendra peeling her pants off of her thick lower body. So much for romance. The dim light from the basement window bounced enchantingly off of her light brown skin. Callum held on to his bitterness like a life preserver as she freed her modest bust from a bra.

With floor shaking footsteps she stepped over him, smirking, one foot on either side of the mattress, her crotch directly above his chest. Her womanhood drew his eye like Medusa's gaze. He was shaking, more violently than just a shiver, as she used both hands to rip apart his shirt and yanked his basketball shorts and boxers around his ankles. Somehow this was more humiliating than being completely naked so he kicked his shorts and boxers to the ground.

He thought about pleading with her to stop but whatever sliver of remaining dignity he had left stayed his voice. She kneeled down on the mattress, her massive weight bouncing his body up and down. She looked into his eyes. Somehow, she knew.

“Beg me not to do it,” she whispered.

She didn't just want sexual release, she wanted to crawl inside of his head and build a web so that all of his thoughts got tangled up in her.

She sat down on his chest, crushing the wind from him. He automatically tried to lift some of her weight off of him, Kendra moaned as his hands sank into the huge, round cheeks of her ass, but he found no relief.

“Beg me,” she whispered again.

He could tell by the slickness on his chest that she was getting warmed up. He did his best to ignore her and pushed harder, his hands tiny against the expanse of her rear. She moaned again and pushed back against his hands, grinding against his chest and burying him deeper into the mattress.

“Please,” he gasped.

“Please what?”

“Please don't,” he breathed, barely audible, “please, I'm begging you not to.”

She leaned down and whispered back.

“I don't believe you.”

An immense hand palmed his head and pushed his body down until her snatch rested on his face. Without removing her hand she pumped her hips back and forth, grinding her sex against the contours of his face. Her weight was oppressive to the point that he was worried the bones in his face would break.

“Lick,” she moaned.

He did not comply. She moved her hand to the back of his head and forced his face harder into her vulva.

“Lick!” she repeated with less patience.

Hating himself, Callum darted his tongue out in search of her clit. Immediately Kendra's grinding became more frantic. His tongue retreated back into his mouth and he was rewarded with painful pressure on the back of his head. He snaked his tongue back out into the confused blur of genitals riding his face.

He knew he had found his mark when Kendra let out a guttural moan and her plush thighs, each bigger around than Callum's entire body, closed on his head. Alarmed, he pulled on the outsides of her thighs but knew better than to retract his tongue. He wasn't able to move the thighs bulging against his head at all and he was becoming increasingly panicked as his oxygen depleted.

The last, fading piece of Callum's rationality knew that the only way to get air was to finish Kendra off. Summoning all of his strength, he perched his hands on her hips, the highest point he could reach, and let his palms sink into the top of her soft rear. He couldn't hear her moan past the solid pillars of her thighs but he could feel it rumbling through her body. Then he set his tongue to work. Kendra started bucking wildly, her hips smashing his head painfully into the bed, but he did not stop. She started to grind slower and harder over his face until, with a great shuddering cry, she was still.

Mercifully, she transferred her weight off of his face back onto her knees. He gasped greedily for breath. She slid down next to him so her face was right next to his.

“Mmmhm. Where did that come from, lover?” she asked mockingly.

Callum faced away from her. She draped her huge body over him and licked her juices off of his face. It turned into kissing, she placed slow, almost tender, kisses on his cheek. He didn't have much fight left in him but he tried to move his face further away from her. She grabbed his face and turned it, steadily but forcefully, up towards hers. She started kissing him faster, all over the face, working herself up again. She forced the huge muscle of her tongue into his mouth and moaned. Callum pushed against her shoulders. He didn't budge her at all, but she stopped kissing him long enough to gather his wrists in one hand and pin them above his head.

He gave an involuntary shiver of pleasure as Kendra's lips worked across his neck. She kissed his unresponsive mouth hard to pin his head in place and started gyrating her body against his. She ground against his legs and slid her tongue in and out of his mouth as he squirmed more and more feebly.

Kendra broke off her kiss and pushed herself up onto her knees, smiling. With a thrill of shame Callum realized he was hard.

This was the worst part. Being betrayed by his own body.

Kendra guided his package inside her. His substantial size was outstripped by her own but she was still warm and inviting.

Callum had no fight left in him. He didn't struggle as Kendra rode his member, his pelvis crying out in pain each time she came down on him. She slipped a hand under his butt and pulled his hips off the bed to better work his ill-equipped equipment to her liking and he allowed his back and head to go slack, lolling around with her movements. She moaned and started pumping him so fiercely that he thought his neck might snap from whiplash but still he did not tense against the movement. At last, with a full throated roar, she scooped her other hand under his back and held him against her body as she rode to a stop.

He was nearly unconscious. She was displeased.

“You're going to cum, you ungrateful shit!” she growled and dropped his body back onto the bed.

Although Callum's mind had checked out, his body had not. Kendra worked herself on top of him less ferociously and he felt an expectant tightening in his balls. She contorted her body so that she could bend down to his face without their hips parting. She whispered to him right before he climaxed.

“I'll see you next month.”

He was just aware enough to be disgusted with himself for having an orgasm. She hopped off of him, rolling him over in the process. She didn't dress, just grabbed her clothes and stomped her way upstairs in the buff.

Callum lay facedown on the bare mattress for a long while. Eventually he realized he was crying. His tears silently wet a small spot on the mattress.

He should have been relieved, the rent was paid. But he wasn't.

This was the worst part.

The waiting.