Teacher's Assistant

by TheMicroGiant

“That’s correct, Carrie,” I reply, hiding the annoyance I feel from hearing my voice broadcast over the speakers in the classroom. “Looks like you’ve been keeping up with the problem sets this week.”

Carrie, a blonde chem major, blushed and shifted in her seat trying to mask her beaming pride.

I looked at the laptop screen in front of me, my gaze passing over the class of 38 students, all eager to take a class from the acclaimed, if reportedly eccentric, Dr. Marcus Fields. Me. Unfortunately for me, my history of strange behavior and eccentricity caused no eyebrows to be raised when I requested to take a sabbatical and teach my courses via webcam. So instead of teaching these bright young minds from a podium in the room with them, they were told I was teaching from my boat, on the other side of the world. My eyes darted around the sparsely decorated room I was in. It had only basic amenities. I had no reason to complain, I often did without unnecessary luxuries when at home. There were a few levels to my new home, but my class only ever saw the small room of my “office.”

They likely never considered what lay beyond the view of this webcam. Well, one of them at least didn’t need to know, because she intimately knew.

My gaze panned over the bright young twenty year olds until it settled on Amber, sitting at the back of the classroom. No one else could tell my gaze was on her, but she knew. A smug grin spread across her face and I could see her shift and grind her hips in her seat. A creaking and trembling noise reverberated lightly around my home as she did. Like the sound of the hull of a ship being pressed by harsh waves.

Amber’s grin grew as she shifted and the sound grew louder around me. I glanced behind me, to the curtain covering the dark window behind me. The class thought I was in a different time zone because it always seemed to be night when I taught them. Instead, I was far closer than they could even imagine.

“Doctor,” Amber’s Irish-accented voice called through the speakers as thunder rumbled off in the distance. “Based on your theory, how would the miniaturization of atoms affect the travel of electrons?”

She knew damned well. Amber had been my research assistant since the second semester of her freshman year. As I replied, almost by instinct, I thought back to how I ended up at the mercy of this literal cunt.

Amber was a small girl, roughly 5’1, with pert breasts, wide hips and long flowing red hair. I admit that despite my towering over her by nearly seventeen inches, it was hard not to find myself entranced by her. I’d accepted her as my research assistant based on her solving a complex series of equations before I’d even laid eyes upon her. She was to help me with my life’s goal, matter reduction. The University was paying me top dollar, and had received government financing, because out of all the people in the world, I was the closest to cracking this conundrum. I was a single man and Amber had hinted at an interest, but I’d seen too many faculty lose their jobs by fooling around with co-eds for me to even consider it, so I politely avoided her advances.

I remember the day I’d built the working prototype for my shrinking device. It was roughly the size of an old boom box I had in college, cumbersome, but far more compact than the room filling piece of equipment I had initially expected to build. Its size was primarily due to the power cells and processors required for the machine. It was effectively a long rectangle ending with a small cone-shaped dish, along with a detachable tablet used to operate it.

I was so proud when I revealed it to Amber. I was preparing my notes when I heard an unexpected whining build up behind me. A bright light filled the room and my life changed forever. I was disoriented; a booming burst of air caused my ears to pop, resulting in an intense ringing. I tried to look around but the ground shook rhythmically, more intensely with each shake. I realized I was trapped on the cold concrete plain of my lab. I looked up and saw the immense bare foot of Amber looming in the sky and crashing down before me, the force blowing me back. Amber filled the sky, this petite girl a living mountain. Her hand, large enough to hold our entire campus with ease reached towards me with a pair of cold metal tweezers, longer than my apartment building. Her expression was cold, calculating, with a hint of amusement.

The metal jaws clamped down around me, constricting my breath. The world rushed by as she raised me towards her face. I realized her lips could consume our entire building as she licked them and spoke, her hot breath washing over me like a hurricane.

“What’s this little bug I’ve found on the floor? Why it looks like a little doctor.” That Irish brogue that I once found charming was horrifying when blasted at me by a mouth large enough to hold a five-story building.

“We’re going to have a little talk, Doc,” She said, sitting down at my desk, her other hand unbuttoning her blouse, showing off a now terrifying and all-consuming amount of cleavage.

“I’m taking this thing,” she said, patting my device with her free hand. “I still have two years of college left and you teach four of the courses I need to take to get my degree. I also want you to improve this bad boy. And if you try to tell anyone, I’ll fucking eat you. So, I’m offering you a choice here. You continue working on this while teaching, but I dunna want you to have any other distractions. Also, I have a wee bit of a crush on you. So, I filed some papers with the dean and they think you’re gonna be teaching the next two years from your yacht. Aren’t you glad you have tenure and no one questions this shite?”

She thundered with laughter at this. I was at a loss for words. She set me in a petri dish; the walls of this three inch circle were too high for me to even consider climbing. I was at a loss with this scale until I was snapped out of my reverie by Amber slamming the largest structure I’d ever laid eyes upon on the table next to my dish. It was tall, cylindrical yet curved. Completely transparent. Inside I could see five circular floors with staircases wrapping around the interior of this construct.

“You ever see a transparent dildo?” She asked with far more candor than I would ever expect from my humble assistant. “A friend gave me this. The base screws off and you can put warm oil or water into it. Trust me, it’s truly orgasmic. But, that’s not what I’ve planned for you. I had a mate in the engineering department create the floors of this in CAD and 3D print them. I wired it myself. All I needed to do was shrink down your computer, some equipment and amenities and you’ll be all set for your lil sabbatical! A safe lil apartment for my little mentor. As long as you pass me, at least. I’ve wanted you inside of me, since I heard of your research. Now, that’s possible in more ways than I could’ve imagined.”

I tried shouting at her, but knew she couldn’t hear me if she wanted. I was completely at the mercy of this horny co-ed. She unscrewed the base of the giant dildo and I watched as the entire compartment, no… apartment within slid out of the shaft. She picked me up with those gigantic tweezers and dropped me on the first floor of my new prison. With deft hands, she slid the dildo back over the base and sealed it tight. I was trapped.

She raised it up to her face, her monstrous tongue snaking out and licking the shaft, the impact of her tongue sending me tumbling down the first set of stairs to the second level. This place was shockingly detailed, I realized as I recollected myself. There were rows of bookshelves here, ready for the research materials that she would eventually shrink for me. The walls were of course transparent and I had an unobstructed view of the outside world, now distorted by her saliva. I could still see that smug smirk and a more terrifying sight. My shrink device firing.

“There ya go. Three inches long. At the other size, your home was a bit too large for me to comfortably keep inside of me, believe me, I tried. And I want you inside of me. I can’t wait for you to be teaching a class next semester, everyone paying rapt attention to your wee ass, while you are trapped inside of my cunt the entire time! I’m wet just thinking about it!” Her laughter thundered around me as she slid her leggings down with her free hand and moved my prison closer to her cunt, dripping wet with arousal.

Drops of her juices splattered against my transparent ceiling. Not the pitter patter of rain drops, but the sound of bombs impacting against a bunker. I was shocked at my own surprise at how much hair she had down there. Out of all of the strange things occurring this day, that was what my now numb mind focused on, of all things, as her lips parted and clamped down on the walls of my prison, trying their best to crush me. She proceeded to masturbate with me right there on the floor of my own lab. There were no cameras; our research was too sensitive to be recorded by cameras.

After she came and slid me within her once more, I passed out from the shock and exhaustion of my tiny body being tossed about in this prison. After that, she shrunk my research and what necessities I’d need and inserted them in my prison. The damned thing had electricity and Wi-Fi, all powered by a miniscule watch battery. All in her cunt. I learned that my “eccentric” habit of disappearing for sabbaticals at short notice came back to haunt me. No one in administration questioned that I would be teaching remotely for the next few semesters. As for my research? The school was fine with my delays, since the federal funding kept rolling in funds for the project regardless, as long as I submitted research updates.

Over the next few weeks of Amber getting off with my prison I realized that was my legacy. A source of income for my university and a source of pleasure for my student. I rarely saw daylight. Even when she was on her period, she’d shrink my prison even smaller so that she could still use tampons. When she fucked her boyfriends, I was even smaller but still forced to experience it. Once she shrunk me so small her boyfriend’s cock left my half-inch-long prison wedged against her cervix for weeks.

So now, I sit at my desk, inside of her sweltering cunt, listing to its walls contract around me, knowing I will never be free without her permission. I was a toy for this girl who I once trusted with the intimate secrets of my research. I would be trapped within her, at the mercy of her clenching in pleasure throughout my lessons until she graduated. This morning I received an email that she will be taking my graduate course for her PHD. She gleefully told me that means we would get to spend at least four more years together.

She crosses her legs with a knowing smile. My world trembles.