Therapy for the Titan

by MoonlightUmbry

The giant stood patiently before a massive door leading into the Therapy Chamber; a sliding silver door that accommodated anything at least twice his size. He always did wonder why they built the chamber so large. Did they fear he might grow bigger? Or perhaps they were planning for anyone bigger than him to come along? The thoughts of it all always amused him. After all he had done, there was no way they would attempt the project again. No way they would risk another like him.

The giant admired his reflection on the door’s surface, delighting in some narcissism during his wait. His hair was short and dark, his sharp eyes colored dark brown and his skin showcased a mocha colored complexion. His body was lean, but toned; like the body of a gymnast. It was a small reminder of his former life before the project; a shrimpy, dorky looking fellow, his lean physique never truly leaving. But still, he liked it. Despite being hundreds of feet tall, it gave him an unassuming look compared to the meatheads they experimented on before him.

He stood practically naked before the door; the only saving grace of modesty being a snug pair of black boxer briefs. It wasn’t that he lacked clothing, they painstakingly made plenty for him, it was just that he preferred to be as natural as possible. Since his transformation, the elements of nature didn’t harm or even bother him, his body was exceptionally sturdy. It made him feel powerful. Not enough where he would become so arrogant he felt like a god; but at least a force of nature.

Soon there was a loud crackling over the loud speakers, a nervous male voice clearing his throat before making an announcement to the giant, “Subject #71, Dr. Myers will see you now.”

The giant smiled. The one thing that made this closeted imprisonment worth it. Joanna.

The door finally slid open, allowing the giant entry into the chamber. He eagerly stepped in, the door shutting behind him. Much like the rest of the compound, the chamber was all white; white tile flooring, white walls, white ceiling, white lighting. He did find it all rather drab and boring, but far more acceptable then the obnoxious white-yellow they used to use in his room to slowly torture him.

The chamber was fashioned to look like a psychiatrist’s office. In the absence of rugs or carpeting, the tile floors were heated; a welcome touch on his powerful, yet tired soles. There was a massive leather couch-bed for him to lay on, and numerous potted plants…well…potted trees placed about the room. And of course, the bit that amused him the most, the tiny leather chair attached to a controllable crane.

“You never cease to be amused by our setup, Jonathan,” spoke a sharp, stern, feminine voice with an air of professionalism down by a tiny desk. Dr. Joanna Myers, his therapist. The 7th one assigned to him, and the only one able to reach him. She kept her head down, focused on some papers as she regarded him, “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll be with you in a minute.”

Jonathan smirked, but followed orders, stepping over to the couch and laying down upon it and turning his head to keep his dark eyes focused on her. She was the only one to treat him like an equal; a doctor and a patient. He was fascinated by her behavior towards him; she never looked at him in fear, horror, or hate. She was never armed, she never had guards, she never had a safety measure in place.

She was also beautiful.

Her long, flowing, raven dark hair. Her piercing dark eyes behind that a cute pair of glasses, that even given the size difference between them, he could easily tell when her gaze was burning on him. A cute face that was sharp and properly mature with wisdom. Full lips often decorated by pink lipstick. Pink certainly had to be her favorite color; pink tops, pink nails, pink-purple colored stockings, all supported by black open toed heels, black skirt and a long white lab coat.

Jonathan was absolutely enamored with her. To the point he often dreamed and fantasized at being at her mercy; him being the small one and her being the bigger. Just to sit in her hands and gaze up at those eyes…feel those lips press against him and…

“Which fantasy is it this time, Jonathan?” Joanna spoke, snapping the giant back to attention; realizing she had already settled into the leather chair and controlled the crane to lift her up to eye level with him. She gave him an amused smile, though her eyes remained focused and sharp.

“I uh…it was nothing,” Jonathan replied nervously. Only Joanna could make him feel this way.

“That is a while lot of nothing,” said Joanna, pointing casually over to the obvious tenting in his underwear. “Your eyes also soften when you daydream.”

Jonathan swiftly placed his hands over his groin in a foolish attempt to hide what is already known, “C’mon Joanna, you know it’s about you.”

“It’s always about me. I want to know details.”

“I don’t wanna say.”

“Mmm,” She curled her lips in thought, “You’re always eager to speak about ones where we’re the same size, or ones where I’m entertaining you. But this one embarrasses you, I wonder.”

“Shut up.”

“How was your simulation today, Jonathan?”

“Oh yeah! They fixed me up with a new one,” Jonathan beamed, “Extra small city this time. The tallest building didn’t even make it half way up my shin. It sure was something to step on a large chunk of town all at once. Everything crumbled like it was…like rough paper or something. It was pretty cool.”

Joanna crossed her legs, giving a small smile while making notes on her clipboard, “How’d it make you feel, Jon?”

“Big.” He said simply but then frowned, “But it feels so empty. The structures are the same, they feel the same, it all sounds the same, but it isn’t real. They just can’t compare to the real thing.”

Joanna tapped her pen on the edge of the clipboard, raising her head and staring into his eyes, “Of course. They’re simulations, Jonathan. They’re to allow you to release your destructive urges without harm.”

“There’s no one there. There’s no people. No one trying to run away from me, no one watching and staring at me in awe. No one trying to fight back. There’s no life. I’m doing nothing more than just stepping on toy playsets and there’s no one to appreciate it,” Jonathan sighed. “It’s nice at first, but then it’s boring once I realize how empty it is.”

Joanna gave a knowing look, leaning forward in her seat, “Do you feel lonely, Jon?”

“Not this again.”

“Jon.” She said sternly. “You don’t have to be afraid to open up to me. I do care about you.”

Jonathan has heard those words before from previous therapists, but Joanna was the first to make them sound so sincere. He gave a defeated sigh, “Fine. Yes. I’m lonely. I’m one of a kind. The lone, successful and surviving experiment. And that’s all I am to these people. I haven’t seen my family since they were evacuated. I don’t have any friends. I don’t have a town full of people to torment.” He took a deep breath, “Yes, doc. I’m lonely.”

Joanna gave a soft smile and sat back in her seat, “I think we’re making some progress. We can move onto the next step, and believe me, I’ve been looking forward to this.”

Jon gave Joanna a curious look, “Next step?”

Joanna uttered a gleeful giggle, something Jonathan would have never expected to hear from her. She seemed…excited about something, which greatly betrayed her professional demeanor, no matter how caring she was.

She lowered her chair to the floor and withdrew from it, walking across the floor towards the massive chair the giant laid upon.

Jonathan had watched her closely; part amusement, part curiosity. “What are you doing?”

“I want to experience it, Jonathan. I want to experience, you,” She said up to him, “Would you be so kind as to sit up and give me a lift?” She asked with a wide smile.

Jonathan was rather taken aback by her request. Any physical interaction is usually met with hostility; but that usually happened when he himself imposed on it.

He followed through with her curious request, sitting up right and thumping his powerful feet on both sides of her. Joanna shuddered visibly from the heavy vibrations underneath her accompanied with the warm, displaced winds rushing past her; carrying a curiously earthy scent.

He lowered his open palm down in front of her, a platform for her to climb up onto. She stared in awe; now realizing this is the first time she’s been up close. This massive hand that she’s seen pick up entire vehicles and crush effortlessly; a hand that could do the same to her. It had quickly become apparent to her that she would be literally putting her entire life in his hand; her eagerness and excitement now accompanied with anxiety and fear.

She took a deep, slow breath, and stepped out of her heels before clambering onto his fingers. She let off a soft coo of surprise upon making contact. His leathery skin was so warm and mostly smooth with the occasional calloused surface. She crawled into the palm of his hand, delighting on how the skin dimpled and yielded to her no doubt negligible weight; readily made apparent as he began to lift her as if she weighed nothing.

Jonathan curled his fingers slightly before slowly lifting her up toward eye level; his handsome face filling her view, which she found utterly breathtaking. Those massive eyes scanned over her, drinking her in; she could almost swear his eyes could swallow her up.

“How’s your experience so far, Joanna?”

And speaking of swallow, she gave a visible shudder once she saw his lips move as he spoke. She caught a glimpse into the inside of his mouth; a glistening wet tongue big enough for her to lay upon, massive teeth that could tear, crunch and crush her mercilessly. She had never realize just how small she was in comparison to him.

“You’re trembling,” Jonathan spoke.

Joanna snapped to attention with a gasp and smiled nervously up at him, “I’m just overwhelmed.”

“Is it too much?”

“No. I am terrified, but I’m also loving every second. You’re incredible, Jon. I always thought you were,” Joanna admitted as she caressed one of his fingers, “A beautiful man. Big. Powerful. Amazing to watch from afar, but being here now…” She trailed off with a giggle, “I’m as smitten as a school girl.” She kissed his finger warmly and glanced up at his sharp gaze. “Take me as I am, Jonathan. I may not be able to provide comforts that someone your size can, but I don’t want you to feel alone anymore. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want you, Jonathan.”

The giant’s eyes widened, then softened. She could see his facial features tighten as he tried to hold back tears. Jonathan smiled; a warm smile, nothing devious, nothing cocky, but a kind smile of happiness. “Isn’t this against some kind of doctor-patient rule?”

Joanna scoffed, “Jon, take a good look at yourself. I’m sure there’s a giant-tiny regulation that overrides this one. I’m literally in your hand, my license is the last thing on my mind.”

“You make a good point, I do have you all to myself don’t I?” Jonathan grinned, leaning in close to press his large, warm and soft lips to the tiny woman in his hand; engulfing her entirely in a warm, overwhelming kiss; suckling lightly at her body before withdrawing. “I think we’ll get along just fine.”