
by CrushedBoyWonder

“Are you… sure he’s going to be okay like that?” Holly asks.

She’s lying naked on her bed below Madelyn, who is sitting up on her knees straddling her and wearing a strapon with a four-inch man taped to it. It’s dark but for the pink and purple light from the neon signs outside the apartment balcony. It’s warm, but the comforter is cool and soft. Their clothes are scattered around the floor after a night out.

“Yes,” Madelyn assures her gently. She leans forward and whispers, “We’ve done it before.” Then she leans back and sticks her hips out, pointing at him and smiling. “Look, I even bought special tape.”

He gives a shy smile, strapped to the shaft like a figurehead on a ship. His head is an inch below the tip, leaving a good four inches below his feet.

“But… his arms are taped?” Holly says.

“It’s for his own safety. Trust me, when we tried the first time we almost broke something. And look, it’s above his elbows so he still has some movement, right Brad?”

Brad raises one forearm and gives a thumbs-up. His legs are spread and taped too.

“Also,” Madelyn says, “he’s totally into the bondage thing.” She sucks the tip of her finger and then gently rubs it on Brad’s cock, which was already stiff but now straightens even more. His little mouth opens in pleasure. “See? He loves it.”

Holly sighs and smiles. “Okay. If you guys are sure.”

Madelyn leans forward, putting her hands on the bed, and her lips tantalisingly close to Holly’s. She says, in a half-whisper, “Hey. We both want to do this for you. Okay?”

Holly can’t help but grin, her eyes darting between Madelyn’s eyes and lips. “Okay-” she says, and as soon as she does Madelyn kisses her deeply. They keep kissing, until eventually Madelyn kisses the corner of her mouth, then the cheek, and the earlobe. She bites it softly and breathes into her ear, and Holly shudders in pleasure. Madelyn whispers, “Trust us,” and then Holly gasps lightly as she feels Brad on her clit. He uses his hands to massage the hood for a while, teasing her while Madelyn kisses her neck and runs her hand around one breast. Holly squirms slowly.

Then Brad leans his head forward and starts licking the clitoris in proper. Holly moans, gripping the blankets and pushing her face into the pillow. Madelyn puts her mouth on one nipple.

When Holly’s moans start to escalate, Madelyn pulls Brad back, waiting for Holly to relax a bit. Then, she lowers him onto her labia. She gently presses him into her lips, not headfirst but with the front of his body, just deep enough so she can tell how wet she is. Holly makes a half-moan, half whimper.

They continue to tease her that way for a bit, until Madelyn gently squeezes Brad’s legs with her fingers, which is their signal. Brad takes a deep breath.

Madelyn slips Brad inside, and Holly groans happily. Madelyn puts the shaft in just deep enough to engulf him, and then pulls it out enough for Brad to take another breath, leaving the tip just inside her lips. Madelyn’s done this enough times with Brad to herself that Brad knows the timing of the next parts. He takes a breath and she plunges him in again, deeper, and slowly pulls out. Then she pushes all the way in and then starts pumping in and out at a slow, regular pace. She sits up and leans back, adjusting to get a solid stance. Brad quickly falls into the rhythm of catching breaths, and Holly moans and whines in pace.

“Ohhh, fuck yes,” Holly breathes. “Where have you two been all my life?”

Madelyn smiles and fondles her own nipple. After a while she switches back to teasing, just going in and out of Holly’s labia with the tip of the strapon, and she takes Brad’s little cock between her finger and thumb, sometimes lightly on his balls, sometimes just circling the tip. When Holly moans, “fuck me,” Madelyn obliges. She gives Brad two gentle squeezes on his legs, and then slides him deep inside. Holly gasps, arching slightly, and Madelyn starts fucking her more quickly. Holly reaches behind her head and grabs the bed to steady herself, her body moving along in sync with Madelyn’s, and her breaths come in gasps and whimpers.

“Unh, God I’m gonna cum,” she says suddenly, and then Madelyn fucks her even deeper and faster until Holly cries out in ecstasy over and over again, bucking hard.

When she’s done, Holly collapses lightly with a big sigh, chest heaving. Madelyn pulls out and swings her leg over her, sitting on her knees facing the light so she can get a decent look at Brad. He’s glistening, completely covered in cum, his eyes and mouth screwed shut. Madelyn quickly uses her finger to wipe off his face, and he gasps deeply, his tiny chest swelling against the tape. She smiles and sucks her fingertip.

“Ohhh my God. I’ve always wanted to do that,” Holly says, one arm draped over her face. They’re both sweaty and breathing heavily, their hair clinging to their faces. “How have I only met you guys like, two weeks ago?’

Madelyn leans over and kisses her.

“Mmm,” Holly says, “that was amazing.” She turns around and lies on her stomach with her chin propped up in her hands in front of Madelyn, who turns to face her and sits cross legged. “He’s such a little trooper, oh my gosh,” Holly says. Madelyn leans back on her elbows, propping up Brad with her hips so he’s in a more vertical position.

“Are you a good little man?” Holly says to him. She pulls herself forward and puts her tongue out, licking him all the way up. He shivers at the feeling, his little cock rising. Holly grins, and licks him some more.

“He is,” Madelyn says.

“He deserves something for his hard work, don’t you think?” Holly asks, lightly taking his penis between her finger and thumb. Madelyn smiles. Holly looks up at her and whispers, “You said he likes feet, right?”

Madelyn laughs softly. “He can hear you, you know, but yes.”

Holly smiles and shushes her jokingly as she changes position again, laying her back against the pillows at the head of the bed with her legs toward Madelyn. She pretends to yawn and stretch, extending her pointed toe and lightly touching Brad’s chest. Both women giggle softly. After rubbing his chest with her big toe for a while, she brings it up just in front of his face. “Kiss?” she says. He cranes his neck forward as far as he can and presses his face into her toe. They giggle again. She lets him make out with her toe for a while, and then she slowly brings it down, over his chest and away from him, teasing him, before pressing gently against his erection. Brad leans his head back, mouth open in pleasure. “Ooh,” she says. “He does like it.” She presses forward, pushing it up against his stomach, and starts to rub up and down. His head arches back and he clenches and unclenches his hands, the only writhing his bondage can allow.

Madelyn starts to fondle her own nipples, a lazy smile on her face. When Holly sees Brad’s chest start to puff up and down at a faster pace she pauses and brings her toe up to his face again to lick it. While he does this she licks her own finger and runs little circles around her clit. Eventually she lowers her foot again, and puts his erection between her toes, lightly rubbing them together. She bites her fingernail, grinning, trying to not giggle as she watches his head move around in pleasure.

Again she senses him coming close to a peak and stops, instead moving her foot upward, running it lightly across his body, letting him experience her sole, and at the same time exploring the feeling of the tiny man against her own sensitive foot. She slows down almost to a stop as his erection rubs against her heel, hearing the faintest little gasp from him when she finally slides it off.

She presses her toe against his face again, this time with the ball of her foot against his cock, pleasuring him with her sole and letting him lick her toe at the same time. Madelyn discreetly holds the tip of the strapon from behind, stabilizing it so Holly can press up and down against him better. Holly can feel his little chest puffing under her foot and his warm, tiny little tongue tickling her. “You like my foot a lot, don’t you little guy?” she asks playfully. This time she doesn’t let him come down when she feels his excitement.

After a while though, she whispers to Madelyn: “Wow, he can go a long time huh?” She’s holding her leg behind the thigh with both hands to support it.

Madelyn leans her head to the side, carefully avoiding moving the strapon too much, and examines Brad.

“I can feel him,” Holly continues, “He’s totally into it, but I think he’s shaking maybe?”

“Maybe he’s nervous,” Madelyn whispers. She cranes her head forward, squinting in the dark, neon light. She can see his head turned to the side, pressed against the shaft of the strapon under Holly’s toe, trying to look back at her. His cheek is constantly being distorted by Holly’s movements, but Madelyn can see his big, tiny little eyes giving her a plaintive look. After a while she gives a sympathetic, lopsided smile.

“Aww,” she says quietly, gently stroking his leg with one finger. “He’s being shy.” She whispers to Holly, “He’s new to this polyamorous thing. I mean, we’ve been polyamorous for a year but this is the first time he’s had sex with another woman. He’s all anxious.”

“Aw I’m sorry, should I stop?” Holly whispers.

“No no, you’re doing great, he loves it.” Madelyn gently lifts her finger to his chin and says to him, “It’s okay. You can cum.” She withdraws her finger and smiles.

He swallows, and then his little mouth opens wide and his eyes close, and they hear his tiny little moans and gasps. After a few moments, he starts to spasm.

“Oh-” Holly says, “-therrre it is.” She feels the sudden warm wetness against her sole, and keeps fucking him against the strapon until she feels him go limp. Then she gently pulls away. “Oh wow,” she whispers in surprise, seeing him covered in his own cum from his chest down to his knees. Little strings of goo still hang from his cock to her sole. His head hangs limply, his chest puffing.

“Good boyyy,” Madelyn says fondly, gently rubbing his hair with her thumb.

Holly swings around and sits down on her knees, leaning way down, and presses her tongue against him, licking him clean once more. “Mmm,” she says, the tip of her tongue playing with him. “He’s getting all hard again already. Think we could get him to orgasm again?”

Madelyn laughs. “Oh, I’m sure we could make that happen.” She smiles mischievously as she undoes the tape holding Brad. “You know, he’s been eyeing those pumps over there allll night.”

“Ooh, those snake-print peeptoes I wore to the club?”

“Mhmm. I bet if he went for a ride in those, he just wouldn’t be able to help himself.” She holds Brad free in one palm, and he lays there on his side still catching his breath.

“I see,” Holly says, with a sly smile. She reaches around Madelyn’s waist and unbuckles the strapon. “First though, we have to do something about you,” she says, tossing the strapon onto the bed. She gently pushes Madelyn onto her back, and lowers her head between her legs.

“Mmmh,” Madelyn says, smiling contently. She deposits Brad onto her chest between her breasts, and starts lightly stroking her nipples. “We have all night, after all.”