Bertha Sara

by SmollFairy

“Hey! I’m home!”

Sara heard the door open. She put the controller down and got up from the couch, stepping over to the doorway between the living room and the front room.

A huge, very female figure was trying to squeezing through her front door. She was over ten feet tall, and three times as wide as Sara. She had a chubby, curvaceous body – thick, fleshy thighs and broad hips hugged by a tight black skirt, with a white blouse straining to contain a bulging, prodigious chest. The figure managed to wriggle through the door and dropped her purse, kicking off a pair of extra-extra-large black heels. The giant sighed, wiggling her stockinged toes and stretching her arms over her head. She was so tall she had to bend her arms at the elbow to avoid putting her fist through the ceiling.

Sara walked over to her wife, wrapping her arms as far around the giantess’ hips as she could, hugging her chubby belly and stepping beneath her shelf-like chest. “Hey! How was work?”

Bertha sighed. She hugged Sara back, putting one hand on Sara’s shoulder while curling the other around the back of her head. Her hand was big enough to hold Sara’s whole head like an apple, smooshing it into her stomach. “It was work. I’m just glad it’s over, and I get to come home to my cutie.”

She bent forward, reaching down and grabbing Sara by the hips. The smaller woman squeaked as she was effortlessly lifted into the air, rising until she was four feet off the ground, level with her wife’s smiling face. On instinct, she reached out with her hands to stabilise herself against something – leaning both hands on the tops of her wife’s mammoth boobs.

“So how was your day?” Bertha asked.

“Oh it was terrible!” Sara moaned. She sagged dramatically in Bertha’s hands, head lolling backwards “I lay on the couch ALL DAY, playing videogames. I had devil’s food cake for lunch. I never even put on pants! It was AWFUL.” She said, gesturing down at the t-shirt and underwear she was wearing.

Bertha chuckled. She shook her wife side-to-side gently, eliciting a squeal of protest. “Oh no. That sounds so bad. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for you.” She said dryly. She lowered Sara down so her head was next to Bertha’s chest and pulled her close, pressing the smaller woman against her voluptuous body “But don’t worry, I’ll help you forget all about that.”

Sara rested her chin on her wife’s giant tits. “Oh? And how are going to doaaaaaaa-” She shrieked as Bertha tossed her over her shoulder and headed for their bedroom, her long strides carrying them there in seconds.

Without pausing, she tossed Sara onto their extra-large, reinforced bed. Sara shrieked again as she sailed through the air, crashing down on the soft duvet. The smaller woman rolled over to look at her wife, and what she saw took her breath away.

Bertha tore open her blouse like it was wet paper, showering Sara in busted buttons. She pulled the ruined shirt off and tossed it aside, exposing the lacy black bra that held her tremendous chest, and the soft rolls of her belly. She grinned down at Sara mischievously, then slowly turned away. Sara stared, awestruck, as Bertha bent at the waist and unzipped her skirt. She wiggled her hips back and forth, slowly sliding the skirt down her legs. As the skirt slid away, it revealed two thick, fleshy, stockinged thighs that were as thick around as Sara was, two massive, jiggling buttocks, each larger than her ribcage, and a thin stripe of lacy black thong plastered to two meaty lips. Bertha straightened up, stepping out of her skirt. Smiling over her shoulder, she slapped her backside, sending an ocean of ass rippling.

“Like what you see baby?” she purred. Sara could only nod. Every time she saw Bertha naked it took her breath away.

The giantess turned back to the bed. Smiling seductively down at her wife, she lifted one knee up and slid it onto the mattress. The bedsprings squealed in protest as her colossal weight came to rest on them. As she brought the other knee onto the mattress as well, Sara could feel the entire bed lift, sloping down towards her wife.

Bertha leaned forward, grabbing Sara’s feet with both hands. The giantess’ massive paws easily wrapped around her comparatively tiny feet, and Bertha began to drag the smaller woman closer. Sara squealed in delight and play-fought, kicking in protest as she was dragged closer to her wife. As she slid along, her shirt pulled up, exposing her smooth abs and the bottoms of her small breasts. When her feet touched Bertha’s thighs, the giantess lifted them up into the air, until the smaller woman’s backside was pulled off the bed. She pinned Sara’s feet together and pressed them into her belly with one forearm, while reaching down with her now free-arm.

She hooked two massive fingers into the waistband of Sara’s panties. In one smooth motion she pulled them up to her knees, then released her wife’s feet. She tugged the underwear off and tossed them aside. As Sara’s legs fell either side of Bertha, spread wide by the giantess’ sheer size, both women paused.

Panting softly, they took each other in. Sara’s eyes roamed every inch of her wife’s beautiful body. It loomed over her like a megalith, simultaneously huge and powerful while soft and succulent. She was too big to really look at all of her at once. The soft, rounded arms. The chubby, squishy thighs, meeting behind the black lace of her thong. The wide hips and round, protruding belly. Her chubby face, with pouty lips, broad nose and large, almost Disney-esque eyes. And the giant titties. They were some pretty spectacular titties. Her thighs, arms, belly and chest had snaking stretchmarks, like beautiful calligraphy. Sara’s gaze flitted from one part of her wife to the other, greedily trying to take all of her in at once, like a drowning woman gulping down fresh air.

Above her, Bertha looked down at her tiny wife. She was so pretty. Almost everything about her was delicate and beautiful. Even after a lazy day of lying on the couch and eating doritos, she still looked like someone had crafted her from fine china. Her cheekbones, her jaw and rosy mouth, her slender arms, her fingers and hands, her shapely thighs, her calves and feet – they all looked like fine art, crafted by Sappho herself. But it was Sara’s exposed abdomen that drew the eye. Her smooth tummy, rising and falling with her breath, led down to a tidy, well-trimmed bush. Above it, one small nipple peaked out from under her tugged up t-shirt, soft and pastel pink. As Bertha watched, a bead of sweat ran down from between Sara’s breasts, over her abs, and into her belly button. She was beautiful.

Bertha reached around behind her own back. She unhooked her bra, lifting it up and spilling her breasts out the bottom. They dropped down with a bounce, so large they sagged down to her belly. Sara gawked up at them, staring open-mouthed, and Bertha had to stifle a giggle. “You’d think you’d be used to seeing them by now.” Bertha teased.

“No. Never. You’re the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I never want to stop looking at you.” Sara said.

Bertha blushed. She leaned forward, putting her massive hands either side of Sara’s head, letting her giant breasts hang down towards Sara’s face. Sara didn’t need telling – she grabbed one breast with both hands and kissed it, slurping the huge brown nipple into her mouth. She started teasing it it, licking it, sucking it, and gently nibbling it with her teeth.

Bertha purred, a deep, sensual sound that reverberated in her enormous chest. Beneath her, Sara took that as a sign of approval and kept going, playing with her wife’s breast. The nipple she was toying with was plump and puffy, bigger than one of Sara’s thumbtips. The breast it was attached to was almost as big as her ribcage. It filled her vision, one giant mass of soft flesh. With both hands she squeezed it, kneading it.

Bertha purred again, and started to lower herself down. The mass of flesh in her hands pressed down against Sara’s face, overwhelming her comparatively tiny hands. She play-fought some more as Bertha’s whole torso descended, trying to push her off, but it was pointless. Her hands sank into Bertha’s belly and other breast, her wife’s huge body inexorably pressed Sara’s hands down as it descended. She was too heavy, it was like trying to lift a car made out of pillows.

The giantess’ torso came to rest on top of Sara, pinning her to the bed. The mattress screamed in protest as Bertha’s Amazonian weight came to rest on it, squooshing her girlfriend effortlessly. All Sara could see was the brown flesh of Bertha’s tit. Most of her was trapped by Bertha’s huge body – her legs below the knees were still exposed to the outside air, and her right arm was free as well. But everything else was subsumed under Bertha’s warm flesh, trapped under her soft rolls. Sara couldn’t breathe. Even if her mouth wasn’t full of breast, she doubted she’d be able to expand her torso enough to inhale.

Her arm was free, but she didn’t tap out. She was enjoying this.

Above her, around her, consuming her, Bertha purred again. “Mmmmm, you like that shorty?”


“Sorry, I couldn’t quite catch that. Was that, ‘Yes mistress’?”


Bertha giggled. She stayed like that, waiting. She felt Sara squirm beneath her, trying in vain to lift her off. She was so small. There was no way she could do it – her feeble body was trapped against the bed, pinned there by Bertha’s weight. No amount of struggling or fighting could force Bertha off her. She stayed there, waiting until Sara tapped her twice with her free arm before rolling off her.

Sara gasped as the enormous pressure suddenly rolled off her chest. Bertha didn’t get off her completely, rolling onto Sara’s free arm, keeping it pinned beneath her. Sara sucked down the cool air that had replaced the warm flesh so fast she began to hiccup.

Bertha was still right next to her. The tit that had been covering her face was now beside it, the huge nipple she’d been sucking on now fully erect.

“You okay?” Bertha asked softly. Sara craned her neck back to look up at her. She nodded sharply.

“Fuck. Yes. I love it when you do that.”

Bertha’s smile grew wider. “Alright then.” She hopped up onto her elbow, grabbing Sara and pulling her close. She scooted backwards, off the side of the bed, leaving Sara lying next to its edge. She stood over Sara’s prone form, then turned around. Her huge ass came into view, hovering over Sara. It was gigantic, easily able to cover Sara’s entire body from the waist up. Bertha gave it another slap, then grabbed it with both hands. She squeezed it, pulling the cheeks apart, giving Sara a brief flash of black thong over puckered sphincter before she released them, jiggling back into place.

“Ready for round two?” Bertha purred.

Sara nodded, than realised that from this angle Bertha couldn’t see her. “Yes.” She said, quietly. She realised her mouth was dry, and licked her lips.

Bertha bent, lowering her ass down. She carefully positioned herself, bracing her arms against the bedframe and resting most of her weight on them. She sat down on Sara, making sure her girlfriend’s face was directly in the centre. It wouldn’t do to break the poor thing’s neck after all. Sara went to work immediately – kicking, struggling, fighting, and rubbing. Bertha bit her lip and rubbed back, grinding down on the small woman, feeling the tongue flick against her most sensitive areas.

It was a long while before Sara came up for air.