Keep You Posted

by Nemo

Part I

Two young women sit at the breakfast table. One sips orange juice, the other coffee. Although they look like two random young ladies, anyone can tell they are sisters. The older brunette, Sari, looks over some paperwork on the kitchen table. Ana, the younger blonde, is in a world of her own, perhaps thinking of the day's schedule.

“Oh Ana, before I forget. The agency is dropping off another person today, an abuse case. Can you fit him in?"

Ana snapped out of her daydream. “Him? Tell me more.”

“Well, I just know a little, but he's been through hell. Had two guardians, women from across the state. They did some things to him for fun, went too far, traumatized the poor guy. He's going to need some of your magic.”

“I don't use magic, Sari. It's called work, hard work. And yes, I'm willing to see him. Let me know when he gets here.”

Sari nodded and resumed her paperwork. Ana finished her orange juice and left the table.

Another day at the ranch, another day for healing.

After a busy morning, Ana returned. Sari stood at the door with a thoughtful look. Ana seemed to know that look.

“He's here?”

“Yes.” Sari indicated that Ana should follow her.

They walked through the kitchen and down a hallway to a back bedroom. The door was closed; Sari opens it. The women walked in slowly and stood next to a large tabletop. On it were partitions making various spaces for small visitors. Today, only one section is being used, by a sleeping man. He was very small indeed, less than two inches, looking very delicate. He was wrapped in fabric and seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Ana bent over the sleeping figure for a better look. “God, he's small,” she whispered. “And pretty beat up. I wonder what happened to him.”

Sari put a hand on her sister's shoulder. “Come back outside – I'll fill you in.”

In the kitchen Sari reached for a folder, opened it and began to read. “His name is Vic. Thirty two years old, reduced four years ago. Been with the agency most of that time, readjusting, learning life skills. Then they found these guardians.”

Ana nodded, waiting. Sari continued.

"They posted him, Ana. Those nasty bitches.”

Ana looked confused. “What do you mean, Sari? Posted him?”

“They attached him to a bed post – and then you can probably guess.”

“No Sari, I can't. Tell me.”

Sari looked directly into her sister's eyes. “The post was round on top. They stuck him there with adhesive, facing up. And then, they...pleasured themselves with him. Or at least one did.”

Tears began to form in Ana's eyes. “Pleasure for who? Not him, obviously.”

“Right. She slid herself up and down the post, with him...inside. In and out, over and over. I was told this went on for up to an hour.”

Ana paused. “It's hard to imagine. What about the other? Did she do the posting thing too?”

“Maybe not. But Vic was left on the post for long periods, and this other woman would come in and taunt him. Make him feel worthless, helpless. And he was trapped; no food, water or rest. Once in a while they'd take him down and give him a few crumbs. But eventually it was back to the post, more ill treatment, more misery.”

“Sari. What was he like when he got here? Did you talk to him.”

“Just to introduce myself and get him settled. He shied away from me, didn't say a word. I don't blame him. He has to learn to trust again.”

The two women didn't say anything. But Sari knew her sister, knew she was already forming a plan for Vic. What would it be this time? Ana treated every case differently.

Part II

Two weeks had gone by. Ana did Vic's therapy in the back bedroom, while also dealing with a half dozen or so other clients. These others were housed in a converted barn near the house, and looked after by a retired nurse named Lisa. Sari did her part as the administrator, chief cook and dishwasher. It was a small operation and very efficient for the most part.

One lunchtime Ana walked into the kitchen, where Sari was just starting to cook the noon meal. Ana went to the fridge, poured herself some orange juice and sipped it as Sari watched.

“So Ana, you'll be working with Vic today?”

Ana took a seat at the table and another sip of juice. “Yeah, two o'clock. He's doing very well.”

“Really? Tell me more.”

“Well, he doesn't flinch when I move close to him. I've touched him a few times and he seems okay with it. Not speaking yet, but it seems that he wants to. I've put some paper and pencil in his area so he can write things out if he wants to.”

Sari nodded. “Wow, good idea. Seems like he's almost better.”

“I don't know Sari. He's made progress but he needs more time. I have an idea I want to try.” She paused. “You might not like it.”

Sari put down her spatula and took a seat opposite her sister. “What did you have in mind?”

“I want to get him used to the bed post. Bring him close to it, touch it, even attach his body to it. I'd be there the whole time. The thing is to take away the bad associations and introduce new, more positive ones.”

Sari's expression changed, she looked dubious. “Interesting. Are you sure about this? Do you want my help?”

“No, I can handle it. I really feel that he needs something like this, or he might freak whenever he sees a bed.”

Sari got up and returned to her cooking in thoughtful frame of mind.

“Lunch is in ten minutes. Let Lisa know, would you?”

Part III

Another week had passed. Some of the barn residents had left and been rehoused, and new ones had arrived. But Ana still gave special attention to Vic, her silent little friend. They had made a connection; the young woman's affection grew by the day. She remembered what Sari had told her a hundred times, and tried to follow it: “Don't get attached, Ana.”

Ana entered the back bedroom and smiled when she saw Vic standing and waiting for his session. It seemed he was smiling too. Maybe he was ready. Today would prove a lot of things.

“Now Vic,” she began. “We've done a lot to get you better, but I want to do more bed post work. Can you handle it?” The little man grew serious and looked up earnestly.

The trust was there, she thought.

“Don't be nervous, but I want to use this two-sided tape to attach you to the post. I won't do anything you won't like, and I really think this will help you. Will you let me?”

The man stood very still, then took a step forward. Ana took that as a Yes.

Five minutes later, all was ready. Vic was fastened to the post, with Ana sitting close by, talking softly to him. Her voice was hypnotic, almost a whisper. “That's it Vic, just relax. You're doing so well. I'm right here, and everything is okay.”

The man closed his eyes. He did seem relaxed.

Ana quietly slipped off the bed and onto her knees, making her face level with Vic. She leaned in and spoke more softly. “Good man, Vic, good man. Relax...relax...” Her face now so close they could have kissed. The tip of her nose almost touched Vic's midriff. Vic was in a trance, eyes closed. He was enjoying this. And then came a commotion at the door.

It was Sari, looking agitated. “Ana, there's trouble in the barn, it's one of the clients. Lisa's here - will you go with her?”

Ana spun around and got to her feet. “Of course. Sari, can you stay with Vic? I don't know how long I'll be.”

“Yes, yes, go.” Ana left quickly while Sari replaced her at the bed. She sat and studied the little man, whose eyes were now fully open.

“Well Vic. Looks like we'll have some time together.”

Vic's face was small, but Sari detected a look of alarm.

Part IV

“You remember me, right? I'm Sari, the older sister. We spoke the first day.”

Vic looked at her and nodded.

“So I see Ana is trying something new. Are you comfortable? Can I get you something?”

A slight shake of the head.

“Okay. Well, just relax. I guess we'll just wait...wait for...okay. I just have to know. What did those women do to you? I don't need you to speak, but I have to understand.”

Sari brought her face close to the tiny man, much as Ana did. “I mean you're small, but how could that?” Vic looked at the face and enormous eyes; he seemed frozen.

She went on. “I mean, I've heard of rough sex. I've heard that some people actually enjoy it. But you didn't. I don't even know if it is sex, what they did. Was it sex? Did you enjoy it, even a little?”

Vic's eyes betrayed nothing, he now stared over her shoulder and into space.

“Well, I want you to know we'd never do that. But we might...I don't know...kiss?”

Sari moved closer to Vic's body, still secured by tape. He tensed up, waiting, eyes wide. Sari's lips hovered over the young man, advancing with a deliberate slowness. She stopped when she heard an unexpected sound.


It was Vic. He'd finally found his voice.

Ana, standing near the door, had both seen and heard.

“Sari, I'll take over now.” And she did.


Vic improved uneventfully, until the day he actually left a note for Ana. It was his last day and he was to be re-homed to another guardian. To everyone's surprise it turned out to be Lisa. The retired nurse and family friend promised to bring Vic back for regular visits, so that the sisters could keep in touch.

As Ana cleaned Vic's empty partition, she found the note. Short and to the point, it made her smile.

In a shaky penmanship, he had written: