The Day Off

by Nodqfan

The morning sun shined through the bedroom window, it illuminated the entire room in its warm glow and washed away the darkness from the previous night. The sun also caused a sleeping occupant in the small bed to stir from her slumber.

A young woman in her early twenties named Jane begrudgingly rose from underneath the soft warm comforter, and blanket, tossing them aside to reveal what she had slept in a long turquoise nightgown that reached all the way down to her ankles.

She shifted her weight to maneuver herself into a semi sitting, and then swung her legs over the side, planting her bare feet firmly on the wooden floor of the bedroom and stood up to her full height of five feet four inches tall. Then she moved her feet towards a pair of brown slippers and maneuvered her feet into them shifting them until they were comfortably inside the slippers.

Then she made her way towards a medium sized beige dresser, opened one of the top drawers and pulled out a small black jewelry box from the drawer, closed it with her free hand, and then made her way back towards the bed where she sat down as the mattress gave way underneath her weight. She held the box in her right hand, and using her left, she opened the box to reveal its contents.

A tiny man about three inches tall lay in the box in nothing but a pair of light blue boxers perfectly fit to his size he had short dark brown hair in a buzz cut, he stirred a bit, his eyes fluttered open revealing them to be a green color, he then sat up, yawned, scratched herself. Then looked up at the white, smooth, gigantic face of Jane and smiled.

“Good morning Harry, how did you sleep?” Jane asked. Her voice sounded like thunder to Harry’s tiny ears.

“I slept like a rock dear,” Harry yelled up at her, so that, she heard him.

Jane’s expression changed into that of a big, wide smile down at Harry.

“That’s great to hear sweetie, now hold on while get you out okay” Jane said softly.

“Okay!” Harry yelled up in reply. He stood up and watched as two of Jane’s giant fingers came towards him, and gently plucked Harry from the box and into the air and then into soft crinkles of skin of her left hand and now he stared up at the billboard sized face of his girlfriend that was the same age as him. She had short blonde hair arranged in a bob cut, and blue eyes.

The two did not say a word as Jane stood up slowly so as not to jolt Harry carefully she moved him up to her shoulder, after Harry adjusted himself and was comfortable Jane started to walk out of the room.

Jane walked down the hallway and towards the living room and kitchen area, then she turned to her right to enter the kitchen, set Harry down on the table, then went over to the refrigerator, opened it, pulling out various items including eggs, bacon, and sausage, and then closed the refrigerator, and setting the items on a nearby counter.

She moved to a cupboard, opened it, grabbing a box of pancake mix, setting it down next to the other items that, she had procured from the fridge. Next, she went over to another cupboard, grabbed a couple of skillet pans, set them on top of the stove, and turned on the burner.

Then she went back over the over to where the food had been takes out a few eggs, while holding she walked back over to the stove, cracked the eggs open into the skillet.

She took a nearby whisker and began to whisk the eggs, after a few minutes the eggs were done so Jane flip them over so the other side could cook. After that was done, she focused on the bacon, then the sausage, and finally, the pancakes.

Jane reached up into a cupboard, and grabbed a plate, set it down, then put each food item on the plate. Then she walked over to the table, and set the plate down on it, she walked over to the cupboard, opened it, grabbed a cup, set it down on the counter.

She walked back over to the fridge, opened it, grabbed a carton of orange juice, opened it, and poured some into the glass, closed the carton, set back in the fridge and closed it, she grabbed the glass, walked over to the table and set it down next to the plate.

Then she walked over to the counter, opened a small drawer, grabbed a fork and knife, close the drawer, walked back towards the table set them on the plate, pulled back a chair, sat down, and pulled herself up to the table.

“Let’s eat!” Jane said excitedly.

First, she cut up a small portion of each piece of food, and gave it to Harry.

“Thanks” Harry said with a smile.

“You’re welcome, Harry” Jane replied with smile.

The two ate their meal in silence with Harry being the first to finish because of his smaller portions. Jane the offered Harry some of her orange juice, which, Harry accepted, running over to cup, climbed up the cup to the top and got his fill of juice, which earned a few giggles from Jane.

Jane had finished her meal, got up with both of the dishes in her hand, to the kitchen, placed them in the sink, and turned on the faucet to begin washing the dishes.

Then her cellphone started to ring, she quickly turned off the water, and rushed out of the kitchen to the living room, picking up the phone, she answered it.

“Hello?” Jane asked into the receiver.

On the other end a male voice started to speak, Jane instantly recognized who it was.

“Oh hello Mr. Garrison, how are you today?” Jane asked as she spoke to her manager of the local coffee shop that she worked at. Her expression changed to one of surprise as Mr. Garrison told her something.

“Wow, thank you so much Mr. Garrison, I will make sure to tell Joey thank you tomorrow when I come in okay? Alright then bye-bye Mr. Garrison” Jane said as she clicked a button to end the call, then she set the phone down, and walked back to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

“So I have the day off of work” Jane said as she smiled down at Harry

“That’s great” Harry replied.

“Yep and I know just how I’m going to spend it to” Jane said.

“Really, and how’s that?” Harry asked curiously even though part of him already knew the answer.

“With you my little sweetie pie” Jane replied. Then she leaned down and gave him a big wet kiss on the face.

With breakfast now out of the way, Jane pushed the chair away from the table and stood up to her full height, bent down and gently picked up Harry into her hand, and then left the kitchen. Heading back down the hallway, then turned to her right, opening the door to the bathroom, turning on the light she turned towards the white countertop, set Harry down on the countertop. Then she grabbed a toothbrush from a nearby holder, grabbed a tube of toothpaste, opened it, and poured some onto the toothbrush, closed it, and both began to brush their teeth.

After they were done with brushing, then they rinsed out their mouths with, water, then they used mouthwash to freshen their breath, before finally using water to gargle and rinse out their mouths. Harry turned and looked up at Jane.

“So I assume that we are going to shower next?” Harry asked with curiosity in his tone.

“Yep but before that I have to get clothes for the two of us I will be right back” Jane replied.

“Okay” Harry said as he watched Jane leave the bathroom as he now stood alone in the massive room.

Jane returned minutes later, holding clothes in her hand, she set them down on the counter. She then grabbed a bar of soap, some body wash, shampoo, and a hand towel for Harry. Then she grabbed a cup and filled it water from the sink, Harry disrobed and Jane gently picked him up, set him down in the cup and then turned it away from her so she could disrobe.

Then Jane stepped in the shower, and turned on the water. Both of them washed themselves and made sure that they were clean Jane then turned off the water, grabbed a nearby towel and dried herself before stepping out of the shower, and heading over to the sink to check on Harry.

“Are you done?” Jane asked.

“Yeah I am” Harry replied.

Jane then gently plucked Harry out of the cup and set his wet body on the counter and he dried himself off, then he got dressed and was now wearing a light blue shirt, with black pants. Then he turned away while Jane got dressed.

Then when Jane was done she turned around and was wearing a black-T shirt and light brown khaki pants. She grabbed Harry, turned off the light, exited the bathroom, and closed the door behind her. She walked back down the hallway, when she reached the end of the hallway she turned left and headed to the living room, then towards the couch where she turned, sat down and then grabbed the remote, pressed a button to turn on the TV.

The blaring sound of the large screen came on to show the “Today” show with Matt Lauer’s face coming on the screen, discussing the various news of the day.

The two then watched the show for a little bit up until the local weather report. Then Jane grabbed the remote, pressed a button to bring up the guide. She began flipping through the channels attempting to find something on early in the morning. Eventually she turned to the movie channels until she found the movie “Anger Management” starring Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson had just started. As the opening scenes of the movie played out both Jane and and Harry watch the movie with interest.

When the funny scenes happened, Jane laughed, causing Harry to bounce up and down with the movements of Jane’s body. An hour and a half later the movie ended, and Jane already had the next thing planned out for them.

“That was a funny movie” Jane said.

“Yeah it was and the TV show that spawned off it with Charlie Sheen was great as well” Harry answered.

“What do you if we went out for a walk Harry?” Jane asked, wanting to make sure that Harry was okay with it before doing anything.

“That’s fine with me” Harry replied.

“Great!” Jane exclaimed in excitement.

She grabbed the remote, turned off the TV, gently picked up Harry into her hands, and set him on her left shoulder. Then she grabbed her keys, headed towards the front door, opened it, headed outside, closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it so that, nobody tried to break into the house.

From Harry’s tiny perspective, the houses looked as big as skyscrapers that touched the clouds that hung in the bright blue sky. Harry watched as his girlfriend said hello to the various neighbors that lived around them as Jane continued to walk down the sidewalk.

Eventually the two found themselves at a park that was filled with people. Jane found a bench and sat down. She then took Harry from her shoulder into her hand, and held him up to her face and smiled at him.

“I love you,” Jane said.

“I love you too,” Harry said.

Jane then brought Harry closer, and gave him a big kiss to end a great walk.