Making Adjustments

by Little Comrade

You'd think Laura would have been well-adjusted by now.

To tell you the truth Laura thought she would have been well-adjusted by now too.

The whole truth was - that she wasn't.

This lack of mental malleability is forgivable though, once you know that Laura is, and had been for the best part of a month, 3.24 inches tall.

Over the past week she'd taken a few extra steps to help her adjust to her new normal size. Currently she was following advice recommended in a women's magazine. The headline on page 6 read: 'Still in the Dinky Dumps? Could Scale Immersion Therapy be for you?' The concept was, apparently, to adjust better by living amongst nothing of your own scale. A cold bath of giant objects and massive meals.

A lot of their suggestions had been a bit much for Laura to take. She wouldn't be exploring the garden or exercising in a hamster wheel, for instance. Some of article's ideas though she had taken on board. Especially, 'No. 3: Embrace Borrower-chic'. This one was almost cute. She'd hung up some of her old jewellery in her bedroom, swapped her doll's sofa for a pin cushion and taken to sleeping in a large matchbox, with only one of her old ankle socks to cuddle up to. Speaking of something to cuddle up to, she'd hung a portrait of her boyfriend Jim (Actually a particularly dashing passport photo), up above her smartphone TV.

Today she sighed as she glanced at it. The thought of him up there, being all big, made her sad. She curled up a little and shivered, hugging herself. The effect made her look like a little mouse. It was nothing new though, this had been her fall-back comfy sitting position ever since she was big.

Thumbing through the mini-magazine again she came across Felicity Chambers 'Micro Make-up, Reduced Fashion and Pocket Blogger'. She was so full of chirpy advice and cute things to do once shrunk it was nauseating. Annoyed, she looked down at her smug ghostly airbrushed face, as she posed impishly behind huge broaches, and snorted, throwing the glossy copy of 'Tinker'-Bella on top of Mini-Claire and Good Mousekeeping.

Then, the floor began to shake. I mean, really shake. That was fine though, you could suppose, as a massive five foot four inch lady was approaching. Laura stood hastily and started to preen herself in her vibrating wall-mounted pocket mirror. Her loose light brown hair fell back over her shoulders and she wiggled her tiny, slightly upturned nose. She was slim, with a very petite waist and a slightly rounded belly. Her high breasts were dangerously pert and even looked relatively large on her frame. She'd forgotten to shave her legs though. Hopefully those hairs would be far too small for a giant to notice.

The room darkened as the skylight above her, that served as most of her ceiling, was obscured by a giant hand. It knocked on the 'roof', with a single knuckle, and a giggly teasing voice boomed “Hey, Thumbelaura, you need to come up to the floor right now, I've a big surprise for you!”

“Coming!” She squeaked, sounding like a totally little mouse.

She had to head 'up' to the floor as she was currently living below the floorboards, as was advised for privacy and added Borrower-chic credentials. The voice upstairs came from her best friend and now official 'Minder', Azin.

Calmly, but with a slight skip of excitement, she scurried out of her 'house', over the connecting heating pipes and then up her pencil-ladder to the outside world. Namely, the floor of her and Azin's old apartment.

She was immediately greeted by her friend's giant running shoes and a huge light brown hand that wiggled its fingers in front of her. She looked up and saw a mass of sleek black hair falling all around her like the branches of a weeping willow. Azin's dark oval eyes peeped over her prominent nose. Her deep Iranian features were now blown up to enormous proportions. Her top was sporty and pushed her bosom up to a size that could have swallowed Laura whole in its deep brown overhanging cleavage.

She would have rather faced a whole roomful of 'Felicity: Pocket Bloggers' than her very pretty giant best friend, such was the power of their scale.

Azin smiled. “Come on tiny, hop up, I can't wait to show you your surprise!”

“Okay, okay, but Azzi, but careful. You're not a rollercoaster!”

The giant winked and then shivered a little at the feel of Laura's tiny feet as she stepped into her palm. She waited for the little woman to get comfy, feeling her slim, and shrunken, little bottom come to rest against her skin and then slowly lifted her up to her bed. The tiny thing hopped off and Azzi smiled sheepishly.

“Okay, right, so, just hold on one second.”

Azzi lent back over the side of the bed, causing the duvet to shift tectonically. She then opened her gym bag creating a piercing zipping noise and lifted something out. Gently she lowered it down onto the bed.

The cloth parcel in front of the mini-Miss was about the size of a collapsed marquee. For almost a full minute the two girls, one big, one small, watched the pile tensely, before Azzi clearly had had enough.

“Oi, stop playing dead you.” Her finger poked the pile of cotton which was actually a voluptuous summer dress Azzi must have been wearing before the gym.

Laura could see that there was something in it.

Hopefully it wouldn't be a pet mouse. It was Azzi who'd bought her that silly mini-mag about looking after them. Buying her one would be just her style.

But it wasn't a mouse. Far from it.

The lump moved steadily and purposefully towards the neck of the neatly folded dress. It was on all fours she thought, but didn't seem very 'animal' in its movements. As it neared the collar Laura had her heart in her mouth. It couldn't be, could it?

Suddenly a little tousled head appeared and grinned at her cheekily, giving her a tiny wink. She almost melted on the spot. Azzi was holding her breath and trying not to move, all the while slyly filming the whole thing, for viral internet purposes, on her phone.

The little figure stood up and cocked its head. “Fine, don't look happy to see me then...” It was still grinning. He was still grinning.

Laura had never been overcome by such emotion at once. It like a little flood. She struggled to know how to respond. After much confusion she settled on anger. Barely controlled, deliriously happy anger.

She sprinted across the moonscape of the bed, making a beeline for the tiny fella. He raised his arms to catch her but needn't have bothered. She flung herself at him, beating at his chest with her fists and flailing her thin arms.

Unfortunately for her he'd been shrunk entirely to her scale and was therefore far too big to be dealing with any of her nonsense.

Jim, her boyfriend, grabbed her arms as she continued to ineffectually attempt to hit him with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“You stupid, stupid, bloody stupid idiot!” She timed her attacks with the rhythm of her words. “You're so thick, look at you, you stupid tiny romantic little bastard!” She was still crying but did manage to wipe tears away with a free hand and stand on tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.

He was smiling so hard at his little lady he was almost laughing. “Yes, that's me. Ta da! I was thinking of getting you 'me' for Christmas, but I thought, 'Nar! Why wait?'”

She shuddered and sobbed a little. “B-b-but, you're tiny now. It's forever. How, Why?”

He dried away a few more of her tears and hugged her. “Well, when a bodged flu vaccine shrinks that many people, it's not hard to arrange an injection, not when your sister works in the Health Service anyway.” He winked and tickled her sides, which actually made her stifle a giggle. “Plus, as cute as you were I wanted my old Laura back. You know, the one I can cuddle, kiss and...stuff.”

He received a great big shrunken hug for that and then, very gently, she kissed him on the lips. He savoured it. It was his first proper one for weeks.

“So, you shrank yourself forever just to be with me?”

“It does sound dramatic when you say it like that, doesn't it?” He pretended to be having second thoughts miming mulling over his silly decision. She kissed him again.

“But who is registered as your Minder?”

He pointed a cocked thumb up at Azzi. They both turned to her as she hastily hid her smartphone. “She is”. He winked at her, she winked back, knowingly.

“Yep, I'm his Minder too! Isn't that perfect, two people in the hand is always better than one.” She leant over them, bosom, eyes, hair, scent, all of it, overpowering their senses.

Azzi had always teased Laura sexually, even when she was big, now she was in a tiny twosome, it looked like she was moving up a gear!

“Oi. Eyes here.” Laura said moving his head down to focus on her face. She subconsciously tried to fluff up her own bosom too. It worked. He kissed her, letting her sink into him. He wasn't strong, far from it, but he was lithe, with broad shoulders. His dark eyes and hair had always appealed to her, as had his no-nonsense fashion sense. The latter had been replaced by the remnants of a hanky, tied toga-style. She couldn't talk though, as she was wearing a pair of her old lace-trimmed panties cut into a dress, with a ribbon as a giant belt around her teenie waist.

The two little lovebirds turned to face their giant Minder.

Azzi bit her lip. She felt, all of a sudden, like a giant cat who'd got the tiniest, choicest, cream. She leant forward, chin in hands, bosom forming a soft brown wall in front of them. Life had given her the gift of two brilliant, clever and loving little Lilliputians and she was going to enjoy every second.

“Now, I know it's a big adjustment for you, Jim Thumb, to be, well, the size of my thumb, but me and Thumbelaura have experience. We'll show you the ropes. However, first, I've been to the gym, and you've been shrunk and popped in a sweaty gym bag. So, let's get ourselves cleaned up.”

She held out her hand and indulged in the sensation of two little people stepping up into it. Delicately she carried them over to the shower and instead of popping them in the sink or a bowl of warm water, stood them on the soap dish high on the shower unit.

They held each other in sheer awe as the giant stripped herself in front of them, before silently gesturing them to do the same. “Don't worry minis, this will be so romantic and sexy for you.” She stood next to them, her heavy bosom like a twin geographical features. It hung ten feet above them, well out of reach.

Gently Azzi turned on the shower and started to soap her giant full breasts.

“The world is a big scary place for you little guys, but for now, just relax under the Azin Falls.”

Jim nodded. They'd planned this even before he was made small.

Enough soap and water to drown them cascaded erotically down from the giant chest above. The naked couple looked up as the first suds hit them.

“You’re such an idiot” Laura whispered.

“Not from where I'm standing” Jim smirked, running a finger around her penny-sized bottom.

He just wished to god he'd thought of all this sooner.